#or some attempt at it? maybe i should have made it kemonomimi
kieran-granola · 7 months
for post-kinktober prompts—how do you feel about jaytim & a predator/prey dynamic? the particulars of that are in your hands, especially since you’ve yet to write a fic i didn’t enjoy <3
The sweat dripping from Tim’s hair stings his eyes with salt.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been running, but it’s been a while since he gave up on presentability. His lungs are burning. The ambient noise of the city has been swallowed by the beating of his heart in his ears. Every step he takes turns his body heavier and heavier, and he can tell that it won’t be long before it fails him altogether. He leaps from one building to the next on shaky legs, the taste of iron rich in his mouth—
A hard body collides into him mid-air.
His assailant plucks him out of the sky with an easy strength that reminds him of Kon. Tim tries to use their momentum to roll away when they land — to escape, not to fight, not this time, not when he's so obviously outmatched — but he fails. His head spins as he finds himself pinned to the rooftop on his belly, panting into the gravel with his arms twisted behind his back.
“Gotcha,” the Red Hood hums into his ear, the modulated voice coldly steady.
Tim’s heart quickens impossibly. Fuck. He’s been caught. There’s no way for him to free himself, not without breaking something. He should have left his pride behind and called Batman and Robin for help. He should have run for Cass's patrol route instead of trying to reach his Nest. He should have done anything but try to outrun the Hood on his home turf.
He hears a click and a hiss behind him, then the sound of Jason's helmet hitting the ground. He scrunches his eyes shut on instinct as Jason leans down to lick his cheek. His tongue is warm and wet. By contrast, the air feels freezing when it hits the trail of saliva on Tim's skin.
“You gave me a good chase, little bird," Jason praises. His luminescent eyes give the night an unsettling green glow. "It's going to make taking you all the more enjoyable."
"You can't do this," Tim tries. "You won't get away with it."
Jason laughs. "Yeah? Who's going to stop me?"
"Batman knows where I am. You know that."
Jason ties Tim's wrists together with the ease of practice. He finds the closure of Tim's suit without a hint of hesitation and pulls the zipper down far enough to expose his throat and the curve of one shoulder.
"And where are you? On your territory. Two blocks away from your own bed. Do you think he'll be worried when he sees that your tracker has stopped moving here?"
"There are cameras everywhere."
"Not in the Alley, there aren't."
Jason straddles Tim's thighs, his weight heavy and foreboding. Leather whispers behind Tim's back, then Jason's hands find his throat. They don't linger, but the threat of suffocation is enough for his pulse to spike… right before humiliation blooms in his stomach as he realizes that Jason is collaring him.
"You can't just—You can't just claim me like this. Let me go."
"Birdie, I caught you. I'll do whatever I damn well please."
The collar falls into place, its buckle burningly cool against Tim's nape. Tim's body goes pliant as a wave of submission crashes into him.
So this is it, then.
He lost.
Oh, of course, he could hurt himself. Thrash, bite, fight like a trapped wolf gnawing its own paw off. He could spit and scream, and hope for anyone to stumble on them. But he's so tired. His head goes fuzzy as the last dredges of adrenaline fail him, and he lets the buzz fill him from head to toe.
Jason hums in approval. Then, with a possessive growl, he sinks his teeth into Tim's exposed shoulder.
(Later, when they're done, the collar will come off. Jason will help Tim clean himself up, and massage his sore arms. He'll carry him to their shared bed and compensate for chasing him and fucking him to exhaustion by feeding him and holding him safe and sound.
He'll be kind, considerate, and tame. Nothing like the ruthless predator Tim asked him to be.
But Tim will remember the chase. He'll remember the fear, the exhilaration, and the rush of submission. He'll remember being owned, and helpless in all the ways he never dared to want.
And somewhere, deep down, he'll hope that his skin will hold the shape of Jason's teeth and remember it too.)
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student-yuki · 4 years
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full versions of the fake UR cards i made because i put a lot of work into them and i want to show them off 😭 commentary below for the curious
First off, my god the lining process, especially on the left one, had me dying. I eventually gave up on the legs because I figured they would wouldn’t end up being in the frame, which is also why I didn’t line the full version of the right one. The only part of my lining that I don’t take too much care in is clothes, and baggy clothes end up the best imo.
Onto the cat ears! Uh, yeah, that decision was like 10% lore and 90% me just wanting to draw cat ears ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can justify it as a plot point as much as I want but it really just boils down to “i like catboys” because catboys are actually part of the physiological needs so before anyone can do anything that need must be fulfilled so really i’m just doing my part. This all then drove me to needing poses that were not only within my limited capabilities of anatomy, looked unique, and could make sense with cat ears. Guess the reference(s) (they’re actually from the same source so i guess it’s just one) and you can probably tell why I like kemonomimi so much i am a simple woman u.u
For the clothes I knew the ones for the left would have to be casual sleep-like wear, and the right would be more everyday clothes. I almost made Yuki’s shirt black but ladksfjg he wears so much black and coloring black or white is such a pain and I wasn’t feeling a red shirt, so I thought maybe pink but then thought that Yuki would completely buy a shirt thinking it’s one color when it’s totally not and also I knew he would be laying on something pink and that would definitely be too much pink. The striped shirt on the right was originally going to be black and white but again I was starting to get fed up with color white as well so I just stuck with red.
Backgrounds have always been terrible for me. The only time I actually did a good job at backgrounds was when I was in an art class my senior year in high school and that was because I had nice, large paper and a ruler to make the lines nice, and I don’t have that on notebook paper and I can’t quite do the same on an online drawing site and a laptop trackpad. The left background idea was meant to be a bed of some sort to keep with the sleep clothes and at one point I thought of making something based off of the art from Romeo and Cinderella because that song was stuck in my head for some reason. I had the bed as a solid color but it felt too plain so I attempted to add in a floral pattern but I still don’t like it. The background of the right is all but taken from the reference only with cherries instead of strawberries because I didn’t want it to be the exact same. Cherries were chosen at random because they were easy to draw, but part of me thinks I should have done apples.
also that cat plush is based on one I actually have
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