#oh to be manhandled by a 3 apples tall boy
thirstyvampyr · 1 month
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vol-ia · 7 years
Write-tober 3
I sure did write this! Maybe skip this one if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of a boy being aggressively measured by another boy.
1532 words, MA 15+: suggestive themes.
Eve winced at the sound of tearing fabric, gritting his teeth and opening one eye to look down and survey the damage.
Dangit. His shirt was ripped along the outside seam, where it had caught on the handle of the kitchen drawer. He could see his own tan fur through the opening, and it was definitely ruined.
It was a first run band shirt from back before the band changed their logo, occupying the frustrating space of being nearly worthless and yet impossible to replace, and it was one of Eve’s favourite articles of clothing.
Naturally, it would have to be rescued, and Eve happened to know just the person for the job.
Hoo boy. Finn was going to be so insufferably pleased to see him.
Ribbons was located in a pretty nice part of the shopping district, just far enough from the main street that you were unlikely to stumble upon it unless you knew it was there. From the street it was just an unassuming door with some stairs visible through the glass, with a hanging wooden sign done up to look like a white ribbon with pink and blue highlights, with the word “Ribbons” spelled out in a tasteful font, and an even more tasteful “Tailor” in smaller font underneath.
The air inside was slightly crisp, perhaps a touch more air-conditioned than Eve would have preferred. Soft music, some kind of inoffensive piano, echoed down the stairwell. Eve clutched the small plastic bag with his shirt inside, along with a few other things that were over-worn, and took a steadying breath. The trick was to be firm and assertive, he did it all the time at work.
The shop itself was small but neat, racks of clothing near the front, a raised platform with an assortment of mirrors up against a dividing wall, and beyond that, hidden by a curtain, was presumably some kind of work-space. Past the dividing wall, Eve could see out the tops of three vertical windows out onto the main street.
“Could it be? Am I graced with his presence?”
“Consider yourself graced.”
There was movement behind the dividing wall, and then the curtain was swept aside, a tall and lithe Sylveon ducking under the fabric and out into open view, one of his ribbons gently letting the curtain back down behind him.
“Eve!” His smile was blindingly bright.
“Heya Finn, long time no- whoa!” Eve exclaimed, taken aback as the larger fox nearly lifted him off of his feet in a tight hug. “Aw come on, it hasn’t been that long!”
“Far too long!” Finn beamed down at Eve with his piercingly blue eyes. “Feels like it’s been years.”
“Well, it hasn’t! I’ve just been, you know, busy. Work.” Eve grinned, gently trying to pry Finn off of him and failing. One of his ribbons had wound its way around his back and was holding him close, showcasing their unusual strength for such delicate looking appendages, and another was attempting to relieve him of the bag he was holding.
“Yes! Work. Your time is quite precious, so I shan't waste a moment of it.” Finn glanced at the ribbon as it stole the bag and lifted it up for him to inspect. “You’re still wearing this?”
“Y-yeah. It’s a collectable.”
“It’s off the rack!” Another ribbon plucked the shirt from the pile and held it up. “And at least two sizes too large.”
“It’s comfortable!” Eve was beginning to feel a little indignant, and not just because of the judgement of his choice of baggy clothing for around the house. Finn seemed to have forgotten about the fact that he had pinned Eve up against him. He squirmed a little, trying to peel the ribbon off of his chest. “Can I, um-”
“Oh! Sorry.” Finn chuckled, the picture of forgetful innocence. The ribbon lifted itself away, and he stepped backward, although not too far. “They have a mind of their own, sometimes. Can I offer you some tea while I have a closer look at these?”
Eve cupped the mug in both hands for warmth, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Hmmm. Well, I can sew this and the seam won’t be too noticeable… All of these are really worn out though. You should let me draw you up an entire new w-”
“No, thank you.” Finn always tried to up-sell. He seemed to think that if every piece of clothing you owned wasn’t tailored, you were doing it wrong. “I just want it fixed.”
Finn pouted. “Fine. At the very least, can I take in the extra fabric? It’ll be more comfortable if it fits properly, I promise.”
Eve sipped his tea thoughtfully. “I guess…” He did tend to prefer loose, what with his voluminous mane and tail. Still, Finn’s white shirt was so closely fitted that it would have been impossible to tell where it ended and his short white fur started if he didn’t have the sleeves rolled up on his arms, and he always seemed perfectly comfortable.
Finn brightened up considerably. “Great!” He deftly plucked the mug out of Eve’s hands and placed it on the counter, his ribbons snaking out of nowhere and wrapping around both of Eve’s wrists. “Come on then! I’ll only be a minute.” He turned and made his way to the raised platform, his ribbons unceremoniously dragging Eve along behind him by the wrists.
“H-hey! D-didn’t you say it was just two sizes?” Eve stumbled, trying to pry the ribbons off as he was manhandled.
Finn rolled his eyes as he half guided, half lifted Eve onto the platform. “Pfft. That’s just a rough estimation! I don’t do estimates, I do precision.” The way he brandished the tape measure he had produced, it sounded like a threat.
The time for protesting was clearly over. Eve bit down on a squeak as his arm was lifted out of the way by a ribbon, the Eevee trying not to flinch as one end of the tape was held against his armpit and Finn’s other hand traced down his side to the waist. Finn glanced from the tape measure to the pen and notepad that had also been pulled from wherever he kept his tools, his ribbons taking notes as he leant closer, passing the tape around Eve’s waist and drawing it tight, eliciting a small gasp from Eve.
He clicked his tongue. “Tsk. Too many takeout nights, I think. Not that I mind, it’s cute on you.”
Okay, now Eve was blushing. Whatever weak protest he was trying to muster when the tape was shifted, squeezing down on his chest as Finn pulled it maybe a little tighter than was necessary. Eve went to tug at it, but the soft ribbon that had pulled his arm up hand never gotten around to letting go, and it gently fended him off.
“Take a deep breath for me, there’s a good boy.”
Eve hated that his breath caught in his throat, even as he did what he was told.
“Mmm, good. Now, don’t squirm too much this time.” The tape was pulled away, Finn cracking it like a miniature whip and stepping up onto the platform as well, looming over Eve with his implacable, predatory grin and his icy blue eyes. He bought both hands up and pulled the tape around the back of Eve’s neck, curling it around his throat tight enough that Eve swallowed reflexively, feeling it brush against his adam’s apple.
Finn held eye contact for just a moment, smiling at whatever he was imagining as he looked down at Eve, one finger holding the tape measure to the Eevee’s throat and the other holding the length of it a short way off, not unlike a leash.
And then, he stepped back down, pulling the tape away. The dull scratching noise of his ribbons taking notes receded as he walked back to the counter, putting his tools down and picking Eve’s mug back up.
“Alright, that’s all I need. Thanks for playing along!”
“Y-yeah. I, uh, n-no problem.”
Eve accepted the mug from Finn as he stepped down, trying not to shake too much. His mouth was dry, so he took a sip, grateful for the excuse to not look Finn in the eyes.
“I should be able to get everything done before close, unless there’s a rush at 4. You busy this evening?”
“No, I’m uh, I’m off today.”
“Perfect. You can stay here if you want, although watching me sew is unlikely to be very exciting.”
“Oh! I was going to, uh…” Go outside and take a few dozen deep, calming breaths, and maybe dunk my head in some cold water. “G-go catch a movie or something. I hadn’t decided.”
“That sounds like fun! If you were willing to wait, we could both go see something together after I’m done with work. It has been a while, after all.”
This seemed like a dangerous proposition.
“Uh, sure. Least I could do, for doing me a favor on such short notice.”
Later that day, Eve looked up if tailors needed to measure the collar at the throat. The general consensus online was: Nope.
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