#or help support Deku as he talk-no-jutsus on Steven Universe levels
Okay so apparently now in bhna because the city is now realizing the government can't support the level of crime so civilians are getting gear to defend themselves without heroes to do it for them. And like maybe if I was Japanese I would be scared but as an American, getting weapons to defend yourself when the government fails to work is literally the second amendment like there heroes in show quitting over this and man this means Japanese heroes don't know what the heck bhna america must be like
Tbh the average American would have probably gotten their own weapons and gear illegally and just went "it's about goddamn time yall realized you were useless" but I realize I am not the average American. I AM Texan though so the point still stands lol
Like in a more realistic BNHA-America, Vigilantes would be way more liked than Pro Heroes because of the strong distrust we already have of cops and the government, and little cultural precedent to respect them and quietly protest. We're loud, we blow shit up, and guerilla warfare and vigilantism is hard coded into our Bill of Rights AND DNA.
99% of the Pros in BNHA are kinda bitchmade from where I'm sitting. And where I'm sitting is on top of a trailer with a bulletproof vest, a few guns I got off the street with ease, and my grandma's custom "Custer Had it Coming" t shirt while I shoot anyone I don't know that takes a single step onto my property. It's chaotic and violent, but it gets shit done when you realize the cops aren't even legally obligated to help you 🤷‍♀️
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