#ok that’s it thanks for indulging my rambling hehe :D
azalea-bee · 3 months
@juicezone the other part of your question!! :D
this ended up getting super long bc i had so many thoughts about various dc characters so hopefully u don’t mind hehe
9. do they identify with any specific labels (regressor, flip, pet regressor, etc.)?
dick- he thinks of himself as a cg! i think he definitely regresses too but it takes him a while to come to terms with it. eventually he gets comfortable with calling himself a flip :]
tim- ooh. i’m conflicted bc i love other people’s regressor tim headcanons a lot but in MY head i mostly see him just being a babysitter sometimes!
cass- definitely a regressor but not aware there’s a word for it yet. she makes a great cg too bc she can instantly tell when someone goes baby mode :D
jason- a regressor! the babiest guy ever. he hates it but it helps him a lot so he learns to work with it <3
duke- maybe regressor? i haven’t made up my mind about about him yet, i need to read more of his stuff :] but i think maybe an older kid regressor!!
damian- regressor! and also a pet regressor, not sure what kind of animal though? cat and/or dog most of the time probably :]
barbara- babysitter mostly! in my head she wouldn’t want to be solely responsible for anyone as an official cg but she doesn’t mind watching someone occasionally! usually cass. and she’s also great for helping out over comms if someone regresses on patrol by accident <3
steph- i picture her as a tween/teen regressor most of the time, like a 12-15ish range! i think it’d be so subconscious most of the time tho that she doesn’t notice or label it for a long time. i can also see her age dreaming to a younger age to play with other small friends!
kon- ooh. a flip! i think he’s already such a mom friend that it’d be pretty natural to take care of his friends. but he definitely regresses too, little kid range mostly! and i think he’d pet regress/dream to play with krypto sometimes too :D
bruce- idk what label he’d use, but i think he regresses around alfred sometimes! i don’t see him being a cg to his kids very often, but maybe with cass or dick if they ask him to :] and he’d take care of clark if needed too!
clark- regressor! he’s just a little guy :D
now for two who aren’t bats or supers (sorry) but i love them so i’m adding them:
cassie- regressor! to me she is a very wild/hyperactive regressor who is very difficult to corral due to her powers, but she really wants to be good! she just gets excited :]
bart- super wild regressor just like cassie, except he thrives on mischief and stubbornness lol. woe to anyone who has to watch them at the same time (it’s usually kon)
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yoonpobs · 3 years
Honestly back burner is a masterpiece, my SENSITIVE ASS NEVER EVER READS ANGST! !!EVER!! But back burner is just so delicious??? HOW DO I EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN how it makes me feel. I honestly love it so so much.
I truly hope you know that you’re an amazing writer and you make me go from 0 to 100 on the emotional scale i feel like a pregnant woman that let the hormones get the best of her 😭
Each week between the releases i legit re-read the whole story again, i think their relationship is very interesting and im also so curious about what goes through yoongi’s mind when oc throws a tantrum 😭 but also my man’s so adorable like he knows exactly what oc needs and he’s so observant its just really sweet how he takes care of her.
Dont even get me started on how hot he is when he gets mad bc- yeAh lets not go there but damn 🥵
Can’t wait to see what is gonna happen, but also with this story coming to an end im excited about what you will bring out in the future! If you plan on writing more that is ofc ☺️ tho i will miss yoongi and oc terribly 💔
Ok end of the ramble i’m so sorry this is a whole mess 💀
a masterpiece???? oh my!!! thank you so much for your high praise!!!!😭❤️
angst is definitely a genre that's a hit or miss bc while i love the pain im super sensitive too and i just want!!!! HAPPINESS!!!! but pain!!!!!! so i totally get you 🤣 thank you so much for giving back-burner a shot, it truly means the world to me 💕
you are too sweet!!! i try my best, and im just the most thankful for all the support i've received 🥺i'll always do my best to improve so more people can enjoy my works!!!! (i love the pregnant woman analogy bc my sister-in-law is pregnant and she goes through it every single day 🤣🤣)
oc and yoongi's dynamic *is* so interesting!!! i actually had an idea for a dynamic like this in a story for v long and decided to give it a shot w back-burner, and alas!!! here we are, almost 14 chapters in 😩
yoongi definitely has....thoughts about ocs tantrums 🤣 but above all, he's used to it and he reads oc so well!!! you're so right to say that yoongi is observant! he knows exactly what she needs/wants but at the same time is a lil idiot for dragging this out as long as he did 🤣
also...yoongi being hot when he gets mad is def for indulgent purposes 👀👀👀
and don't worry!!! i have many drabbles planned for oc and yoongi so they won't disappear so soon ❤️ their journey doesn't end once the official storyline does! so please anticipate their future too hehe 👀💕
please don't apologise!!! i loved reading this ❤️ thank you so much for your love and support!!! i hope the next chapter serves this story justice :D
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mooswords · 3 years
OKAY MOO, I’M CURRENTLY READING UR FIC “Home” AND I’M— THE END OF THE FIRST PART WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. “he always comes home” -> IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL CONTRAST TO THE BEGINNING!!! he gets lost in his OWN fields, and that’s saying something. however, despite that, the reader still being reassured (or as much as she can reassure herself) that he always comes home = he has the red string to BRING HIMSELF BACK TO THE READER = ALWAYS COMING HOME. I’M!!!! and i love the silly banter that opened the story. aLso HIS HESISTATION OVER TELLING THE READER THE JOB HE WAS ASSIGNED... BECAUSE HE WAS WORRIED ABT THE READER.... AKDKSKKSKS. the fact he didn’t accept the offer immediately DESPITE being so in love with the sea and waited for reader’s permission is such a SMALL thing, but when you describe his love for the sea as superior, that action shows he loves the reader even more and i just- SLKDKAKDKSK. i might be over-reading and i apologise if i do bUT DO COMMENT ON IT THANK U!! 🤩💜 - ava
u sent me these eons ago and i promise i wasnt ignoring you ive just been working like 10 hour days and i am Exhausted 😭😭 but all of these messages legitamately give me life, i am so incredibly grateful! <3 im so so glad you enjoyed this fic!! and you are NOT OVERREADING I LOVE TO SEE YOUR INSIGHTS!!!! it makes me fall back in love with the fic all over again! <3 
i am SO glad that him always coming home comes through! because it gets kinda dire in the middle of the fic so i wanted there to be that hope at the back of your mind that knew he always came home. but i wanted you to be stressed about it still so :) and silly banter is my favourite part of writing this guy, i had so much fun with it alskdf.
and ok i love u, you got everything i was trying to do there <33 like i was struggling to find the balance between her reluctance and supportiveness. thats a fun (and tricky) thing about established relationship fics i find... theres that depth of understanding that can make the interactions more interesting, but so much of it is unspoken. it was a good challenge! so its so GOOD to hear that it vibes right hehe
THE WAY KUROO PLAYS WITH THE STRING!!! THAT WAS SUCH A FOND MOMENT OMG AKDKSKDK. and it’s so interesting that it appeared before kuroo even left 👀👀👀
she already missed him 🥺🥺 i originally had him tug on her hair and then i went!!! wait!!!! we can do better than that!!!!!!!!
READER IS LOST WITHOUT KUROOO!!!! AKDKSKSK and i also love the little addition where despite it being a POUT, she holds it close to her heart. with the context of their banters + that little scene, it just shows me how much each appreciate every ounce of the other party which makes me SO SO SO SOFT AKDJSKDKSK. and then hitting me with the scene where reader is eating a meal alone??? a punch in the gut. when she realised she’s alone I TOO remembered that kuroo is gone and that softness established in the previous scene is sUCKED OUT—ASKDKSKSKSK. 
im just a little obsessed with the little things and gestures that make u fall in love with someone? like the specific way my friend twirls her pen while were in lectures, or how my dad has that one little smile when hes amused himself with his own joke... and for that to be a last lifeline for her to hold on to before he leaves :’))) I JUST LOVE EST RELATIONSHIP FICS OK?!
hehehe yes im sorry about that puch to the gut oops 😇 that was a scene i had super clear in my head before i started - the bright, bright string against the relative drab of the table and room.
i’m at the part where reader gets lost and let me tell u, the fact they have a WAY to communicate via string pulling alone is SO ENDEARING and just subtly hints they have been at this whole red string thing for AGES (or at least enough to form such an understanding). that’s ADORABLE and really strengthens the bonds they have together 
yessssssssssss as soon as i thought of this idea i knew it had to be an established relationship. i have it in my brain they have been married maybe 2-3 years?? i am such a sucker for unspoken understanding relationships :’)
“You push hurriedly through the crowd, ducking between market stalls and wagons. There’s no string to follow, but you don’t need it to find him today.” THIS SENTENCE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL in the context of the entire story. and what a perfect way to describe/show the reader that it’s THE DAY. MOO, you’re really serving such great kuroo x reader stories please continue AHHAHA
this entire fic was so self indulgent please dshlfkljadsb but im glad u like this line!! i tend to try visualise the scene like a movie first? and then write it, and this was also one of the first scenes that was super clear in my brain :D
402 DAYS!!!! I SEE WHAT U DID THERE 👀👀 also, is this is a little hint to how u had to wait until the end to see timeskip kuroo? HAHAHA that wld be adorable
WAIT YO THATS CLEVER? I DIDT EVEN- ava when i say that is a COMPLETE coincidence... i literally just picked a number that was longer than 365 days... breaking news i am a secret genius JKBDSCN
i also really liked the “in-between”: of reader’s life without kuroo. u can really see how integrated they are to each other’s lifestyle, and not only that, the scene where reader handles a twin’s birth (to me) strengthens how they’re reallllly soulmates. there is a low chance that kuroo knew reader was in a desperate situation, yet he pulled on the string at the time reader needed it. it’s just—telapathy but not really + soulmate system = SOULMATES. do i make sense? and i really love the details, like how we can trace back kuroo’s scar to a moment of reader’s life in the fic. putting it at the end sort of makes me reflect on their situations that happened simultaneously yet not really. it sort of fills me in with this,,, space. that the earth is so wide. i understand deeper what reader means by “oh he’s going to be gone for so long”. it’s just. wow. the earth is so big yk.
YES YOU MAKE TOTAL SENSE!!! it's such a lovey way of looking at it :') can they communicate and understand eachother like this cuz theyre soulmates? or just because they love each other and have learnt the other inside out?? hhnn this is why i love soulmate aus, theres so much to pull apart!!!
and ok yes on the topic of how big the earth is... im so glad u mentioned this, its my favourite part because (not to get like... super sappy or anything) i was writing this through the toughest stages of our second lockdown. our restrictions got to the point we werent allowed further than 5km from out homes, so writing about freedom and big spaces and exploration of far off places was such a nice escape for me :’) this fic has ended up very close to my heart. (plus i was reading @/w-yuren’s hq0819 series at the time so i had travel and adventure on the brain hehe) 
THE ENDING.... THE ENDING.... THE WAY KUROO ASKED READER TO KI** HIM—IT’S LIKE THE KUROO IN MY HEAD YESSSSS. Gosh, this line too “when he kisses you he tastes like the sea; like salt-spray and dry rations and freedom.” may i have a director’s cut abt it :3 AND AKDJSKSK. i really love how the string appeared even tho they were together (the scene before kuroo docked on the ship) and once again, they are together, but none of them are lost because they r together-together. do i make sense? am i overreading things??? again, i have to comment on the banter. it’s simply amazing. kuroo’s replies are so,, KUROO, and they are filled with such FONDNESS I’M SO AKDKSKSK.
IM SO GLAD HE VIBES THANK U I THINK THE FONDNESS IS MY BIAS SHOWING BUT SHHHHH ;P you have picked one of my favourite lines out heheh it was one that just flowed out and wasnt one i particularly had to think about which is always nice. but i think it is a combo of me trying to be fancy lol and me being a huge fan of fantasy-books-set-on-ships. think like explorers or pirates, some rag tag bunch who have to set off on some quest and come back with some of that wildness imbued in their very being... yeah this line was definitely born from me Yearning i think :P
ooo do you mean the wedding scene? that was me trying to hit the ‘feeling lost in a crowd’ idea. you know when youre surrounded by people and joy and laughter and you just feel very small and disconnected? that.
ALSO READER’S DYANAMICS WITH KARASUNO CHARACTERS IS ADORABLE AKDKSKSKK. the festival scene was such a breather and it was adorable to see her interact with those characters. it feels like a snapshot in her life i simply adore that :3
ahh yea! i wanted her to have a life, you know? shes not the type to mope around, like life goes on. that doesnt mean she doesnt miss him oof but theres a whole community around to support her too!! and im very fond of takeda in this scene :’) he takes care of his crows <3
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
hi hi hello! just wanna stop by and say that i absolutely love your writing! :D i just binge read your masterlist (the crowd goes wild!!! i love your work) but i wanna talk about living treasure and by all graces above am i astonished. amazed. in love. your style is eloquent and i love how you captured the relationship between zhongli and the reader. the times around them change but neither of them don’t (such a lovely trope! immortality finally being spent together by two people after countless years of yearning.. the burden of loneliness that comes along with it disappearing because they finally have someone to share happiness and peace with.. i will never get tired of it). i love how you wrote zhongli coming into terms with his feelings for his dear friend who has always been there for him; how he finally managed to get a grasp of what his elder told him all those millenia ago (even if he went through, like, 3 different names before he finally settled with his feelings, but we love him nonetheless). i also want to point out how the reader changed from seeing zhongli as their superior, only friend left, trusted acquaintance, to finally their lover. it was so cute, honestly. kinikilig ako habang binabasa ko interactions nila (especially when old habits die hard! when they can’t let go of how they usually address each other.. it kind of ropes me in with the sappy disbelief that wow, these two are finally together, i can’t believe it). this is the kind of slow burn that you wouldn’t realize is actually slowburn because of their very very obvious mutual pining. i mean, slow burn nga yata kase ?:!? daming taon na nakalipas saka lang naging sila nung modern liyue na LOLLLL still i love it!!! would 100% indulge myself more in tropes/ideas like these hehe
tldr; i love this fic, i love zhongli, and i love your writing! thank you so much for your hardwork in delivering such a beautiful piece like that. reading your works made me happy (well, that one childe fic, if you know what i’m talking about, is locked in the depths of my heart lest i go through another crying session) and i truly felt how beautiful love is, how wonderful it is to experience it with such amazing and well-written characters. sorry for the long rambling hehe i just can’t contain my love!!! once again thank you, thank you, and have a wonderful day!
- 🏮 (p.s - 2am ko ito isesend sa ask box mo pero who cares matutulog ako na may ngiti sa mukha ko yieee)
oHHHH my goodness ok. OK. I need to sit down and take a minute for this one bc anon, you legitimately made me tear up (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) this genuinely makes me so, so, so happy you don't even know!!! your ask means so much to me I can't even express it in words :"((((( please, please don't apologize for rambling!! it's such a joy to see people enjoying what I made and it's so encouraging to see it (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) in fact I have a long ramble for you too HAHAHA UNO REVERSE
when I started living treasure I was like,, super terrified HAHAHA it was my first multichap fic and I was just like 'i don't know what I'm DOING I don't know WHATS GOING ON let's just WING ITTTT' so it honestly just blows my mind that people enjoy it so much ( ;∀;) thank you for enjoying my fever-dream writing, it seriously means so much to me HHHHHH NAKO UMIIYAK NA AKOOOOO HUHUHU
I tried to do zhongli justice and did a lot of research (on both actual Chinese history and in-game lore) to write the fic bc my friends adore him and I wanted to make something worthy for em <33 I even logged into the game and went to all the locations I was writing about so I could see if it fit the scene I was writing HAHAHA (yes, I even entered the golden house domain to look at the interior so I could write it accurately. it also was an excuse to visit Childe but you didn't hear that from me.)
while writing the fic i tried to keep in mind that reader and zhongli had to have a sort of natural, mutual codependency even before they caught feelings, like you couldn't have one without the other. hHHH I don't know how exactly to explain it but like it's not so much of a needy 'i can't live without you and need you to be able to live.' it's more of an 'i can stand on my own and have done so for so long, but I want— and deliberately choose- to walk my path with you and share your burden.' idk if I explained it right HAHAHAHA but I wanted to express that sort of coexistence through even the smallest details, down to the mentioned dragon and phoenix robes from the people of Liyue (which, if I'm not mistaken, are usually used for the emperor and the empress/royal consort? pls do correct me if it's inaccurate info TT) I'm really happy that that came across!! they're oblivious idiots who took thousands of years to realise their feelings but they're oblivious idiots in love <33
once again, thank you so, so much for enjoying my work and taking the time to send this in!!!! it's so encouraging to hear feedback from people who read my work, especially now since I've been a bit discouraged about my writing lately (kasalanan ko yan kasi I over-critique it for absolutely no reason HAHAHA). I'm sincerely grateful for this, I can't express it enough <33
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