#oliver is a great speaker and i really enjoyed this interviww
very-feral-lesbian · 2 months
a little sum of oliver starks interview for those who havent/cant watch:
-oliver moved to LA for a girl !??!?
-oliver goes into interviews with an american accent so they don’t realize he’s british
-he thinks that the reason buck was finally able to openly be bisexual was because of tim coming back to the writing team instead of the network change from fox to ABC 
-more kisses to come that are initiated by buck
-oliver thought that buck was going to get killed off at the beginning of season 2 (not bc anyone told him, he just thought so)
-oliver has always known that buck was yearning for something but was never sure what it was, and he thinks that his bisexuality is really freeing for his character
-oliver is vegan for ethical reasons more than anything
-him and aisha gush over angela basset
-most of the cast do almost all of their own stunts
-re buddie: “theres obviously stuff there” “theres a chemistry between them” “i definitely see that as a potential storyline” but he wants to make sure it isn’t the case where a character comes out and suddenly all his guy friends are accusing him of having a crush on him 
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