#of course rakepick's already giving carey the side eye
carewyncromwell · 4 years
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Anybody want some more POTC AU? Well, this time we’re getting some focus on our Davy Jones (Finn McGarry @theguythatdraws, based on this concept) and our Commodore “Carey Weasley” (Carewyn Cromwell)! In the original films, their respective roles are on opposite sides of the fence (hell, Davy Jones kills Norrington in the movies damnitDisneyNorringtondeservedbetter >>), and even in this AU, Davy!Finn has some history with Carewyn’s brother Jacob...so how will they interact, when they collide? We’ll just have to wait and see...
17th-18th century pirate ships were -- in a bizarre way -- tiny, floating representative democracies, about 50-60 years before the American Revolution. In a world where nearly all European countries were run by kings chosen by “divine right” and one could usually only “rise above their station” through fighting in wars or through marrying someone of a higher class, pirate ships operated under the idea of “one man, one vote” and their captains both were chosen by popular vote and could be replaced at any time, oftentimes rather peacefully. The Age of Enlightenment sparked by thinkers like John Locke started in the midst of the Golden Age of Piracy and really kicked off as soon as it was over, circa 1730. Those same ideas ended up inspiring both the American and French Revolutions in the later 18th and early 19th centuries...so yeah, in a weird way, you could draw a direct connection between the values and grievances against the monarchy expressed by pirates to the ones expressed by America’s Founding Fathers and the figures of the French Revolution!
Previous part is here, whole tag is here...and I hope y’all enjoy!
When the Flying Dutchman returned from Tortuga, the brig was stuffed to the brim with about two hundred prisoners -- and yet, even with that, Cutler Beckett was not pleased. None of those captured were particularly well-known or wanted pirates: instead the group largely consisted of retired pirates, pirates’ families, or other such refugees from the law who hadn’t committed any crimes except through association.
“The pirates refused to be taken alive, Beckett,” spat Jones impatiently. “All of the ones we captured fought to the death rather than be imprisoned.”
“Admirable excuse, Jones,” said Beckett airily, “but at present, we need prisoners to interrogate -- and although you may be comfortable dealing with dead men, they don’t do much good for us that way. Unless you can give us the location of Shipwreck Cove yourself?”
Jones’s eyes flashed dangerously. Alas, he couldn’t answer that question -- and so Beckett railroaded him.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that you need some oversight, Jones -- so from now on, Commodore Weasley and my associate, Patricia Rakepick, will remain on board the Dutchman...just to make sure things run smoothly.”
Jones watched as a line of soldiers escorted the Dead Man’s Chest on board his ship. He had felt the presence of his heart earlier, but it being so close made his chest feel like it was on fire, blazing with wild, storm-like emotions he hadn’t felt in years that made him want to hit something, scream in pain, and burst into tears all at the same time. It was agony, after so long, and it made Jones whirl on Beckett with a murderous expression.
“I will not have that thing on my ship!” he snarled.
“Perhaps you will not, but I will,” said Beckett.
He glanced at Rakepick. “Did the key Jones handed over work?”
Rakepick dangled the key to the Chest off of her finger with a smirk. “Aye -- I checked it before we brought it over.”
Beckett returned his gaze to Jones.
“From here on out, you shall answer to the Commodore and Madam Rakepick for your orders -- all orders, naturally, that come directly from me. Should you not, they will have the authority to discipline any misbehavior.”
Jones’s gaze flickered over Rakepick and then over to the shorter Navy-dressed officer standing perfectly straight beside her.
The Commodore -- yes. This was the one called “Carey Weasley” -- Black Jack Roberts’s younger sister and, as per Jones’s deal with Jack, his future crew member, Carewyn Cromwell. She truly didn’t resemble her brother much at all, Jones thought: it was little wonder no one had made a connection between her and the infamous captain of the Tower Raven. And Jones thought, it was irony at its finest, the thought that one of the people Beckett was using to restrain him was in fact destined to scrape before him instead, within the next two months.
Jones’s gaze returned to Beckett pretty quickly. He snapped his claw at his side as he loomed over the much smaller man.
“The Flying Dutchman sails as its captain commands,” he said fiercely.
“And its captain will sail it as he is commanded!” Beckett shot back, his usually detached and arrogant voice betraying some real aggression for the first time.
Jones’s crew muttered among themselves, both shocked and a bit intimidated. The leader of the East India Trading Company took several steps forward, his eyes boring into Jones with pure contempt.
“I already disposed of your pet,” he said softly. “I would hate to have to also dispose of you so quickly, when you might still have some use.”
Despite saying this, it was clear that Beckett felt no compassion for Jones’s life at all.
“This is no longer your world, Jones. There’s no place in this new world of ours for the immaterial. In short, the immaterial...has become immaterial. Best you learn that quickly, and fill the new role you’ve been dealt.”
Jones loathed having the two red-haired women and their battalion of Navy soldiers aboard. Although a lot of the time neither of them spoke to him, he hated having their eyes on his back and hated knowing that they as agents of Beckett’s were there to be his “leash.”
Rakepick flaunted her authority noticeably more than Carewyn did, dictating their course and openly contradicting Jones’s orders. About the only time Carewyn seemed to speak up was in response to the treatment of prisoners -- while the Flying Dutchman sailed back toward Port Royal, the Commodore frequently checked on the condition of the prisoners in the brig. One of Jones’s sailors even reported to him that he’d seen her bringing one of them a Bible on request. It was odd, considering that every single one of those prisoners was going to hang as soon as they arrived in Port Royal, unless they had “valuable information” to give. Unfortunately the only valuable information that Beckett wanted were the identities of all seven Pirate Lords, the significance of their “Pieces of Eight,” and the location of Shipwreck Cove, the last secret pirate haven on Earth -- and, to every prisoner’s credit, if any of them did know the answers to those questions, they refused to say...perhaps because they knew that it’d be the place the pirates who were able to escape the Dutchman’s attack would go.
Carewyn escorted the prisoners on shore to Port Royal, while Rakepick stayed behind with the troops aboard the Flying Dutchman. When she arrived, she met up with Percy, who had been in charge of the fort in her absence. The hangings started the very next day. A long, long line of prisoners all locked in irons pooled out of the brig and were walked one by one closer to the gallows. In groups of seven, they were sent up to the hangman’s noose -- men, women, even children -- all without trial and without any chance for mercy...all thanks to Lord Beckett, and by extension the King of England who had given him that power. It broke Carewyn’s heart standing on the sidelines with Percy, unable to do a thing to stop it.
Cutler Beckett arrived in Port Royal in the midst of the executions, looking incredibly smug. It took everything in Carewyn to not yank out her pistol and stick in his disgusting, weasel-like face...especially when he brought her and Percy away from the gallows to speak to them privately.
“I admit, Commodore...your plan has not produced the intelligence I wished for,” said Beckett as he considered the map in front of him. Once again, he was playing with a silver piece of eight absently in his right hand. “But it has been a very effective showcase of the British Empire’s new position on piracy. My proclamation would’ve lacked the proper teeth, without such a visible display.”
‘You’re despicable,’ Carewyn thought, hatred pulsing through her heart as a tiny boy was placed up on a barrel at the gallows.
“Thank you, sir,” she said lowly.
Percy glanced at the gallows too, and he winced at the sight of the boy standing on the barrel.
“It’s unfortunate that the information they offered was not useful to you, Lord Beckett,” he said, his voice betraying some hesitance. “I thought that the locations the boy provided for where the Dennis and the Andromeda make berth and the routes the Blackbird uses to plunder ships seemed promising...”
“You think too small, Captain,” said Beckett.
There was a rather arrogant gleam in his eye as he glanced from Percy to Carewyn, the piece of eight lingering between his pointer and middle finger.
“Chasing pirates one at a time would take up more resources and time than I have a desire to use. What I want is to bring order to this world -- and to do that, all pirates must be dealt with...either by being brought into line to serve our interests, or by being disposed of. And to do that, the pirates’ spirit must be decisively crushed.”
He glanced at the piece of eight between his fingers.
“...How much do you two know about the Pirate Brethren Court?”
Percy turned to Carewyn. Her eyes narrowed slightly.
“I’ve heard of it, but I’m afraid I don’t know much.”
That was a bald-faced lie. Charles Cromwell himself had been one of the original Pirate Lords ages ago, before the curse no doubt interfered with his old duties and the Mediterranean was taken over by someone else.
“They are -- from what I understand -- representatives, who only gather whenever pirates as a whole need united leadership,” said Beckett. “They are a Parliament for piracy -- one that selects a ‘King’ to represent them all, in times of crisis.”
Percy frowned in confusion. “A King chosen by the people? I’ve never heard of such a thing...”
“Pirates do not believe in divine right,” Carewyn explained. “Even when it comes to their captains, the crew can vote to replace them at any time.”
Percy turned to Beckett. “...Then do you think the pirates will attempt to convene this ‘Brethren Court,’ in response to the attack on Tortuga?”
‘That’s definitely what I hope...’ Carewyn thought to herself.
Beckett nodded. “I am assured of it.”
Carewyn’s eyes drifted away, back up to the line of chained prisoners still being forced up onto the gallows.
“If they were to convene this ‘Court’ of theirs and select a King, my Lord,” she said softly, “it sounds like they could be a greater threat than ever. Individual pirates might be more expensive to chase one at a time...but if they were somehow able to unite, they could create a formidable army.”
Beckett raised his eyebrows. “I did not think you would fear a War, Commodore.”
“Not at all,” said Carewyn. “If the British Navy could stand toe to toe with the Spanish and French, we should more than be a match for a smattering of rag-tag galleons -- especially with the funding of the East India Trading Company behind us...”
Her eyes narrowed a bit more as they swiveled over to Beckett’s face.
“...But...if you were to advocate such a mission, you’d be at the head of the charge for it. Its success or failure would rest on your head more than any of ours...regardless of any efforts we might make to protect your reputation.”
Beckett’s lips curled up in a smile that held no warmth.
“Your concern is appreciated, Commodore Weasley,” he said, and his eyes seemed to gleam upon her. “But I assure you...I’ve waited long enough, to get the revenge I’m owed...”
He turned his focus to the piece of eight coin in his hand.
“After the injuries I’ve sustained, thanks to one of these ‘Pirate Lords,’” he said in a very soft, cold voice, “I have no intention of letting them live in peace. Wherever they decide to make their final stand...I shall be there to meet and destroy them.”
He slammed the coin down into the table with a slap of his hand, making both Carewyn and Percy flinch despite themselves.
After the hangings were complete, Carewyn returned to the Flying Dutchman, once again leaving Percy in Port Royal. The youngest Weasley brother was troubled by the thought of Carewyn being on board Jones’s ship, and she tried to reassure him as best as she was able.
“Captain Jones has to follow Lord Beckett’s orders just as much as we do,” she said softly. “Regardless of who he is, he’s been impressed into our service...it wouldn’t be in his best interest, to fight against that.”
Percy, however, didn’t look very reassured. His gaze kept flickering up to the Dutchman, even though he tried hard to look Carewyn in the face.
The Commodore offered her surrogate younger brother a smile, resting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.
“It’ll be okay,” she reassured him gently.
Percy stared at Carewyn for a long moment, his brown eyes dark with emotion. Then, very abruptly, he actually threw out his arms, grabbing hold of her and pulling her into a full hug.
“Percy?” said Carewyn, completely taken aback.
Percy didn’t say anything -- instead he just gave her a squeeze, his chin resting on her shoulder. Although he was facing away from her, Carewyn could hear a faint shakiness in the breath he took.
“Come back safely,” he mumbled, his voice harsher than normal as he tried to keep his composure. “You hear me? Come back just as you are now.”
Carewyn’s blue eyes filled with pain as she realized what was going through Percy’s head. Yes, he was scared for her safety, but it wasn’t just because he cared about her -- it was also because, with the loss of Charlie and Bill, his real brothers...she was the only family Percy had left, here in Port Royal. The only sibling he could rely on, for emotional support.
Her heart filling with compassion and affection for the young Captain, she brought her arms around Percy tightly in return, resting a hand on the back of his head and cradling it as though she were his mother.
“We will see each other again soon, Perce,” she murmured in his ear. “I promise.”
After she and Percy parted ways, Rakepick met Carewyn at the top of the ramp heading up to the deck of the Flying Dutchman. The older woman gave Carewyn another long, analytical look as she came up on deck, which Carewyn returned with a much shorter, faintly suspicious look. She didn’t like how Rakepick looked at her. It just made Carewyn feel like she knew something...but Carewyn frankly had no idea what that “something” was. One thing Carewyn did take note of, however, was the chain she wore around her neck and tucked under the low collar of her red jacket -- the chain that no doubt held the key to the Dead Man’s Chest.
That night, after all of the officers went to sleep, Carewyn entered the Dutchman’s captain’s cabin and ordered one of her lieutenants to send Davy Jones to her. Jones was not pleased to be summoned to his own cabin, least of all by the Commodore Beckett assigned to “watch” him.
“I cannot be called like some mongrel pup,” he snapped.
“Yet you came,” said Carewyn coolly. “I appreciate the promptness.”
Jones looked incredibly surly. The ginger-haired Commodore looked at her lieutenant, who was trying hard not to cower in Jones’s shadow.
“Go ahead and return to your patrol down below with the Chest, Lieutenant,” she told him. “I’ll take it from here.”
The scared young man gave a salute and then quickly left the room. Once the door was closed, Carewyn turned up at Jones with a much grimmer look on her face, her arms crossed behind her back in standard “Naval” fashion.
“...Captain Jones...Lord Beckett has ordered that we seek out Shipwreck Cove.”
Jones’s lip curled. “I believe I’ve already made it clear that I don’t know where the damned Brethren Court meets.”
“I know you don’t. And I’m glad for it.”
Jones’s eyebrows knit together suspiciously. Carewyn’s eyes flickered absently over to the door as she listened for a moment to make absolutely sure no one was listening it.
“...I don’t want Beckett to find Shipwreck Cove,” she said lowly. “I don’t want him to send Navy ships after us once we’ve found it and destroy it. Just as I frankly don’t want you under Beckett’s rule at all.”
Jones gave a loud snort. “Haha! And I suppose this is all out of the goodness of your heart, this...sympathy you deign to spare such a pathetic wretch as me?”
His eyes hardened as he bore down on her, dwarfing her with his height.
“I don’t need your pity, Carewyn Cromwell,” he said very coldly.
Carewyn was visibly taken aback.
“Oh, aye,” said Jones with a smirk, “I know your name. A ferryman of the damned knows everyone’s true names.”
Despite how taken aback and faintly disconcerted Carewyn was, however, she didn’t seem intimidated. Instead she kept her posture straight and tall and looked Jones straight in the eye.
“Then you know why I don’t want Beckett to succeed,” she said seriously. “A lot of people I love are probably on their way to Shipwreck Cove right now. As much as I know a battle will be imminent, I want them to initiate it. I don’t want Beckett to get there before they’re ready.”
“So you aim to make a deal with me, then, Miss Commodore?” asked Jones, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
“No,” said Carewyn firmly. “I just want to set you free.”
Now it was Davy Jones’s turn to look startled.
“I don’t believe in anyone being impressed into service against their will -- least of all by a captor as cruel and despicable as Cutler Beckett,” the Commodore said, feeling glad to finally let loose her bile a bit. “And if getting your heart back to you so that you can do as you please makes it that much harder for Beckett to destroy Shipwreck Cove...all the better.”
“Ah...so you think to trade my assurance that I won’t attack Shipwreck Cove for your services,” said Jones coolly. “Well, I hate to break it to you -- but I have no love for the Brethren Court myself, since they took all ownership of the seas for themselves. I daresay your dear granddaddy told you all about that...”
“‘The seas be ours and by the powers, where we will, we’ll roam’ -- yes, I know the song,” said Carewyn. “But that doesn’t matter. I’m not asking you to help the Brethren Court. I’m not asking you to help me with anything. I plan to set you free whether you want to be nice to me or not.”
Jones’s eyes narrowed as they flickered over Carewyn’s face, analyzing her critically. At last he raised his claw the way a man might raise a hand, but its size made it so it came within inches of her face.
“...Let me make sure I have this right, missie,” he said lowly. “You’re offering your assistance in restoring my heart to me...without making any sort of deal with me that benefits you?”
Carewyn nodded, not flinching at all in response to Jones’s claw getting into her personal space.
“Because you being free helps me, as it is -- by making things harder for Beckett.”
Jones considered Carewyn for a long moment. Whatever he had been expecting from the sister of Black Jack Roberts, it certainly wasn’t this. Even from a sanctimonious Navy officer, he didn’t expect this level of...well, for lack of a better word, decency...especially for someone who had showed her no kindness and she owed absolutely nothing to. He never would’ve admitted it aloud...but it impressed him.
‘Seems a bit of a shame that such a decent person should be fated for a lifetime of service aboard my ship,’ Jones thought to himself.
Perhaps because his heart was so close to him, the thought made some reluctance and guilt pick at the inside of his chest.
Pushing the feeling aside, the captain of the damned lowered his claw again. Then very, very slowly his tentacled face spread into a fuller, brighter smirk.
“...What do you have in mind?”
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
For the attractive MC ask, mine has to be nothing more than our sweet vampy baby Bat! I absolutely love his blossoming friendship with Atticus and the uncle-nephew bond he has with my boy Danny! Danny really adores Bat and Atticus, and he always looks up to them at Hogwarts! Also, I'd like to give a shout out to Carey-bear! We've never talked much about her friendship with Cato, but we know they love to bake together, especially when they made cookies in secret for Christmas in their fifth year!🥺💙💚
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So much Bat love, my heart!! <3 Ahem, but yes, Batticus brings me way too much joy -- I know Atticus’s mun @cursebreakerfarrier feels similarly. Goddamn it, why do these two make me want to draw so much when I have so many other unfinished projects already on my plate?! And GAH, DANNY! I swear, I already love that Uncle Bat not only has another unofficial family member (*eyes Adelia, Teddy, and the Selwyn-Ellisons out the side of her eye*), but that surrogate nephew being one as sweet as Danny who both is on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team like Bat was back in the day and ends up eventually replacing his pal Grim when he retires?? Just...my heart! 💙
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And awww, some love for my OG girl Carewyn! Carey-bear is touched! And also tapping her foot impatiently in my direction because I still need to finish her Good!Rakepick AU fic, oi. I do look forward to plotting more with Cato and Carey in the future...though of course yes, I love them as baking buddies! ^.^
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Night had already fallen by the time Charlie and Carewyn returned to school. Charlie led Carewyn upstairs, down the third floor hallway of the East Tower to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom at the far end.
Sure enough, when the two “Fireballs” entered, standing at the head of the classroom was Bill Weasley. He was dressed in a second-hand but well-cared-for slate gray suit and a black collared shirt, and his hair, as ginger red as Charlie’s, had grown an inch or so since his graduation.
Bill’s brown eyes lit up at the sight of Charlie and Carewyn. Carewyn skipped across the room -- Bill met her half-way, opening his arms and bending down slightly so she could wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. With a soft, almost mischievous laugh, Bill straightened up, making Carewyn give a strangled yelp when he lifted her right up off the ground. Then she burst into giggles, and Bill chuckled too as he gave her a big squeeze.]
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Bill: “Aw, Carey, it’s so good to see you.”
“(through a big grin) Are you growing your hair out?”
Bill: “(lightly) A bit, yeah. Wonder if I should try to go for a ponytail like yours or Charlie’s -- maybe get a piercing or two.”
“How dashing.”
[She giggled again as Bill lowered her back down to the ground and the two finally released each other. Charlie came up and gave Bill a big hug too -- both boys clapped each other on the back before breaking apart.]
Bill: “It’s great to see you both. Letters are nice and all, but being here in person’s just that that bit better, right?”
“I know. Though it was great, reading about your Cursebreaking work -- your assignment in Slovakia, at the old Bathory Castle? Amazing!”
Bill: “(grinning) Gotta thank you for the cursebreaking books you bought me -- I wouldn’t have even tried examining that knife without reading up on cursed gems beforehand.”
[His eyes softened upon Carewyn’s face.]
Bill: “Cursebreaking’s been brilliant...but I’ve really missed you. Missed Hogwarts...”
[He then frowned slightly.]
Bill: “Gotta say, though, Carey -- you don’t seem very surprised to see me.”
“Charlie told me you were coming to visit tonight.”
[Bill whirled on his brother.]
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Bill: “(groaning) I tried to act surprised!”
Charlie: “‘Act’ is a strong word.”
[Carewyn burst into giggles at the two brothers’ bickering, covering her mouth with her hand to try to contain her amusement.]
“Bill, don’t worry about it. I’m glad Charlie told me.”
After how awful a day I’ve had...I needed some good news.
[Charlie smiled, his gaze shifting from Carewyn to Bill and back.]
Charlie: “At least I didn’t tell Carey why you’re here -- mostly because I don’t know either, but still...”
[Carewyn looked up as she heard the class room open.
In came Penny, Rowan, and Barnaby. A moment later, another clump of people -- Tonks, Tulip, Diego, and Andre -- sidled in.
Bill grinned broadly.]
Bill: “Don’t worry -- you’re about to find out.”
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[Once all of the sixth year students had arrived, they stood together in a group in front of the rows of desks, facing Bill at the head of the class.]
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Ben: “I don’t waste time wondering anymore -- I just take action.”
You could do with some wondering. And other types of thinking too, quite frankly.
[Rather than say this aloud, Carewyn merely pursed her lips sourly.]
Tonks: “(taken aback) Blimey, Ben! When did you get so interesting?”
Penny: “(disapproving) ‘Interesting’ isn’t how I’d put it...”
[Bill cleared his throat in a business-like way to regain everyone’s attention.]
Bill: “As I was saying -- Charlie told me your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is....particularly useless this year...”
[Ismelda gave a snort.]
Ismelda: “That’s putting it mildly.”
[For once, Carewyn agreed with her.
This year the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had been filled by a hot-shot, up-and-coming “Defense expert” named Huxley Meyers. Although many Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers in previous years had merely been old and dull, rather akin to Professor Binns, Professor Meyers clearly was much more interested in puffing himself up than actually teaching his class anything. In his first two classes, he’d had the students pair off and duel each other with no set guidelines or instruction and then strolled around the room, picking apart their technique and vaguely going on and on about what he would’ve done better.
“‘Flipendo,’” he’d scoff. “Is that what you all have been learning? Come on. Shoot out something more dangerous sometime, Copper. You’re going to let a ginger runt like that overpower you, Lee? Pummel ‘im!”
There was also a clear difference in how he spoke to the boys in the class versus the girls. With the boys, he’d often try to goad them into attacking their opponents more aggressively -- with the girls, he’d throw out random snide remarks and then played them off as being just “jokes” if anyone took offense to them.
“Spread your feet, Miss Murk, they’re much too close together -- rather like your eyes,” he’d say with a cheeky smile. “Miss Karasu, what’s with that wand grip? More gently now -- don’t reckon your folks would much like to hear about bad marks, eh? Hahaha...oh, don’t worry -- you lot know I wouldn’t write to them about something like that, lighten up...”
Carewyn herself had strangely found herself victim to both behaviors. In both classes, Meyers had paired Carewyn with several of her male classmates in an attempt to get her to really go at it, but when she’d refused to inflict any lasting damage on her friends, he’d ended up tearing into her for it, mockingly calling her “the little princess.” The condescension wasn’t unlike how Snape spoke to his classes, but at least Snape actually taught them useful material -- Meyers, on the other hand, seemed much more interested in tearing down his class than actually giving them tools to hone their skills.]
Even if Rakepick was a lying snake, at least she taught us stuff. This guy is just a joke.
[Bill glanced at Ismelda out the side of his eye, his mouth twitching with disapproval, but it was clear he was much more cross about what he’d heard about Meyers than Ismelda having interrupted him.]
Bill: “Mm-hmm. Well, given the circumstances...and how important it is that you lot be able to defend yourselves, given everything that happened last year...I decided to volunteer my services. I can’t replace your teacher -- “
[For a second he severely looked like he wanted to add “however much I’d like to,” but thought better of it.]
Bill: “ -- but when I have downtime between my Gringotts cursebreaking missions, I’ll be visiting Hogwarts to teach you new defensive spells.”
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[His face then grew a bit more solemn.]
Bill: “This tutoring will be informal and optional -- you can opt out if you want. But if and when Rakepick or any of her lot return...I want to make sure you all are as prepared as you can be -- and since your current professor seems to be no help in that, I figure I at least can be. If you decide to stay, of course.”
[He waited for anyone to leave -- but as Carewyn had predicted, nobody moved.
Bill caught Carewyn’s eye and she beamed proudly at him. Bill’s face broke out into a grin.]
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((OOC: BILL, MY DEAR, MY CURSEBREAKING BOY! How I love thee! *huggles Bill plushie*
Huxley Meyers is completely original to me, being inspired by both my absolute worst teacher from grade school and a rather unpleasant ex-roommate. I personally see him having friendly connections to Carewyn’s maternal family, the Cromwells, and maybe R as well, depending on what else we learn about them -- either way, yeah, he’s a creep. Still trying to pin down a fancast for the bugger so I can draw him properly. I knew I had to create at least one DADA teacher OC for this game, though -- I’m sorry, but the books always had such interestingly diverse candidates for the position, and after Rakepick, it’s good to explore the downgrade. >>
Whew, I need to get caught up on roleplaying posts for this Weasley brothers chapter so I can start working on posts for THIS --
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Squeeeeeeeeee~!!!!! X3333))
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Later that day, Carewyn met up with Charlie in the library, prepared to study for Transfiguration and History of Magic. The first had always been Carewyn’s most difficult class, while the second had always been Charlie’s, so they’d decided it would be good to help each other through those two subjects.
When Carewyn arrived, however, Charlie looked upon her with concern etched into his face.]
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[Carewyn's eyebrows knit together. So he’d heard about that already...]
“...Technically Beatrice discovered him. She asked Snape to show me what had happened.”
[She took note of the other people in the library, who seemed to have been sneaking glances at her and Charlie.]
“...Does everybody know?”
Charlie: “(somberly) It’s all the school can talk about. The prevailing theory is that it’s another curse.”
[He kept an eye on his friend’s expression. Carewyn could sense that he was worried about her reaction.
She glanced away restlessly.]
“That’s what Snape believes too...meaning that the student will only be saved when the curse on the last Vault is broken.”
[Her eyes narrowed upon the edge of the bookcase a foot away.]
“... He said that the Aurors would be notified when I spoke to him, so I daresay they know by now. All we can hope for now is that they’re more efficient in breaking that curse than I was in breaking the other ones.”
[This sentiment felt like poison coming out of her mouth, as Carewyn truthfully had no intention of just sitting back and trusting others to handle things -- particularly when Mad-Eye Moody had flat-out told her he needed her to continue dealing with the Vaults while he pursued R -- but...]
Charlie knows me. He knows that it’d be frustrating for me, not to be able to help. I can’t let him dwell too long on why I’m not helping. And, well...it’s not completely untrue. How much faster could the Aurors or the teachers have saved Beatrice, if they’d been half as focused as I was...?
[Carewyn’s backhanded critique of herself made Charlie’s expression morph into something much harder, more reproachful.]
Charlie: “Oi!”
[He came forward and grabbed both of Carewyn’s shoulders.]
Charlie: “None of that. I will hear none of that, you hear? You put all of yourself and then some into breaking those curses and saving your brother -- it’d be hard for anyone to do what you did. Hell, you dueled against a bloody Hungarian Horntail -- and won! The Aurors and Cursebreakers at the Ministry would be lucky to have you on their side.”
[Carewyn was startled by Charlie’s conviction. The fierceness in his brown eyes flickered slightly, revealing something a bit more vulnerable as he released her shoulers.]
Charlie: “...Carey...I admit, I was a little upset when you told us you didn’t want to go after the Vaults anymore. It just felt like...well, you’d lost faith in yourself, a bit. Like you’d lost some of your fire.”
[The words crystallized over Carewyn’s heart like ice.]
[The second youngest Weasley pushed on despite her interjection, a bit more gently.]
Charlie: “But after what we went through...I can’t blame you. Returning to normal, after Rakepick betrayed us and left us for dead in that Vault, it’s...hard. I thought going back to school and seeing you all again would help, but...well, I couldn’t expect you to carry on like nothing’s changed. It was stupid of me to think you would -- selfish of me...”
[Carewyn’s eyebrows came together tightly over her eyes as she grabbed tight hold of one of Charlie’s shoulders in return.]
“Don’t say that. You are the furthest thing from selfish, Charlie. And you’re not stupid either. It’s not wrong to want things to be better than they are.”
Anyone would wish everything could go back to the way it was -- when things were simpler...
[Charlie gave Carewyn a slight, sad smile, but he seemed comforted all the same. He took hold of Carewyn’s opposite shoulder and squeezed it, so that the two were sharing an abridged sort of hug.]
Charlie: “...Guess we really are two of a kind, aren’t we?”
[Carewyn’s eyes softened as she gave Charlie a brave smile.]
“Cromwell-Weasley twins?”
[Charlie’s face broke out into a fuller white smile and he gave a low chuckle.]
Charlie: “Cromwell-Weasley twins. (thoughtfully) We might want to find a snappier way to say that, though. ‘Charlie and Carey?’ ‘Red and Green?’ ‘Twins from Another Mother?’”
[Carewyn laughed.]
“We’ll work on it.”
Percy: “I should hope you’re working on a lot more than just nicknames.”
[Charlie’s younger brother, Percy, had arrived, his arms crossed over his chest.]
Charlie: “Percy? I didn’t know you followed me.”
Percy: “I did -- to make sure you’re not shirking your studies like you did your responsibilities all summer. Honestly, it’s bad enough I have to babysit the twins now that they’ve started at Hogwarts -- I didn’t think I’d also have to tell my Prefect older brother to keep his mind on school. What would Bill say if he knew?”
Charlie: “(lowly) He’d sympathize with what I’m going through.”
Percy: “Bill was betrayed by Rakepick too: that hasn’t stopped him from fulfilling his duties at Gringotts. You should follow his example -- ”
[Sensing the tension between Charlie and Percy, Carewyn decided to step in.]
“How is Bill liking Gringotts? I got a letter from his new address, so I know he’s left the Burrow, but he didn’t go into much detail.”
[That was a bold-faced lie: she and Bill had exchanged several long letters that summer. It had been one of the few comforts Carewyn had, in the face of Jacob’s renewed absence. But she knew talking about Bill and Gringotts would be a good way to divert focus off of Charlie.]
Percy: “Quite well -- Bill can’t go into a lot of detail about his assignments, given that Gringotts requires a certain level of confidentiality, but his superiors have been impressed by his work ethic.”
“As they should. Bill’s always been a hard worker.”
[She turned to Charlie.]
“That reminds me -- Charlie, could you grab a few books from the section for History of Magic over there, for our study session? I reckon some stuff on Wendelin the Weird and the witch burnings’ll be good..”
[She’d been speaking quickly, clearly wanting to subtly brush Percy off by making it look like they were getting busy. Charlie, picking up on Carewyn’s intent, shot her a smile over his shoulder as he swept over to the bookshelves.]
Charlie: “Sure.”
[Carewyn herself picked out some Transfiguration books off the shelf, as well as a book titled An Examination of Historic Prophecies. She could still feel Percy’s critical eye on her as she set her pile of textbooks down on one of the tables.]
Percy: “(his arms still crossed) Studying Divination?”
[Carewyn realized too late that the Divination book had ended up on the top of her stack.]
“Oh! (dismissively) No, actually -- Trelawney gave a weird prophecy in class, so I just thought I’d read up on it a bit -- “
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[Carewyn cursed her luck. She hadn’t wanted Charlie to hear that.]
“Yeah -- it was really awkward, actually. She just sort of stopped in front of me and started babbling to no one about murky water and ‘endings’ and other nonsense. Then she sort of looked at me and said the vision was gone and wouldn’t explain.”
[Despite Carewyn’s best efforts, Charlie looked concerned. To her surprise, however, Percy also seemed interested.]
Percy: “What did Professor Trelawney say, exactly?”
[Carewyn blinked at Percy. The third-year Weasley boy’s ears turned pink.]
Percy: “I read a few books on Divination over the summer -- I think it’s a very engaging subject!”
[Although she felt some faint misgivings about Charlie being able to hear all this, Carewyn decided it couldn’t hurt to hear what Percy thought.]
I’ll just have to play it off, like I don’t care.
“...Let’s see, ah...she said she saw ‘murky water’ in my future -- though we were reading tea leaves, so Tonks suggested she might’ve meant the tea. Then she said...‘changes swirling around you’...‘endings, final endings’...‘prices to pay’...‘the ultimate price.’“
[Charlie looked very disturbed.]
Charlie: “That does sound ominous...but Trelawney’s prophecies are supposed to be notoriously incorrect, aren’t they? Do you reckon this one’s real?”
[Carewyn scoffed.]
“No. But I am curious why she would make up those things at all -- I thought maybe reading up on prophecies could give me a hint.”
[Percy brought a hand up to his chin thoughtfully.]
Percy: “Perhaps...but everything I’ve read about prophecies suggests there are usually more details than this. So much of what you heard could be interpreted in multiple ways.”
[Carewyn nodded. She had thought so as well.]
“Maybe Madame Pince would have some suggestions of books that could help?”
George: “I wouldn’t go near her right now if I were you.”
Fred: “She’s in a right foul mood.”
[Carewyn turned. Two identical-looking ginger-haired first years wearing Gryffindor tie had come up to join them.]
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Fred: “(innocently) Nothing! Just thought we’d introduce ourselves to the school librarian is all -- ”
George: “(sniggering) “ -- by helping her ‘reorganize’ a few Library shelves.”
[Charlie rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling. Carewyn raised her eyebrows.]
“Ah, the infamous Weasley twins. Fred and George, right? We met briefly over Christmas break once a while back, but you were both sick in bed.”
Fred: “Ugh -- bloody awful headache, that was. My head felt like it was full of pea soup for a week.”
George: “Mine felt more like beef stew. (sighs) Anyway -- love to stay and chat, but I have detention.”
Percy: “(appalled) The year’s barely started, and you’re already in detention!?”
[The twins ignored him.]
Fred: “Sorry, George -- I’ll take the blame next time, promise.”
Percy: “ ‘Next time?!’”
George: “(laughing) I’ll hold you to that, Fred!”
[With that, George headed out of the Library.]
“It’s too bad George had to leave so soon. It was nice to finally meet you -- formally, of course.”
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Charlie: “Fred!”
Fred: “(laughing) Kidding! Though Bill and Charlie have both said you’ve got good pipes. And of course I’ve heard all about your adventures with the Cursed Vaults -- though I was mostly interested in hearing about all the tricks you’ve pulled around school!”
[Carewyn’s lips curled up in a smirk.]
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Percy: “(snorts) That’s putting it mildly.”
“Well...just remember, Fred, I’m a Prefect, same as your brother. I don’t mind trouble as long as no one gets hurt -- but it’s harder for me to overlook things if they happen right under my nose.”
[Fred raised his eyebrows daringly.]
Fred: “So you’re fine with us causing trouble as long as we don’t get caught?”
[Carewyn crossed her arms, but her smirk didn’t shift.]
“Sure...but that includes not getting caught by me. And I’m not easy to fool.”
Fred: “(laughs) Challenge accepted!”
[Percy looked scandalized.]
Percy: “Carewyn! Prefects are supposed to protect the rules, not encourage -- “
Charlie: “(laughs) Calm down, Percy -- Carey takes the rules seriously. She doesn’t even let Tulip and Tonks get off scot-free, if their pranks hurt anybody.”
[Still looking miffed, Percy decided there was no point in arguing and so forcefully changed the subject.]
Percy: “Ahem -- I’m glad you’ve met...but now Charlie, Fred, and I need to study.”
[Fred scowled.]
Fred: “Yes, Mum.”
[Percy ignored him, turning back to Carewyn.]
Percy: “I know you don’t hold stock in what Professor Trelawney said to you, Carewyn, but I’d say you should be careful, all the same. I don’t think you’re going to find much meaning from it, though.”
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[Percy shooed Fred off to the other end of the library, leaving Charlie and Carewyn alone at their table. Charlie and Carewyn spent the next hour studying Transfiguration and History of Magic, the book Carewyn had pulled out on Divination left forgotten on the side.
Carewyn thought Percy might be right. A book might not have any answers -- but perhaps a centaur might...]
((OOC: ^.^ I do love my Weasley boys very much, yes, I do. Even you, Percy, you right stick-in-the-mud. Also, the “singing” comment by Fred really did make me laugh so hard, given that Carewyn totally does sing when she thinks she’s alone! And also when music is playing, or she’s in her Animagus form, or when she wants to cheer someone up, or...yeah, she just likes to sing, period. XD
Next up -- checking in with Torvus!))
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