#oc:taisiya suvorova
fusionnukacola · 1 year
Hmm... How about....
💥 🦋 🦈 💌
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Hello again anon! Thank you for the ask :)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Colonel Hsu not being a more important character. I don't care about canon I love him with all my heart. I also wish you could kiss him on the lips.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I know this is an OC, but my FNV Courier Taisiya Suvorova! Absolutely love writing for her, here's a sneak peek at one of my favorite pieces I've written for her:
[Taisiya, at that moment, feels angrier than she’s ever felt. Her lips twitch and she unclenches her fists. Looking up at the blue sky, where ‘He’ supposedly resided. She scoffed, and her eyes drifted to the man preaching in front of her, and Taisiya thinks, who the fuck is he to speak about God’s plan?
Who the fuck is he to stand before her, younger and thinking that he was wiser than she ever could be, and preach that every bit of suffering she’s ever been through has been at the will of his God?
Taisiya was older than he ever would be, she has decades of experience above him, she watched him rise to power- no, she let him rise to power in the Legion because if she so wanted, Taisiya could’ve taken him out the very second he became Legate. 
She was there when he fell, and she didn’t. 
So who does he think he is, spreading his unwanted gospel to her?]
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Honestly, Elder Maxson. I feel like I can never get his mannerisms right.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Soulmate AUs! Absolutely love them.
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taisiyasuvorov · 2 years
tag list, taisiya v. suvorova
personality; she's a killer queen
character; everything you need to know about her is in this file
introspect; never thought i was gonna last this long
weaponry; one bullet one kill
aesthetic; blood flows in streams
medical; ignores her wounds and hates being out of commission / she's a doctors worst nightmare
style; she turns heads no matter what she's wearing
experience; i know my history. do you?
scars & bruises; she's really gotta stop jumping into fights with no regard for herself
looks; enough to make a man spill all his secrets
romance; come back short and with black hair and then we'll talk
skillset; draw you in with the beauty of a black widow
once dead; do not stand at my grave and weep
twice dead; i am not there - i do not sleep
red room; fallout universe
events; new california
events; red room
events; major trauma to body
events; minor trauma to body
events; trauma to body
events; trauma to mind
events; hospital visit
events; beheading of caeser - 2282
events; the glamorous sierra madre
events; honest hearts
events; old world blues
events; lonesome road
events; the frontier
events; the second battle of hoover dam - 2284
meme; arcade what the fuck are you doing
misc; everything and everything
writing & prompts; when will you be honest?
titles & alias(es);черная вдова - славянская тень - красная смерть.
| more to be added*
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