#oc: tybalt lannister
queen--kenobi · 20 days
Listen in my head Tybalt is a mommy's boy for reasons that make sense. But also. It's funny to imagine
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westaeros · 9 months
MUSE LIST ( as of September 7th, 2023 ) :
Aemma Arryn
Cersei Lannister
Daenara Targaryen ( OC )
Elspeth Buckwell ( OC )
Jeyne Westerling
Joanna Baratheon ( OC )
Lyanna Stark
Myrielle Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
Tybalt Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
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can you tell us more about the children of jaime and alys ?? and what happens when jaime is captured by robb ?
Of course I will tell you more about them! I talked about them a bit here as well, but I will talk about them again under the cut for length:
So starting in order the first child of Jaime and Alys (other than Jon who is technically first but also not biologically theirs) is Joanna Lannister. She was the first born between her and Rickard as they are twins. She is pretty much the perfect picture of House Lannister, golden hair, green eyes, so and so forth. She also is much more inclined towards the Lannister way of thinking, she's ambitious, cunning, and shrewd. She understands her place in things and works with and around those limitations rather than trying too hard to fight against them. At the start of GoT-era she is in Highgarden with the Tyrells, and when they rally in support of Renly she accompanies as one of Margaerys ladies. She continues to follow Margaery to Kings Landing and it is there that she gets to know Cersei better. At some point, after the whole purple wedding happens, Joanna does leave Westeros for Essos and ends up in the company of Daenerys. Basically when I was thinking about Joanna and what I want to do with her I wanted to explore her having a relationship with three of the women characters who are queens and have power of their own. It very much is her learning from each of these women and growing into her own alongside them.
Then, after Joanna, we have her younger twin Rickard Lannister. He is really, of all of Alys and Jaime's children, the one who is the biggest mix of the two. He favors Alys in terms of his appearance, being much closer to the Stark look than the Lannister, as well as in his tendency to be very warm-hearted and compassionate. He favors Jaime though in his skills with a sword and his pride and spirit. He's really a very jovial light-hearted person, preferring to look at the fun of life rather than the darker parts of it. When Jon joins the Nights Watch and the role of heir passes down to Rickard he's a bit mournful of the future he may have had as the second son. Rickard also is probably the closest to Alys and the one most likely to listen to her and follow her judgement first. It's this that leads him to Essos, as she asks him to accompany Elia when she leaves to find Aegon. He then spends a large part of GoT-Era in Essos alongside Aegon, he joins the Golden Company and is even knighted by Jon Connington. He and Aegon do also grow very close during this time and their relationship is one I am excited to explore.
After the twins its a long while before Alys and Jaime have another child, mostly due to two reasons: one is that Alys suffers a few early miscarriages over the years, and the second being that at one point she does have a pregnancy that goes fairly far only to have a difficult labor and stillborn child. The latter incident making Jaime very very wary about intentionally trying for any other children, as he's terrified of her dying. It causes a slight strain on their relationship, as Alys does want another child and is willing to risk it while Jaime is not so willing, but eventually they make it through and Alys does end up pregnant and successfully has their youngest child Tybalt Lannister.
Tybalt is only about 2-3 at the start of GoT-era (so same age as Rickon) he's a sweet kid who enjoys listening to stories and chasing bugs through the grass cause he's a toddler and they do that. He doesn't have a huge role in the story, he's with Alys through the course of Kings Landing and she does her best to shelter him from the war and all that. Tywin does eventually attempt to separate Tybalt from Alys, around the time of the purple wedding, as he disapproves of how Alys has mothered her children previously and with Jon in the Nights Watch and Rickard off in Essos Tywin very much views Tybalt as a new chance at raising the heir he wants from Alys and Jaime's children.
Jaime and Alys will end up having one more child by the end of GoT-era but I haven't given much more thought than it will probably be a girl and her name might be Ella.
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westaeros · 9 months
Aemma Arryn
Alysanne Bulwer
Cersei Lannister
Elspeth Buckwell ( OC )
Jeyne Westerling
Joanna Baratheon ( OC )
Lyanna Stark
Myrielle Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
Tybalt Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
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westaeros · 11 months
Aemma Arryn
Cersei Lannister
Elspeth Buckwell ( OC )
Jeyne Westerling
Joanna Baratheon ( OC )
Lyanna Stark
Myrielle Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
Tybalt Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
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I wanna know about Alys and Jaime’s kids!!!!
Oof prepare yourself because I’ve thought a lot about their kids, especially because they’ll each have roles in the story when we enter Game of Thrones era
Putting it all under the cut because I know I’ll ramble and make this long, and also warning this will include spoilers for something not yet talked about on tumblr (but that I’m very excited about and more than ready to talk about, and is happening relatively soon)
Going eldest to youngest, and adding a picture of how they look at the start of Game of Thrones
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Alys ends up claiming Jon rather than Ned, then eventually Jaime also claims him, legitimizing Jon as a Lannister when the two of them marry
He's incredibly close to Alys, and decently close with Jaime though it takes Jaime a bit longer to actually feel like Jons father because of the fact that Jaime knows he’s not and doesn’t have any actual blood connection to him 
if you thought he was a skilled swordsman before wait till you see a Jon raised by the absolute best swordsman in the south Jaime Lannister
Though Alys raises all her children with an understanding of both sides of their parentage, Jon is the one she raises to be the most ‘Stark’. She takes all her children to visit Winterfell at one point or another, but Jon has visited the most out of them all
He’s also sent to foster at Winterfell around the age of 13, Tywin had been pushing to foster Jon for years but Alys (with Jaimes help) had been able to push it off. She arranges with Ned for the invitation and Tywin has little choice but to send Jon north
He grows up feeling more connected to his Stark parentage than his (supposed) Lannister side, and ends up feeling much more at home in the North than the Westerlands
Of all Tywin’s grandchildren Jon’s probably the one that disappoints him the most, seeing him as too much like Alys and too northern that he’s unsure of how Jon will fare when he eventual succeeds as Lord of Casterly Rock
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Joanna Lannister, named for Jaime’s mother, and twin to Rickard
She and Rickard are about 2-3 years younger than Jon, she’s the older of the two twins
The most ‘Lannister’ of all of their children, she’s more politically minded and ambitious. She does also care incredibly for her family, to the point where she’d do anything for them, but she also wants to do something great with her life
She is sent to foster at Highgarden when she’s 14, where she becomes close with Margaery and Loras as well as becoming one of Margaery’s ladies when she goes to court 
At the start of Game of Thrones she’s still in Highgarden, and there are talks of an engagement between her and Willas Tyrell though it hasn’t been actually agreed upon and has been talked over for a while before this point
Incredibly protective of Rickard, and part of her overly ambitious personality stems from wanting to help make sure he’ll be able to be happy wherever he ends up, as well as drawing the attention away from some things that might not be favorable upon her twin
She’s probably the most like Tywin and Cersei, though she is tempered slightly with the fact that she shares part of her mothers sense of compassion
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Rickard Lannister, named for Alys’s father, and twin to Joanna 
Even more of a mommas boy than Jon, like this boy would kill anyone for his mother (though she’d never ask him to). He just really loves her, and puts her first over most things
If Jon is overly ‘Stark’ in nature and Joanna is overly ‘Lannister’ Rickard is the happy medium. Just the right mix of northern honor and Lannister cunning that Tywin doesn’t hate him
Loves fighting, not in like a brutal rage way, but he loves the artistry of it. Very showman whenever he can be, and definitely takes after Jaime in level of general cockiness about his skills
He would be happy spending his life traveling and fighting if it were up to him, he finds the idea of ruling and managing land boring and tedious he’d much rather be elsewhere (though he was raised to respect ones duty, and thus will do what’s asked of him)
This boy is gay, he has absolutely no interest in women and when I tell you I’m excited for his storyline I’m telling you I’m excited for his romance primarily
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Tybalt Lannister, aka the literal baby of the family
he’s only around 4 when Game of Thrones starts, so he’s on par with Rickon
I feel like at this point it’s redundant, but mommas boy (Alys literally is only capable of raising varying degrees of mommas boys), he spends most of the story either in Casterly Rock or with Alys
He’s a sweet kid though, quiet and enjoys listening to stories more than anything else. He’s only just starting to read and he’s already a fan. He loves Tyrion, and whenever his uncle is at Casterly Rock he’s quick to follow him about the place
I am planning for Jaime and Alys to have one more kid during Game of Thrones era, but I’ve decided nothing about them aside the fact that they’ll exist. 
Feel free to ask anything about my Lannister babies because lord knows I’ve been dying to talk about them for ages
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hey, so i wanted to ask you which one of alys kids is favored by tywin the most? and pls dont tell me Jaime fathers Cersei´s kids 😭😭😭
So Tywin and his favor I feel is a very complex sort of thing, I've actually talked a few times about his views on his children/grandchildren and all that, which can be found here and here . But those asks had much more to do with who least disappointed him and not necessarily who he favored. So I'll add on here for you!
So, again, I think Tywin's favor is a complex thing that shifts depending on what he needs from his kids. Jaime and Alys's daughter Joanna could certainly be considered his 'favorite' of his grandchildren by the basis that she is the most Lannister and the one who disappoints him the least, she does as she's told (most of the time), holds ambitions and ideals in line with her family name, and when she does things of her own volitions it's typically to benefit her family. But, she's not who I would say Tywin ends up 'favoring' in the GoT-era of TOSG, mostly because despite all that he can still see the ways Alys influenced her and that ends up being something Tywin dislikes about most of his grandchildren from Jaime and Alys.
So by that he really ends up favoring, or at least putting his attentions towards, Tybalt who is the youngest of Jaime and Alys's kids in GoT-era being only about 2-3 years old at the start of the sequel. And Tywins favoritism stems primarily from the fact that he is young, and over the course of the sequel decides that he wants to separate Tybalt from his mother to hopefully raise him to be the heir that he wants for House Lannister without Alys's influence being so strong upon him.
thank you so much for the ask!
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🖊 + Alys?
Lets talk Alys post-TOSG and Pre-GoT cause that sounds fun
When she’s pregnant with the twins she’s absolutely terrified at the thought of giving birth (and dying in the process) though she doesn’t let it show till closer to the birth. She panics about it on two different occasions, one a few weeks before labor and then during it (both of which Jaime is there to calm her down)
It takes her a while to adjust to the sheer size of Casterly Rock, as well to the adjustment of running a castle of that size as well 
That being said she does find herself enjoying the day to day running of Casterly Rock immensely (and for all she misses Winterfell she actually does fall quite a bit in love with Casterly Rock)
The Godswood of Casterly Rock was never poorly kept (because nothing the Lannisters own would ever deign to be poorly kept) but it certainly became more tended after her arrival and clear tendency to visit the space frequently (part of that was the staff noticing, the other part was Jaime deliberately having it made better for her)
There is a large gap in time between when she has the twins and when she has Tybalt. During this time she does get pregnant but suffers a stillborn and very near death in labor. Despite this she still wants more children (with Jaime now being the one terrified and for a while refusing even the idea of another pregnancy)
Even with her duties as Lady of Casterly Rock she travels quite a bit between TOSG and GoT. Mostly to Winterfell, but she does make at least one trip to Dorne to visit Elia and Oberyn
She finds that she still dislikes tourneys, though she does her best to enjoy them in spite of her bad memories associated with them. When Rickard competes for the first time she’s very nervous though she doesn’t let him see that at all (bonus: Rickard competes with her favor)
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Wbw: Alys Stark?
full name: Alys Stark / Alys Lannister 
gender: female
sexuality: demisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Rickard Stark (father), Lyarra Stark (mother), Brandon Stark (older brother), Eddard Stark (older brother), Lyanna Stark (twin sister), Benjen Stark (younger brother), Jaime Lannister (husband), Jon Snow/Lannister (son / nephew), Joanna Lannister (daughter), Rickard Lannister (son), Tybalt Lannister (son) 
birthplace: Winterfell
job: Lady of Casterly Rock
phobias: seeing her family/loved ones die, burning to death 
guilty pleasures: beaches, arbor gold, mulled wine
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
calm/anxious: (look she’s both at any given point / calmly anxious)
otp: Jaime x Alys 
ot3: Alys x Alerie x Mina (platonic) Alys x Lyanna x Howland (platonic)
brotp: Alys x Aleah , Alys x Elia , Alys x Oberyn , Alys x Howland
notp: Alys x Rhaegar , Alys x Robert
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So how many GoT OCs do you have in total?
I think technically 7 in total? Going through it in my mind there is the main three Alys Stark, Lyarra Stark, and Astrid Tyrell that each have their own separate stories. And then in The Other Stark Girl itself alongside Alys there is Aleah (who I count even though she’s a side character), and then in the sequel there will be Joanna, Rickard, and Tybalt Lannister the three of whom I’ve started thinking and working more on lately in terms of character and plotting.
I do have little plot bunnies in my head for other GoT OCs but I don’t include them in this count because they are only really vague ideas that I haven’t explored further and am still not sure that I will. (if you’re curious three that are slightly more fleshed is a Jon twin, a male Robb twin, and a Tully bastard, all three of which I’ve considered exploring further but haven’t yet)
For whatever reason GoT is one of the easiest for me to come up with OCS for. Followed by Harry Potter since I also tend to easily come up with ideas for that as well. 
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alys stark for the ten facts
Alys as always felt very connected to her religion, and out of her all her siblings was likely always the most religious of them. This was only strengthened in her time as a hostage as it become one of the things to give her comfort
She raises her children with knowledge of both the new and the old gods, recognizing their position as being from a southern house. That being said Jon feels the most connected with the old gods, Rickard feels fairly close to both (though he does at times feel much closer to that of the old gods), Joanna is fairly agnostic (though she leans towards the Seven), and Tybalt is too little to care much about either (though when he is older he is also fairly agnostic)
She and Jaime have two weddings, the first a private affair in the North Jaime offer as he knows she would like to be wedded before the old gods. The second a much more lavish affair befitting the marriage of the heir of house Lannister.
Jaime is her first kiss, and the only man she ever kisses/is with in any sort of intimate way
Alys feels very comfortable and happy in her position as Lady Lannister, she grew up knowing and okay with the fact that she would be the lady of a house other than Stark. That doesn’t lessen her loyalty to the North or House Stark though. 
During the Greyjoy Rebellions Alys is very scared for Jaime, as it’s the first time that he’s going off to battle in their relationship and it terrifies her that he may not return. Jon ‘steps up’ and focuses on helping and comforting his mother a lot during this time
Joanna is the child she worries for the least, recognizing very clearly (from a fairly young age) that Joanna is independent and clever as well as ambitious. She trusts that Joanna knows when to push things in her favor and when to step back for safety
Alys tries hard to be there for Sansa, both before Ned’s death and after, and she ends up very much as a mother figure to Sansa, though she obviously would never replace Catelyn
Alys is actually grateful that Jon is at the Wall during the whole mess that occurs in the south, though she knows it’s hardly the safest place she views it much safer for him considering the tensions raised and the fact that she knows he’d feel as torn as her between Stark and Lannister sides
She views Littlefinger with extreme caution, especially when it comes to Sansa. 
Send me an OC and I’ll give you 10 facts about them
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Hi! I just found TOSG and I read it all in one day I love it so much! Your writing is so beautiful and captivating. I can’t wait for the next chapter and where Alys and Jaime’s story goes. I have a question because I saw that you said that Jon disappoints Tywin the most of his grandchildren because he’s the most Stark (aww bb🥺). And I was wondering if Alys and Jaime’s other children disappoint Tywin in the same way because they are half stark or if they are just like any other grandchildren to him?
Gah!!! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you love it! It always means a lot to me to hear that people like my writing.
So yeah, Jon disappoints Tywin the most because of his connection and leaning towards the Stark/Northern temperament and way of thinking, so in the end when he joins the Nights Watch it doesn’t upset Tywin in the way that Jaime joining the Kingsguard did (part of that is also because, unlike with Jaime, he has other grandchildren he is okay, or even prefers, as heirs) 
That being said I definitely feel like Tywin in general just holds such standards that all his children/grandchildren automatically are some level of disappointment. 
The biggest thing with Tywin and his view of his grandchildren is very much filtered by how he interacts with Alys. At the start when Alys and Jaime get betrothed and married he very much views Alys as just a very malleable pawn, he doesn’t view her as having much personal agency or being any sort of threat. This shifts over the years as Alys doesn’t ever really compromise on the way she mothers her children. Where Tywin is concerned with the legacy of House Lannister and gathering power, Alys is much more concerned with the safety and happiness of her children. And she very much influences her children a lot more than anyone, something that Tywin eventually notices.
By the time we get to Got-era Tywin views Alys as more of a burden than anything else. And as Jon joins the Nights Watch, and Rickard heads off to Essos, he plans to take things a lot more into his own hands when it comes to Tybalt who he views as still being young enough that Alys’s influence can be lessened on him.
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In the Other Stark Girl 'verse could you see Jon/Daenerys happening? How does Alys interact With Sansa and Arya later on, because she seems like she'd be a really cool aunt.
BTW, loooove Tybalt Lannister already
So, Jon/Daenerys isn’t really a ship I like. It just isn’t for me. That being said, it is possible I will do something with it because a) it was undeniably a part of show canon and b) could (at least in some way) be part of book canon. And while with TOSG I’m leaning far more into book canon I am also taking into consideration things done in the show (especially when it comes to where it passed though also I’m taking most of that with a very skeptical eye because lets be honest that’s when the show started going downhill)
So if I do some sort of Jon/Daenerys relationship it will likely not be done exactly the same as in the show, nor will it necessarily be a relationship that is meant to be viewed positively. It will probably be a complex sort of issue, especially when Jon’s parentage comes to light. 
also yes Tybalt, sweet baby boy of House Lannister. Just a small soft boy.
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