#of course i dont fit into their “sweet innocent neurospicy uwu cutie” form
mean-hare · 25 days
sometimes it feels like it was much better before all this trend to be "supportive" and "mental health awareness". everybody hated or despiced us but at least they were honest about this. whats now? they still hate or despite us but now they dont really show it. yes, you love and care about neurodivergent ppl until they act like neurodivergent. yes, we are valid until they decide that we arent valid. yes we are wonderful until we are too much or arent enought. and dont forget,if we arent recovering or taking shitton of expencive pills we are promoting destructive behavior. if we daring to disagree with psychiatrists or therapist or, god forbid, dont do therapy we are evil. if we raise our voice a little too much we are abusive. if we say that we feel like shit we are traumadumping. etc etc. fuck, just say it. say that you hate us, say that we are creeps and weirdos, dont be a cowards, at least we will know what you really think about us
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