#of July 16th and now the added scale in timeline adds greatly to what I suspected was the root cause of his forming
What we’ve learned so far since the show takeover (and some theories)
-Eclipse has been around for at minimum over a year before July 16th went down, so over 2 years now for coming into his own awareness and then to contrive to create another
-Lunar can be physically restricted and commanded as Bloodmon couldn’t
-Bloodmoon is the one behind July 16th and likely the one behind the footage of a child’s arm being broken, as mentioned in the interrogation
-The interrogator is the only known and confirmed murder by Eclipse, who while talking a good game and has a willingness to do so has also only resorted to violence when most useful. The exception being direct account from Lunar on a personal level
-Monty is in Moon’s contacts and has a fun name so it wasn’t just a thing said in a moment of emotional vulnerability, Moon’s had that association of Monty being a friend for some time before the confiding episode in the woods.
-Golden Freddy may know of Bloodmoon in part from his ever-watching habits pertaining to those he has connections to, interests in, and for dangers he will need to confront. He knew of “a great evil” being born on July 16th, and almost certainly recognized Eclipse was NOT it when first meeting him, but said nothing for his own reasons yet to be expanded upon concretely.
-Eclipse was almost killed by Bloodmoon, had DAYS around him, and there is more time between the two not yet shown, if it ever will be
-Eclipse is possibly realizing that Lunar is not just “the dumb one” but actively fulfilling a role he’s perceived as needed and wanted by Eclipse to better be Moon’s opposite.
-Lunar is far, far better at lying with his well-established loyalty towards Eclipse and assumption of not thinking ahead covering him from suspicion when feeling out information.
-Lunar not thinking Moon’s a bad person and a decline of wanting to obliged Eclipse could be noticed by how often he’s been still when seen, even when just messing around. To only idle with his hands while otherwise remaining condensed and still, even in a small space to make it harder to move around extra, could be both fulfilling the job of “cause Moon pain” excuse and only inflicting minimal pain to give Moon some space to work with. This would also contribute to why Eclipse is so frequently having to tune Lunar, if Moon’s having greater windows to get a better shot at focusing.
-Eclipse has used gaslighting Sun and lies of omission to cover for Bloodmoon existing this whole time. To extrapolate on this:
When looking back on their first meeting on the mindscape, the mention of it being Sun’s Place and Eclipse describing himself first as “practically moon” can potentially interpreted as using that as a loophole to there not being a point to lying when there.
For SUN there’s no point in lying when facing himself, when it’s his own mind, but Eclipse is treated (rightfully so) as a hostile and unwanted resident. Not being seen as a part of Sun by Sun could contribute to that indirect lying working when in a space that gives no support or place to hide from yourself. The phrasing and behavior in the interaction there just make it rotate endlessly like a cgi potato. So much is re-contextualized now that we know full well that Eclipse WASN’T the one to kill the kids but DID facilitate and allow what DID do so, and still raises so many questions about how he takes to talking to Sun.
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