#oldman mongolia
eruverse · 1 year
Both the Göktürks (Ashina) and Mongols (Borjigin) believed themselves to be descended from a wolf, but there’s an interesting difference: Ashina clan came from the union between a she-wolf and a human male, while the Borjigins came from a union between a male gray wolf and a doe.
Anyway, not all Turkics have wolves as their mythological ancestors tho. The (Yenisei) Kyrgyz believed themselves as having descended from a god and a cow, while Qocho Uyghurs (Qocho was a state founded by Uyghurs after the destruction of Uyghur Khaganate) believed that their founder came from a tree.
Obv bc Turkey poses himself as the successor (of some kind) of the Göktürks, wolves are also meaningful to him. Well, aside from that he’s also an Oghuz Turk, aka Turkic subgroup that was also a part of Göktürks. Gray wolf is also the national animal of Turkey.
(Anw, Mongolia’s national animal is actually a falcon)
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unimpstuds · 3 years
anarch-kids : TANAMERA
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Tanamera anak yang jenius dan berpengetahuan dia juga murid yang sangat disukai oleh teman-teman serta seluruh sivitas di lingkungan TK GAGAK, suka menolong tapi bukan yang mencampuri urusan. 
Kenneth Mark Acarya III seorang veteran perang, yang pernah di tugaskan di wilayah perbatasan China-Mongolia pada saat konflik US-CHINA pada tahun 2050-2054, yang sebagian dari kita mengenal itu Perang Dunia ke 3 merupakan akumulasi dari perang dingin dan perang teknologi antar dunia barat dan dunia timur, lalu perang saudara di Amerika yang berlangsung dari tahun di 2065-2078 dikarenakan terjadi ressesi paska perang itu konflik US-CHINA, dan dalam melakukan tugasnya di perang saudara Old man Kenny berhadapan dengan sebuah dilema dimana dia harus menembaki “pemberontak” yang merupakan warga sipil yang seharusnya dia lindungi tetapi karena tuntutan tugas dia tetap menembaki si pemberontak. Ingatan dia agak kabur mengenai itu apakah dia pernah membunuh warga sipil atau tidak, menurut ucapannya, dia berusaha untuk tidak menembak bagian vital yang akan berakibat fatal, dia menembak hanya untuk melumpuhkan saja, tapi karena jumlah korban pada saat itu cukup banyak hampir 30% warga sipil amerika yang menjadi korban dia pun tidak yakin akan ingatanya itu.
Pasca perang si kakek memiliki post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) yang cukup parah, saat kejadian dimana beberapa rekan dia yang terbunuh oleh sebuah bom rakitan tepat dihadapanya dia berhasil diselamatkan akan tetapi jari kelingking dan telunjuk sebelah kanan dia harus diamputasi serta dia mengalami kebutaan dibagian mata sebelah kanan, dia mendapatkan perawatan jalan dari negara serta mendapatkan seorang nanny untuk merawat dia di masa tuanya, perawatan itu sudah berlangsung cukup lama tapi tidak membuahkan hasil sampai pada titik keinginan kehidupanya sudah tidak ada, dia tak peduli lagi akankah dia mati dengan tenang atau dalam kesakitan, dia pikir dia sudah cukup dengan hidupnya ditambah teman-teman seperjuanganya sudah meninggal dimedan perang. Sampai pada suatu saat dia memiliki satu permintaan terakhir, untuk dibacakan buku favoritnya saat dia masih menjadi perwira, buku  yang dia baca adalah buku Sang Pangeran karya Machiavelli.
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Ajaibnya, entah kenapa setelah dibacakan buku itu Oldman Kenny menjadi lebih tenang lalu ia meminta dibacakan beberapa buku lagi, karena dia kurang terlalu yakin dengan apa yang dialaminya, benar saja kondisi si kakek berangsur membaik setiap dibacakan kalimat-kalimat pada setiap halaman buku. Kemudian itu dijadikan sebuah terapi oleh si kakek serta setelah dokter yang menanganinya mendengar cerita ajaib itu, dan mendapkan rekomendasi dari dokter untuk menangani traumanya dengan terapi itu.
Pada saat kondisi mental dan fisiknya dia mulai membaik dan bisa menghadapi traumanya, ia menyadari meskipun dia tidak memiliki tujuan hidup lagi akan tetapi dia masih memiliki seorang cucu yang harus memiliki sosok dan teman ketika dirumah bukan hanya nanny yang mengurus dia. 3 tahun berlalu terapi buku itu sudah berjalan dan di 1 tahun terahir dia mulai membaca sendiri buku meskipun hanya beberapa halaman saja, yang biasanya dilanjutkan oleh nanny untuk halaman halaman selanjutnya, ditengah terapi bukunya tersebut selama 3 tahun Tanamera selalu mendengarkan ketika si nanny membaca buku dan kadang menanyakan banyak hal setelah terapi kakeknya selesai, Selama hidupnya tanamera tidak memiliki sosok orang tua tempat ia bercerita dan menanyakan banyak hal apalagi ia masih berumur 3 tahun setelah ibu dan ayahnya harus bekerja di luar negeri dan hanya bertemu setiap 3 - 6 bulan sekali.
Selama terapi itu berlangsung Tanamera selalu berada disamping Nanny dan mendengarkan apa yang sedang dibacakan. Buku yang di gunakan sebagai terapi sangatlah beragam mulai dari buku ilmu pengetahuan, novel, sosiologi, politik dan perang. Seringkali ia mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan tentang isi buku yang sedang dibacakan jika dia rasa dia tidak terlalu paham. Tanamera dengan mudahnya menyerap isi buku yang dibacakan pada saat terapi kakeknya berlangsung, bahkan si nanny sendiri terkadang lupa dengan isi buku yang ia bacakan, jika pada saat itu Tanamera menanyakan tentang isi bukunya, sering kali si nanny membuka dan mencari referensi lainya untuk menjawab pertanyaan Tanamera. Karena itu Tanamera menjadi seorang yang jenius seperti sekarang.
Sherina - Bintang-Bintang
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Caenagnathasia martinsoni
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By José Carlos Cortés 
Etymology: Recent Jaw from Asia
First Described By: Currie et al., 1994
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Oviraptorosauria, Caenagnathoidea, Caenagnathidae, Elmisaurinae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Between 92 and 90 million years ago, in the Turonian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Caenagnathasia is known from the Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan 
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Physical Description: Caenagnathasia was a Chickenparrot, and of the kind with particularly long and shallow jaws, with complex ridges inside. Caenagnathids also were more lightly built than Oviraptorids, with more hollow bones, more slender arms and long, gracile legs. They also weren’t very adapted for running as in other Oviraptorosaurs. Caenagnathasia, however, is not very well known. It’s known from a few jaws from a few individuals, as well as some vertebrae and a femur. We do know that Caenagnathasia is one of the smallest known oviraptorosaurs, and one of the smallest non-avian dinosaurs on the whole. It probably was about 0.61 meters long, and weighed 1.4 kilograms. Other than that, it probably would have resembled other oviraptorosaurs in general - fully feathered and bird like, with extensive wings, a tail fan, a beak, and long legs. It also was probably one of the more basal Caenagnathids.
Diet: Like other Oviraptorosaurs, Caenagnathasia was probably an omnivore.
Behavior: It is likely that Caenagnathasia behaved similarly to other Oviraptorosaurs, though we have no proof either way on that score. It probably would have taken care of its young, creating a large nest with eggs laid around the edge. Caenagnathasia would then sit in the center of the nest and use its wings to keep the eggs warm, like modern birds. These eggs were ovular and elongated, and potentially teal or turquoise in color. Caenagnathasia would have also been an an active, warm-blooded animal, using its wings to communicate with other members of the species and in sexual display. It also would have probably been opportunistic in terms of food eaten, feeding on whatever it could get its wings on. 
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By Ripley Cook 
Ecosystem: The Bissekty Formation was a diverse Middle Cretaceous seashore, filled with brackish swamps and braided rivers along the coast. It probably would have been filled with horsetails, cycads, ferns, and early flowering plants, though no plant fossils are known from the formation. There were a variety of animals in this ecosystem, especially many transitional forms to the iconic dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous. There was Turanoceratops, a forerunner of Ceratopsids like Triceratops; Levnesovia, an almost-hadrosaurid, as well as other ornithopods Gilmoreosaurus and Cionodon; Bissektipelta, an ankylosaur; Timurlengia, a transitional Tyrannosaurid; Itemirus, one of the earliest known possible Velociraptorines; the troodontids Urbacodon and Euronychodon, and a variety of early birds such as Platanavis, Zhyraornis, and opposite birds like Abavornis, Catenoleimus, Explorornis, Incolornis, Kizylkumavis, Kuszholia, Lenesornis, and Sazavis. There was also a probable Ornithomimosaur that has not yet been named.
Non-dinosaurs were also present, including the huge pterosaur Azhdarcho, many different kinds of fish, some turtles, amphibians, and even sharks that were adapted to the ample brackish water. There were a lot of crocodylomorphs, too, like Zhyrasuchus, Zholsuchus, Kansajsuchus, and an alligatoroid, Tadzhikosuchus. There were also a lot of weird Iguanas, and early mammals as well - herbivorous Zhelestids, burrowing Asiorhyctitherians, insectivorous Zalambdalestids, almost-marsupials, and rodent-like Cimolodonts. This is surely an exciting ecosystem for further research, as it showcases a transition from the Early Cretaceous, to the Late.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut 
Averianov, A.O. 2002. An ankylosaurid (Ornithischia: Ankylosauria) braincase from the Upper Cretaceous Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. Bulletin de l'Institute Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre 72. 97–110. Accessed 2019-03-22.
Currie, P.J.; Russell, D.A. (1988). "Osteology and relationships of Chirostenotes pergracilis (Saurischia, Theropoda) from the Judith River Oldman Formation of Alberta". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 25 (3): 972–986.
Currie, P.J.; Godfrey, S.J.; Nessov, L. (1994). "New caenagnathid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) specimens from the Upper Cretaceous of North America and Asia". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 30 (10–11): 2255–2272.
Kurochkin, 2000. Mesozoic birds of Mongolia and the former USSR. in Benton, Shishkin, Unwin and Kurochkin, eds. The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia. 533-559.
Lamanna, M. C.; Sues, H. D.; Schachner, E. R.; Lyson, T. R. (2014). "A New Large-Bodied Oviraptorosaurian Theropod Dinosaur from the Latest Cretaceous of Western North America". PLoS ONE. 9 (3): e92022.
Paul, G.S., 2010, The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs, Princeton University Press p. 152.
Redman, C.M., and L.R. Leighton. 2009. Multivariate faunal analysis of the Turonian Bissekty Formation: Variation in the degree of marine influence in temporally and spatially averaged fossil assemblages. PALAIOS 24. 18–26. Accessed 2019-03-22.
Sato, T., Y. Cheng, X. Wu, D. K. Zelenitsky, Y. Hsaiao. 2005. A pair of shelled eggs inside a female dinosaur. Science 308 (5720): 375.
Sues, H.-D., and A. Averianov. 2009. Turanoceratops tardabilis—the first ceratopsid dinosaur from Asia. Naturwissenschaften 96. 645–652. Accessed 2019-03-22.
Sues, H.-D.; Averianov, A. 2015. "New material of Caenagnathasia martinsoni (Dinosauria: Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Bissekty Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Turonian) of Uzbekistan". Cretaceous Research. 54: 50–59.
Sues, H-D., and A. Averianov. 2016. Ornithomimidae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Bissekty Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Turonian) of Uzbekistan. Cretaceous Research 57. 90–110. Accessed 2019-03-22.
Weishampel, David B.; Peter Dodson, and Halszka (eds.) Osmólska. 2004. The Dinosauria, 2nd edition, 1–880. Berkeley: University of California Press. Accessed 2019-02-21.ISBN 0-520-24209-2
Wiemann, J., T.-R. Yang, P. N. Sander, M. Schneider, M. Engeser, S. Kath-Schorr, C. E. Müller, P. M. Sander. 2017. Dinosaur origin of egg color: oviraptors laid blue-green eggs. PeerJ 5: e3706.
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eruverse · 1 year
Thinking about, I make Mongolia fat (he’s stocky but he’s also really soft in the middle) for drawing practice purposes. But it’s also to make my characters more diverse in appearances — I have semi-realistic style after all so it doesn’t make sense to draw uniform body types. Besides, I want to like, show that people who are fat can be attractive and lovable and they can be strong too, lol
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eruverse · 1 year
Reading a sentence like ‘Mongol Empire conquered China/Persia/Central Asia/Russia/Anatolia’ makes me giggle because it’s as if Mongolia were an octopus. You know, eight hands for eight people in eight different directions!!
But he didn’t do all that alone. He gave it a preliminary go and it was then completed by his descendants. And at some point the new Khanates also wanted to be known as they were, not just piggybacking on Mongolia’s name and roots. It is fair because they weren’t only Mongol/Mongolized, I think. That’s why I made the Khanates, including Yuan, their own personifications. They’ve gone away from the Mongol center and into their own vision of the future that’s maybe different from Chinggis Khan’s vision. They carried on proud Mongol lineage, but in the end weren’t purely Mongol themselves.
I think Mongol Empire (on its own = just Mongolia) is also exaggerated at times? But I get it lol, I was there. Mongolia is actually a guy with an ego as big as the sun so I like it when he’s knocked down a peg or two, haha! I made him different from the Khanates born from him so that he wouldn’t always claim their success as purely his own, hoho. In the end, I guess I doubt the claim that the (core, real) Mongol Empire was That huge and great. It might not be. But that Mongol Empire has an extensive legacy, is true.
But this is just my opinion lol. I’m no historical Hetalia person myself. I’m just whatever-makes-me-happiest Hetalia.
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eruverse · 1 year
Finding out that Turkey’s origin story is rather similar to Mongolia
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eruverse · 1 year
Found out Mongolians have 90 days free visa to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. The only countries in Central Asia that give this privilege, basically. The two first countries make sense, but Uzbekistan also… that’s rather pleasantly surprising to me! Does that mean in Hetalia sense Mongolia and Uzbekistan have warm-ish relationship?
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eruverse · 1 year
I should’ve given Mongolia a human name (bc I gave human names to Kaz and Uz, even tho I prefer using country names for writing) but his name, Mongolia [Монгол] is already perfect like you possibly can’t get more perfect than that. He was already born perfect y’all. I love that name so much.
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eruverse · 1 year
In many ways I’m glad no one really does Mongolia the way I do, this means he is only MINE, I am a very possessive and exclusive person actually
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eruverse · 1 year
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Just some hours after I wrote a fic about a romantic Montur rooftop smoking date in Ulaanbaatar…
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eruverse · 1 year
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@justknocking no 2 is literally Monkey child omg
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eruverse · 1 year
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I want to draw this #4 here when dude got accepted
Anyway, Organization of Turkic States:
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(I don’t know much abt Hungarian history but nice)
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eruverse · 1 year
But basically really, Mongol Empire wasn’t *that special* in a way that its systems had roots in the well established nomadic system it was a part of and what had long predated it!! Even if sure, it was successful at expanding even BIGGER than Göktürk!! (personally speaking tho, I’ve said this before BUT I don’t really consider the full extent of Mongol expansion as purely of ‘Mongol Empire’ but more of a byproduct of Mongol legacy, as it was done not always in the name of Mongol Empire but in the name of the Khanates which made its divisions after it was well disintegrated).
I think what were purely Mongols’ were Chinggis Khan and the yam system (which were already super great as they were ofc).
Yes I’m saying this because I like to knock Mongolia down one peg or two.
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eruverse · 1 year
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eruverse · 1 year
A bit of genetic stuff here for references
This is a general y-dna haplogroup (inherited from paternal chromosome Y) map:
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Mongolians and Kazakhs are clustered together under C2 haplogroup (here it’s C3, they’re the same). C2 is the most common ydna haplogroup in both Mongolia and Kazakhstan, and in the case of Kazakhs it means they often have Mongol fathers. This makeup only happened after Mongol expansion to Central Asia under Mongol Empire.
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But obviously, Kazakhs are more diverse in general. Haplogroup C2 shows up in 36% of the above samples but idk if it’s representative enough. There are more ydna types like R1b (Western Europe), R1a (Eastern Europe), and G1 is probably Iran.
Haplogroup O is E/SE Asia. K is more unclear, maybe South/SE Asia, maybe West/Central Asia…
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J2 is common around Western Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the Caucasus. Interesting that C2 is lost here. Mongolian heritage among Uzbeks are evident, but this means Uzbeks don’t commonly have Mongol related fathers (so maybe they mostly got it from their mothers?). Modern Uzbeks also are basically a mix of nomadic Uzbeks from Golden Horde era and local sedentary population (+ Uzbekified locals). The loss of C2 here prob also means that nomadic Uzbeks (who had to be Mongolian shifted, being from Golden Horde) were minority among the gene pool.
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Kyrgyz are dominated by ydna R1a. It’s common among Eastern Europeans/Slavs, with its origin still debated. Also has a high frequency in Central Asia and near Altai mountains. Kyrgyz people look about similar to Kazakhs and have received lots Mongolian genetic influences from Mongol Empire era, but perhaps this means they mostly got the genes from their mothers and not fathers? Modern Kyrgyz also descended from Yenisei Kyrgyz people who lived around north of Mongolia in medieval era, and it was said that they had ‘red hair and green eyes’.
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eruverse · 1 year
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Exhibit reason #5 why I ship them lol
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