#odds theories
oddfoxstudio · 7 months
Also,b4 I forget,
Now,with that out of the way,I would like to direct(pun intended) everyone's attention towards the scene where Ramon slaughters the board of directors. Now we all know that he did almost kill all of them. All but one. The Director who is represented with the odd looking E.
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Absolutely,we're all losing our shot over who this is. Did they send Ramon the message to talk to Bullfrog? What will they do now that the rest of the board is dead? Will they be an upcoming enemy? Well,I'm here to tell you that the answer to that last question is YES.
'But Odd,how on Eden's racist capitalistic shit hole do you know this?'
Because we see this EXACT E LATER ON IN THE EPISODE. More specially,near the end where it's revealed that Sarah Fisher(or some part of her anyway)is a fully robotic spider-thingy. Now,when you watch the show for the first time,this reveal could distract you from the little details hidden away. I for one didn't even notice this until tonight,when I was watching the last episode out of boredom and because I love this show sososososo much! But now for the big reveal....
(I apologise for the lack of quality,this was taken from my tv cuz i don't have Netflix)
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Yes,my dear reader,that is the exact as E as the missing director of board on the back of the Sarah Robots head.
Ladies,gentlemen,those between and out,Sarah Fisher was not only the warden of super maxx,but apart of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS!
But this only bring me to my next pint as,what this isn't Sarah at all? We know that the directors did some very much FUCKED up SHIT when they were alive. So,what if they didn't make Sarah a cyborg? What if,they transferred her consciousness into this robot? And what if she's not alone? It is here I present that this robot is kinda of similar to the mimic from fnaf. And if you don't know who the mimic is,they're a robot that was designed to look after a child,got beaten when the kid died and has learnt violent behaviours from humans resulting in them doing more horrendous violence back. Anyways,I propose that this robot was made to be a helper of sorts towards Eden-more specificallyin the military-only,the board couldn't be bothered programming an AI to be this robot. So what did they do? They transferred human minds into the robot to help it learn how to help when fighting. Only something went wrong. When Sarah's mind was transferred into the robot,it glitched out. It felt all of her agony,her pain,and her wondering if her dad was right. If she should rebel. The robot did what it was suppose to do too well. The robot ACTUALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE SARAH FISHER. Obviously,parts of the robot were aware they were not,but the robot was insanely good at pretending. I made this comparssion to the mimic bc what if this robot learnt not only to copy Sarah's behaviours,but others too? Perhaps even,someone from the board of directors? That is how this robot COULD be the same person who called Ramon. It MIMICKED THAT PERSON'S VOICE!!!!
Of course,that is only a theory,
See you on the flipside everyone!! God,I p8ve making fnaf references! Also Ill talk abt the other thing tmrw,this already took me over 30 MINUTES and phone is abt to die lol. Buh-byeeee!!!!!
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chalkeater · 3 months
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i have NOT drawn enough talk sprite redraws. Heres some warm ups!! RAAHH 🦖
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fiendishartist2 · 8 months
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you appear familiar dear; you look just like my bathroom mirror!
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ozlices · 7 months
mike & abby's aunt is mrs afton, thus why she looks so similar to vanessa & also would make it so mike is still technically an afton without being william's son in the movie universe
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doriandrifting · 1 year
Everytime I remember that the three memories associated with getting Will out of his Vecna trance have been ruined, I lose it a little.
His birthday? Either everyone forgot or its been affected by the weird Upside Down time stuff, because there’s way too many references to birthdays, forgotten birthdays, or forgetting in general this season, along with them showing a birthday party at Rink o Mania and pointedly telling us the exact date. Not to mention the writers tweeting a joke about forgetting Will’s birthday while they were writing the season four scripts.
Castle Byers? Not only was it destroyed in the Upside Down leading to Will being taken to the library and dying, but the last time Will was at the real one, he was taking a bat to it after the rain fight.
Meeting Will on the swings being the best thing Mike has ever done? While we know Mike was bullshitting, all Will heard was Mike telling El, “I feel like my life started that day I met you in the woods.”
Even Will’s favorite song is now technically associated with his time singing it repeatedly to himself in the Upside Down. —> “What if, by listening to it over and over, I get sick of it, and suddenly it's not my favorite song anymore? Will it still work?”
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swan2swan · 1 month
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Sammy being the "Get Behind Me" girlfriend...
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smile-files · 3 months
welcome home's character-color-coding, and what it might mean going forward... the color theory :D
hello neighbors!! last night i had an epiphany... perhaps someone's made it before, but either way, it struck me, and i just have to talk about it!!
in this latest update, eddie was absent for the majority of the homewarming media -- namely, he was MIA for basically everything new on the main site. his only time to shine was on the secret site, in which he was still isolated from all of his neighbors.
this was stewing around in my brain for a while, until i remembered... until the bug update, none of the text on the site contained purple.
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this is the menu on the current site -- any purple in these options was not present in the original menu: the letters just cycled through a red-orange-yellow-green-blue-pink loop. oddly enough, certain pages present on the original site -- such as 'the neighborhood!' -- had their text in the menu updated to include teal and purple, while certain pages new to the bug update -- such as 'stickers' -- lack these new colors.
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not to mention how the logo, containing only the red-orange-yellow-green-blue-pink color loop, was not updated to include the new colors.
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this is all worthy of note because all of our characters are color-coded! julie is pink, wally is red, sally is orange, frank is yellow, poppy is green, howdy is teal, barnaby is blue, and eddie is purple. the absence of purple in the site's typography would suggest the absence of eddie, which we have certainly received -- of course, correlation does not equal causation, but it's still an odd coincidence.
though, if we follow this to its logical conclusion, then something is also bound to happen to howdy -- for his color, teal, was also absent in the site's original text.
another odd thing is that howdy, eddie, and wally are the only neighbors in welcome home to have non-alliterative names (howdy pillar, eddie dear, wally darling). this likely has no real significance, but it could imply some tie between the three -- and, if eddie and howdy are the victims here, given their colors were originally missing, wally being roped in with them despite having his color on the site since the beginning might imply that he was the one behind what happened to them.
i guess if we wanna really go crazy, home has no color assigned to them... so does that mean they're every color? or none of them? what would the former, or the latter, imply about their fate in the story, if this color theory has any real significance? if they're every color, then they're omnipresent... the mastermind behind it all. if they're none of them, their color was always missing from the website... they're the ultimate victim. though that's going a bit overboard, no?
anyway, please tell me what you think!!! thank you, and have a nice day :)
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lilhub · 2 months
So. What's up with the duplicate statues in Eden?
If you've played Sky: Children of the Light and gone through The Ascent, you may have noticed these statues:
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And you'll know that the Vault has the same exact statues:
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Now the question we're asking here is why.
Of course, I have a theory in regards to it that ties into a couple of other theories, but it's gonna be long and probably a little complicated, so buckle up.
TL;DR will be at the bottom of the post for a simpler(and less all over the place) explanation!
Now, I'm going to start at the beginning with something that may seem completely unrelated:
Take a look at the top of this broken building in the Battlefield.
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Does it look familiar? It should.
It looks like the vault masks.
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That's odd though, isn't it? The Vault Elder is, well, the Vault Elder. They belong in the Vault.
To that I say: what if they weren't always there?
What if that building used to be their temple?
Almost every other Elder has their own building that serves as their temple and little else; why would the Vault Elder be any different? They're certainly just as important as every other Elder, so why would they be singled out?
Some more evidence for the broken building being an Elder's temple?
Look here, in The Seed's spirit memory:
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The spirit was a medic that treated and aided soldiers on the battlefield, and this displays them in a Medic's tent. Where? In the broken building.
Other than it being the arguably safest structure aside from the Vault, there's...no real reason for it to be here of all places. They could have had it anywhere else; this is in the thick of the fighting, after all, the entire map is called the Battlefield for a reason. But there's a reason it was here.
Well, the Elder's temples are sacred. They're holy places, not to be trifled with, even in the midst of a war, they're like churches. And what was guaranteed if you took shelter in a church?
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Unfortunately, this doesn't guarantee its outside will be particularly safe from conflict, especially toward the end of the war. Survival began to matter more than walls, I suspect, and it's clear from the Lookout Scout's memory sequence that even then, this place was broken down; potentially from Dark Dragons, potentially from the Ancestors. Unfortunately, we currently have no way of knowing for sure.
On the topic of placements and symbolism in the Battlefield map, though: there's also all of this imagery of the King leading up to the Wasteland Elder's temple.
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Let me suggest to you the following as an answer to why:
Eden was not always the primary residence of the King.
Before you grab your torches and pitchforks, hear me out. The Eden Castle was not always there, and this is explicitly shown in the Aurora concert during Warrior, but also the fourth quest in Season of Passage:
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No castle.
Now, what does this mean for the King? Well, logically they should have them residing in the otherwise safest place in the Kingdom—like, perhaps, a Vault.
Now we're getting somewhere.
Let's go back to the statues.
Many theorize that they're graves, due to the fact that there's one in each temple and when you sit, you're taken to the respective cutscenes that feature the Elders in their limbos. I disagree.
I think they were communication lines. Every Elder will need to contact one another at some point, and other than the Windpaths, there's really no shortcuts through the realms; thus, the statues function as telephones in a home network, if you will. If one person picks up the line while others are having a conversation, they can listen in as well.
Who needs to have a way to contact every single Elder?
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The King.
A ruler needs to be able to conveniently contact the others that help them run a kingdom, especially at a moment's notice, and phones don't exactly exist in the Kingdom. Thusly following the path of logic here, wherever the King is, there should be each statue for each corresponding Elder.
Once the castle became the primary residence of the King, now that the Vault Elder was no longer close by, there was a statue added to the arrangement; this also explains why it's just sat in the middle of them instead of up with the rest.
There is one other thing, though.
What's up with the Wasteland Elder?
After all, if the Vault was the primary residence of the King, and the statues support that, then why and how does the Wasteland Elder come to inhabit that building?
I have a few thoughts on that too.
Let's take a look at the Wasteland Elder, for starters.
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They look like a soldier. Which is no surprise, really, seeing as they were in charge of what is now the Wasteland, and the war that seems to have primarily taken place there.
I have another thought though.
The King needs a guard, or more accurately, the Prince does. Sure, there is plenty of power when you are the King, but before that they was a Prince, and there are always precautions that should be taken with the future ruler of your Kingdom.
From what little we see of their character, the Wasteland Elder is protective. Defensive. Willing to do anything to safeguard what lay beyond that gate. They had to learn from somewhere. That instinct has to come from somewhere, because they clearly have worked themselves to the point of absolute exhaustion in their efforts to safeguard that gate.
To this, I ask you: what better protection is there for a Prince than a Star?
Of course, once the Prince becomes a King, and Eden is more than adequate as a safe spot for them, this Star needs to be put somewhere else.
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And the Wasteland still needs a protector. After all, the Dark Dragons at this point must be becoming a problem, and Darkstone production is likely growing larger and larger by the day; the people need someone to keep them safe and reassure them that all will be okay.
Who better than a Star that already knows everything about protection and defense? Who has the necessary experience? Who has likely had to manage other guards that helped protect the Prince?
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TL;DR: Before the fall of the kingdom, while the King was still a Prince, before the Castle was built the Prince resided in the Vault. And before the conflict in the Wasteland, the Vault Elder's temple was the broken building we now see in the Battlefield. This explains both the King imagery leading up to (what is now)the Wasteland Temple(which also doubles as the entrance to the Vault) and the symbol atop the broken building that resembles the Vault masks.
During the period of time before the Prince became the King, the Wasteland Elder was assigned as their protector, explaining their intense need to defend the Vault 'til their last breath. Afterward, once the Prince becomes King, they are reassigned as the Guardian of the Wasteland, charged with overseeing its people and the Darkstone production taking place there.
Because of the fact that the King resided in the Vault and the Eden Castle, there are versions of each Elder's statue in both places due to them potentially being communication lines instead of graves. Or, at least, they used to be communication lines and were turned into graves for the Fallen Stars after the Fall of the Kingdom. This also explains why each statue takes us to that specific Elder's limbo space; they still, technically, function for their intended purpose.
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Of course, this is all just one huge theory made up of a bunch of smaller theories and doesn't have the greatest evidence but. Alas! I am prone to overthinking details in the Funny Light Game.
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zedecksiew · 4 months
What Do Ability Scores Represent?
Recently, Into The Odd and the players in my home game helped me realise something fundamental:
Ability scores represent how good you are at acting under pressure.
STR isn't strength, it's toughness;
DEX really means reflexes;
WIS is more accurately calm or willpower;
It is convention in roleplaying games that your ability scores / attributes / six stats determine who your character is.
High DEX means your character is spry, capable of acrobatic flourish; a good Willpower generally means you can browbeat others / themselves / reality (if you are spellcaster) into doing what they want; etc.
There is pleasure in looking at a sheet and seeing: Oh! These are the things my character is good at.
But you do run into problems. Does my 18 DEX rogue know they are fleeter than the 17 DEX bard? What if my wizard thinks she is stronger than her 10 STR? What if I have a brilliant scheme but my barbarian only has 9 INT?
How well, in other words, does the map represent the territory?
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(Art by Vesha, who is an illustrator! source)
I've got three players in my home game:
Vesha plays the teenaged trader Khabar (and his buffalo friend / parent-figure, Paal);
Amanda plays the monkey warrior Boots-Ra, now going white-furred;
Aish plays Captain Phung.
Phung does not yet own a proper sea-going vessel. Perhaps he lost his previous ship? Perhaps he never had one. (He does have a magic five-person sampan, though!)
He is impulsive. He tends to make dodgy deals with hapless village-folk, pick up dangerous-looking objects, and flirt with dangerous-looking men.
Mechanics-wise, here's how my interactions with Aish / Phung tend to go:
Me: Okay, make a DEX save to duck before the hunter stabs you. Aish: Damn, my DEX is only 6, guess we'll see ... Amanda: Oh, no, Phung!
In a previous session:
Me: Okay, I think I'll call for a WIL save, because the ghost in the goat skull is trying to possess you. Aish: Well, my WIL is 5, hopefully this works out ... Vesha: Oh shit, Phung!
Some sessions back:
Me: The automaton shoves you. Make a STR save? Otherwise you'll be on the ground at its mercy. Aish: Guys I have 6 STR, I may be in trouble here. Me: Wait wait wait. What are your stats again?
So it turns out that Aish had terrible rolls at chargen. STR 6 DEX 6 WIL 5. Just going by ability scores, Phung is an idiot weakling.
Thing is, Phung isn't an idiot weakling.
I've got crafty players; they are pretty good at cooking up multi-part schemes. (Their go-to tactic is bamboozling rival factions to show up at the same place, then benefit from the fallout.)
Phung is generally the face for whatever racket they've got going: he's the most obvious leader (the party is generally "Captain Phung and crew"), and Aish plays him as a capable, charismatic go-getter.
Looking at the character sheet, is Aish playing Phung wrong?
Fuck that. A player cannot play their own character wrong. I reject this notion outright.
What's going on?
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Different rulesets try to bridge the gaps between player action, character ability, and abstract math in different ways: eliminating mental attributes; going totally skill-based; etc.
The ruleset that comes closest to "solving" this, for me, is Into The Odd.
Saves are the only kind of test player-characters make, in ITO and its derivatives. This is key.
The ruleset assumes competency on the part of characters; you only go to the dice if you need to figure out stuff that is out of your control.
How badly a straight-up fight goes; whether you can jump aside in time if you've accidentally sprung a trap; whether you can improvise a lie on the fly.
Implicitly, and in practice:
The STR stat in ITO is more accurately toughness---ie: how well you can withstand a physically demanding situation you didn't prepare for.
Ditto DEX, which is an abstraction for how quickly your reflexes trigger.
Same with WIL, which is how well you stay calm under duress.
I can be sharp when I've got time and it is a subject I have experience in. But suddenly ask me to make a speech and I'm toast (low INT).
Some folks have no martial arts training but can hold their own if a brawl breaks out in a bar (high STR).
Captain Phung is a pretty cool operator when he's in control, but tends to seize up when things go off the rails (low WIL).
There's my answer to the conundrum of Captain Phung: he's a genuinely capable guy. He's just not necessarily great under stress. His reach exceeds his grasp, sometimes.
Your ability scores don't represent who your character is. Your ability scores represent who your character is, when under duress.
In other words:
Ability scores are who your character is when they are not in control. Ability scores are your character's reactions.
I do feel slow on the uptake, for only grokking this now.
Chris McDowall probably has a post from the mid 2010s or something where he discusses this aspect design in detail, the clever genius bastard. It is probably internalised play-culture within the ITO-and-descendants community; Emms points out that the current edition of Mothership explicitly talks about stats in this way.
Am glad to have a regular TTRPG group again, and I have them to thank for my epiphany!
(They are kickass. I ran them through Whirling Mummy a while back and it was a RIOT)
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aleeyenn · 1 year
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oddfoxstudio · 2 years
-Introduction post-
Hello,and welcome to my odd wormhole here!My name's Oddity and this is my blog!
------MAIN INFO------
FNAF and Captain Underpants are my main 2 hyperfixations,but I am also in a handle of other fandoms that would take me an eternity to list. I also am an avid collector of Funko Pops and other lil trinkets that look nice :]
As a warning,I am a massive Horror fan so expect that some things one here might disturb people. These posts will always have a warning attached onto them but nonetheless,do tred lightly.
------OCS & ORIGINAL WORKS------
Along with fandom artwork,you can find multiple artworks and developments for my ocs! Below here is my sona/main oc,Oddness(hence my online name lol)!
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------DNI + INTERACTS------
Fnaf Fans
Cu Fans
MLP Fans
Musical Lovers
LGBTQ People(U all are welcome!!!)
Systems are absolutely welcome as well!!
Collectors of odd lil items
NSFW Blogs. I am a minor,please leave me alone
Proshippers. You are nasty
Toxic People/Internet Karens. Don't like it here? Leave me alone I do not care.
Homophobes. I'm Bi + Nonbinary and I headcanon a lot of people(especially in my fnaf au) to be lgbtq. Miff off. Same goes for Transphobes
Pro-Israel People
------OTHER BLOGS-----
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Missingno! Larry AU Evidence
This is an AU/Headcanon made by johnchurch on AO3, this was all inspired by them and I really fell in love with it, please support them! (I hope it’s okay mentioning you)
I wanted to share this AU and give some “evidence” to support it for fun. Larry deserves to have some glitch eldritch vibes <3
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The iconic Missingo from Red and Blue had a Bird/Normal typing! The Bird Type was a scrapped typing for Red and Blue, which became the Flying Type. Larry specializes in both Normal and Flying types due to being a Gym Leader and an Elite Four member. This is probably a reference to Normal/Flying being the most common dual typing.
Missingno’s party sprite appears as the “generic man” NPC sprite. Larry the Exceptional Everyman…
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Missingno is very pixelated with lots of squares and rectangles. Some believe the white spaces with a pixel in the middle are its eyes. Larry is the only character in Scarlet and Violet to have square eyes
Missingno causes a lot of glitches in areas like the Pokémon League Hall of Fame, making all the entries become scrambled or straight up ineligible. In the Scarlet and Violet Books, there are pages that are missing words and letters in every single copy of that book. *Squints at Larry working at the Pokémon League for 3 different jobs*
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This is a bit of a joke, but when describing Missingno’s appearance, many websites say it’s shaped “like a backwards L.”
L for Larry haha
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Larry’s Gym Floor has this odd clipping effect going on. It’s more noticeable once you send Pokémon out in the Gym Floor. Depending on the severity of glitches in your game, Pokémon can sink halfway into the floor! Interesting how this effect is only seen in Medali Gym! (His Gym vs Elite Four room for comparison)
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The Elite Four battle music has become infamous for somehow glitching, repeating the first few notes over and over again. It’s caused by a Memory Leak glitch, and it’s very unnerving to battle with it playing haha. What did you do, Larry? Were you in a bad mood?
Looking at the slowed-down animation of Larry’s Pokeball throw kinda freaked me out. I love his aggressive throw, but looking at it carefully, it looks like there’s a frame where his head is detached from his body? Once I noticed it, I can’t unsee it! It’s a lot more noticeable when watching the actual animation. Please be more careful with your vessel, Larry
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This glitch was so funny to me, but when battling Top Champion Geeta, a glitch can occur where Larry appears at the edge of the arena. He just…watches you battle, unmoving. It’s so perfect haha. Larry glitches his way in to support you and watch you beat up his boss
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I know this is just classic Pokémon animation, but Larry pulls all his Pokeballs from his breast pocket instead of a belt or pants pocket. I’ve always loved this animation for its ‘misdirection’ trick. He goes to adjust his tie, and in a flash he pulls out a Pokeball! Considering he has several teams of Pokémon,how do they even fit? Missingno glitches the 6th item in your inventory, giving you 128 copies of that item. People have used this glitch to get tons of Masterballs or Rare Candies. Perhaps Larry’s pocket has these infinite capabilities as well? (also he looks so cool in this screenshoot!)
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I love how…aggressively normal Larry is. Average office worker, average tired overworked man, normal personality , normal appearance, normal normal normal. I’d like to imagine that Missingno!Larry tries so hard to behave like a normal person, to the point he’s a bit abnormal haha. If you think about it, his title of the ‘Exceptional Everyman’ fits very well. Exceptional can mean “outstanding,” but also “unusual” and “abnormal.” His title is very deceptive
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This AU is so entertaining ! Having this sort of mindset makes the glitches in the game a lot more fun. All the twisted movements, glitched out faces, and see-through landscapes may all be from the forbidden presence of an ‘unremarkable’ Missingno.
I’d love to hear some other ideas/evidence y’all have! Thank you johnchurch for my new obsession haha, it’s such a cool idea
Edit: I’m definitely making a Giratina! Larry AU because the reblogs are right, it is too funny to pass up. The real banishment is being stuck in a 9-5 office job and working two side jobs to make ends meet
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I have five thousand thoughts in my head and they are all spinning at a hundred miles per hour, but one of them is specifically about Adam and his alternate behaviours prior to him knowing he’s an alternate.
We know he was a nicer as a person before recent events, but we also know that even two years before he was still a bit… odd. He did take Sarah to an active crime scene and play an audio lure that can best be described as the screams of hell to get a response out of multiple alternates after all.
This particular event is actually linked with the Adam thoughts currently plaguing me.
Adam, when rewatching his moments in the series, does display multiple behaviours that are linked with him being an alternate, most notably the fact he doesn’t experience fear and also him telling Eve things she wished he never did (he does this around the time he starts acting weirder too).
However, another characteristic I noticed is to do with the screaming. In Volume 2, when Adam and Jonah are debating whether to leave or not, a screaming-like, glitching sound can be heard from inside the house. Jonah’s reaction is naturally fear, his desire to leave even stronger than before, meanwhile Adam finds it to be interesting and is adamant on going back in.
The screaming-like sound in question… was used as a lure to get Adam back inside and into the basement. Adam is subconsciously drawn to similar sounds due to his true nature.
I am most certainly reading too deep into this again and this probably wasn’t intentional, alas I’m having fun doing this so I shall simply not be stopped.
Always, have an Adam.
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teamfortresstwo · 4 months
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I really like the headcanon that Vox died of a seizure due to the flashing of a TV .
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Remember when the Audrey villain leaks came out and then we saw the offical c4 and s3 outfit reveals and saw the c4 on the isle and the s3 in an auradon forest and we all thought there had been some sort of time spell where Audrey twisted time and instead of the c4 coming to Auradon it was the s3 so Audrey stayed with Ben and there was a whole adventue to fix the timeline? no? just me? okay
#i remember the theories they were so interesting#like how dr. Facilier ran an underground motorrace and the vks had to race to get the key to Hades lair#and we all thought Harry and Gil had dyed their hair blue becuase that reveal photo of the s3 looked so odd for Harry's hair lighting and i#looked blue#and we all thought Audrey had gone to a wishing well like in ouat and had cast a time spell and the vks had to work together to get their#timeline back#Uma#Mal and Audrey and Hades are the only ones who remember the last timeline#aka demi-gods#person who cast the spell#and god#and Mal goes to see Hades and confronts him cuz hes a god and might know where cronos sundial is so she can get her timeline back#but she also notices alto of the isle is-way better than what she and her friends had done?? theres fresh food-no one is wearing ratty old#clothes that were trash from auradon#the air is better#and theres no propagana pictures#Mal asks-not so descretly-what happened and Hades just goes 'uma.'#Uma made it her whole ass mission to make the isle a better place in gernal becuase even if they're steadely getting kids off-its still a#really bad place and-ya know-HUMAN RIGHTS#Ben is very supportive and the isle becomes less an inhumane prison and more just a isle of solitude where the villains live without magic#the barrier was edited personally by FG and Uma to allow fresh air and water in and out of the isle becuase it was really fucked up that#once ANYTHING gets in it cant go out so the isle waters were really really poluted and bad and FG was like- "how did i not know it was this#bad!?“ and uma is just like ”....really?“#anyway i have feelings about the fandoms old theories about d3#anyway Mal goes through teh deliema of either going back to her timeline where the isle is still really bad but shes happy or#stay in the timeline where the isle is much better but she's still stuck and not with Ben/becoming queen#so she has the same choice in this alt timeine that she gets in d3 but its much more-just on her-becuase she knows Uma wont twist back#the timeline-shes happy#Harry and Gil are happy-lots of kids are already off the isle#and Ben looks happy too...hopefully
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