#oc: ernst krause
thesunflowersutra · 3 years
Happy monday! For the oc questions list: 1, 17, 21, 36, 42 and 50.
Helloo, Lily! Have a great week! <3 I have a few OCs but I'll try to answer for the same three that I am writing the most currently! :D As I was writing this, I felt like it was becoming a long post so I'll answer it under the read more!
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? Heinz Betelgeuse, Ernst Krause and Arthur Eduardo Frahlich.
Heinz: I wanted to create a historian for some reason HAHAAH I wanted him to be german. Most of his roleplay/stories I wrote are in the 20th Century, after WWII or during the 70s, in Germany. However, when I created him, I was planning to set him in the 2000s, so, his surname came as a joke with the Betelgeuse star + the movie Beetlejuice. Ernst: Honestly, I have no idea how I choose his name. He is an OC made for an old Wizarding World RP I used to be admin and he was a head curator for the Ministry of Magic and a teacher. I just felt like Ernst suited him for some reason. Arthur: This one is my baby. His first and second names were chosen for affection only HAHAHA His surname, however, got me into some search about immigration in Rio de Janeiro, since he is a french man who is living in Brazil.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos? Heinz: Oh, he does! He is not very fond of taking pictures of himself but he saved some money to buy a secondhanded camera and loves to take pictures of his wife and landscapes. He usually keeps them in portraits and a small photobook. Ernst: Ernst adores photography but he usually uses it for practical purposes, like taking pictures of the magical objects that he encounters. Arthur: For someone who is dating a professional photographer, he hates pictures of himself because Arthie has a weird mood that if he looks too much at a photo of himself, he will start hating it and getting down to a self-hate lane. However, he loves taking stupid selfies of himself to send to said boyfriend or pictures of their cat/kids.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper? Heinz: He is weirdly patient - even during his academic life, he would rather talk for hours than get into a heated argument with someone else. When he does get angry, however, he tends to isolate himself until the feeling vanishes or he can focus on something else. Ernst: This man has 70% patience. He is a teacher, after all. However, when he gets mad, he is letal. He knows how to push buttons and he probably will go out of his way to annoy someone that he is mad with. Arthur: That depends. Arthur is very patient with his son/boyfriend/pets but not with other people. He has a lot of temper and is a little hot headed but he is genuinely nice and kind. He likes to annoy people and crack dark humor jokes about himself and that gets him into a lot of trouble for not being kind "with himself" as some people would say. That usually annoys him and makes him angry. 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing? Heinz: He knows how to play the violin and he is a fantastic writer. He is not a very good singer but that doesn't stop him at all. Ernst: He learned the piano with his mother but he doesn't play it very often. His hobbies are wizard chess and some muggle card games. A great singer but no one will ever know. ;) Arthur: His hobbies are annoy people and talk about art for hours and hours and hours. He doesn't play any instruments but he is great with animals. 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition? Heinz: His main goal is to have a happy and big family and provide them safety. As a historian, he wants to have a successfull career. He would sacrifice himself for his family or a cause if he had to. He is a selfless man. Ernst: He wants to make his family proud. Once I wrote a thing about him and his mother trying to usurp his aunt's job but that ain't the man he is now HAHAAH He would sacrifice himself for his mother and Aerys, definetely. Arthur: Arthur just wants to be happy. He has gone through a lot and he honestly deserves it. He wants to give his kids a good life and make Andrej happy. That's it. He is a french dude, of course he would sacrifice himself for something ;) 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? Heinz: He doesn't have a lot of stuff. He would probably pack a picture of his wife, a compass, his writing journal and a book. Ernst: He would pack his wand, some money and a very warm and expensive trench coat. Arthur: This nerd can't live without his phone and headphones. He would probably pack some snacks and a coat for Valentim if he was coming with him.
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