#olga lindo
letterboxd-loggd · 4 months
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Yield to the Night (1956) J. Lee Thompson
January 1st 2024
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Alastair Sim as Inspector Poole questions the Birling family, including Bryan Forbes as the son Eric in An Inspector Calls (1954). This is Bryan's second honorable mention as an actor, after The League of Gentlemen. Bryan's honorable mentions as a writer are The League of Gentlemen and Chaplin (1992), and his honorable mention as a director is Whistle Down the Wind.
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once-upon-an-imagine · 10 months
I was tagged by the awesome and lovely @rose-pearls! Thank you so much for tagging me, love!  🥰
favorite color: purple 💜
currently reading: olga dies dreaming 📖
last song: don't look back in anger - oasis 🎶 (I rewatched everything sucks and the song came on and revived my love for it 😂)
last series: everything sucks 📺 (idk why I was browsing and it was there and I just had to rewatch it 😁 great show!)
last movie: barbie 💕 (awesome movie!)
sweet/spicy/savory: I love the combo🍟🍨 (french fries with ice cream FTW!)
currently working on: so many fics! 😂 (and dialogues) I promise I'm trying and I hope to have them up soon so here are the ones that are either halfway through or almost finished and any inspo you can always send it my way!
cielito lindo - argyle just give me a reason [ch. 5] - sirius black there are worse things I could do [Ch. 3] - eddie munson a sunday kind of love - eddie munson & steve harrington dear prudence - remus lupin scars to your beautiful - james potter to be so lonely - james potter
bill weasley & shy!reader eddie munson & shy!reader argyle & shy!reader [2] charlie weasley & shy!reader james potter & shy!reader
tagging: (no pressure ofc) @lunamadhatter99, @kjs-s, @joannie95, @mycobrakai1972, @nix-rose, @tendous-pretty-hair, @ittybittyhogan, @hp-slaps, @starlightmedow
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latinotiktok · 2 years
Ok vengo a contarte de cuando descubrí que me gustaban las mujeres con detalles muy malos (:
First, a mí me gustaba un morro hasta que descubrí que andaba con otra morra. Así que me resigné a seguir intentando hablarle (ni le hablaba, soy muy tímide).
Mi Amiga de nombre A, me estuvo jode y Jode con que yo debía estar triste porque descubrí que mi crush salía con alguien más. Pero más bien se sentía como quitarse un peso de encima (Ya no tenía que socializar con alguien que apenas conocía porque me gustaba). Sentía que solo lo hacía por socializar con las mujeres del grupo, ya que todas hablaban de tener un crush and I wanted to be involved :(
Así que para que mi Amiga A dejara de joder, empecé a tomar interés por alguien más... Y busqué a la persona que más tenía cosas en común conmigo. Y ese era el amigo de mi otra amiga, llamemos Olga. El mero Javier, mi ahora ex.
Tons, Olga también era bisexual, y le conté a A que al final de la prepa, yo le daría un beso a Olga si seguía de coqueta conmigo. De broma lo decía. Pero empecé a pensarlo muchísimo... Sobretodo por la forma en que me veía, me sonrojaba sin idea del por qué. Pero no le tomé importancia Xd.
(fuera de eso xS en la fiesta de graduación a la cual no fuí por ansiedad. Olga le dijo a A que solo se juntaba con nosotres por mí. No tienen idea de lo feo que me sentí)
En fin, logré salir con Javier el último semestre, todo era muy lindo. Se lo conté a mis amigas y lo tenía a él como apoyo emocional y el a mí. Creo que es un buen hombre y no se merece lo que después pasó, aunque era muy celoso tanto con hombres como mujeres... Y eso me caga. (Also mi mamá lo odiaba porque nos encontró en la casa haciendo lo indebido.. ya sabes...)
Pasaron como 3 años y cuando iba en el tercer semestre de la universidad conocí a una chica por Tumblr (la llamamos S) que vive en un país de Sudamérica y no diré cuál por si anda por aquí (si es así, vete a la chingada!!!!) . Anyways, Teníamos una hyperfixation muy en común, me moría de risa con ella, hablábamos todo el día y eso al parecer le dejó de gustar a mi novio.
Después de un aniversario, Javier me propuso matrimonio, el cual yo acepté 😖, fingida la emoción y todo porque yo ya soñaba con bodas y cosas lindas con alguien de sexo distinto o alguien que no conocía. Later, Pasaba tiempo con Javier pero hablaba por mensajes con S y eso hasta a mí me incomodaba.
Entonces unos 5 días antes del día que nos íbamos a ir al registro, lo bloqueé por irse a beber y escribirme que estaba triste y por eso se fue a besar con varias morras porque estaba siendo muy cortante (hasta después me perdonó). Y le dije a esta chica que había terminado mi relación. Entonces después,un sábado, me quedé pensando... Porque no me enojaba lo de que se fue de borracho (A parte tengo un trauma con gente borracha).
Luego me di cuenta de que la música que el escuchaba nunca la guardaba, la de S sí porque todo lo que ella hacía se me hacía interesante, y se me despertaba un instinto protector y muy cálido con ella. Además de que era superior cuando ella me decía sweetheart o joteabamos...
Pues en poco tiempo decido declarar mi amor a ella, amor a distancia. Y mi aún novio lo descubrió poco después. Le dije que la amaba y pues con eso valió madres una relación de 3 años.
Poco después decidí entrar a trabajar y juntar dinero para ir a visitarla. Antes de eso volví a ver a Olga y salimos una vez al cine, la besé y la besé, besar a una mujer era 100 veces mejor que a un hombre. Aunque entre en gay panic cuando me pidió setso...
Luego en el trabajo conocí a otra chica que me gustó en poco tiempo, pero no más que a la que conocí en Tumblr. Pero ya no podía seguir en el trabajo por la universidad, asi que mi último día le di un beso y no la volví a ver... Hasta antes de la pandemia. Cuando ocurrió un drama con la chica de Tumblr y me rompió el corazón porqué actúo de la manera más lesbofobica ever.
So esta nueva chica de mi antiguo trabajo me volvió a hablar, toda la pandemia intercambiamos series, ideas, historias. Le conté que ahora era no binarie y lo aceptó bastante bien. Y pues solo salimos pocas veces. Cuando empecé a sentir algo por ella, se alejaba a menudo y valió verga. No tengo hard feelings hacia ella pero, ojalá encuentre una morra para ella que la quiera.
Sin contar a mi chica la cual también moría por andar con ella aunque fuera una relación poliamorosa... Que puedo decir? Me encantan las mujeres. Espero algún día conseguir una chica con quién jotear otra vez.
En fin, quien quiere pan de muerto?
Muy buena historia, increíble desarrollo del personaje principal, eso sí me confundió al principio la cantidad de side characters en la historia. Pero bueno, me alegra que hayas encontrado una manera sana para expresarte y vivir tu sexualidad
side note NO RECOMIENDO QUE SE PONGAN DE NOVIES POR TUMBLR todes acá tienen poca estabilidad emocional y en el mayor de los casos, poca responsabilidad afectiva jgfhjkg firmado, alguien que se puso de novio en tumblr una vez bye
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agartcreator · 1 year
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❝ Εκείνο που επιβάλλει η φύση, το απαγορεύει η κοινωνία ❞
~ Τολστόι ~
Photo Info:
🦚 Lindos Castle of Rhodes Island
🗓️ 2017
📍 Lindos, Rhodes, Greece 🇬🇷
🖌️ Photo by @agartcreator 📸 & @agartcreators 🎨
Permanent Partners:
🛍 @lifequalityshop 🦋
Life Quality 🦋 ~ e-Shop 🛍
Versus Reflection 🪩
Vice Versa - Ακολουθώντας τη Ροή 📜
Handmade Oil Paintings by Olga Strati 🖼️
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randomcitizen98 · 2 years
when u get this u have to put 5 songs 🎵 u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this to 10 others (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨
Tagged by the super awesome @lovethistoomuch (I literally NEVER get tagged in anything so thank you so much 😭😭❤️❤️)
1. The Way I Feel by Keane
This is a song I just recently started listening to because I heard it at my job & I couldn’t quite hear it properly but I liked the beat & tempo & a lot of other stuff so I looked it up & properly listening to it the first time was like getting a sucker punch in the heart because it’s just SO GODDAMN RELATABLE. It literally felt like someone wrote a song about my life & current mental state 🥲
2. Crossfire by Brandon Flowers
Another song I heard at my job but this one comes with a funny story…. So the part that really hooked me (aside from the music itself) is part of the chorus when he’s singing “lay your body down” over & over again BUT since I was at work I could never tell what the hell he was saying & as a result, could not look up the song using the lyrics so my only hope was to use the Shazam feature on Snapchat. But of course just when I’ve decided that I want to find out the name of the song, I don’t hear it again for another two weeks ( just like that one item you see all over your room all the time and then when you actually need it & go looking for it, it’s nowhere to be found). My job plays the same playlist over & over again so I knew I would hear it again eventually but in the meantime I was being HAUNTED by the mere fragment of a song & it was driving me crazy. Finally, after what seemed like AGES of not hearing the song, I heard the familiar chorus during a slow moment at work & immediately scrambled for my phone so I could open up Snapchat & utilize the Shazam feature but it kept telling me “no music detected” so I tried holding my phone up (since the speakers are practically on the ceiling) but right at that moment some guests walk in & I had to (literally) throw my phone away… & while dealing with these guests I managed to hear part of a verse (“Tell the devil that he can go back from where he came”) so I tried desperately to cling to this lyric so I can look it up after the guests leave but my stupid ADHD brain forgot everything except for “the devil” 🙃😭😭 obviously I did eventually find out what song it was but HOLY SHIT was it a freaking process 😫
3. Hundreds of Stories by Lin Manuel Miranda & Olga Merediz
In the Heights is my favorite musical of all time & I love it so so so so much…. I don’t think I’m capable of accurately articulating just how much I love it so I won’t even try. I’ll just say that I love Lin Manuel Miranda so much for giving the world a musical where my people take center stage & the Latin American community as a whole is so gloriously celebrated. I just recently had the honor of watching a local production of the Original Broadway version & it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen 🥹🥰 I chose this song specifically because it’s one of the six that were excluded from the movie adaptation (which made me really sad but I still love that movie despite all the differences).
4. Ojitos Lindos by Bad Bunny & Bomba Estéreo
Listing this one in honor of the Bad Bunny concert I attended last week which was F**KING AMAZING 😭😭🥹 That man really knows how to put on a show 🤩🤩 This song is from his latest album which has a little bit of everything sprinkled in it…. It’s got songs to make you dance, songs to make you cry, he’s got us feeling the full spectrum of emotion with his album. This one in particular is a beautiful love song that makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside whenever I hear it 🥰
5. Drippin by Rafael Casal, Daveed Diggs & SOB X RBE
I really like listening to this song on my way to my stupid customer service job because of the lyrics. Most notably, “I ain’t a killer, but don’t push me” & my personal favorite, “I ain't a killer, but fuck it, pop, pop, (pop, pop)” & listening to it on the way home from work makes it feel cathartic….. If you haven’t already, I HIGHLY recommend you watch the movie Blindspotting. It is a very powerful film that makes me cry every time I watch it. & if you like the film, chances are you’ll like the spin off tv series as well. & For those who are fans of rap, I’d definitely recommend the Miles AND Collin EPs 👌🏽👌🏽
A couple of notes:
Let me first apologize for the mini novel this post has deteriorated into…do feel free to completely ignore it.
To the lovely people I am about to tag, please do not feel any obligation to follow through with this… I promise I won’t be offended or insulted if you get this notification, take a cursory glance, shrug & continue on with your day 😊❤️
I do hereby tag: @drewgarfield @isthatacalzone @cobrabi @ms-anthology
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pochaulloac · 2 months
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A: Olga Campoverde. 
Mi madre que le cantaba a todo. 
(Compro su tocadiscos devolviendo a la abuela el fonógrafo) 
Canta al amanecer con su voz de soprano 
Imitando a las aves en su presuroso vuelo 
Entona alabanzas al creador 
Con el suave Ave María en LA mayor 
Susurra en contralto el latir del corazón. 
Al paso de las horas todo el día 
Embelesada en notas musicales variadas 
Alumbrada de un tango a un bolero 
Que crispa los sentimientos y caen las lágrimas 
Alegremente de Matancera a Chachacha 
Sus pasitos coquetos de cumbia colombiana 
Con su guapaje de pollera colorada 
Entristece mirando el cielo con voz ronquita 
Huapangos de cielito lindo y bésame mucho. 
En los quehaceres de medio día la música tradicional 
Interpreta vals, marinera, huayno, tondero 
Mientras adereza los potajes sabrosos 
Que servirá a los comensales que la admiran 
Por ser tan laboriosa tras esos ojos verdosos de pestañas bellas 
En la tardecita sufre con los pasillos, sanjuanitos 
Y toda tonada de amor doloroso de los monitos apasionados 
Energía renovada camina al parque a contemplar las retretas 
Emocionándose con las marchas militares, patriotas y escolares 
Para retornar con los agudos salve salve al Dios protector. 
Recuerdos tan bellos que escapan el don del pentagrama 
Sus manos recorriendo las teclas con notas clásicas 
De Mozart, Chopan, Schubert y cantos gregorianos 
¡Qué amor por la música tras las arpas del recuerdo! 
Aplausos siempre aplausos y felicitaciones 
Más en su época las grabaciones eran escasas 
Hoy sería una Diva, enamorada de todos los estilos 
Inventando y creando pasos de baile 
Componiendo cuentos maravillosos 
De estrellas galácticas entre sonrisas de payasos. 
Enamorada del arte  
Damita virtuosa 
En casa del todopoderoso 
cantando las melodías entre el cielo hermoso y celeste 
Endulzando los días. 
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wahwealth · 4 months
The Stars Look Down (1940) | Michael Redgrave | Margaret Lockwood |
he Stars Look Down movie is a British film released in 1940.  This classic film is based on A. J. Cronin's novel was written in 1935 with the same title.  The film is about injustices in a mining town in North East England. Coal miners,  who are led by Robert "Bob" Fenwick, vote to go on strike.  The miners are refusing to work in a particular section of the mine.  The reason is due to the great danger of flooding. Tensions rise as the strikers go hungry. Cast Michael Redgrave as David "Davey" Fenwick Margaret Lockwood as Jenny Sunley Emlyn Williams as Joe Gowlan Nancy Price as Martha Fenwick Allan Jeayes as Richard Barras Edward Rigby as Robert "Bob" Fenwick Linden Travers as Mrs. Laura Millington Cecil Parker as Stanley Millington Milton Rosmer as Harry Nugent, MP George Carney as Slogger Gowlan Ivor Barnard as Wept Olga Lindo as Mrs. Sunley Desmond Tester as Hughie Fenwick David Markham as Arthur Barras Aubrey Mallalieu as Hudspeth Kynaston Reeves as Strother Clive Baxter as Pat Reedy James Harcourt as Will Frederick Burtwell as Union Official Dorothy Hamilton as Mrs. Reedy Frank Atkinson as Miner David Horne as Mr. Wilkins Edmund Willard as Mr. Ramage Ben Williams as Harry Brace Scott Harrold as Schoolmaster Strother (as Scott Harold) You are invited to join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded, https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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byneddiedingo · 6 months
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Yvonne Buckingham in Sapphire (Basil Dearden, 1959)
Cast: Nigel Patrick, Michael Craig, Paul Massie, Bernard Miles, Yvonne Mitchell, Olga Lindo, Earl Cameron, Gordon Heath, Jocelyn Britton, Harry Baird, Orlando Martins, Rupert Davies, Freda Bamford, Robert Adams, Yvonne Buckingham. Screenplay: Janet Green, Lukas Heller. Cinematography: Harry Waxman. Art direction: Carmen Dillon. Film editing: John D. Guthridge. Music: Philip Green. 
The police procedural/whodunit faces several problems inherent to the genre when it comes to not giving away the ending: One is that the "who" is never the one the police suspect. Another is that it's also never the one you first suspect. And a third is that if either the victim or the prime suspect (or both) belongs to a socially marginalized community -- racial, religious, sexual, etc. -- then the perpetrator is not going to be a member of that community. So when a Black woman who is passing for white is found dead on Hampstead Heath, the first suspect is her fiancé, a white man. Still, as the evidence mounts, there are more and more reasons to suspect him until suspicion arises and evidence is found that the murderer was a Black man. Is Basil Dearden's procedural Sapphire going to be an exception to the rules of the genre? Dearden's film has not aged well. Its portrait of British racism is outdated, and even the jazzy musical underscoring by Philip Green is of another era. At one point, the score even resorts to a "dun-dun-DUNN" sting when a somewhat minor revelation occurs. In short, it's a lot like an old-fashioned one-hour TV procedural. The chief inspector, played by Nigel Patrick, is one of those British cops who keep their cool at any turn, while his assistant (Michael Craig) is a hothead who jumps to conclusions that are invariably wrong. There are moments of real energy in the film, especially when the cops are invading the turf of London's Black community, though the movie's point of view is as secure in middle-class respectability as the victim's father (Earl Cameron), a physician dressed in tweeds.   
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jenn1515 · 1 year
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Próximo Destino📍 @olisroom ✨ Este lugarcito en santiago (Villa Olga) está demasiado Cool, amé la DECO, el servicio y la comida estuvo Exquisita. •Al llegar ordenamos unas margaritas (Olvidé hacer fotos) nos encantaron✨ •De entrada ordenamos unos Dumpling de Cochinillo. Omg 10/10 para este delicioso plato✨ •Como plato fuerte el Rey optó por CONCÓN BBQ: Es concón de arroz oriental, plátano maduro, costilla de cerdo y aguacate, una delicia 10/10. ✨ •Mi plato fuerte fue Concón Flap Meat: Es un delicioso arroz Oriental de flap meat y camarones, con salsa de carne, aguacate a la parrilla y huevo Onzen 10/10 para esta sabrosura.✨ •Con quien visitarías este lugarcito lindo?? Te leo en comentarios, recuerda dejar tu Like y compartir para más destinos con Jenn📍📸 (en Oli's Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbLWzgustN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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valkyrievanessa · 1 year
apesar do nasuverse ser cheio de problemas, uma coisa que eu acho que eles acertam muito são os aliens, porque puta que pariu, alguns dos melhores aliens que já vi na ficção hahaha. Os aliens no nasuverse se diferenciam dos demais aliens da ficção por conta da forma que eles interagem com a humanidade é bem legal, por exemplo o ORT é o melhor exemplo disso.
O Aristoteles da nuvem de Oort, ele é completamente incapaz de aprender a cultura dos humanos e da terra, para ele não é um problema isso porque o objetivo dele é matar todos nos, mas para a gente é, porque não tem como dialogar com ele, tudo que ele é capaz de fazer é nos imitar e apenas isso, não tem como ter dialogo, o que o torna diferente dos outros aristoteles que estão destinados a chegar na terra, porque a Type Venus se apaixonou pelos humanos.
Tem a Alien God, U-Olga Marie. Ela é um caso bem legal, nós não conseguimos compreender ela assim como não conseguimos compreender os Aristoteles, mas por ela ser capaz de reproduzir um evento comum no espaço na terra, a torna tão fora de liga para a gente lidar e tão incompreencivel que se torna um enorme problema a questão de como vamos derrotar ela, porque os meios comuns não funcionam nela. Tem o fato também de que ela derrotou todos os governos e organizações da terra em dias, aparentemente causou o bleaching e plantou as arvores de fantasia, isso é totalmente absurdo e aparentemente ela não é uma inimiga da humanidade, o que me deixa ainda mais curiosa.
Tem outros aliens como os deuses gregos, os deuses mesoamericanos, Sefar, etc. Os que viraram deuses eles se tornaram compreensiveis para nós, se tornaram proximos da gente e isso é muito legal, porque o lostbelt 5 mostra o que rolaria se os deuses gregos nunca tivessem perdido os corpos originais deles, eles basicamente ficariam no meio do caminho entre ser o que eles eram na mitologia que conhecemos e ser apenas maquinas sem emoções.
O ponto que quero chegar com isso tudo sobre os aliens do nasuverse é que eles geralmente são tão diferentes e "aliens" a nós que se tornam uma ameaça, mesmo que a intenção deles seja nos ajudar e muitos deixaram de ser ameaça por interagirem com nós, por se aproximarem, mas seres como sefar e ORT é impossivel o dialogo por que a incapacidade de entender e aprender sobre a cultura vem dos 2 lados (e no caso do Sefar ela é só uma arma mesmo, o proprio planeta terra teve que agir porque se não todo mundo iria morrer hahaha) e por possuirem sempre uma intenção hostil a nós, não temos como conviver com eles basicamente, é um lado que quer a briga e o outro que iria adorar evitar a briga e ambos são incapazes de conversar, basicamente.
Também tem o fato bem interessante e que hollywood geralmente ignora, se uma civilização hostil nos encontrar nos dias de hoje, não teriamos chance alguma de nos defender, é impossivel, estamos falando de seres capazes de viajar pelo espaço de forma funcional e eficiente, navegar pelo universo ainda é só um sonho para nós humanos e caso a gente encontre uma especie capaz disso e for hostil, a não ser que role algum milagre nós não temos chance alguma, não seriamos sequer capazes de entender a tecnologia deles.
bom, isso foi um post beeem longo, mas era algo que eu queria falar a um tempo e a limitação de escrever do twitter me irrita hahaha, mas serio, eu adoro o design dos aliens no nasuverse, que seres lindos gente
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beautifulactres · 1 year
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Olga Lindo (1899-1968)
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veradovaleuniverse · 2 years
Super Live Brasil da Esperança! Lula Presidente 13!
 ARRETADO🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷Tracking Ambec​Lula 51% pra vitória   Francisca Alves​É Lula Nossa esperaMarcos Doniseti​Lula Presidente 13!ROSA CORDOVIL​#LulapresidenteMaria Olga Teixeira De Souza​Elisanira Mariz​Lula é esperança 🇧🇷🇧🇷Guna Alexander​#BrasildaEsperançaMariuza Marinho Lopes​Lindoooo FalabelaRosane Ferreira Borges​parabéns Miguel Falabella, é LulaMichel Sisdeli​Pâmela Rayane​Aureni Aura​muito bemJô Artes​Paula Regina Carvalho Andretti​Lula lá lá! Dia 02, vote 13!Herta Pidner​regpessoa​AMEIIIIIIIIJimena Marques​🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷José Rubens monteiro lima​o Lula vai ser o presidente que vai ganhar o prêmio Nobel da paz.Patrícia Santos​LULAAAAAA TE AMAMOSmaria cristina​larissa FERREIRA​Lula 13ana maria​Fábio Dias​É Lula lá e Haddad aquiJoao Neto​Lula presidentefabiano ferreira Silva​Lula presidente!!!!!!!!!Giane Moliari​Alcina​Lindo Falabela Brilhou #lula13Edineia Barbosa​Marcos R Bertozo BB​DemaisCleandra Calou​Larissa Moreira​Lula Ilka Lima​lulac13Selma Lima​N1CKGIRL​#ANITTTAAALuiz Fernando Ramos Lemos​Rozinei Gonçalves Stanislovski​Lula para sermos novamente felizesJosineide Luna​LULA 13 Sonia Canto​Maria Conceição​1308 federalGelson Costa Lima​ITABORAÍ É LULAMariza Dutra​#BrasilDaEsperaçaJandira Siqueira​Pela paz, pelo amor, liberdade, pela segurança alimentar, em especial, é LULA LÁ.Vera Alves​Elizabeth Freitas​🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷LIGIA MARIA CARDOSO​#LulaPresidenteNoPrimeiroTurnoPatricia Silva​Conceição Valentim​Uhuu Falabela!!Vera Teixeira​,EH LULALALALALALATracking Ambec​Lula 51% pra vitória   maria silva Silva​SDO​Bolsonaro 22 Bolsonaro 22 primeiro turnoAparecida Ribeiro Ferreira Cida​Janier Mary Dias​13Hebe Cito​#BrasildaEsperançaMariangela Lourenço​13Valentina Scardina​LulaRegina Sola​LulaFlavia Valeria​Lucia Azevedo​arrasou FalabelaGelson Costa Lima​ITABORAÍ É LULAmaria do socorro queiroz​Lula e Alkimin 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷Joaquim Xavier​luláaáaaMarcosLUiz Silva​#BrasilDaEsperançaClaudilene Oliveira​Wanessa Silva​o amor vai vencer o ódio 13Leandro Cardoso​lula 13 13Mkt Digital​LULAAAAAAAFrancinete Cardoso Lobato​Lula 13Meiri Figueira​Val V​wow! Arrasou FalabelaMaria Conceição​1308federalLuciene Estanislau​Lula meu heróiLara Cruz​glauce maria santos​Lula LulaJose Mario Ladislau​LulaSilvia Oliveira​Lula LulaAna Carolina​13Flávia Oliveira​tatiana feitosa​🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Lula Lula LulaAbia França​sou capoeira, sou Lulaandre teixeira​ana maria ballardin ben​VOTEM NA LEGENDA....VOTEM NA LEGENDA.Mario Raia​@MERIDIANO-SP é LULA!!!Tracking Ambec​Lula 51% pra vitória   Celma Rodrigues​🇧🇷Vera Soriano​MARIA EULÁLIA BARROS ALVES FRANKLIN​Lula lá na Presidência da República do Brasil!Elvira Lovatte​lindoElizabeth Freitas​🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷Ana Lúcia Reboledo Sanches​LulaaaaaaConceição Valentim​Lindo!!!!Wanessa Silva​o amor vai vencer o ódio 13Carlos Heittor​Mônica Rinaldo​fé em Deus, fé no LulaMaria Conceição​13Janete Melo​Lula eliki Silva​ole ooe oleeee olaaaaJúlio Araújo​"É no meio da maldade que a bondade prospera" #Lula no primeiro turnoVanessa​13MARCELO ALVES DE SA - 61​marina sodre​Vivian Fernandes​Lula 13Mauriceia Ialongo​Lula é o homemElizabeth Freitas​🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷Elvira Lovatte​LulaKatherine Ratis​Enquanto existir a vida há de haver esperança Maria Clara Guaraldo​que apresentador maravilhoso!!!Teresa Cristina​Lula Lula Dalva Riscado​lula 13Daniel Valentim​LULA 13Nagila Oliveira​lula , camilo , Elmano🇧🇷Cleandra Calou​JESSICA BANQUES​13Marilack Dote​Que live espetacular!Paulo Souza​Vivian Fernandes​Lula#13Fátima Moura​Clarice Calixto​brasilia é valdo 50050 com lula!!!Constância Donato​Lula Lula jairo roberto​bolsonaro Brasil 🇧🇷Caroline Leite​OLE OLE OLE OLA LULA LULAeliane ap​Tais L. Corato​Tenho fé e peço a Deus que conduza mais uma vez o governo do LulaAlcilene da Costa Andrade​A minha alegria é tão grande por esse momento que já começo a chorar.Mari alves L​LULAElvira Lovatte​13Cecilia Menezes Gomes​que lindo Miguel!Marcia Ferreira​Vote com amor. LulaaaaaaaaArnold's KM39​olé olé olá olá LulaVera Lúcia Pedroso​#BrasilDaEsperanca 🇧🇷Natália Alves​primeiro tuuuuuurnoooooMara Teles​ɪɴɴᴏᴄᴇɴᴛ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ sᴘɪʟʟᴇᴅ​Dia 2 de outubro pra ser feliz, faz o L e aperta o 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 1 TURNO É NOSSO, E NADA DELES !!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷
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quienqueriatambien · 2 years
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Nunca me había sentido feliz por una estúpida labor doméstica, en fiestas patrias chorree con chimichurri mi lindo chalequito, estaba triste, pensaba que lo había perdido por chancha jajaja, llamamos a mi tía Abuela Olga en la noche y apelando a su sabiduría le consulte que hacer en esos casos, y me da el consejo ganador... Gracias tía, es usted un genio y que nadie le diga lo contrario.. Amigos cuiden y valoren a sus adultos mayores, ellos encierran una sabiduría que ya quisiéramos tener tu o yo misma. Este pequeño aprendizaje lo guardaré por siempre... https://www.instagram.com/p/CivNh6YJW8I3lwEtuGCpvWxV6aEMHRXBd7fLVE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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southpacifictravel · 2 years
Reminiscences of My Time at Moon, by David Stanley
My first contact with Bill Dalton was in 1976 when I sent him some feedback on his famous “buku merah,” Indonesia & Papua New Guinea, a Traveler's Notes.  I guess Bill liked what I had to say as we began corresponding. I mentioned that I would be island hopping across the South Pacific islands the following year and suggested that I contribute some notes which could serve as an appendix to his Indonesia guide. He replied that Indonesia had become overweight and a separate book was required.
For my first trip through the region in 1975 I bought the longest mileage ticket made out for Pan-American Airways up to that time. With each section stapled together, it measured 12 feet and included 48 stops in the Pacific islands and parts of Southeast Asia. In a Toronto Star interview travel agent Olga Rybsky called the task of writing the ticket “a long, long job.” If anything, my 1977 trip collecting material for Bill was even longer.
In June 1979 the first edition of South Pacific Handbook appeared with Bill's name and mine on the cover. That done Bill withdrew as co-author and became the publisher at  Moon Publications. South Pacific was the company's second book after Indonesia Handbook and I stayed on as sole author for another seven editions. In 2004 the powers that be at Avalon Travel Publishing and I agreed that Moon South Pacific had gone as far as it could go. Avalon continued publishing Moon Fiji and Moon Tahiti until 2011 when I decided to retire.
I'll never regret my 32 years with Moon and have many happy memories of my time in Chico, California, at a time when Dalton ran his empire out of a ramshackle house on West Lindo Avenue. Bill never turned away travelers who turned up at his door, including a young Englishman who stayed for a few years on the pretext of writing a backpackers guide to the Philippines which was never finished. According to Moon's office manager of the time, everything could be resolved with pizza and beer.
Before co-authoring the first edition of South Pacific Handbook Bill had never been to most of the places covered in the guidebook. He relied exclusively on the rough handwritten notes and sketch maps I sent him from time to time as I traveled through the islands. This occasionally led to complications. For example, in the book's Cook Islands chapter Bill wrote: “But all over the Cooks it's cheapest of all to stay with the locals.” This provoked heated controversy on Rarotonga after a tourist left a copy behind in a motel and it was forwarded to the local authorities. At that time all visitors arriving in the Cook Islands needed confirmed hotel reservations. In my text I suggested that tourists have Air New Zealand make free reservations for them at any hotel  “then go where you please once you've cleared customs and immigration at Rarotonga.” The book got very negative reviews in the Cook Islands News and local bookstores refused to sell it.
My policy over the years was to tell things as they were and to always cater to my low budget readers without negatively impacting the islanders. Some hoteliers never understood the difference between an independent travel guide and paid advertising. From time time they demanded to see their listing prior to publication, a request I never honored. I always traveled incognito and never solicited or accepted freebies or special treatment from travel industry providers. This occasionally led to problems. Once after inspecting a small boutique hotel in Fiji I was chased down the street by the proprietor who claimed I had violated the privacy of their home even though there was a sign outside advertising it as a public restaurant. In the property's review in the next edition of Moon Fiji I wrote: “Your stay here could depend on how well you get along with *****.” This outraged the owner and I received a threatening letter from an American lawyer even though my comment was in the public interest.
While researching my book in Solomon Islands in May 1984 I happened to coincide with a one-day visit to Honiara by Pope John Paul II. All foreign news media had been banned from covering the visit and I also avoided His Holiness by spending most of the day chatting with the minister at the United Church Rest House. The next day when I arrived at the airport to fly back to Fiji I was apprehended by Solomon Islands security. They were convinced that I was an undercover journalist and spent considerable time leafing through my handwritten notebook. They noticed that earlier I had visited the Honiara Jail and spoken with the carpentry teacher who later met with the pope. I was taken into town for a personal interview with the head of immigration for Solomon Islands. I managed to convince him that I had not even seen the pope and had no interest in him, something he confirmed by calling the Protestant minister at the guest house. After some hours they were convinced and let me keep my valuable notebook. I gave a deep sigh of relief when my flight took off for Nadi the next day.
I think I enjoyed the best years of guidebook writing and it was always an honor to be one of the first independent travelers to visit a place. These days competition from unverified free information on the internet has made it almost impossible to make a living doing what I did unless one is prepared to kowtow to commercial interests, either directly or indirectly. I have no regrets.
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ozu-teapot · 3 years
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Yield to the Night (AKA Blonde Sinner) | J. Lee Thompson | 1956
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