#omuat tbn
spottedenchants · 6 months
if you havent done it yet, #29 for the ask game!
Ohoho one and only dear anon ^w^
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
So originally I was going to put this little piece of an alternate/noncanonical scene in Touching Sentiments (noncanonical cause it breaks rule number 4 of TS xD) that had been sitting around in my scraps for a while, but a couple days ago I started poking at it for something else, so here it is updated a bit :3
“I love you.”
Caleb whispered each word as if it were a petal of pristine crystal, breakable with the wrong breath.
Essek just shook his head with an unceremonious scoff. “You don’t know me.”
A week might not have been long enough to learn the crevices of one another’s souls, but surely their efforts so far together had meant they were willingly on the way there. But fine. Caleb donned a different angle of charm: foolhardy determination.
“I would like to.”
“And then what?”
Caleb stared, uncomprehending. ‘And then what’ what? ‘And then’ would be then, not now. They would just have to wait and see what ‘then’ would be and try to become better thems in the meanwhile. Wasn’t that what Essek thought of as love?
A polite smile cracked Essek’s grim face, sea foam licking hungrily at his legs.
“And then what, Widogast?” he pressed. “What makes you think you are so different from the slavering droves that have thrown themselves at my feet in hopes of having their way with me? Am I also a mere prize to you? Proof that you can have sway? A stepping stone to the heights of greatness?”
Stomach sour, Caleb stammered, “Of course not-? Essek--”
“Keep that name out of your unworthy mouth,” he snarled with the ocean’s roar, all sharp fey teeth and eye white and gum. Caleb shut himself up.
“So,” Essek said primly, “you simply let your baseless infatuation guide you? You decide on pure whim? You consider yourself like Jester? I thought you once to be clever.” He then sneered, an imperial tilt to his chin, “Where must your mind be, then, if you think I would want something so useless as your love. You should have left me be to catch my well-earned death. But no….” Essek’s razor-thin eyes went wide. “No, you need a metric and a witness, don’t you? Someone to measure against if only to demonstrate yourself as anything but stagnant. Congratulations.” That terrible smile again, paired with a twinkling laugh as soft as mold. “Consider yourself transcendent.”
There was a hollowness to Essek’s voice, like an echo in an old, old cave- a reflection warped and muted like memory. And catching his death… that was not recent. That was soon after they met. 
Sorrow stabbed through Caleb’s chest, snapping his bones and his will.
“You’ve forgotten.”
fic writer asks
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spottedenchants · 2 years
Hi there! I’m Chanse and this is my writing blog!
Thanks for stopping by 💙
Currently Working On:
Touching Sentiments, a post-C2 Essek Thelyss (Critical Role) series
click here for the series timeline click here for a rebloggable link to the series click here for series lore/side content
Fic Spotlight:
Eyes So Blue and Hair So Grown T, Gen (Xhorhas kids), NAWA, Complete (1 Chapter, 10.4k) Posted Apr. 27, 2024
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