opmultiverse · 6 months
Ymir, the Frost Giant
Ymir is the first Frost Giant or Jotunn in existence, he was slain by Odin and his brothers and his body was used to make the earth and the Heavens. As long as Niflheim exists, Ymir will always exist. His name means "Screamer" in Old Norse, his epithet Augelmir means "Earth-Screamer".
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opmultiverse · 1 month
Lucero Caballero
Lucero is a Trans boy and a Feral with some powers that other Ferals do not have. He can emulate multiple animals at a time and is brave, intelligent, independent, warm, loving, and a powerful fighter.
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opmultiverse · 2 months
The god was young or so it seemed in his blue suit, white shirt, blue tie, slacks, and black boots. His hair was black and so still it was like it had been painted on, and his face was flawless and cold, a mortal would have confused him for a statue were it not for his luminous blue eyes, and the laptop illuminating his features. The deity's voice was cold and smooth, like a frozen lake and his very presence was at once both terrifying and demanded attention.
Asaph's description.
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opmultiverse · 3 months
The Shrieker was a blasphemous figure, it appeared as if it originated from a coloring book. Necrotic flesh sloughed from sharpened fingers, it opened its maw and a scream lanced forth like an arrow or an artillery shell. Most of the buildings were dwarfed, and the demons surrounding the Shrieker were disgusted and terrified.
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opmultiverse · 3 months
The Shadestealer was a frightening beast, it had a toothless mouth and fleshy tendrils that rose from its back and curved over its shoulders and head. It had no eyes, nose, or ears, the vocalization was cutting and a whine, like nails on a chalkboard.
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opmultiverse · 4 months
Milohai is a unique being created by Alksar, the creator of the Omniverse. He contains an entire galaxy inside of him, his body is nothing more than a shell.
Unique Physiology: Milohai is an avatar of sorts, he contains a galaxy inside his shell, his body had no blood or internal organs and is controlled by his mind. He tap into this power to warp reality to an extent, he can create "servitors" to help him in his duties, he can teleport almost anywhere but he can't leave the Omniverse.
Reality Warping: Milohai can warp reality within a certain radius of himself. With this power he can create "servitors" or machines to help him in his duties.
Teleportation: While he can't leave the Omniverse, Milohai can teleport anywhere within his home, and explore the myriad worlds that comprise the Omniverse, he can even travel to the Court of Roses at the top.
Immortal: Milohai is immortal and since Alksar created him, he will simply resurrect if he is somehow destroyed.
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opmultiverse · 4 months
Vercingetorix was the King of the Sunsetters who made their home in the Dawn Mountains, his throne appeared to be hewn out of stone, flanked by two large trees, and the King's court was enormous, it had no ceiling and the sun shone freely during the day, and the moon cast a silvery glow upon the throne at night. The floor was a smooth hardwood and the air smelled of woodsmoke, and there was a warmth to the Court even during the winter months.
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opmultiverse · 4 months
A new king has been crowned, fair and beautiful with bone-white skin and hair, his eyes were an iridescent blue, his face was sharply defined like a crystal and his body begged for attention. He was a Faerie, his every word was followed, his desire met, his wrath unequaled. A crown of gold sat atop his head and rested against his horns, black as iron bars rising from his forehead, his youth was striking, his smile was quick and sharp.
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opmultiverse · 5 months
Sorcery: Loptr is a powerful Wizard whose magic manifests as white ink that follows his hands. Loptr is Hephzibah's younger brother, he has intense magical power, he can create constructs just like his sister, he can even transmute living tissue into the same ectoplasmic "ink".
Intense Magical Power: Loptr has a large amount of power that he keeps under tight control, though due to his age he needs a staff with him at all times. His power at least matches Jean Deadman, he also has deep energy reserves like his older sister, and doesn't tire easily.
Ectomancy: Loptr's magic manifests as white ectoplasmic "ink" that follows his hands and mental commands. He can create constructs as well as transmute living tissue into the same white ink.
Teleportation: Like most Wizards he can teleport with ease.
Longevity: Loptr is approximately 340 years old.
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opmultiverse · 5 months
Terah, the Seeder.
Seeder Physiology: Terah has unique powers as a Seeder including a mysterious power to duplicate itself. Terah is immune to the powers of the Patriarchy, and not even the Shards (machines created by The Great Architect) can detect it.
Duplication: Terah can duplicate itself as often as it wants, how it does this is unknown. Not only does it duplicate its body, but whatever weapon it is carrying as well.
Toxic Energy: Terah’s weapons fire blasts of energy that can kill any of the Patriarchy as well as eject a Promethean from their host, they can even injure an In-Betweener like Arvaidas.
Immunity: Terah is immune to the powers of the Patriarchy, it is also invisible to the electronic senses of the Shards.
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opmultiverse · 5 months
Hephzibah, the Wizard
Sorcery: Hephzibah is a very powerful Wizard with an incredible level of power that intimidated Avador, the Geomancer when they first met. She specializes in fire magic and can control this element in ways no other Wizard has.
Incredible Magical Power: Hephzibah possesses great magical power, which is enough to intimidate Avador himself, despite his tremendous power. Hephzibah has deep energy reserves and rarely gets tired in a fight.
Fire Magic: Hephzibah has complete control over the element of fire, she can create constructs such as weapons like her staff, even if her original staff is lost or destroyed, she can even transform into living flame and move over great distances.
Teleportation: Hephzibah can teleport with ease like most Wizards.
Longevity: Hephzibah is more than 530 years old.
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opmultiverse · 5 months
Carver Baines
Carver is the host of the Spirit of Death, giving him vast necromantic magic to resurrect someone if they die before their time. He can also create constructs of skeletons and even escape death by switching his body with that of a disguised skeleton.
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opmultiverse · 6 months
Avador, the Geomancer.
Geomancer: Avador is an immensely powerful Geomancer, a rare type of Wizard, he can focus elemental magic through crystals or manipulate the ground around him. He can also repair whatever crystal he can get his hands on.
Expert Fighter: Avador's training as a Geomancer required he handle himself in a fight in tight spaces where his magic would be useless. He is an expert combatant with or without a weapon.
Enormous Magical Power(Aura): Avador possesses enormous magical power and an aura that surrounds him at all times. He has tight control of this aura and will only exert it when he's fighting, it is so powerful he can block most magical attacks coming his way. His control is such that he can focus his magic into crystals without destroying them.
Elemental Magic: Avador is a master of elemental magic and can focus this energy into gems and crystals, he can also extract or otherwise utilize that magic to control fire, water, earth, and wind. He can also cause a crystal (containing fire) to explode with tremendous force even if he isn't holding it.
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opmultiverse · 8 months
New Shadows...
Boaz is a Shadow with unique powers, he can dissolve his energy state into darkness, and he also has "countermeasures" built in that allow him to remain in control should he be possessed and override the possessor's will.
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opmultiverse · 10 months
Omniverse, continued.
Alksar is the creator of the Omniverse, he also created the Travelers like Alozoua, he created the Court of Roses as well that sits at the top. He is also known as The Creed, the Omega, and the Gardener.
Alozoua is a Traveler, an entity created by The Creed to record the history of every universe within the Omniverse. He owes no allegiance to any Court and possesses immense power.
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opmultiverse · 11 months
Omniverse, so far.
Tiger's Sprawl: A universe filled with life, light, and magic. Brey and Tigra are natives of this world, belonging to the planet Daphash.
Border Worlds, universes including Taisholo, that exist on the edge of the Omniverse. Kanmek is a native of this world, an incredibly beautiful alien boy. His partner is Kaizo, the child of Doza, queen of the Omniverse.
Court of Thorns: This court was ruled by Dancer, the God of War. It was a vast collection of worlds that offered challenges for lesser gods.
Court of Roses: Universes that revolve around life, light, beauty, and togetherness. This court sits at the top of all other worlds of the Omniverse. Doza is the Queen of the Omniverse and the ruler of the Court.
Court of The Harlequin: Zmei is the god of madness, mutations, change, and possibility. His totality is so vast the Omniverse is the only world that can hold him.
Daghraz is a Sentient Universe and possibly the only one of his kind. While he respects Doza, she doesn't trust him and keeps an eye on him and the gods he has created in his reality. He belongs to the Court of the Harlequin.
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