#or bc they where scans of physical books and the screen tones were lost when adjusting lighting and contrast
intomybubble · 14 days
God I really like My Dear Detective, and I’m sad that the English license seems to be a digital exclusive. Other than the stories behind the mysteries (which tug at my heartstrings thus far), I really like the mangaka’s use of screentones by a lot
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(the above is posted R to L)
I like how the areas that are usually negative space gets used for extended backgrounds in some instances. I like the textures that are used, and sometimes how it gives an ephemeral (?) or a sorta dreamy sort of feeling
Edit: a few assorted pages to further get what i’m saying across
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Also I found the word for it again (bc I’m sure I posted about something similar to this before). Atmosphere. It’s the atmosphere that is created using screentones or other textures that I really like
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