#omg this only like hald hc but i tried lmao
greywindys · 7 years
Can you give me your thoughts and headcanon on every band characters past, like there childhood? (Also I want to know your thoughts and headcanons on Hannibal?)
Hey! So I held onto this one for awhile because I was trying to figure out how to answer it while also keeping it at a moderate length. If you’ve been following this blog for awhile, you probably know I’m terrible at writing short answers and to write down everything I think about every character’s past is near impossible for me to fit into one ask. I’m also not much of a hc person…I tend to think of scenarios before I think things like “HC that ________ cooks _______every morning for breakfast” so idk how well I’m going to be able to do this. I’ll give it the college try tho with a disclaimer that I could probably write 1000+ words on all of these but I’m going to abbreviate things for this ask. Answer under the cut!
Noodle: I’m assuming you mean before she joined Gorillaz? I have more questions than answers about that part of Noodle’s past, and I don’t particularly have any strong feelings that it should be any which way. Who were her parents? Did they giver her up to be part of the experiment? Or did they not have a choice? Was her life up until age 10 like, relatively normal? I’m guessing she grew up with the the other children, so maybe daily life was similar to a boarding school setting with all the classes focused on combat and military strategies. Or maybe her parents did play some role in her life and she actually stayed with them when she wasn’t at training. And what eventually made the government label a group of children  “too dangerous” to the point of where they had to be killed? This adds a bit of a disturbing element to it because it makes you wonder what they knew, what their capabilities were and what sort of mind set the training was instilling into these really young kids. I’ve often wondered whether Cyborg Noodle was meant to be a reflection of what Noodle could have become, and I’ve always thought it would have made for an interesting arc to have her struggle between her super soldier self and the self she became growing up with the band.
Russel: I have some issues with Russel’s backstory tbh, mostly because it feels a little bit lazy and because of the presence of stereotypes. There *are* some really interesting elements to build upon though. I like to think the school he attended in Brooklyn was a school for the arts, and that he had a variety of friends who experimented with a wide range of music styles. Also, Brooklyn is known for being like, a hub of culture so I also like to think he and his friends had certain record stores and restaurants they frequented, and that this helped Russel cultivate a lot of the sophisticated taste in fashion, food, music etc. that he exemplifies when we meet him in Phase 1. I also like to think that they had their own jams session together, and that many of his friends were aspiring musicians themselves. And think that in some ways, Russel sees the same sort of magic he experienced with his friends in Gorillaz, and it’s played some role in keeping him invested in the band, though evokes many complicated feelings for him. Though it seems to have been dropped, I also believe Russel is/was pretty religious, or at least he was in Phase 1. I always tend to think of him having an interest in spirituality, and that this helped him process his friends’ deaths. That being said, I see him as someone who views religion with a critical eye, especially as he seems to have become more wary of the world (per some recent interviews). 
2D: Aw. 2D had the most mundane upbringing of everyone. I know I’ve said talked about this or written this out before, but I’ll place it here too but I’ve always seen him as having been very close with his parents, particularly his dad who was (for me at least) the driving force behind his creativity with keyboards and instruments. IIRC, his father allowed him to watch and help him with the various fairground equipment. I like to think that as 2D got older, he was also able to close up the fair, and sometimes he would sneak his friends onto the fairgrounds after dark where they would sit among the vacant rides and tell each other creepy stories. His hometown, again, if I’m not mistaken, is relatively rural so the night sky was always crystal clear. And honestly? This comes out of nowhere but I’ve always like to think 2D did or does have an interest in stars and outer space. He used to want to be a storm chaser when he was younger, loved zombie movies, there seems to be an interest he has in the unknown. So idk, I like to add on that he also had this weird interest in alien conspiracies and reading about all the ridiculous things that happen on the different planets.
Murdoc: There’s a lot to say about Murdoc’s childhood but what I’m going to focus on here is that it was soul crushingly lonely and I’m honestly awe struck at time of just how he was able to semi-successfully push back at EVERYTHING that was hypothetically working against him. Murdoc’s father hated work, so I always take that to mean that he never had a steady job so the home was in a state of constant chaos- either there wasn’t food in the fridge, the electricity got turned off, the water was turned off, there were sketchy people hanging around inside etc. Sometime his father would just up and leave be gone for day, some days he’s would be passed out on the couch all day and other days he would just be incredibly angry and nasty. So everything was uncertain. And on top of that, we also know Murdoc wasn’t popular in school or with people in general so he like, literally had no one, no secure attachments. So forming a sense of identity and self-esteem, and also processing the fact that he is human and wants to belong somewhere or mean something to someone; that was all on him. I think this drove a lot of his interest in Satanism and the occult because he was looking for something bigger than him to make sense of his life and also something dark enough to channel the anger and frustration that probably wasn’t safe to express at home. He became a bit of drifter as well, leaving the house for days at a time, which got him into situations at a young age that he wasn’t prepared to deal with (i.e. the diner lady) but also some people who helped him out. I always like to think he got his first bass from some random person, like, idk, some eccentric thrift store owner who had a bunch old crap that he started talking to about death metal one day and they just hit it off lmao. And we see some of that drifting today with how he gets lost in bars or says he’s “going out” and then the band can’t find him.
Hannibal: I don’t think about Hannibal that much tbh! I don’t think we ever learned their age difference, right? Personally, I always picture him as somewhere between 3-5 years older than Murdoc. I don’t really think he and Murdoc had that good of a relationship (there’s an anecdote that Murdoc tells in some interview from Phase 1 where he recounts a time Hannibal invited him to a concert just so his friends could beat him up and that he never got to see the show because he was unconscious) but they did have some rare moments of “bonding” (i.e. setting things on fire together, attempting to make their own bombs). Hannibal was in and out of jail and juvenile detention from a young age so Murdoc likely didn’t see him that often and eventually, Hannibal moved out. Still, I feel like Murdoc still like, occasionally hears from him, even though he doesn’t want to and it’s always like, pure mean-spirited trolling (for lack of a better word). Somehow, he always tracks down his number.
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