ranposlittle · 4 years
Hiya! If I could, may I have a bsd matchup please? I think it’ll be longish, so I’ll mark it with (⚜️) I’ll start with the obvious stuff. I’m a. heterosexual female, an INTP and 5w6. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, but I’ve had people assume Slytherin before. Appearance wise, I’m 157cm, have short brown hair and blue eyes, I think I’m fairly pale too?
(⚜️) I really like history and physics (I study physics at university). I particularly like reading and analysing old writings about historical events and getting all viewpoints to paint a better picture. I’m also very fond of cats (they’re very cute). Reading and sleeping are things I do often if I’m not running errands, (it’s safe to say a lot of my activities are rather boring). I would like to do more exciting things, but think it would be weird for me to do them on my own (idk why?).
(⚜️) Personality wise, I’ve been told I’m intimidating at first (people often assume I dislike them) because I rarely talk, but it’s just because I really suck at conversation and ice breakers. I’m pretty self conscious and have trouble thinking of myself being involved with others. I’m kinda lazy too and find it hard to get motivated to do anything.
(⚜️) I struggle with illness, so I think I’d need to have a somewhat tolerant partner, though not so much that I continue to get worse (not that I expect them to ‘fix’ me or be responsible for my wellbeing). Anyway, those are my bad aspects. I am very good at understanding people and empathising with them. I can normally read people and get a good gist of their intentions pretty well (like a sixth sense I guess). I’m also fairly creative so it’s easy for me to find fixes to problems.
(⚜️) If I got attached to someone I’d probably be really clingy? Or at least talk to them about dumb things a lot. Though this also means that once I trust someone and know that they trust me I’m incredibly loyal and supportive (but not blindly). Sorry if this is a lot, I never know where to stop with these things? Thank you in advance!
I ship you with...
🌹 Oda Sakunosuke 🌹
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There's practically nobody as understanding as Odasaku is. His tone and words are always gentle, honest and kind. A sense of comfort surrounds this man's presence so to be in a relationship with him would feel quite relaxing.
Despite being The Logician of the personality types, INTPs are known to be shy around unfamiliar faces. This might be why you may come off as intimidating to others but even so, Odasaku would be unfazed by this. He wouldn't mind sitting in silence if there's nothing to be talked about and wouldn't feel uncomfortable. If he notices that it's you who feels uneasy, then he would also be quick to come up with a topic of conversation. INTPs are logically precise and could easily tell the truth behind people's motives but can be quite weak in reading people's emotional complaints or hints. Odasaku functions the same way but he can be really sensitive in seeing and understanding what you might be feeling without you having to voice it out. Because of your intellectual talent as being also a Ravenclaw, you should be able to know that Odasaku is as genuine as one can be. He never hides any hidden intent behind his words nor his actions, making it easier to put your trust in him. It would also probably be not that hard for Odasaku to pick up the trail of crumbs you left him to let him know that you like him and since he can see that you're too shy to act on it, he wouldn't mind making the first move. He understands that the risk of rejection is never a pretty feeling so he would let you know the risk was never there.
INTPs pride themselves on their brilliant intellect and unrelenting logic, because of this, you might often have a book in hand. Whatever it is that you're reading, Odasaku would be peeking on it or would ask you what it is about. Even if history and physics isn't really his thing, he would still be interested to hear you talk about what you've read. He likes that he can learn all sorts of things from you since his schedule doesn't really allow him to spend a lot of time on things that wouldn't be useful for his current work, so he would love it that just by talking to you, his horizons widen. Communication wouldn't be a challenge to the two of you as you share the likeliness of being direct and honest with your speech, creating a mutual understanding to avoid common misunderstandings. INTPs are always full of ideas but usually don't get to venture out often but Odasaku would make a great adventure buddy for you. He will be encouraging and supporting of any exciting experiences you'd like to have and you'll just that feeling that everything will be fine as long as he is with you.
Overall, I think Odasaku is the right man for you because his endearing yet fierce personality would be something that could support your growth and comfort you from your troubles. Of course, he wouldn't try to fix you because he doesn't think there's anything to 'fix' in the first place. You're not just your illness and he will genuinely see you as the person you are beyond that. However, this doesn't mean that he will not reach out his help to you when you need it. Odasaku would not think twice about doing anything he can to make things better for you without being too much. He will let you stand on your own feet but he will be there to pick you up when you fall. The relationship, while being loving, would be simple and logical. No unfulfilled complicated emotional needs or desire for over the top romantic notions to worry about, you're both free to be yourselves whilst being a couple. Your loyalty to each other would be proven over time and whether it be by hugs or through the sparkles of your eyes whenever you tell him about something you're excited about, Odasaku would love that he's the one you're giving your love to. Most of all, if you're dreaming of living surrounded by feline friends, Odasaku would fit the picture perfectly. It would be like playing house but with cute little kittens instead of children. Although, of course, he'll be as loving to children as he is with cats if you decide to have any.
Hello there, anon~ here's your matchup! ❤️ I hope this was well worth the wait and thank you for being here! (。˃ ᵕ ˂。)
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ranposlittle · 4 years
Hello! Sorry if I am bothering you but could I have a match up? ( If you are doing requests) I'm a female, 5"4 and I'm a hufflepuff. I am quite sensitive and kind but I am a sagittarius which I don't know of I live up to. I can be mischievous and chatty with people but there are sometimes I prefer to be by myself. I hide a lot of stuff from people so that they won't worry about me
I ship you with...
🌼 Oda Sakunosuke 🌼
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Being born under the fiery sign of Sagittarius, you have an optimistic outlook in life. You're independent, vibrant and have an adaptable personality. Because of this, you would often help the kids plan a playful prank against Odasaku whenever he comes to visit. It wasn't a surprise, however, when he came one day and you weren't there when the kids jumped out of the closet to scare him.
You're not really one to talk about your feelings. Others may even see you as detached from them but Odasaku would know better. His perceptiveness allowed him to read through your layers like you're transparent. He knows when you're hiding something, although he will never push you to talk about it. He understands your tendency to lick your own wounds sometimes. He respects your need to go through tough situations alone too but Odasaku, being himself, wouldn't let you forget that you don't have to do it alone. He'll always be there if you need him and if you argue with him that you don't want to worry him, he'll say: "I care about you so it's just natural that I'll worry about you. It's not something you can help from happening. I always think about you anyway, so hiding it doesn't really make any difference."
He would be able to tell from the slight change in your facial expressions or the way your eyes would cast down to the floor even after laughing at someone's joke, that you're thinking of something. Odasaku is a good man, you know that. He's honest and never harbored any hidden intentions behind his words nor his actions. He will never play mind games with you and he expects you to be honest with him as well. Your honesty would really be the only thing that he will ever ask from you in your relationship. Of course, he will never push you to do something you don't want to do but Odasaku would just worry about you more if you don't share what's on your mind when he knows that something's wrong. Thankfully, Odasaku possesses great kindness and gentleness. He will be patient and understanding and let you take your time to open up to him until you're fully comfortable. No matter how long it takes or how many times you'll have to argue, at the end of the day, he will always be there to hold you in his arms and assure you that he's not going anywhere. He will never get tired of you and he will show that with the little things he'll do for you everyday.
He knows that you have a tough exterior: proud and bold. You always seem to be on the go and always in the moment. You're curious and wants to gain more wisdom, to learn and to explore. Odasaku admires this about you. How you carry so much inside you without letting all of it hold you back from still enjoying your time. He cares deeply towards you and would be your friend, your protector and your lover. You can drag him to an adventure or just to have a relaxing day together. He also doesn't have any problem with being a frequent victim of the days where your mischievousness takes over you, most of the time ending up in a round of play fighting (with Odasaku letting you win, of course). He'll be surprisingly romantic; setting up dates and always having a gift in hand for you whenever he goes away for a while for a mission.
As a Hufflepuff, you're accepting of everyone so it was easy for Odasaku to feel comfortable with you upon your first meeting as you never judged him for his job and just appreciates him for who he is as a person. You have also been aware of Odasaku's peculiar sense of morality and you respect it greatly as you find it commendable to keep such commitment while being in his line of work. His authenticity and honesty is also something that complements your Hufflepuff traits, as well.
Overall, I think you'll be good together because Odasaku is someone who you can be with without too much pressure. He's warm, truthful and loyal. Odasaku may not be the most adventurous guy out there but he won't say no if you ask him to. He may also not be spontaneous but that just makes his little surprises even more valuable. Being with someone like Odasaku won't overwhelm you but that doesn't mean that the experience would be bland either. It's a high chance that you'll have a healthy and steady relationship with him. But don't worry, he will not rush you into commitment. He is more than willing to wait and work slowly with you towards your relationship. He's contented to just enjoy his time with you, no matter what he is in your life. With him, the atmosphere is just light. He's not a strict and serious person and will not restrict you from your own personal freedom but he's also not someone who just mess around. He's your guy if you're still trying to figure out your own personality and you wouldn't have to worry about losing him because of it.
Thank you for sending this in, cryptedsunn! You know, I also used to feel like I'm not an Aries bcos some traits doesn't apply to me but I found out that it's because our zodiac/sun signs isn't the only thing that affects our personality (in astrology). We also have our rising sign and our moon sign. I think it depends on where you are in life but sometimes the other signs on our natal chart affects us more than our sun sign. In my case, I feel more like an Aries now than I was when I was younger so I guess it takes time. Anyways! I hope this was okay! I hope you enjoy it~ 💕🥰
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