#oc: Kordito
Surprise Guest
Author's note: More mermay, some world building with Poor Unfortunate Souls AU, and a dash of Space Marines Sentient Husbandry. Oh boy, I wrote a little over 1K words for this one.
Summary: Hura finds a stranger in his den, it's a wounded Loyalist Scout, so he calls for back up, as well as teases some of his younger cousins, because he finds them Hilarious.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, light bullying? Or is it intimidation. Hura's being a bit of a lil' shit head. Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @egrets-not-regrets, @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @kit-williams
Tagged again, just in case: @kit-williams, @whorety-k
Catius Past
Hura Past
Hura had finished with some tasks he’d been meaning to do, helped out some of his fellow Chaos Mer-Astartes, he’s swimming back to his underwater cave system, when he smells something off about the waters immediately around and inside is caves. He huffs, as he readies himself, whether for a fight, or to scare whoever it is thought they could so foolishly take over his cave. He pauses as he swims deeper into his cave system when he smells the scent of blood. Astartes blood.
Ah- perhaps someone had tried to come to his cave seeking treatment… Unusually bold, or more likely desperate. He retracts his claws and spines mostly as he shifts his gear, wondering who his newest patient is going to be. And if they had friends with them. What he comes across gives him pause. By the coloration, that deep, vivid blue and spots, that eel-like tale that flows like a long ribbon in the wind, this is an Ultramarine, or one of their successor chapters, before their scales shed and into their pod’s hues.
As Hura carefully approaches the other mer-astartes, he notices, he’s large for a normal Son of the 13th Primarch. Hura’s face breaks into a grin as his eyes sparkle. Oh- oh he’s heard of this! A Primaris! Oh- those youngsters from the farthest in the future that near enough any of them can determine. And, so far, none have yet to fall to Chaos or to turn Renegade. But that is most likely because they are all brainwashed Scout-lings who haven’t had much life experience out of the drudgery of basic training and have yet to really sink their teeth into the poisonous, wonderous horrors of the wider galaxy.
Hm… he’s not heard of a new Primaris Marine, of any chapter coming into any of the local pods. Perhaps he’s new? Poor thing, arrived upon Ancient Terra, and unknowing of where and when he is. Likely caught in a vicious battle as Hura continues to silently approach the Scout-ling. While his wounds are stitching up, due to his Astartes constitution he notices how the poor thing was almost pulled apart by Warp Predators. Ouch. Likely the sole survivor of his Primaris Pod, unless he was the only one strong enough to survive ancient Terra’s waters and collapsed into the nearest place where he’d be able to sleep off the worst of his injuries.
Poor little scout, unknowing of the dangers and beauties of this new world and time. He does send a message on his vox through to his fellow Apothecaries, of the Alliance of Loyalist, Renegade, and Chaos factions, the youngster is not going to react well to him at all, and as, while he’s recovering, is still badly wounded and will react with far more hostility. Those Primaris Space Marine Scout-lings can be ever so vicious and suspicious of the Chaos-embracing brothers and cousins. Its likely part of their training to be so, which is a pity, as he’d so dearly love to meet with a Primaris and be able to observe their mannerisms and behaviors up close, as well as teach any who’d have the capacity, skill, and heart for being an Apothecary. He’s been one for a very long time.
Not a few moments later he’d gotten a response and an Imperial Fist Apothecary, as well as a couple of younger Apothecaries would come to his cove to gently scoop up the wounded, sleeping youngster, and hopefully get to him before the youngster woke up and then panicked at the Sight of Hura watching him from the entrance of the cave. Little brothers and cousins could be so adorable at times, and he’s slow to anger and understanding of… youthful misadventures and shenanigans.
The young Primaris Ultramarine is starting to wake, his face scrunching up and snuffling at the currents as his fins flare and curl as his senses start to inform him of the Danger that’s nearby. Hura does back off, no need to scare the poor thing absolutely silly for unknowingly entering the nest of someone else when he was so wounded and unknowing of everything that was going on around him. He waves to the Imperial Fist and other assorted Loyalists and the young Black Templar Apothecary, who doesn’t have armor, but really should get some at time hisses and growls at him, flaring his fins and his scales rucking up.
“What a wonderful threat display,” Hura coos to the youngster who thinks he’s So Scary.
Hura has seen things that would drive lesser beings mad or commit suicide. He was on one of the ships that were trapped within the warp, unable to die, unable to help his brothers and they suffered, grew sick, yet didn’t die as they were trapped in the Warp for an eternity or two until their Gene-father cracked and gave in and begged for Grandfather’s blessing, who’d happily given it to all who’d joined him. He blocks out Unpleasant memories, the past was the past and thinking about Before was… well.
No. Not a good idea. Youngsters to playfully tease. The young Primaris Ultramarine has woken up, and is skittish and an anxious youngling, but perks right up when he spots the young black Templar. He sure does think he’s scary as well, growling at Hura like he is, poor dear, his fins are torn and he can’t do a proper threat display, although he tries. It’s interesting how the Primaris Space Marines, despite being from, or at least assigned to different chapters seem to know one another, or at least of each other enough to perk up when the spot each other. Or at least, that’s what he’s heard from those that have met some of the youngest of their cousins. It’s such a terribly fascinating little puzzle that he wants to solve, but alas he can’t get near because they Really Don’t Like Chaos Space Marines.
“Hura,” One of the older Apothecaries say with a sigh.
“Yes, Kordito?” He trills out amused.
“Stop scaring the Scouts,” Kordito says with another sigh.
“But I’m not doing anything!” He protests with a pout, “I’m just floating here, near my nest.”
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