#oh yeah another thing their kingdoms were definitely affected by their absence
quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, I decided to make my designs for the All Ancients Disappear au that I’ve talked about before
I’m not sure I fully explained it before (I probably did) but basically the setup here is that when the Ancient Heroes fought Dark Enchantress Cookie, instead of just Pure Vanilla, all of the Ancients vanished and became trapped in the void, until Gingerbrave and his friends showed up that is. And like Pure Vanilla, they all lose their memories
I tried to name them all after roles, and you can see the names there. Winged Cookie however is a name that @ifreakinglovedragons suggested because I was asking for help with it, and I’ll be honest, I can’t come up with anything better
With their designs, for Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry, I just straight up took their designs from preexisting designs of theirs, and with Dark Cacao I took some inspiration from both Dark Choco’s new design and Dark Cacao’s younger one. For Golden Cheese and White Lily though, I kind of had to try and make something up. I ended up sort of basing their designs on Black Raisin and Seaweed Cookie, two cookies with nothing to do with the cookies, but I thought their designs looked good. Originally I was gonna say Golden Cheese was the weakest design, but I changed it up during the lineart phase and honestly I quite like it now. To be honest, now it’s Dark Cacao’s design I feel is the weakest. I tried to keep their outfits all fabric based, since they aren’t supposed to have anything that defines them. Originally I was gonna give Sage a lily pad for her shawl, but it broke that rule, so I changed it
Now let’s see, these characters on their own
Healer Cookie is basically the same as he is in canon, since the au doesn’t really affect him
Huntress Cookie finds going on adventures to be quite fun, but she can’t shake the feeling there’s someone she’s missing, but she doesn’t know who. She tries to keep it in the back of her head, but it’s always there (this person is Royal Berry)
Warrior Cookie feels that sense of off-ness far more strongly, and has this overwhelming feeling there’s something that he’s supposed to be doing, something he’s supposed to protect, but he doesn’t know what. But he fears that it’s something he’s too late to do, and he’s failed (what he’s thinking about is the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and likely Dark Choco, who I’ll talk about in another post sometime). Also I might make him mute? I have a headcanon that Dark Cacao used to not talk, and perhaps this comes back here. He does eventually talk, but it’s not till he regains his memory
Sage Cookie also feels a sense of wrongness like Warrior Cookie, but she doesn’t feel this drive to do something, only a sense of dread. She wishes to know what this is, but at the same time is afraid (Dark Enchantress Cookie)
Also, I haven’t quite figured why White Lily is here, because Dark Enchantress is still around as well, or at least that’s how I originally envisioned it. I just don’t know what the canon explanation for White Lily being there is. Though, I am currently toying with the idea of White Lily and Dark Enchantress somehow merging together into what we’re calling Sage Cookie. I mean, most of her actual body is currently covered, including her other eye, who’s not to say that under that hair she has a red and black eye with perhaps some purple bits to her dough? And under that hood, a small pair of horns? I dunno, I’m considering it, but not sure if I’ll do it. It kind of leaves the story without an antagonist
As for Winged Cookie…I don’t know, because I don’t have any canon Golden Cheese material to work with. All I do know is she doesn’t fly (her wings are under her cloak), but like Warrior Cookie, she will eventually
Now, as for what these five are doing, I have two ideas and I’m not sure which one I like more. Yes they’re all wandering Earthbread trying to figure out who they are (or doing other stuff), but it’s how they do it that I’m debating
Option 1 is that they all come back, but not near each other, and each of them wander to the corners of Earthbread. I’d say this is the option where they’d be less inclined to search about their past, as they may not suspect much is up
Option 2 is that they all appear in relatively the same location, and meeting each other they all decide to travel together because “hmm, so all five of us just so happened to all appear here in the same place at the same time, and none of us have our memories. There’s no way that’s a coincidence, how about we all stick together to find out what’s going on?” And so because of that, this is the one where they’re a bit more active in figuring out the truth, because it’s a very strange circumstance. Assuming Episodes 9-10 still happen with Healer Cookie, then they all wind up in the Raisin Village and help out around the village
I actually ended up making option 2 because I thought it would be funny how these five were all super close friends who traveled the world together, and even now when they all have amnesia, they’re still doing that, unaware this is what they used to do. They probably have discussions at night about who they used to be and how they might know each other. They sometimes wonder if perhaps they were all enemies, unaware of the truth. That thought to me was just funny
But yeah, not sure which version to do
But yeah, I think that’s everything about this au, specifically for these characters, that I have. However I do have more, so perhaps I’ll be able to actually go and post more of it sometime. Hope you like it!
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
M’Baku’s Love- Chapter 5
Hey y’all, here’s the next chapter of M’Baku’s Love. Make sure you check out my masterlist HERE to catch up and to read my other stories! As usual, let me know what you think or if you want to be tagged!
CW: smut
Word count: ~6300
A week later, Shuri’s assistant Nia decided to throw a party. She had invited all of the staff to her place, and as luck would have it, Monae and M’Baku both showed up. Alone. Neicey, who he had gone on a second date with and actually had started to enjoy spending time around, had to babysit her cousins and Derrick was out of town on a business trip to LA. When Monae and M’Baku laid eyes on eachother it was the first time they had seen one another since Monae stormed out and left him alone in that Mexican restaurant. He was the first to look away, which surprised Monae and left her with an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she tried not to dwell on it. It had been too long since she got to unwind and have some fun, so she was determined to have a good time and not let his avoidance get to her. 
Her coworkers were definitely having a better time than she was. Whoever was in charge of the music had the vibes just right and there was the perfect ratio of people dancing to people hanging around, talking, and in many cases flirting. M’Baku had caught the eye of Tonya, one of the volunteers and she stuck by his side the whole night, laughing at his jokes that weren’t that damn funny and touching his arm whenever the opportunity presented itself. Monae rolled her eyes and took a sip of her beer before heading to the other side of the apartment to get away from them.  After about an hour and two more beers later, Monae decided that she had been there long enough and went to the kitchen to recycle her last bottle when she found M’Baku there, alone, browsing the table full of snacks. 
He looked good in his crisp white tee and jeans. He wore a wooden bead necklace with a snarling gorilla pendant that hit around mid-chest on him. His line-up was fresh as always and that precious gap in his teeth seemed to shine brighter every time she saw him. He took a  sip from a red cup as he looked her way. 
“Are you just going to ignore me forever?” she asked the almost giant, fueled by liquid courage.
“I am not ignoring you, I am giving you space.” he said matter of factly, taking another sip of whatever he had in his cup.
“DId I ask for that?” she started to draw attention from outside the kitchen.
“Let us have this conversation outside, eh?” He led her through the party, and out the door to the hallway. “Ok now, I know you did not specifically ask that of me, but I felt you needed it and would come to me when you were ready.”
Monae immediately deflated. She had planned to be mad at him and he was ruining the speech she had been brewing in her head all night. 
“Oh, I um. I thought,” she sighed and pushed her glasses up her nose, “I thought you were mad at me for blowing up at you, which would’ve made sense if you were-”
“No, I should not have inserted myself into your relationship business. It was rude of me, and I will not do it again.” She could see the sincerity in his eyes as he reached his hand out to shake hers. “Friends?” 
“Yeah, friends again,” Monae agreed as she shook his hand. “So where’s your girlfriend?”
“Neicey is not my girlfriend.” he responded in haste, almost tripping over his words.
“Neicey? I’m talking about Tonya, the one in there hanging on your every word. She’s probably missing you.”
“Hm. And what of Darryl?” M’Baku asked, purposely butchering the man’s name just to be a dick.
“Derrick.” she rolled her eyes. 
“Yes, Derrick. What of him? Surely he does not know how beautiful you look tonight in his absence.” M’Baku took a step back to take in her appearance. Monae wore a purple bodycon dress that showcased every curve on her voluptuous body. It paired nicely with her new maroon colored fade and eyebrows, and the sneakers on her feet gave the outfit just the right amount of casual flair. Her gold jewelry sparkled against her caramel skin and the dark purple lipstick on her lips was just as crisp as when the night started.
“You’re right, and it’s gonna stay that way,” Monae threatened as she pointed her finger in his face. He snapped his teeth at her and she let out a giggle that he had been missing for days. “If you bite me I’m beating that ass, M’Baku.”
The warrior let out a belly laugh that damn near shook the hallway.
“Please, spare me the pain.”
“Oh, you scared?” Monae squared up playfully and he pulled her in close, grabbing her arms and pinning them behind her back despite her best efforts to get free from his grasp. 
“See? Too easy.”
Monae melted into him as she stopped fighting and he pulled back to look at her again. After a few moments, neither had let go and the two of them started swaying back and forth to the loud music spilling from their friend’s apartment. Monae laid her head against his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head. He let her arms go and they slid around his broad shoulders. His hand rested at the small of her back, and their feet moved in sync, carrying them to the beat. 
“This is nice,” Monae spoke into his chest.
“Mm.” was all he could say. He kissed the top of her head before leaning down and burying his face in her neck, taking in her scent. 
Monae was now faced with a serious dilemma. She had already decided to end things with Derrick, but she hadn’t exactly told him yet. In her mind she was free to do what she wanted, but in reality that ring on her finger weighed her down once more, so she pulled back from M’Baku’s warm, vanilla-scented embrace.
“M’Baku, I should leave. It’s getting late,” she said as she took a step back, her small hands travelling down his muscular arms to his much bigger ones and intertwining their fingers.
M’Baku checked his watch and was surprised to see it was well after midnight. Thankfully it was a Saturday and the only plans he had for the next day were chores and lazing around watching more tv.
“I will walk you home. Come on, did you leave anything inside?”
“No, I’m good to go,” she pointed to the small purse slung across her body.
He stuck his arm out for her to take and she gladly took it before he led them down the stairwell and out into the cool night. She stayed close to him as she shivered from the windy 60 degree weather, so he pulled his arm from her grasp and placed it around her shoulders to keep her warm, the weather not affecting him in the slightest. Her body immediately felt better, happy to be kept warm and especially happy to be so close to him. She took in his scent once more and tried to place his cologne. He smelled of vanilla and something else, something “masculine.”
“Better?” he asked.
“Much, thank you.”
“No need to thank me,” he cleared his throat, “that is what friends are for.”
“Hm, yeah, friends...M’Baku can I ask you something?”
“Of course, anything you want to know.”
“What you said at the restaurant the other day, did you mean it?” she looked up at him and made eye contact.
“Every word. Monae, even without my painfully obvious feelings for you-” Monae cut him off with a sarcastic gasp and he booped her nose. “-hush. Even without those feelings I would have said the same thing. He does not respect you, Monae, and I do not like seeing my friend disrespected like that. And as someone who would love to be much closer to you, I do not like seeing you suffer when you could have someone better.”
His confidence reverberated down into her core.
“Better, huh?”
“I could give you a whole kingdom if you wanted it,” he stopped them and stared deep into her eyes. She moved in closer without even realizing it, but he did and followed her lead until they were almost nose to nose.
“I-I want you to know that I...I thought about what you said,” she stuttered out as his hand wrapped around her waist for the second time tonight, “and you’re right. I realized it as soon as I left. When he comes back from his business trip, I’m going to break the news to him.” 
Without saying a word, he pulled her in the rest of the way and kissed her. Monae melted under his touch, but pulled back before she got too carried away. She smiled at him and he smiled back, both of them feeling a little air-headed after the kiss.
“Let’s keep moving, it’s just a couple more blocks.”
“How could I forget? That was also a very good night,” he grinned while Monae blushed, both reminiscing on their first kiss. They walked the last two blocks in comfortable silence, his arm still slung over her shoulder and her fingers intertwined with his, completely engulfed by their size. When they arrived at the door to her apartment building neither wanted to part. Monae went back and forth in her mind about what she should do. She knew that the right thing would be to say goodnight and go their separate ways, but she wasn’t in the mood for doing the right thing. 
“Would you want to come up? I know it's late but I’m enjoying your company,” Monae asked, hoping he would say yes.
“Are you sure that is such a good idea?” he asked her with his eyebrow raised and head cocked to the side. He knew what would most likely happen if he stepped through that door, and while he was 110% on board, he wanted to make sure they were on the same page.
“I can behave myself if you can,” she flirted, fluttering her eyes at him. It wasn't the answer he wanted, but who was he to turn down her offer? 
“It is you who cannot behave, Monae. I am simply an innocent bystander,” he responded with a wink as she unlocked the door and he held it open for her. They walked up the three flights of stairs as they went back and forth arguing over who can and can’t keep their hands and lips to themselves. When they arrived at her apartment she took a deep breath before unlocking the door and letting M’Baku into her world.
He stepped through the door and what he saw was almost exactly what he expected. It was a quaint little apartment that smelled like fresh baked cookies, with huge colorful tapestries and paintings covering the walls. He noticed everything, from the dishes in the sink to the photos on the wall in the hallway leading to what he presumed to be her bedroom. He noticed a small table in the corner that was covered with a white lace tablecloth and had old pictures, a glass of water, and a candle burning. He recognized it as a shrine or altar and became even more intrigued. He walked over to take a closer look.
“Are these your ancestors?” he asked Monae, noticing the resemblance between her and the people in the old black and white photographs. She came up on his left side and looked at the old pictures with him, staring at the faces of her family members that came before her,
“Mhm, this here is my parent’s at their wedding, and that’s my great granddaddy over there with his seven brothers and their wives. My great grandma on her porch in South Carolina, my baby cousin who passed when he was two, and my great aunt Tootie” she pointed out her family members as he silently thanked them for bringing Monae into the world.
He continued to look around and was confused by an oddly shaped piece of carpet-covered furniture in the corner until he saw a small cat sit up and stretch before coming over to greet Monae.
“M’Baku meet Juju, Juju meet M’Baku,” she said as Juju rubbed herself against M’Baku’s legs.
Monae found it strange considering Juju never liked anyone, not even Derrick after all these years.
“I take it she approves of me?” He asked, leaning down to pet her and generating a purr that erupted from her vocal chords.
“Seems that way. You know, she’s not normally a people person.”
“Yes, but I am not just any ‘people’”he flashed his cocky grin and Monae rolled her eyes playfully at his mild arrogance. 
“Anyways, want anything to drink? Or a snack?” She asked as she walked towards her small kitchen.
M’Baku wandered around the rest of the living room area with Juju on his heels, taking in everything he could. He noticed the bookshelf in the corner was full of books on Black American art and history, some of which he would definitely ask to borrow. The pictures on the blue accent wall behind the couch caught his eye and on the way over he noticed the low coffee table covered in colored pencils and sketch pads of various sizes. He avoided the cat toys on the ground and walked past a small garden of assorted plants in the windows. 
“Uh, just water, thank you.” He responded as he stopped on a picture of Monae with a younger girl that looked just like her, but with braids instead of a fade. “Is this Jazz?”
Monae looked up from pouring water out of her Brita filter, almost spilling it everywhere. “Yeah that was from when I moved her into her dorm. The picture to the right is of all four of us at a family reunion right before my parents died. Then there’s a picture of my girls Ari and Yasmin, we met in college and we’ve been inseparable since. Then there’s me and your new best friend when I first adopted her.”
“No Darryl?” he smirked.
“He’s not one for pictures, but he’s not what I want to talk about tonight.”
M’Baku’s ears perked up and he turned around to face her as she brought him his glass of water and they sat down on opposite sides of the couch.
“Thank you. What did you want to discuss?” he asked, tamping his excitement down.
Monae bit her lip and looked away for a moment, deep in thought. He didn’t push, just sipped his water until she finally spoke.
“We’ve been sort of dancing around each other for a few weeks now and I think we should talk about it,” she said while leading him to the couch before the two of them sat down and she continued, “I know I’m still engaged for now, but I know you’re not going to be here very long and I don’t want to waste time. I like you, M’Baku. You’re charming and fine as hell and kind and fine as hell and I love how when you talk about the Jabari your eyes light up with so much pride in your people...it’s cute, you’re cute.” The whole time she was talking her nerves had her heart beating out of her chest. She knew he felt the same way, but vocalizing her feelings had never been her strong suit.
“Am I, now? I thought I was ‘fine as hell’.” he joked before she hit him with a small throw pillow.
“I’ll demote you to ‘just aight’ if you keep playing with me.”
He felt the need to keep playing. Aware of his own strength, he lightly threw the pillow back at her, smacking her dead in her face.
“Oh it’s on.”
She reached for the pillow, only to be pulled back into his grasp.
“Why are you so determined to lose fights today?” he asked her while restraining her yet again. She struggled against his grasp and jumped when he accidentally tickled her. His whole face brightened as a mischievous smile slowly appeared on his face. “Are you ticklish?”
“No!” She fought against him again to no avail. He started tickling her and she struggled to get out of his grasp. She couldn’t stop laughing and could barely get any words out. “M’Baku s-stopppp, ohmigod.”
Somehow he ended up on top of her when she struggled to get away. His face was mere inches from hers when he stopped and she opened her eyes. Without wasting any time, she pulled his face down, crashing their lips together. Their mouths moved in sync as the kiss started to heat up and Monae slipped her tongue into his mouth. Their hips grinded against each other as she opened her legs to let him in closer. She felt his hard dick rub against her and moaned into the kiss at the feeling of his third leg so close to her pussy. He felt the heat from her center and his hips involuntarily moved towards it, causing her to let out yet another moan.
M’Baku knew what she wanted, but he couldn’t give it to her just yet. He knew her relationship was over, but he wanted to wait and fuck her after she was fully single. However, he had no problem with making her cum in other ways. The chief pulled away and kissed down her neck to her collarbone and back up to her ear.
“Can I taste you?” he whispered to her softly, making her pussy even wetter for him.
“Please.” she whimpered.
The Jabari chief kissed down to her chest before looking back up at her for reassurance. She nodded her head and leaned forward to undo the zipper on her dress. It fell forward, releasing her breasts from their cradle and his mouth watered as Monae pulled the dress over her head and he was met with the sight of her almost naked body. All she had on was a pair of white lace panties and two nipple rings he had somehow not noticed before. M’Baku growled at the sight before going in for another kiss. His hands explored her soft skin and his lips eventually broke free of hers to kiss down to her chest. Her moans filled the room as his tongue swirled around her nipple, the piercings making her extra sensitive to his touch. 
He hadn't even gotten to her pussy yet and she was already losing her mind. Every kiss felt like fire as he kissed his way down the center of her body, but she stopped him as she remembered something important.
“Wait! I-I haven’t shaved or waxed in a while.”
“...ok, I am not following,” he said as his hands softly caressed her stomach and sides. 
“I mean, there’s hair down there.”
“That is how it is supposed to be, no?” he asked, genuinely confused by her concern.
“N-yes, but...I just wanted you to know in case it bothered you.”
M’Baku internally rolled his eyes at the thought of some hair stopping him from enjoying his meal. The American men she was used to dealing with had obviously made her self-conscious about her body, but he was going to show her otherwise.
“Something like that could never bother me,” he kissed her belly button, “I am a grown man, you are a grown woman, it is to be expected.” He kissed lower on her abdomen and he could feel the tension release from her body at his words.
His long fingers gripped the sides of her panties and he looked up at her. She nodded and he slowly pulled them down and off her body before staring between her legs. Monae started getting antsy after a minute of him just sitting there, and began to close her legs only to have him grab her knees to stop her. 
“You are beautiful.” he said, entranced by the folds of her pussy.  
“Show me just how beautiful.”
M’Baku chuckled and she grew concerned. She didn’t know what she just asked for, but she’d soon find out.
He leaned in to kiss her inner thighs, and she almost came from the sensation. When he bit into her she moaned out and he chuckled again. Cocky bastard, she thought.
His lips made their way to her center and lightly dusted her pussy as he spoke.
“Glory to Hanuman,” he said grace before digging into his late night snack. He slowly tongue kissed her pussy lips the same way he kissed her mouth and she let out a deep moan at the contact. He tongued her down and sucked on her clit like his life depended on it, and all she could do was call out his name. He switched gears and inserted his pointed tongue inside her while his fingers came up to play with her clit. His tongue was so thick and warm inside her, and the way his pillowy lips rested on hers as he tongue fucked her had her moaning to the heavens.
“Mmm’Baku, right there, uh!”
His tongue plunged deeper into her and swirled around her walls, making her cum all in his mouth. He drank it all up and returned to her clit, where his lips immediately closed in around her bud and sucked as his tongue played with her pearl. Monae got louder and louder and as he slid his two thick fingers inside her she busted on him again, covering his hand with her juices. He didn’t stop though, flicking her clit with his tongue as his fingers picked up speed inside her. He added a third finger and she cried out. He came up for air and hovered over her as his hand still worked her insides.
“If you cannot handle three fingers you cannot handle the rest of me,” he kissed her deeply and she loved how she tasted on his lips. He pulled back and stared into her eyes before connecting their foreheads. “Do you have one more for me, Monae?”
She nodded with a pathetic whimper and her head rolled back as he curled his fingers inside her as if he was coaxing her cum out of hiding. Her leg shook as a devious smile appeared on his face. His fingers moved quicker and her moans went up a few octaves and several decibels. Monae’s leg began to shake when he pulled out and rubbed her clit with her wetness dripping from his fingers.
“Come on, babygirl, cum on my fingers,” he said as he entered her once again, rubbing over her g-spot and causing her body to short circuit. The tension building in her lower half snapped when he tongue kissed her neck before taking a bite. Her juices flowed over his hand and onto the couch beneath them. He growled into her, removing his fingers and lightly tracing them around her oversensitive pussy. He sat up and licked his fingers clean without breaking eye contact as his other hand trailed up and down Monae’s still spasming thigh. 
She reached down and collected some of her wetness on her fingers,  bringing it to her mouth for a taste. The lust in his eyes grew as he watched her and so did his already stiff dick. He reached to adjust himself and Monae’s eyes followed his hand, bugging out of her head when she saw the size of it.
“Do not worry, I am not fucking you tonight,” he said with a soft smile.
“What?! Why not?” She sat up on the couch, his eyes being drawn to her bouncing tits.
M’Baku leaned in and softly kissed her lips before adjusting himself once more. She reached out to feel his dick for herself and he let her grab it. She had no idea how that thing was going to fit inside her, but she was gonna try her damnedest. She stared up at him with her best begging eyes and rubbed his dick through his jeans making his breath pick up pace, but his hand came to gently move hers away. He brought it to his lips for a kiss and she pouted.
“Don’t give me that look, babygirl. You can get this when you’re single.” he gripped his dick and her pussy jumped. 
“So you just do all that to me and dip? Nigga my legs don’t work!” she said, indignant that he even considered leaving. They both broke into laughter.
“I am sorry about your legs.”
“No, you’re not.”
“You are right, I am not sorry in the least bit.”
They laughed again before he leaned in for another soft kiss.
“You don’t have to go,” she spoke softly.
He kissed her forehead then her neck before standing upright and putting his shoes back on. When he turned to look at her she was sitting up looking like a goddess in her naked glory. The pout on her face refused to leave.
“Trust me, I do.” He kissed her lips, ”Break up with him, then I am all yours.”
With that he left, needing to get home and take care of himself as soon as possible. She fell back onto her couch, mind racing over what just occurred. They had admitted their feelings for each other and he had eaten her pussy so good she swears she saw somebody’s god. She didn’t know how to process what she just went through as she sat naked on her couch in a state of shock, already planning how to dump Derrick.
When Monday came, Monae and M’Baku were both unsure of what to expect from the other. He had spent the weekend panicking, hoping he didn’t come on too strong for her. What if she still stayed with Derrick? What if she thought him to be too promiscuous, out here tonguing down engaged women like he has no home training? He could have simply waited until Monae broke it off with Derrick, but he figured she would want to do it in person and he won’t be back in Oakland until Friday.
On the other hand, Monae had spent the entire weekend trying to ignore the lingering feeling of his tongue on her pussy. She had it bad. M’Baku had no business leaving her in that state, but she understood why he had to do it. She kept herself busy all weekend, trying not to just sit around and think about him, but when Monday arrived her anxiety came at her fast. Would it be awkward between them? Would he act like nothing happened? She wasn’t sure which one was worse.
As usual, they arrived at the same time and she was relieved to see him smile at her. She returned it and he lumbered over to help her carry her bags of whatever crafts she had lined up for the kids today.
“Here, let me,” he said as his fingers looped around the handle. “You know, you do not have to get these supplies yourself, there is plenty of money-“
She flashed her black card courtesy of the king himself. “Oh I don’t pay for any of this, your king does. You think I’d spend my money when I’m working for the richest man on earth? You must think I’m crazy.” She fussed as they walked into the building. He grinned the whole way, but it was short lived because as soon as they walked in they saw Neicey and Tonya, both of whom perked up upon seeing M’Baku. 
“You go ahead, I will bring this up in a little bit.”
“Mmmhm, I bet you will,” she said under her breath. “Hi ladies!” Monae waved before making her way around them and up the stairs. M’Baku could hear her cackling the whole way and would have fought a smile of his own had he not been faced with not one but two women with unreturned feelings for him. .
“So, M’Baku, are we still on for Friday? I got my dress already, it’s so pretty you’re gonna love it!”
Tonya shrunk into herself upon the realization that M’Baku was the guy Neicey had just been fawning over. She had hoped her flirting at the party was fruitful, but it didn’t seem to be.
“I’ll catch y’all later.” She said as she slunk away. 
M’Baku sent her a small smile and she rolled her eyes at him. He wasn’t sure why, but he let it go and returned his gaze to Neicey.
“So Friday, is that not the charity gala?”
“Duh silly, didn’t you know that when you asked me?” 
Not exactly, he thought to himself.
“Of course, I just uh forgot for a moment. Long weekend,” he brushed it off.
“Well how about you tell me about it over lunch?” 
“I cannot today, I am afraid I have already made plans with Monae.”
Neicey’s face soured at the mention of her name and M’Baku noticed.
“You sure do spend a lot of time with her…”
“Well yes, she is my friend.”
“Yeah but I’m trying to be more than just your friend,” she leaned in closer and grabbed his collar. “I want to do things to you that friends don’t do to each other. I wanna be more than that.”
He pulled away from her much to her dismay. Thankfully they were at work so it was easy to pass it off as professionalism.
“Neicey we are at work, and remember I am only here a couple more months.”
“I know, but still. I want whatever I can get.”
M’Baku cleared his throat and looked up to see N’Jadaka coming down the same stairs Monae just escaped on, so he took the opportunity to break away from Neicey and greet the royalty in his presence.
“Excuse me, Neicey,” he cut the conversation short and jogged over to the prince. “N’Jadaka, your timing could not have been more perfect.” He let out a small sigh of relief as the two of them continued down the hall to Nakia’s office.
“What’s up big man?”
“I need to talk to you,” M’Baku waited until they were out of earshot to continue. “It’s about Monae.”
N’Jadaka shrugged as he opened Nakia’s door and M’Baku looked in to see Nakia, T’Challa, and Shuri already in the middle of a discussion about the gala. 
“Might as well tell the whole class,” N’Jadaka said with a smirk planted on his face.
“Tell us what?” T’Challa asked, concerned there was a problem with the Center.
“It’s nothing bad, chill out T,” the prince reassured his cousin as he took the empty seat next to Nakia. The king nodded and motioned for M’Baku to continue.
M”Baku hated being put on the spot.
“Um, we should not have this conversation with sensitive ears around,” he nodded towards Shuri who rolled her eyes.
“I’m nineteen!”
“And?” he asked.
T’Challa cut in before the two started going at it, “Shuri can stay. Bast only knows what she’s heard living with N’Jadaka.”
The prince wanted to defend himself, but realized his cousin was right. 
“Alright, well,” he cleared his throat, “Monae and I had....relations.”
“Nigga just say y’all fucked, she ain’t a child!”
“We did not fuck, I ate her out, that’s all.”
“‘That’s all’? That’s a big deal, M’Baku. Is she still engaged?” the queen asked, all eyes turning to the Jabari chief.
“Yes.” M’Baku said after clearing his throat. N’Jadaka, Shuri and Nakia all spoke over each other.
“Daaaamn, that’s cold.
“And I, oop-.”
The king chuckled and his wife pinched his arm. 
“She’s calling it off-”
“There’s nothing to call off, they never even planned the wedding.” N’Jadaka said under his breath, also receiving a pinch from Nakia. “Ouch! Look here-”
“Hello, focus,” Shuri clapped her hands at her cousin who rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair, grumbling about being treated like a child. She turned back to M’Baku, “So what now?”
“I have no idea, but I inadvertently asked Neicey to be my date to the gala.”
“How do you accidentally ask someone to-“ T’Challa started and was cut back off by M’Baku.
“I asked her out for Friday but I forgot about the gala.”
“Daaaamn. You just got the sauce, huh?” the prince mused.
“I do not know what that means.”
“Neither do I,” T’Challa added.
“It means playboy over here has women flocking to him. Don't think I didn’t hear about Tonya trying to get her share, I hear everything around here.”
M’Baku groaned and put his head in his hands. Nakia got up to sit next to him and T’Challa slid into her vacant seat. 
“You really like Monae, don���t you?”
He looked up at her and nodded before looking down at his hands to avoid looking at anyone in the room. 
“Too much,” he confessed. “I know I will only be here until the end of the summer, but she...she brightens my day every time I see her. I never thought I would say this, but she makes me want to stay here.”
The other four Wakandans eyebrows all raised at his confession. 
“So this is serious? On both ends?” 
“I believe so.”
“Maybe she’ll come back with you? Or you two could try long distance-“
“Jabariland is too cold for her liking and I am unsure how well long distance would work.”
“It works for us,” Nakia and T’Challa both smiled warmly at each other.
“Yes but you two have history. That is no way to start a relationship.” M’Baku sighed. “I know it will be short-lived, but I want her as long as I can have her.”
Shuri hated to see M’Baku like this. He was usually so loud and confident, but this unsure in love version of him had her wheels turning. 
“What if we have a study abroad program? We could have students come learn Wakandan dance and other arts, then she could come back and forth to Wakanda for work. It would still be long-distance, but not all the time.” Shuri suggested.
“Munchkin’s got a point-“
“I’m nineteen!”
Shuri rolled her eyes at her insufferable cousin.
“The kids would love it. Challa?” Nakia asked her husband. 
“It might take a while to implement, there’s a lot of red tape, then there’s the issue of security-“
“But it’s possible?”’M’Baku asked with hope in his eyes.
“Maybe…” T’Challa really didn’t want to make any promises even though it was a good idea. 
“A maybe is better than a no!” Shuri was beaming. “M’Baku, I told you I hate that David guy-“
“Derrick” T’Challa laughed.
“I don’t care. Anyways, as I said before I’m Team M’Baku. You and Monae would be so cute.”
“We would,” M’Baku said, beaming from ear to ear.
“So what are you waiting for? You said it yourself, she’s done with him.”
“She’s done but he does not know that yet. He will be back Friday for the gala.” His jaw clenched at having to see Monae on his arm, but he then remembered he would be doing the same with Neicey.
“Ugh, it would be so much easier to fall for a single woman. Why did I do this?” M’Baku spoke to himself aloud.
The other four shared a look, all noticing that he said “fall” as though he were falling in love. There were a lot of unspoken words in that moment.
“The two of us can run interference if you need it.” Shuri offered, referring to herself and her big cousin.
“Yeah she’s a great anti-wingman. You know how many hookups she’s ruined for me? Too damn many.” N’Jadaka supplied as Shuri flipped him off. ”Trust me, she’ll be good at this.”
M’Baku’s wheels started turning now. If his friends kept Neicey and Devon busy somehow, he and Monae could have some time alone. He really hoped it would work, because otherwise the gala was going to be one long headache.
Next Chapter
Taglist:@maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @devnicolee
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foxcroft-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Congratulations, Janelle! Wow it’s almost like you’ve already been playing Willa ??? Wow how did you do that? Oh, yeah, you’re the admin. 
Thanks again for applying! Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the masterlist as soon as you can. Welcome to Foxcroft!
Name: Janelle
Age: 21
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Time zone: PST
Activity: I mean I run this… so I’m on as much as I can be. Getting off early in the mornings means I have a lot of free time.
Anything else?: N/A
Full name: Willa Lorraine Potter
There was a time when Willa’s mother hadn’t settled for the life of the housewife. Her hair was long and untamed. She was the kind of girl who followed her favorite band up the coast, the kind of girl whose smile was welcoming and warm and made her seem like she was within your grasp, but in reality she was oh so unattainable. The only traces left of that girl lie in her daughter’s name. She wanted to name her Willow, but Willa’s father wouldn’t allow it. Finally, the settled on Willa. It was respectable, but still a nod at her mother’s carefree past.
Her middle name was her father’s doing. Lorraine. It’s the name of her paternal great grandmother. Willa never met her. She died just before she Willa was born. Named after a woman she never met, it was her father’s way of honoring the woman, but not knowing her herself, Willa didn’t put much weight in it.
Date of birth: 11/24/1992
How long have they been in Foxcroft:
Endless white picket fences, cars pouring in and out of the suburbs just before 9 a.m. and just after 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday, tupperware parties. Foxcroft’s suburbs have played like old black and white television reruns over and over again, day after day, ever since Willa was born. The episodes change, but still everything seems the same, like a played out catch phrase or a tired show opening – Willa hated it. At the young age of fourteen Willa found herself jaded with conversations of whether to paint the cabinets eggshell or cream, and predictable played-out routines. From that point forward, Willa vowed her life would be interesting, damn it. She’d lose her mind if she ended up like her mother.
DEMI-ROMANTIC PANSEXUAL. She was the girl who fell in love with your mind, with the way you smiled at her, with the words you spoke. Gender didn’t matter. It was about the way you made her feel. But opening her heart was a challenge. She wasn’t cold, just closed off, too caught up in herself, in her thoughts and feelings — like the way vodka burned her throat as she drank until she couldn’t drink anymore. Or the way the fire warmed her fingertips when she struck a match. No, Willa felt everything. Loved everyone. She was just too scared to show it. Sex, on the other hand, was just another way to feel something without giving up too much of herself. It didn’t mean anything, but god did it make her feel alive.
FC change: lol no thx i basically have a shrine to phoebe tonkin she’s my tru god
How do you interpret this character’s personality? How will you portray them? Include two weaknesses and two strengths.
For Willa, there is before and there is after Adam’s death. The one constant is how tired she feels about her life. Adam and Neil made things feel easy. They howled at the moon, they stole six packs and chips from the local supermarket for kicks. Time stood still when the three of them together and it was as if they’d live forever. Immortals weren’t supposed to die — but Adam did.
When Willa found out about his death, time didn’t start again, it continued to stand still, but instead of feeling free, Willa felt trapped. It was as if the metaphorical walls of Foxcroft were closing in on her and she wasn’t strong enough to push back anymore. The free spirit that once was hadn’t died, but had been buried along with her friend’s corpse. Still, Willa endures, and her free spirit manifests in impulses. It comes when she jumps off the top of the ladder on the water tower, not entirely sure if she’ll make it to the ground alive. It comes when she picks fights with drunken patrons at Absinthe Minded who are much bigger and stronger than she is – but they don’t know Willa’s lost her last reason to give a damn. It comes in screams and broken mirrors and empty bottles of vodka. When Adam died, Willa lost her best friend, and when Neil went missing she lost the only person who could have anchored her, but he left, and she went off the rails.
Behind the impulses is a girl who’s terrified. She’s terrified of this town, terrified of losing the friend she’s pushed so far away, terrified of her own life. She could tear the skin from her bones if it meant escaping this prison. All she wants is to get out, but she doesn’t have a clue how. Willa lived for the interesting, to be free, but despite that philosophy she still had no idea what she actually wanted.
POSITIVE: free spirited, loyal, lively, protective
NEGATIVE: impulsive, uncertain, stubborn, immature
How did this character react to the death of Hazel Abrams? Adam Foxcroft? (1+ paragraphs)
Willa would never admit it, but she wasn’t really affected by Hazel’s death. She wishes she cared more, wishes she cried for her best friend’s lost lover, wishes she felt an absence in the group, but she just didn’t. For Willa, it was Adam, Neil and her against the world. Willa never felt like Hazel was truly a part of their little group, she was never really a Bad Kid. She was tacked on, and trailed along because of Neil. They were her boys, not Hazel’s.
Adam’s death, on the other hand, completely changed her. Every smoke she lit up, every glass of whiskey, every firework, every full moon, every star – it was all tainted. Everywhere she looked in the tiny town reminded her of Adam. Absinthe Minded, where they’d drink and sing along to The Clash until they wouldn’t remember it the next day. Rudford’s, where they ended up after a late night of setting fireworks off from the top of the water tower. Foxcroft was their little kingdom, but the king fell, and now all Willa sees is an empty throne.
How do they see the town and its people? Think about the different groups of people and prejudices the town holds about them. (1+ paragraphs)
Socially, Willa is free of many of the prejudices held by the people of Foxcroft. She grew up in the suburbs with a painfully middle class family. They weren’t religious, so Willa didn’t feel the stares that many people in Foxcroft felt as they drove down Sweetwater Road to Sunday service. Willa could have slid by unnoticed, but she was friends with a Foxcroft, and the town loved to gossip about the founding family.
Stealing from liquor stores and grocery stores didn’t help her case much. Willa became a bad example, a criminal. Unlike most people, she reveled in it. Being a delinquent, being a member of the bad kids club gave her something to be. She wasn’t the daughter of suburbia, she was the kind of kid your parents warned you about. In the light of the bonfires they put on at Foxcroft Cemetery, in the bottom of a bottle and the butt of a cigarette, Willa found herself. She didn’t care what anyone in Foxcroft thought of her. She never did.
For non-human characters: What does this character know about what they’ve become? Have they had any experiences that made them aware that weren’t exactly human? Elaborate. (2+ paragraphs)
The night Adam died changed everything for Willa, not just in how she felt, but who she was. Willa was with them, and then she wasn’t, the world in front of her disappeared into nothingness. Was she dead? Was she dreaming? Willa still doesn’t know. All she knows is she woke up in the middle of the swamps the next morning and that’s when they found Adam’s body. The headlines all said Neil did it, but Willa couldn’t help but feel some sort of guilt for what she’d seen. Had she been responsible?
Willa tries not to think about that night, tries not to relive the night her best friend died, but she knows that something changed that night inside her. She’s just too terrified to seek it out.
Please include 1-2 possible plots your see for this character (1 paragraph brief explanation for each)
There are two options here, and you only need to complete one.
Sample #1:  This is a starter for Marlene McKinnon in an AU Harry Potter roleplay.
Sample #2: This is a self para for my character, Matthew Quinn, a thirty-year-old werebear who was infected with the lycanthropy strain. Here he’s visiting his ex-girlfriend’s grave, who he killed when they both shifted and he discovered she was a weredeer. Basically he ate her.
How would you feel about this character dying?: She’s trying real hard to live, but ironically that puts her closer to death. She’s scared of what she thinks she can do right now, but I could see her maybe getting into things too deep eventually and it backfiring on her. Death is definitely a possibility for Willa.
Why did you choose this character?: Phoebe Tonkin. DREAMS. Lost babe trying to feel something and live an interesting life. PAIN. Sign me up.
Extras: pinterest board.
How did you find us?: I run this shit.
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