#or at least lia and reese will as they have an aunt???
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Concept design for Nova Hawkins in an alternate universe on my friends, @dani-luminae , fic, Stars On Earth, that we talk about at times.
The youngest child of Sarah Hawkins and younger half-sister of Jim Hawkins, Nova was born some time after her older brother mysteriously disappeared and despite having never met him, Nova already has a good idea of what her brother was like...since in all the stories she's heard about him from her mother, Nova's always found herself being compared to him, for both better and worse. Because despite her mother's attempts to keep Nova on the right path, Nova would ultimately end up on the same one her brother had been at her age: trouble, with Nova ultimately getting a list of arrests going for all the trouble she was getting into, the last one being for going into restricted areas with a home-made solar surfer. Panicked about losing Nova completely to the same thing she ultimately lost Jim too, Sarah would ground Nova until further notice, but this wouldn't stop Nova from sneaking out and by pure accident, coming across a fight between pirates from the Pleiadean Fleet, the very same fleet her brother once commanded. And despite the fact that she didn't mean to get involved in the fight...well, what else was she supposed to do when one side recognized her as definitely a Hawkins, an enemy of some of the fleet now somehow, and went after her? Though thankfully, she would end up being saved by the other side of the pirate fight led by a pirate with a cyborg arm named Silver and a lioness named Kate, both former members of Jim's crew as the chief and second in command respectfully. And after the attacking side fled and Nova was fully introduced to Silver and Kate and their crew, Nova would ultimately learn what happened to her brother at least...but much to her disappointment, they don't know where he ended up still, something they still trying to rectify, which catches Nova's interest and causes her to ultimately want to go with them so she can find this brother of hers already. And despite her mother's initial objections at first, words from Silver, the very same man that had gotten her brother off the same destructive path Nova is currently on, convinces her mother to let Nova go with the pirates and Nova is able to finally travel the stars in search of her brother.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
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Technically a redo of an older aesthetic while also now including some other character aesthetics, as these are mostly character aesthetics for alternate universe counterparts of my Power Rangers: New Samurai team, but if they were in my friends, @disneyfan , universe of Love From The Stars.  Keep in mind, Reese mostly appears in our convos on the AUs, the others are new due to a counterpart adventure idea for the main power rangers story, so...
Descriptions under read more:
Top Row, from left to right:
*Reese Tombs- The youngest daughter of Hades, Reese is technically named Heidi but never call her that. It’s bad enough she still has to deal with her dad calling her it in his fake family act because after so many years of leaving her to raise herself, Reese can’t help but not buy his sudden change of heart as soon as they freed from the Isle and sadly with her sister’s wedding coming up, she has to deal with this act constantly. At least she has Ben though, the only person in Auradon she’d befriended so far after their awkward meeting with him in Beast form, and at least she has her inventions and her inventions sketchbook, let alone has her pet Spike. But when things go wrong at the wedding, Reese’s curious nature leads her into trouble when a pirate catches her trying to grab his gun, making her wonder if there is truth to the quote that curioustly killed the cat...or maybe it brought good things, as Reese soon finds with her new friend, Lia...
*Aurora- The eldest of twin creations, Aurora like most Etherial creations, is known to be very curious about everything really and thankfully, her’s and her twin’s father at least does his best to visit them and supply them with that knowledge and gifts from his journey’s, but having grown used to the habit of peeking at ships, her and her sister accidentally peek on the wrong ship one time and while all is well with the ship’s owner, Jim Hawkins, Aurora ends up meeting Reese for the first time and suddenly, Aurora’s curiouslty now extends to not only Reese but the planet she came from, Ixsol. 
Middle Row, from left to right:
*Helia- The youngest of the twin creations, but you wouldn’t assume that from the way Helia acts most of the time, as while her sister is often more curious with everything, Helia often tries to be the responsible one of the two and is only known to really fully show her curioustly whenever their father visits them with answers for them and gifts, but despite her responsible nature, she can’t help but curiously peek at ships a-lot like her sister, leading to at least one awkward incident with Jim Hawkins and his ship, but at least Helia got a new way to tease her sister when seeing how she and Reese interacted, let alone when it comes to Ixsol, Helia letting her curioustly show a little more with stuff. 
*Morgan- The daughter of one of Ariel’s sisters, Morgan like some of her cousins and her aunt before her, is known to be curious about the human world above and once some of her cousins were able to attend Auradon Prep, it was allowed for Morgan to attend Auradon Prep as well, staying with her aunt a-lot on the world above and due to this, Morgan has developed a love for art and hopes to learn a-lot more about the world of humans. 
*Jesse- The son of Queen Tiana and King Naveen, Jesse is often seen as the combo of both his parents: he does know to work hard but he also knows when to chill and just have fun, often leading to him being the chill friend to many. But like his mother before him, he enjoys cooking and is known to excel fully in cooking class at Auradon Prep. 
Bottom row, from left to right:
*Caleb- The eldest of him and Silas, Caleb is often seen as the jokester friend to many of the pirate kids, always trying to at least cheer others up as he tries to keep up a happy face himself ever since he and Silas were found by the pirates in the wreckage of their parents ship, having only survived the attack by pure luck. But because of what happened back then, he struggles to let go of having to always take care of Silas, but has found a hobby in Solar Surfers at least and other vehicles and does have a curioustly about Ixsol when learning of it.
*Silas- The youngest of him and Caleb, Silas is pretty quiet in comparison to him and Caleb, always preferring to keep to himself and his music and sometimes tuning people out via his hearing aids, often making it hard to work with other pirate kids at least, but he is working on it slowly and just wishes his brother wouldn’t baby him so much sometimes, especially when they allowed to visit Ixsol finally.
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