#one of my favourite ps1 games
love-fireflysong · 2 years
Went on a fun little mall run cause I haven't done that in like months, and I've now just arrived back home with a fun little haul. Bought a movie and a couple of cds, but only a couple are worth actually showing off lol.
The first of which are the two new children I bought for my ever expanding collection of dragons 🥺
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But by far my most exciting purchase (and the one that actually had me gasping out loud and nearly screaming) was this stupid little game
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transparencyboo · 8 months
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Got myself an 8bitDo Retro Receiver for the Playstation which makes it possible to connect a wide range of different bluetooth controllers to the good ol' friend. I thought it would be great to use a 20th anniversary Dual Shock 4 for the occasion as it matches perfectly. They're sadly not available anymore, but I was lucky to get a hold of one good as new second hand.
The Dual Shock 4 is also my favourite Playstation controller ever made, as it has the perfect weight, shape and grip in my opinion. Kiki prefers the Dual Sense because of its heft, but I am personally not as strong as her, which make it less optimal for my baby hands.
Initially the Retro Receiver sadly had problems that caused the Memcard Pro from 8BitMods to not work properly. If you ask me the Memcard is essential if you have an Xstation, PSIO or just play a lot of PS1 games, so having it malfunction together with the new Retro Receiver made it practically useless. Feels like 8bitDo might have rushed this one a little bit, but luckily the issue has been fixed with a recent firmware update.
Anyway, with that issue out of the way, I have finally been able to sit down and play a variety of different games with the Retro Receiver. Among the ones I tried out tonight were classics such as Final Doom, Spyro the Dragon, Ridge Racer, Crash Bandicoot, Cosmic Race and Klonoa: Door to Phantomile. And so far I am very happy with the little bastard.
It feels very responsive, and I couldn't really notice any delay on the button presses. I am sure a silly ass speedrunner could pin-point the exact amount of frame lag buffer on the Retro Receiver, but as a more average player I doubt you would ever notice. I swept through the first level of Crash Bandicoot flawlessly with a clear gem in my hand by the end on my first try, so I'd say the thing works pretty well. It helps that the Dual Shock 4 is so gosh darn sexy though.
All in all I have now transformed this meager old Playstation into a veritable battle station of 32 bit goodness. It now has memory cards for days and wireless controllers up the wazoo. The Retro Receiver gets 8 wobbly textures out of 10.
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
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I still cannot get over just how all out Spyro Reignited went with the redesigns of the dragons in the first game. The sheer amount of distinct personality they manage to give each one. The way they keep a consistent theme for each of the kingdoms, be it Artisans, Peacekeepers, Dreamweavers or what have you, while keeping them distinct. How well animated they all are in the mini cutscenes when they’re released. The artists and animators really went above and beyond with this one. Like, the Spyro games have lovely art direction by PS1 standards, don’t get me wrong. But seriously, we went from this...
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To THIS....
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Absolute peak performance right here.
Spyro 1 is actually still my personal favourite of the trilogy (though the other two are great, don’t get me wrong). And the amount of love this game got in the remaster is stunning.
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lunaticobscurity · 2 months
ok, @posthumanwanderings asked me about my favourite simple 2000 games, and it'd be easier to format this as a text post than as a private message. so here it is:
vol 37: the shooting ~double shienryu~ - released in europe as steel dragon ex, this is the excellent arcade shooting game shienryu, along with a newly-made sequel. the ps1 port has a ton of weird extras, but this port has a whole sequel.
vol 50: the daibijin - released in europe as demolition girl, this is about attacking the supermodel riho futaba, who has become kaiju sized, for some reason. contains the iconic phrase "breast acquisition data". when it came out here, it had some brief infamy as one of the games unfunny hacks would play and exaggerate how bad it was, for the purposes of alleged "comedy"
vol 64: the splatter action - released in europe as splatter master, it's a cute, gory beat em up, in which you control a little pumpkin man with chainsaws
vol. 73: the saiyuutou saruden - possibly released in europe as monkey king, but i'm not sure if it actually happened. i wrote about it here
vol 81: the chikyuu boueigun 2 - released in europe as global defence force, i'm sure you all know what this is. iconic, era-defining, one of the best games on the entire ps2, not just in the simple series. i'm not joking.
vol. 95: the zombie vs kyuukyuusha - released in europe as zombie vs ambulance, it's post-apocalyptic horror crazy taxi with boss fights. you'll probably get bored after a few stages at most, but the novelty of it is compelling for a while at least.
vol. 101: the oneechanpon ~the neechan 2 tokubetsu-hen~ - the early musou-style oneechanbara games are rough to go back to compared to the more modern character action-style games, but if you're going to play any of them, this is probably the most interesting. it's got a bunch of guest characters from other simple 2000 games!
vol. 104: the robot tsukuuruze ~gekitou robot fight!~ i wrote about this one here
vol. 105: the maid fuku to kikanjuu - a beat em up where you play as a heavily-armed maid killing evil dolls and shit
vol. 112: the tousou highway 2 ~road warrior 2050~ - i wrote about this one here
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fght-ff-yr-dmns · 8 months
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30 years of the Sega Dreamcast
Eventually toppled by the success of the PS2 and Game Cube, the Sega Dreamcast is still one of my favourite consoles.
The VMU (visual memory unit) was such a great novelty, even if the controller took a little while to get used to.
It may have failed to set the world alight, but it wasn't without it's classics and exclusive games such as Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio and SoulCalibur. Which really stood out, as well as my personal favourite, Project Justice (Rival Schools 2).
It's hard to put into words just how ground breaking the likes of Shenmue actually was. There literally had never been anything quite like it before. I spent far too long in the in-game arcades and gacha machines.
The demise of the Dreamcast saw the end of Sega's involvement in the console wars, and it's full time switch to being solely a third party developer.
So, what killed the Dreamcast?
In my opinion it was a multitude of factors, one being the PlayStations dominance based on the success of the PS1, the other being how easy it was to pirate games which surely hit them hard.
There was also the fact that EA decided not to publish titles for the console, with their major output being sports games, this hit the console hard and will undoubtedly put certain fans off. Finally, they'd lost a lot of trust with gamers after the Saturn's failure.
Either way, it will always be an important console to me.
What are your Dreamcast memories?
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Klonoa Door to Phantomile was one of my favourite PS1 games as a kid! So when they announced Phantom Reverie I absolutely had to get it 🥰 They've done such an amazing job remastering Door to Phantomile 😭
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
👛 your favorite rare pair?
♟️a character you feel is overrated?
🐇 longest fandom you’ve been in?
👛 - your favourite rare pair?
Because who else can I trust with him. :'<
♟️ - a character you feel is overrated?
The usual faces:
The IDW cast, cause they get hyped up as the best characters of all time despite them being idiots, cunts, or idiot cunts. Some of them could have been promising had things turned out differently, but others were doomed to be shite from the start.
Scourge, cause he's the lamest take imaginable on an already boring premise. (What if Sonic... WaS eViL???)
Nine and Thorn, cause these two are held up as defining examples of Tails and Amy, which makes me a sad-but-not-surprised panda.
Mephiles, cause outside of Dan Green's voice, he's another poorly written villain of many who people treat as though he's somehow better than the rest when he's not.
The End, cause it's as nothing and artificially hyped as the rest of the plot it's part of.
The Freedom Fighters, cause folk believe so vehemently that they deserve special privileges, and are somehow more integral to Sonic than the actual game-born characters. They go on about their perceived legacy, when you could say the same thing about AoStH characters, Underground characters, etc, yet they never get this level of deification.
Silver, cause despite disapproving of his off portrayals in the comics, I've never cared for his in-character portrayal either. And his design still doesn't work in execution.
Sage, cause she's as compelling as watching grass grow, and bastardizes Eggman's character all the while. (I don't care what their intention was, they really should have predicted how the fandom would react to it, and they've continued pandering to the Eggdad crowd on occasion even after the fact. Until Eggdad gets more thoroughly debunked in-universe, a lot of the rationalizations surrounding it currently sound like copium to me... like a lot of handwaves for Sonic "Best Story Since Black Knight" Frontiers in general.)
More controversially, while I do respect Shadow, even if he's never been one of my top favourites, I kind of resent how the attention given to him always comes at other characters' expense. I also don't appreciate when, in the process of fans hyping up and down how deep/complex/etc he is, they usually dismiss Sonic, Eggman, and most of the others while doing so, because they're perceived to be simpler, ergo they consider them lesser. Being the Eggfan that I am, you can imagine why I'd take offense to this.
🐇 - longest fandom you've been in?
I guess Crash and Spyro and Gex would qualify, since I grew up with a PS1. As Sonic-pilled as I would eventually become, my knowledge and firsthand experience with the latter was non-existent until 2003.
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countlessvisions · 4 days
Crow Country is the cutest horror game I've ever played.
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I love how authentic it feels. The early PS1 style visuals, the sound / music, and the classic 90s survival horror gameplay combine together to make an excellent retro style horror. So far, this is one of my favourite games this year.
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jay-borb · 1 year
I have a question.
What is YOUR FAVOURITE sly cooper game? I emphasize FAVOURITE, not BEST, just which one makes you the happiest to play. I'm curious what way the fandom skews outside of my own circles
Bonus points if you say which you voted and why in the tags!
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rad-roche · 8 months
exciting news for me, bizarre ps2 game enjoyer!!
growing up, one of my favourite games was baroque. now, and i didn't know this at the time, that game is actually a remake of a ps1/sega saturn game of the same name. it's got that morbid, grungy kick of the late 90s/early 00s. even summing up the story feels like doing it a disservice since it's really something you're meant to absorb as you play, through atmosphere and such, but a very very brief overview is that god is real, trapped in a basement, and has forgotten how to feel pain. this means reality no longer exists and, naturally, you must shoot god directly in the face with a gun as large as you
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it plays like complete ass. i would be lying to you if i said it's 'fun'. it's extremely hard and esoteric. there's also nothing quite like it. it's challenging, and it's upsetting, and it feels like being kicked directly in the head. i just found out the ps1 version does, in fact, now have an english patch!! as a huge fan of the 'bad' one, i'm really looking forward to digging into the 'good' one
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god that looks great. the ost rips too
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october-writes · 3 days
*plays jeopardy theme song*
What is How did you get into Resident Evil and how you came to love Aeon for.. 500 (lol) ?
Also when are we getting the occasional extract coming for Icarus? Lol speaking for everyone 👀 (me) Just teasing 😉
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Heh, heheheheh! ☺️ I've been into RE for a long while. I played Code Veronica X first, but I didn't get hooked until the original RE4. For its time, that game was like nothing most of us had ever played.
And the Aeon in that... omg 😩 I fell in love. Why so hot tho? They are everything.
I had to know how they met, so I went and got a copy of the original RE2 (which ended up becoming one of my favourite PS1-era games). This persuaded me to give the rest of the older REs another shot, which was great because it gave me a better understanding of the series and its characters.
I started Pandora sometime after playing RE6. Simmons was a big inspiration for the character of Jon Howe. But I ended up putting the fic aside because of life and career stuff.
The story kept nagging at me though and I'd find myself re-reading it often. I'd only written up to the point where there's a code red and Ada realises Delta has woken up. I basically left myself on a really mean cliffhanger for literal years. 🫢 This is why I complete my fics before I post them!
The remakes reignited my interest in the series and in Aeon. Eventually, when I went back to continue Pandora, I listened to basically every podcast interview Nick and Jolene did after RE2R came out. Hearing how they felt about the characters and Aeon helped keep me motivated to finish the story, so I owe the remakes a lot!
As for Icarus...
I just passed the 118K words mark, but I honestly don't think this story is even halfway through. 🙃
And I've also started outlining a Lawyer!Aeon AU partly-inspired by the Netflix series Partner Track and the book that show was based on. I'm not going to start it until Icarus is done though. Until then, it will exist only in my head in all its smutty glory (lots of desk-sex, dommy mommy Ada, and Leon in motorcycle leathers). 😋
I didn't realise anyone wanted sneak peeks of Icarus. Maybe... I can arrange that in a day or two... 👀
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magicalgirlagency · 25 days
Can you list your favourite videogames that have magical girls? I would love to have some cool videogame recommendations
YouTube Channel Cuarto Freaky AFK has 8 videos about Magical Girl games! Here's Part 1 to get you started:
But, here are my all-time favorites:
Purikura Daisakusen* (Arcade, SEGA Saturn);
Magical Pop'n (SNES/Super Famicom);
Twinkle Star Sprites (Arcade, SEGA Saturn);
Mystic Riders (Arcade);
Pu.Li.Ru.La (Arcade, PS1);
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Mega Drive);
Magical Chase (PC Engine, GBC);
Magical Girl Critical (Android app);
Fushigi no Yume no Alice (PC Engine);
Cotton series (various consoles/platforms);
PuyoPuyo series** (various consoles/platforms).
*This one is a spinoff of ATLUS' fighting game Power Instinct Matrimelee, protagonized by one of its playable characters, Hananokoji Clara.
**I enjoy both Compile and Sonic Team versions, though I like Sonic Team's aesthetics/visuals more!
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yin-yanglulu · 11 months
I never understand why certain people see criticism of their favourite things meaning that they can’t enjoy that media anymore, why the fuck should that stop you from liking something?!
For example: I’m a huge Skylanders fan, I own all six of the games, I still have multiple Skylanders to this day, it’s easily one of my favourite game franchises of all time, Skylanders: Giants is my favourite game of all time, I’ve been a fan of it for half of my life, did Caddicarus’ somewhat negative review of the first and sixth games stop me from liking Skylanders? No, because that is entirely his opinion and that is FINE because he was actually critiquing stuff that’s actually understandable and it wasn’t just shitting on fans for liking it like most Skylanders haters were back in 2013, The only type of Skylanders criticism I truly hate are just the ones from some TLOS/OG Spyro fans that hated on it bc Spyro looked different, bc it was apparently “wasn’t Spyro enough” despite people pointing out it had a lot more in common with the PS1 Spyro games than salty Spyro fans were making it out to be, and hating on kids that played Skylanders just because they were having fun.
Another infamous criticism of Skylanders is that it “ruined Spyro” and “doomed the Spyro franchise for good”, which have definitely been proven wrong given that Spyro is still a popular franchise because of the remastered trilogy and that without Skylanders, a lot of people my age wouldn’t know who Spyro is! (Also the fact that a Spyro 4 is supposedly happening soon)
Some criticisms of Skylanders I get, like the “asking you to buy too many things”, “SSA hasn’t really aged well mainly in the graphics and gameplay categories”, and “characters like Double Trouble and Voodood are based off of racist stereotypes” criticisms because most of them are right, but there is a difference between those criticisms and the ones of Spyro fans that I think are permanently stuck in 2012.
So yeah, if you see someone critiquing your favourite media, don’t let that destroy your enjoyment of it!
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toyota-supra · 4 months
Favourite PS1 games?
honestly don't know that many PS1 games that I personally play and adore (at least not off the top of my head), but R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 is one of my top 2 games ever and stuff like Gran Turismo 2, Racing Lagoon and Castlevania Symphony of the Night are really worth playing
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crusherthedoctor · 4 months
Nick here, and kudos for being a fellow with quality taste! And this has also reminded me that I need to sink more time into Ripto's Rage and give that game the shot it deserves, my Ps1 Spyro days were with the 1st and 3rd one and 2 fell by the wayside as I never got to experience it until the Reignited Trilogy
Well I don't want to assume too much - as someone who has tried out several hyped up games only to be disappointed, I'm very conscious about not hyping up my favourite games so much to newcomers that they might end up underwhelmed - but I think that if you love 3, then you'll probably gel with 2. ^^
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raylex · 1 year
can u infodump about all the different versions of rayman 2 and what u like/dislike about each and which is your fave I am BEGGING to hear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay, so. I think the definitive version of rayman 2 would be considered by most to be the dreamcast version. it's kind of the smoothest version of the game and has the best graphics along with highest framerate if I'm not mistaken. along with that it's almost entirely faithful to the original pc/n64 release without straying too much away from it like some other versions did. I've never personally played the dreamcast version (though I really should!), but yeah, I hear it's the best one!
I, myself, have played the pc version and revolution. the pc version of the game is pretty good! I will say though it runs like trash on modern hardware, it took me ages to get it to work the first time I played it. even playing the game on an emulator is faster and easier to set up than trying to get the official pc release to work. (thank you ray2fix and rayman control panel, you are angels sent from the heavens). I'm doing a replay of it right now, and I can't exit out of the game's window while playing it, or the game crashes... so, that's fun 😅
my personal favourite version is - as I mentioned being the other one I played - REVOLUTION! the ps2 port/remaster. it's so good. I adore the new voiceacting they added ('new' as in the ps1 version was the only other one to have voiceacting, but it was still very much there). they had much better vocal directing and line delivery than the ps1 version of the game!
one thing I especially adore about this version is the HUB WORLDS - I am a sucker for open-world hubs and it just brings me so much joy. makes my brain do a lil happy dance. I like all the new stuff they added to this version! though I can completely understand if some people might think it's bloated - it's got so much new content that at times it almost feels like a different game entirely. I like it, though! (also 'rayman revolution' is in general a very badass game title and VERY fitting for the game's plot).
then there's... oh boy, the ps1 version. it's not good. it's, uh, it's kind of off doing its own thing, LOL. it's got the worst graphics, some... very strange voiceacting, and it's missing a ton of levels (as well as the final boss of the game being redone entirely. and it's bad). this is generally regarded as the worst version of the game, and that's well deserved (sorry ps1... still love you).
there's the n64 version, which, along with the pc version, is an og. these are just sorta regarded as the 'base' game versions. I don't have much to say about the n64 version. it's pretty alright.
now, there are more releases than just this - seriously, rayman 2 has been ported to every goddamn piece of technology imaginable, you can probably play it on your microwave. but these are the main ones!
ANYWAYS, again, thank you for the ask!!! have some artwork from the game that always makes me laugh as a token of my gratitude.
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he looks like he's going 'AWOOGA'
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