#obx barry smut
harryspet · 6 months
bambi eyes (1) r. cameron
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[Warnings] soft!dark!rafe cameron x reader, daddy!rafe x little!reader older!rafe, crimeboss!rafe, rafe takes advantage of traumatized reader, DUBCON, dd/lg, sex trafficking, sexual slavery, sugar daddy rafe, stockholm syndrome, spoiling kink, unprotected sex, forced? age regression, little editing, 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
A/N: My first Rafe fic :)
word count: 4.4k
In which Rafe finds a "healthy" outlet for dealing with his daddy issues.
main masterlist
bambi eyes masterlist
Rafe finally felt he deserved to be back at Tannyhill. The house had remained empty over the last five years, Sarah wanted little to do with her real family anymore, Rafe made the tough decision to send Wheezie to a boarding school in Georgia and now she was starting college there. Rafe had cleaned up his act and gotten clean, mostly clean, and managed to save Cameron Development from complete ruin. 
As soon as the police were off his tail, and he’d brought back some legitimacy to the Cameron name, he could develop the true relationships he needed to become unstoppable. It started with Barry, then gangsters from the mainland, and then Rafe's gained connections with the cartels. He then rebuilt the empire the Camerons once had in the Bahamas and now he owned ten times the amount of properties they used to own there. 
He could achieve everything Ward never could have. He could be better a man than his father ever could. 
After half a year in Nassau, Rafe was finally back in Kildare, and he had plans to make Tannyhill the ultimate fortress. He had finally acquired the last missing piece of his American dream – you. He eyed you in his rearview mirror, passed out in the backseat of his truck, before parking in front of the huge, white house. 
There were already white moving trucks parked nearby, men in black clothing unloading new furniture he’d purchased and “merchandise” he’d acquired from the Caribbean Don he’d been working with. That Don is who he purchased you from, picking you out in a lineup of twenty girls. 
The Don clapped his hands together before he said, “Just tell me which ones you would like to have a closer look at. I’ll have them stand and turn for you. If you have something in mind — perhaps a certain skin tone, curviness, hair color, I can make a suggestion.”
Rafe responded that he didn’t have a preference and that he would know you were the one when he saw you. 
Looking through one-way glass, Rafe noticed aspects of each girl, including the tiredness behind their eyes and the elegance at which each of them moved their bodies. The Don had each girl stand and spin for him. There was not a single falter or misplaced step until Rafe saw you. When it was time for you to spin, you almost tripped over your own foot. You fixed yourself quickly and fixed your gaze forward however, Rafe noticed your eyes began to wander. It felt like you were looking right at him. Like you could see him. 
“One of my favorites,” He said in thick Creole, “She’s quite an angel if you’re looking for someone who’s a little tamer. Good hips, natural hair, the breasts and ass are real too. I’m sure you’ll notice. For you, since you’re a friend, fifteen thousand for the whole night.” 
The Don wanted Rafe to become a new investor in his trade and possibly bring girls to Kildare in order to expand his clientele. He wanted to impress Rafe, and let him have a night with one of his well-trained girls, although Rafe was looking to make a final purchase. 
He hadn’t had a real conversation with you yet, he was in such a hurry to get back to the States that he had to keep you drugged for the time being. It would be better this way, he convinced himself, since he would be able to have the house ready before you came to. He got out the truck before opening the back door. Although you stirred slightly in your sleep, Rafe knew he wouldn’t wake you as he pulled you across the seat and wrapped you in his arms. Bridal style, he carried you up the patio and through the front doors. 
An elaborate security system now kept track of everyone coming and going from the house. He had so much more than his father ever would have, but that also meant he had so much more to lose. He was a different man than the last time he was here. Much more mature. He used to throw meaningless parties so he could appear well-known, favorited by all, and hook up with girls who only cared about getting free drugs from him. This time things would be different. 
“Hey, hey, careful with that!” Rafe barked at one of the men carrying a white tea table that he’d spent thousands on.  He was attempting and failing to carry it and the two matching chairs that it came with. Rafe should’ve known what quality movers he was getting when he let Barry put his men on the job, “You think I’m paying you to break my shit?”
Rafe carried you up the winding stairs of his childhood home, imagining you feeling like this place was yours, just as much as he did. He thought he’d feel slightly more melancholy, looking at the familiar yellow walls, the elegant chandeliers, and period furnishings. Instead, he felt a weight lifted off of him. Your bedroom was one of the old guest rooms, only a few doors down from the master, and unlocked with his fingerprint. 
The large room was freshly painted white, a twin-sized canopy bed was placed on the farthest wall, and Rafe placed you on top of the cloud-like comforter. You were still wearing one of his button-ups and a pair of his briefs that fit you more like shorts, Rafe not having had the time to dress you in the way he actually wanted to.
“Put it over in that corner, carefully,” He spoke to the mover carrying the table, although his eyes were focused on you. 
“Mr. Cameron-”
“You’re dismissed. Tell Barry I’m expecting him tonight at nine.” 
As the man turned to leave, Rafe quickly followed to shut the door behind him. He took another glance around the room, deciding that the table set was the perfect edition. He could bring you your breakfast there in the morning and, who knows, maybe you’d come to like the expensive tea set he also bought you. 
Rafe spent a good amount of time just watching you sleep and obsessively thinking about what might he say to you when you awoke. His anxious thoughts didn’t go away when he stopped doing drugs, they worsened in fact, but you were his new medium to focus on. You were healthy for him. 
He spent all the time he had between his meeting with Barry, caring for you, “Daddy’s going to take care of you,” He brought you to the bathtub and gently scrubbed you clean, shaving all the areas he preferred to be hairless, even taking the time to braid your hair so that it was out of your face. He quite liked you like this, like his very own doll, someone he could mold into a perfect Kook princess. Women in the real world often perplexed him, especially women like Sarah, who took the luxuries they were provided for granted. 
You’d appreciate everything that Rafe could offer you, he knew that, and you’d be obedient as well. He brought you back to the main room once you were dried, and clean and your skin was moisturized and scented with vanilla. He laid you on the soft carpet in front of your bed and dressed you in a white nightgown and then took his time rolling white knee socks up your leg. 
He could take his time, pacing himself, as he ran his fingers over every inch of you. He’d been rock hard ever since he undressed you originally, and he debated whether to take a quick sample of you. 
You have plenty of time, Rafe, he reminded himself. 
His phone vibrated a short while later after he tucked you back into bed, and he clicked the notification. Video of the driveway appeared on the screen, and Rafe saw Barry climbing from his car, “Daddy will be back very soon,” He spoke although you couldn’t hear, placed a kiss on your forehead although you couldn’t feel it, and shut the door quietly although you wouldn’t wake. 
As soon as Rafe opened the front door, Barry was already shouting, “Country Club! How you been, man?” Rafe’s hand was already out to shake his. Truthfully, and sadly, Rafe would consider Barry his oldest friend. “You happy about all the money I’ve been making you?”
“Thrilled,” Rafe spoke sarcastically, leading Barry to his father’s old office. He thought back to the days when he had to creep through this room and steal because Ward didn’t trust him. Now, it was all his, “Speaking of …”
Swiftly, Barry pulled a roll of hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and dropped it in Rafe’s hand. Leaning against the oak desk, Rafe began to count, “That’s what I got for the boats. Those cars are going to take a little bit longer to sell.”
“And why’s that?”  
“Those cars are classics, man, so I have a little bit of a bidding war going on,” Barry explained.
“I said I wanted them moved quickly,” Rafe sighed. He needed to get rid of as many of his father’s old things as possible if he wanted this place to be really his. 
“I’ll get you everything by the end of the week,” Rafe nodded, continuing to flip through the bills,  although normally this would be about the time he’d throw a tantrum, “So … heard you got yourself a beautiful girl-”
“Your guys run their mouths.”
“But it’s true?” Barry flashed his gold tooth, “You whipped, Country Club?”
Rafe opened the safe behind the tall bookcases, punched in the code, and safely tucked away the twenty-thousand dollars. 
“Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t let you anywhere near her anyways.”
Barry scoffs, “That breaks my heart, Rafe. I’m tired of these Pogue girls and the mainland chicks are even worse. In the old days, we used to share. You won’t help a brother out?”
Rafe smirked, “Like you said, that was the old days.” 
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You felt weighed down by whatever you were lying underneath, your eyelids were so heavy it took you a full minute to blink them open. You moved each limb slowly, trying to get blood flowing through them again. You saw sunlight reflecting off porcelain walls and felt creamy soft blankets enveloping you. You should feel comforted. 
Pushing away the blankets holding you down, you pulled yourself up, strong enough to get onto your hands and knees. You stepped off the platform, off the bed, touching your toes against soft carpet but quickly your legs gave out. You whined as your knees hit the ground, surely bruising your skin, and let yourself fall back on your bottom. 
Something fell down with you and turning your head slightly you found a teddy bear. You grabbed it by its arm, examining its chestnut fur and the pink bow tied around its neck. What? That was the question forming in your mind. You looked back at the bed you’d fallen out of and your eyes darted around the room. Three doors, a wall with big windows and long curtains, a table with chairs, a toy chest, a tall armoire, and a bookcase. This room did not belong to you, even in your wildest dreams, you’d never been somewhere so nice. 
You noticed details in the wallpaper; small pink flowers decorated each wall, and white trim lined all the edges. All the furniture was white as well with elegant designs, and your original thought was that you must be in a castle. 
You attempted to stand again and managed to get straight up on your wobbling legs until there was a small click, and the door began to open. You quickly stumbled back before you were sitting back on top of the mattress. 
“You’ll go with Mr. Cameron now. To America,” Master said, “And you’ll remember your manners, won’t ya? Don’t want to end up like your friend.”
Mr. Cameron stood in front of you now. You remembered him being tall, but you didn’t remember feeling so small in front of him. With hands holding a tray in front of him, his mouth parted as his blue eyes raked over your figure. 
You gripped the comforter tightly as he stepped closer, “You’ll have to take it easy,” He said first, walking over to that small table and placing the tray down, “Let me help you.”
When he came towards you, he held out both of his hands. You felt like you usually did, terrified, but there was always a voice in the back of your head telling you to obey. There would be worse pain than a bruised knee if you didn’t do as Mr. Cameron said. You grabbed ahold of his hands, allowing him to help you up before his hands moved to your hips as he steadied you. 
“How do you feel?” He asked, a genuineness in his tone that you weren’t expecting. 
Your lips parted and you realized you hadn’t spoken in so long. You also hadn’t had anyone ask you that question in a long, long time, “I’m … okay,” You spoke quietly as he searched your face. He was staring so intently that you grew insecure, turning your eyes away. 
“I brought breakfast,” He began to guide you over to the table. You took slow steps, one in front of the other, holding onto him tightly when you felt you might fall. He set you gently down in the chair before taking the seat opposite you. You could see out the windows from this seat, your eyes finding a long dock and the ocean. When he cleared his throat, your eyes snapped back to his, “I’m not much of a cook but there’s a lady who works for me …she makes great pancakes, french toast, anything you could want really.”
You stared down at scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and a pancake with a chocolate chip smiley face and a whipped cream nose. He started to pour you a glass of water, pushing it towards you, “Drink something,” He said, “You’ve been sleeping for a long time.”
You were really thirsty, you realized, and you took the glass he poured for you. When he didn’t pour himself one, a question rose in your mind, “Will this … make me sleep again?”
He immediately shook his head, “No, no. Drink, please.”
You were thankful, welcoming the nourishment. As you devoured the glass of water, he began to cut up the pancake into small pieces. You watched his concentrated face as he meticulously poured the syrup. Your mind didn’t stay on his interesting behavior because you were focused on eating next. 
“My name is Rafe,” He said, “But you’ll call me Daddy.”
You paused, your mouth full of pancakes, “Okay? Nod yes if you understand,” He added. 
You nodded your head, starting to chew again, and a smile seemed to pull at his lips. That’s what he must like all his girls to call him. “Good, that’s rule number one …This is your room, from now on. I’ll show you around the house after you settle in more. For now, you need permission to leave this room. Yeah?”
Again, you nodded, before swallowing your food. Rafe reached across the table with a napkin, wiping syrup from your chin, “I’m sorry,” You said, feeling embarrassed. 
“No need to apologize,” He assured you, “From now on, I’m going to take care of you.”
Take care of you. You weren’t positive about what he meant. 
Your hands moved to your lap, “Can I ask … how many girls you take care of?” 
His head tilted, and he seemed amused, “Just you, sweet girl.”
“This whole room is just for me?”
“Yes, and this whole house will be just for us,” He answers, “Here, that reminds me. I was going to wait until dinner but . . . I can’t wait.”
You watched as he reached into the pocket of his khaki pants, pulling out a silver necklace with a beautiful, pearl pendant. Still, you found yourself struggling to wrap your head around what was going on. Rafe stood, coming closer in order to put the necklace around your neck. You heard a small click before Rafe pulled his fingers away. Your fingers reach up to feel the pearl, “You’ll always keep this on. Okay?”
You nodded. 
“Tell me.”
“I’ll always keep it on … Daddy,” You remembered to add. Something lit up in his eyes, and he took your chin in his hand and tilted it up further. 
“Smart girl, Bambi,” He stated, “That’s what I’ll call you.”
You nodded, although you weren’t sure why he picked it for you. It was better than “whore” or “slut” which seemed to be Master’s favorites. Bambi sounded … cute, which certainly wasn’t a way you would describe yourself, “Daddy … why …all of this, uhm, for me?”
“You’ll have everything I want you to have. And Daddy wants the best for you, understand?”
“Y-Yes, uhm … thank you.”
“C’mere, let me give you a tour of the room” He gripped underneath your arms, helping you stand. The human closeness, his warmness, wasn’t something you were expecting. You couldn’t fully let your guard down though, you were still waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“It’s good to have, uh, a routine,” Rafe explained, before showing you every item in the room. He clearly had been involved in picking everything out which you didn’t expect,  “You’ll wake up by eight, make your bed every morning. . . your dirty laundry will go here and all your clothes are in here, if I have something specific picked out for you to wear, I’ll hang it here, you won’t wear any panties when you’re dressing for bed …and here’s the bathroom,” When you saw yourself in the mirror for the first time, your eyes widened in disbelief. Your hair was neatly braided, white bows wrapped at the end of each braid, and the nightgown made you look like . . . a doll. In the mirror, you could see Rafe lean his mouth down to your ear, “Do you like what you see?”
“I look …I think I look pretty, Daddy.”
“You do, sweet girl; that’s why I chose you.”
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This was right. Rafe couldn’t have made a better decision choosing you. He had more rules to introduce you to but didn’t want to overwhelm you. He left you to brush your teeth while he took your tray of food back to the kitchen. When he returned, he found you peeking inside the toy chest, letting the top shut a little too loudly after he seemed to frighten you, ‘It’s okay, all these things are for you. I wasn’t exactly sure what you might like.”
He kneeled down with you as you took a look inside. There were quite a lot of stuffed animals, some puzzles, coloring sets, and some dolls. “My, uh, my sister Sarah, she used to love American Girl dolls. Have you ever heard of those?” You shook your head, picking up one that was dressed like an 80’s aerobic instructor, “They have all types of dolls. I should order you one that looks more like you.”
Rafe noticed you perk up at that. “One that looks like me?” 
Your reaction made him chuckle, “Yeah, why not? If you want anything at all, you can just ask me,” Rafe could tell you didn’t believe him, although you still nodded in agreement, “I know you can’t be entertained forever by these things, but it’s better for your brain than watching TV all day. And we can watch movies together.”
“That would be nice-” Rafe leaned in to kiss you, his intrusive thought winning after staring at your lips. Rafe was surprised by how gentle it was and how gentle he still wanted to be with you. You were reacting so well to everything, he didn’t want to take the chance of ruining this. When he pulled away, you immediately started to lift your nightgown, attempting to expose yourself to him.
“You don’t have to do that,” Rafe gently grabbed your hand, pulling it away from your dress. 
“I thought you wanted me …”
“ I do, I definitely do,” Rafe laughed awkwardly, “Let’s wait a little while longer. I want to undress you myself.”
You nodded eagerly, “But I … I could use my mouth?”
Rafe couldn’t believe someone could sound so innocent even while they were offering to give a blowjob, “Not before I taste you first, sweet girl.” Sexually, Rafe liked to be in complete control. He’d decide when they were ready, what positions, and who tasted who. His mind was starting to wander a little too far. He needed to remain composed for the time being, “For now, I want you to play. I need to work for a few hours, but I will bring you lunch, and we’ll eat together, okay?”
“Okay…thank you, Daddy,” You agreed, and Rafe happily placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“You’re welcome, Bambi.”
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Rafe tried to concentrate on work, he had a million things to arrange now that he was back in Figure 8, but his eyes would wander to the live footage on his computer screen from Bambi’s bedroom. She spent a while going through the toys he bought for her, and then she neatly made up the bed, before deciding on the American Girl dolls. Next thing Rafe knew, he was in virtual meeting with his Cameron Development team but was actively scrolling through the American Girl doll website in another tab. 
Like he promised, Rafe took a break in the middle of the day to each lunch with you. Lana, Tannyhill’s newest household manager, prepared grilled sandwiches. Rafe joined you by the window seat where you had made yourself comfortable with two of the dolls and your teddy bear. You asked about Figure 8, of course, and Rafe gladly gave you the basics. 
That night, after dinner was enjoyed, Rafe laid beside you in bed. You chose a book to read together, a chapter book called Bridge to Terebithia, “I have to admit, I’m not much of a reader. But this should be easy enough, right?”
“When you were little, did you always have …this?” You asked, a few pages of reading later, “Books and clothes and seats by the window.”
“I guess I did, yeah,” Rafe answered, “It was not all rainbows and sunshine, though.”
“Your father, was he like Master?”
“Yeah, basically. He was not a good man,” Rafe closed the book, turning his eyes to you “And he’s not your Master anymore, okay? It’s me and you now. Just me and you.”
You tilted your head, nuzzling more into the pillow, “If I’m bad, you won’t send me back?”
“No, not ever,” Rafe said steadfastly. 
“You’ll punish me?”
Your words made him pause, and he could sense your worry, “I’m not going to hurt you, not in any real way,” Rafe’s hands found your waist, he gripped the bare skin beneath your nightgown, before his fingers roamed over your bottom, “You know how to be a good girl, right?”
You nodded, staring back, “Then you have nothing to worry about,” Rafe kissed you again, this time deeply and with the purpose of fully tasting you. He squeezed your bottom tight, pulling your front further against him so he could buck his hips against you. The book fell unread and to the wayside as Rafe roamed his hands over you. 
He should wait, he told himself. It was only your first day here, but you were all that he had been waiting for. The idea that he could have you anytime, anywhere, and anyway he wanted you excited him more. A moan escaped you, and Rafe knew you were overwhelmed with the sensations, but he liked the idea of you feeling too much. He wanted fear in your eyes, fear that you wouldn’t be able to take him, and then he wanted you to fully surrender to him. 
Rafe buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking until you cried out. Rafe knew you were a good girl because you had obediently gotten into bed for the night without your panties. He wrapped a strong arm around your back, easily flipping you onto your back. Rafe pulled away, breathing heavily, as he looked down at you. 
“You okay, sweet girl?” Rafe asked, noticing your eyes were still closed. As you nodded, Rafe said, “Open your eyes for me.”
Rafe parted your legs further, reaching down to feel between your lips. Gently, he stroked up and down, feeling wetness at your entrance, “Tell Daddy how you like it.”
“I . . .” As he dipped a finger inside, your eyes shut again, squeezing tightly. This was a look of pleasure, Rafe noted, “Daddy-ah!”
“I think you want it gentle, hmm,” His index finger moved in and out slowly as his thumb caressed your clit, “I can be gentle, don’t worry.”
Rafe moved painfully slow, watching how every movement of his would change your facial expression. Once you were squeezing around his fingers and soaking the sheets, Rafe pulled down his sweatpants. He pressed his length against your entrance, watching your face as he pushed inside. You took a breath of air, your mouth forming an “o” shape as he slowly eased his way in and out. 
He pressed his body closer to you, your arms instinctively wrapping around his back, and he tucked his head beside yours, his breath caressing your ear. He was gentle like he said, but he had to test your limits and see how deep he could go. Your whimpers told him what he needed to know and he felt your nails begin to dig into his back.
“Daddy, d-daddy, daddy,” You moaned his name, sounding a bit delirious as you repeated it over and over. 
Rafe rocked harder against you, “Tell me. Say thank you for saving me Daddy.” 
“Thank you–” Your voice came out barely above a whisper but Rafe could hear your small voice in his ear, “Thank you for saving me, Daddy.” Your hips writhing beneath him, needing more of him, was the final thing that sent Rafe flying towards the edge of the cliff. 
He wanted to focus, to make himself last longer, but he needed you in that moment. His thrusts became shorter, and he sank deeper inside of you as he reached his peak, “Jesus,” Rafe gasped as you squeezed him tightly, your warmness pulsed around him, “Fuck.” 
He resisted his desire to stay inside of you forever, pulling out and slumping beside you. Rafe’s eyes were wide, and he found himself staring at the ceiling for a moment to process what happened. 
“Was that . . . good?” Your voice brought him back down to reality.
“Perfect, sweet girl,” Rafe took you in his arms, and you cuddled into his chest. Again, he whispered, “Jesus.”
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Please let me know what your thoughts and predictions are! Reblog with a comment to be added to my taglist!
Part 2
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rubiehart · 3 months
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cockwarming bestfriend jayj would just be so ughhhhhhhhhh. you’re both a little past the point of tipsy, having slipped away together from the kegger back to the chateau, legs tangled together in the hammock as you watch jj slowly inhale the joint he still managed to roll pretty well even in his intoxicated state. his eyes flutter closed as he sucks in the smoke and reaches over to place it between your fingers as he blows it out, too focused on the way the smoke clouds his face and then disappears, blue eyes trained on your figure, raking up your bare legs and ending on your face.
you blink away the thought and bring the joint to your lips and inhale deeply, looking into his eyes as your hold the smoke in your mouth, not too sure what this eye contact meant from his end but you knew exactly why you were doing it, the reason evident as you feel your cotton panties dampen a little, choosing to ignore it as he reaches his arms up behind his head and groans, stretching his legs out and his foot nudges your leg to get your attention.
you rip your eyes away from his for a second, your high clearly taking over your actions, grinning at jj as he knits his brows together, a little smirk laying on his rubied lips, tonguing the little cut on his bottom lip as he watches your frame. you pass him the joint and he takes another long hit, coughing a little when you start crawling up his body, situating yourself on his lap. he reaches one hand to hold your waist as his eyes widen. “oh- hey, watch’a doin?” you just smile and giggle as you reach down to capture his lips in a kiss.
he groans into your mouth and releases the smoke he’d been holding. you start to slowly grind on him, little whines of pleasure leaving your lips as he winds his tongue with yours, kissing you back as desperately as you. pulling away for a second and using his thumb to wipe away a string of saliva from your lip while you look at him all big eyed. “jayj..” you whisper before he nods, as you fumble with the buttons of his cargo shorts, pushing them down his thighs until his boxers are exposed, flicking your eyes up to see his dilated pupils and parted lips, the joint still between his ring-clad fingers.
he brings it to your lips as you pull down his boxers, his rock hard cock standing up, his mushroom tip leaking precum. he groans, eyes widening when he sees you unbutton your tiny denim shorts you’d been teasing him with all night, slipping them down your legs to reveal your little cotton panties, biting your lip and looking up at him whilst slipping them to the side, the weed seemed to give you some new found confidence, and maybe the way jj was looking at you “jesus fuckin’ christ..” he mumbles at the sight of your glistening cunt in the moonlight, prepping your hands on his chest, lifting yourself up.
“hey, hey, hey. a-are you sure?” he asks, panicked at your sudden confidence as you nod eagerly. “are you?” you giggle, still hovering over his cock. “fuck yeah.” he grins as you finally sink down, hissing at the stretch, his eyes transfixed on your face the whole time, your tiny pussy stretching around his dick making him groan, your face comforting and whining when he’s about halfway in, him grasping both hands to your hips after putting the blunt out on the bark and dropping it to the dirt. “shhh.. you got it, yeah?” you nod slowly, teeth sinking into your lip as your resist the pain, stroking your hip with his thumb softly. “good, goooood girl. there ya’ go.” the praise sliding off his tongue so casually making you clench around him. finally getting to the hilt and he lets out a huff.
“feel so fuckin’ good..” he whimpers, as you roll your hips a little to get used to the feeling making him let out a pornographic groan. “you’re so big..” you whisper, leaning down to rest your head in the crook of his neck, feeling the stubble on his chin against your forehead as he breathes deeply. “keep talkin’ like that and i’ll fuckin’ bust.” he whispers into your hair making you giggle a little, leaving a little love bite on his neck and he reaches down to cup your ass, kneeding the fat of it in his palms as you roll your hips gently, making him suck in a breath. “fuck..you’re gonna kill me baby.”
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rafesaddiction · 7 months
The tight end (or: Football Lessons) – Rafe Cameron x Reader
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Summary: You need to study for your exams and Rafe wants to watch the football game with his friends. Studying is boring and you need a little help from the boys. Rafe is not pleased.
Warnings: mdni! – heavy smut, spanking, rough sex, p in v, semi-public sex (they can hear you), fingering (they sure can see that), possessiveness, kinda size kink cause rafe is big, bratty!reader, grumpy!rafe, dom!rafe, mean!rafe, amused!barry, curious!kelce, i-can't-with-this!topper
Word count: 1.5k
Tagging @dream-pink , @dope-trope-105 since this is most definitely Rafe Cameron smut. Enjoy!
a/n This is none of the stuff I said I was working on, just something short to indulge myself. Something light and fun. It kinda takes place in the same “universe” as Hole Practice, but it's not part 2. Comments, reblogs and likes are more than welcome. They keep me from going insane. Go Panthers!
“Gonna get myself another beer,” Rafe groaned as he lifted himself of the la-z-boy.
“Might need something stronger to suffer through this shit show.”
He looked at Barry who had made the comment and was pointing at the tv screen with his beer bottle.
On the screen the Panthers were literally fucked up the ass. And they deserved it as they delivered their worst performance ever. This game really sucked. Rafe hadn't bet any money, but he took it kinda personal when his favorite team performed this shitty. It totally ruined his mood. To be fair, it didn’t take much to ruin Rafe's mood, but this was like in the top 20 of mood-ruining events. And this was supposed to be a nice relaxing evening, watching the game with his friends. Yeah, Barry was now officially one of his friends and none of Rafe's kook friends ever doubted his status – if they had, that would totally have ruined Rafe's mood.
“While you're at it, pretty boy, fetch me another one too,” Barry shook his half-empty bottle and grinned at Rafe, who had stopped on his way to leave the living room.
“Anything else I can do for you?” Rafe said in a sarcastic tone, frowning.
“You have some of these tiny snack bites? Diced cheese with a toothpick?”
Rafe shot Barry a deathly glare, who just chuckled.
“Uhm, I'd like another beer, please,” Topper's voice came from the left and Rafe's head spun around, making the blond shrink into the couch and mumble some sort of apology. Next to him, Kelce snickered.
Frowning, clenching his jaws, Rafe went to the kitchen – without killing one of his friends, yet.
Still frowning, Rafe rummaged through the fridge to get four bottles of beer. There were actually some cheese bits, which he left there, but he took a bag of chips out of the pantry, and returned to the living room.
And stopped in the doorway, almost dropping the beer at the sight of you sitting on the armrest of Barry's la-z-boy. You had your back to Rafe and were obviously engaged in some very intense conversation with Barry. You had drawn up your legs and were kinda kneeling sideways on the armrest. You wore one of Rafe's t-shirts, too big for you, but barely covering your ass. Your legs were naked – apart from the cat paw socks you wore.
“What are you doing here?”
You were not supposed to be here. You were supposed to be upstairs, studying for your upcoming exam. You were definitely not supposed to be cuddling up to Barry.
Rafe was fuming as you craned your head back to him and gazed at him with innocent eyes.
When you saw him, a sweet smile appeared on your face.
“Hi, Rafey.” Rafe flinched at the hideous nickname, but you continued speaking. “I was looking for you. I needed some help with opening a water bottle and Barry was so nice to help me.”
Barry sat up, looking at Rafe, winking at him and showing said water bottle.
“Always a pleasure to help a damsel in distress,” he said, his gold tooth showing as he grinned at Rafe whose face had turned red by now, his features tensed up, his nostrils flaring.
“And now he’s telling me all about the tight end.”
You smiled.
Barry grinned.
Kelce snickered.
Topper choked.
Rafe growled.
“Upstairs. Now.”
“But –” you turned towards Rafe, your feet dangling from the armrest, you looked up at him, pouting.
“Now!” Rafe barked and you flinched.
Having put the bottles and chips on the coffee table, Rafe walked up to you, grabbed you, threw you over his shoulder and carried you with him, despite your squealing protests.
Rafe sat you down on the kitchen island. You looked at him, with big eyes and sulky lips. His hands rested on either side of you.
“The fuck were you doing? I specifically told you not to come downstairs!”
He glared at you through narrowed eyes, tilting his head to the side.
You lowered your gaze, your fingers playing with the hem of the shirt you were wearing.
“I was bored,” you admitted in a soft voice. Then you looked up, just with your eyes, meeting his.
“Please don't be mad at me,” you nibbled on your bottom lip, effectively directing his gaze. Then your lips parted, you breathed out and he saw the corners of your mouth twitch. “Rafey…”
He let out an angry growl, grabbed you, flipped you around and you squealed as your chest was pressed down on the hard surface of the kitchen island. Rafe shoved up your t-shirt and his hand hit your butt, only covered by your pink lace panties.
“Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again!” Rafe growled between gritted teeth and each word was accompanied by a slap on your ass.
You cried out, then tried to muffle your cries and whimpers by covering your mouth with both your hands, as Rafe gave your ass a very thorough spanking. He didn't care that your whining and crying could surely be heard in the living room as he hadn't bothered to close any of the doors.
One hand holding you down as you tried to wriggle your way out, while his other hand mercilessly slapped your ass and thighs, leaving marks in the form of his hand print.
His palm started burning and your skin must have felt as if in flames by now.
He was panting heavily behind you, his eyes on your ass as he pulled down your panties. He noticed the soaking wet stain and his hard cock twitched inside his pants.
You were a whimpering mess, your body trembling and only focused on the burning sensation his hand had caused, or you would have noticed what he was up to and you would surely have complained that you were still too sore from when Rafe had fucked you under the shower this morning.
You cried out as he pushed his hard cock into your tight pussy. He growled as he felt your walls clamping around him. He gave your already sore ass another slap, then started thrusting into you in a relentless rhythm, deep and hard, punishing you by using your body to satisfy his own needs. Your cries turned into whimpering sounds as he gave you what your body so desperately craved for.
Whatever you tried to say came out as a whining noise. His name was the only intelligible word you were able to utter.
“Rafe,” you cried.
“Rafe,” you moaned.
“Rafe,” you begged.
He grabbed the back of your neck, pulled you up, made you turn your head and his lips met yours in a fervent kiss, devouring and bruising. He felt you clench so hard around him and moaning into his mouth as you came around him. Pushing your trembling chest flush against the surface, he fucked you through that orgasm, savoring your heated body's uncontrolled convulsing, your shameless moaning and enjoying knowing that he did this to you, that he was the only one who made you feel this way.
Rafe came with a groan, his cock buried up to the hilt inside your soaking pussy, filling you with his hot cum. He felt how you tensed up at the sensation and your walls clenched, milking him.
When he pulled out, you whimpered.
“Shhh…” He caressed your back as he cleaned you with a kitchen towel and put your panties back on.
Rafe cradled you into his arms and carried you back to the living room.
Barry chuckled, but didn't say a word as Rafe shot him a menacing glance.
Rafe reclined in his chair and you cuddled up to him, burying your face at his heaving chest. You were still trembling, your legs drawn up to your own chest and you were clinging to Rafe, when he caressed your back with one hand, the other hand holding a beer bottle as he focused on the screen again where the Panthers had somehow managed to turn the game around.
Rafe's hand trailed along your thigh and you flinched. You pressed your mouth against his chest and he heard you whimper as his fingers brushed over the sore skin. And not only he could hear your little whining sounds has he grabbed your ass.
Barry looked at you from the corner of his eyes and then grinned at Rafe, slightly shaking his head, lifting his bottle to drink.
Kelce licked his lips as his eyes moved over your body.
Topper stared at the tv screen, clutching his bottle so hard, his knuckles turned white.
Rafe’s hand shoved your shirt up, rubbed over your bruised cheek. His fingertips pushed your panties to the side and slid between your folds, eliciting a sweet mewling sound from your lips.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
act like a brat, get punished like a brat
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words: 1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, exhibitionism, spanking, punishment, drugs (reader is high, rafe is a dealer), established relationship, fingering (in front of barry), barry tastes reader?? lol
you knew you were being a brat, you knew you would get punished for it later, but you didn't care as you whined and pressed your face into rafes bicep, wanting more attention from him.
“baby, i love you.” rafe hums. “but shut the fuck up.”
you pout, your hands trying to grab at his, to lace your fingers together, but he's busy, busy chatting with barry, going over whatever business stuff, when the next coke shipment is coming in, plans for upcoming parties where people will buy from rafe.
your boyfriend never tried to hide his dealing from you, and you honestly didn't care if it meant access to free drugs. he doesn't let you do them too often, not wanting you to get addicted and strung out like some of the people he sells them too, but he let you take a hit of weed so you would sit happily through his talk with barry, but it just made you needy instead.
you manage to stay quiet for an entire minute before you whine again, trying to force rafe to put his arm around you, to let you get closer, to let you snuggle into his side.
“she's a needy little thing, huh?” barry questions, raising his eyebrows. you glance briefly to him before burying your face in rafes skin again.
“goddamn it, y/n.” rafe groans. he takes your face in his hands, smushing your cheeks together, forcing you to keep your reddened eyes on him. “stay quiet baby.”
“kiss me.” you plead, puckering your lips.
rafe sighs, hating showing this type of affection in front of barry, but he hopes a kiss will keep you quiet as his lips press against yours.
you moan into his mouth, making rafe pull away with a glare. “you got your kiss now keep quiet.”
you nod, leaning your head against his shoulder. you manage to distract yourself by tracing shapes on rafes thigh, mostly hearts and stars.
rafe and barry move on to talking about some people whose names you don't recognize as your patience begins to dwindle again.
“rafey.” you complain.
he pulls away from you, an angry look on his face that says you've finally pushed him over his limit. 
“stop being such a brat.” he grunts.
“rafe, man, it's fine. if your girl needs you to go-”
“no, she can have a bit of fucking patience.” rafe interrupts barry, pulling you down onto his lap, moving you to line your stomach up with his thighs. 
“rafe!” you shout when he flips the bottom of your skirt up, putting you panties on display, not caring that barry is watching with his dark gaze.
“you act like a brat, you get punished like a brat.” rafe says, bringing his hand down on your ass, the slapping sound echoing throughout the room.
“ill be good.” you whine, squirming on his lap. you try to reach and pull your skirt back down, but rafe takes your wrists and holds them together, pressing them into your lower back.
“stop it.” rafe says, giving you another spanking. he looks back up to barry, not caring about the surprised look on his face. “keep fucking talking barry.”
barry continues whatever he was saying, even as rafe delivers another spanking to your bum.
you feel tears welling up in your eyes and bury your face in the couch in shame, especially when the next spanking rafe gives you makes you let out a muffled moan.
“first you act like a brat in front of barry and now a slut?” rafe questions, looking up to his friend. “man, do you see what i have to deal with?”
barry just nods, looking at the smooth curve of your ass. he won't say that he wishes you would act that way for him, clearly needy and desperate, not caring how depraved you're acting.
rafe doesn't miss the spaced out look on barrys face, the way his eyes track down your exposed thighs.
“baby girl, why don't you tell barry you're sorry?” rafe questions.
you squirm again, letting out a muffled sorry, before you shout when rafe delivers another hard spanking.
“you look at someone when you apologize.” rafe says, tugging your oanties down your thighs. you squeal and press your legs together, not wanting barry to see your leaky cunt.
you turn your head as rafes hand rubs over your exposed red skin. “‘m really sorry bear.” you say, using the nickname rafe chastised you not to use, just to feel another spanking delivered, this time to your bare skin.
“it's okay, doll face.” barry says, licking his lips as he leans forward from the couch across from you, trying to get a better line of vision to your pussy.
“open up your legs.” rafe says. “show barry how wet you are.”
rafe doesn't really want barry to see you like this, but he needs you to learn your lesson, whether from the spankings or the embarrassment of barry seeing you this way. maybe every time you think about him it'll be a reminder to behave.
you spread your legs, tilting them towards barry as your pussy spreads. rafe smiles down at you, moving his fingers through your folds, spreading the wetness around.
“you gonna offer barry a taste?” rafe questions, letting go of your wrists.
“that's your girl man…” barry says, not sure if rafe is trying to set him up.
you reach down anyways, swiping your fingers through your cunt. you hold them out to barry, keeping your eyes on his mouth as he leans over the coffee table separating the couches, wrapping his lips around your fingers. he sucks the juices off your digits, his tongue briefly flicking against your fingertips before he pulls away and sits back.
rafe grabs your hands to hold them behind your back again, not ready to let you move freely as his other hand continues stroking over your pussy.
your eyes stay on barry, even as he spreads his thighs, showing off how hard he is in his shorts.
rafe suddenly pushes a finger into your cunt, making your back curl as you let out a moan.
“happy now, slut?” rafe asks, thrusting his finger with very slight movements. “you got the attention you needed?”
you whine, burying your face in the couch again.
“answer me.” he commands, pulling the finger out and spanking your ass.
“yeah.” you say as rafes finger retakes it's place lodged inside of you. “gonna be real good now.”
“that's what i thought.” rafe grunts.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries
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cyber333angel · 20 days
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you get a little too “spoiled” when with your boyfriends — barry and rafe!
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚
it was the weekend, meaning it was time for shopping spree at the mall! strolling around the coach store of your favorite big building, you struggle to choose which bag your boyfriends would pay for. behind you they walked, talking while watching you happily trudge in front of them. “blueberry or cherry?” you ask holding them both up next to you, posing with them in your pink tracksuit . “you can get both of em mama.” barry tells you and rafe looks at him, “she doesn’t need both, you spoil her too much.” barry rolls his eyes, “s’not like we can’t afford it big bruh, if she wants it she can have it.” you squeal at his retort, and hug him. “thank you bear!” giving him an attack of kisses on his cheek. rafe sighs “that’s not the point. you know how bratty she gets when she thinks she can have anything she wants. don’t act surprised when she throws a tantrum cause she can’t have something.”
“mhm.” barry says walking to the other shelf of jewelry with you, looking back at rafe and stick your tongue at him and say “bleh!” he furrows his eyebrows and power-walks toward you, shrieking at his scariness, you run and hide behind barry.
after shopping, you arrive home at tannyhill. “thank you rafe!” giving him a kiss for funding half the shopping spree “thank you bear!” you give your other boyfriend a kiss for the other half of funding and take your bags up to your room, placing them in your walk in closet.
later on a friday, your sitting on the couch with rafe, watching tv while he scrolls through his phone. bored you say, “rafey can we go to the mall? I smelt this miss dior perfume last week and I really liked it but we never bought it.” he doesn’t look up from his phone. “no. we already went this week, no need to go for a while.” you pout at him, “no but I really need it! im going somewhere with-“ he cuts you off. “what i just say huh? no. getting so fuckin bratty this early in the morning..” you look at him with a vexed face and you mumble. “I bet barry would take me..so infuriating”
rafe looks up at you from his phone. “what’d you say?” trying to escape the scene, you get up and walk to the the kitchen telling him, “s’nothing!”
“what i fucking thought.” he says quietly but harsh enough for you to hear. barry comes home later at night finding rafe in the kitchen opening a can of beer. “yo country club.” he looks for you and doesn’t see you with rafe as you usually are at this time, he asks ” where’s our girl?” rafe chuckles “sleeping off the badass little attitude she had today.”
barry, confused on what attitude you could possibly have, “what’d she do?” sighing, rafe shoots him a look “she started acting like a fucking brat cause I told her she can’t go to the mall again as if we didn’t go this week already. it’s because of you she thinks she can always have her way.”
barry had always been the one to be the most lenient with you, he loved you and would do anything to protect his girl. and of course rafe loves you as well and would do more than anything for you, but someone had to keep you in check and it was always rafe. “well come talk to her with me then. we’ll set her straight.” you wake up to barry picking you up by the armpits, blinking awake and rubbing your eyes with your manicured nails , “mm hi bear..”
“hey princess, we gotta talk so let’s go downstairs and get something t’a eat alright?” he readjusts the satin bonnet sliding off your head, you nod at him still sleepy. gaining energy you sit on the island of your kitchen while barry fixes you some milk and and a grilled cheese. rafe stands in front of you, you roll your eyes following from the earlier argument. he jerks his head back from the sudden sass, “don’t roll your eyes at me, you know your manners.“ he looks back at barry, “ you-you see what im talking about right? she’s getting too fucking rude. what is it, you need some dick? what’s with the attitude?” you look at him with all seriousness in your face “I wanted to go to the mall rafe!” he breathes hard through his nose. “im fed up with you. barry go talk some sense into that girl before i bend her over the table i swear.” barry turns the stove off, finishing your grilled cheese and cuts it diagonally placing it next to you with a glass milk. “what’s going on going on sweet girl? I hear you throwing tantrums round’ this house, what’s that about?” you pout at him “rafes being mean t’me saying I can’t go shopping!”
“well you know if we tell you something your supposed to listen even if it’s something you don’t wanna hear.” he tilts his head at you “hm? now why don’t you gone head and apologize to polo boy over there f’me.” you look up at him and huff, turning your back to rafe sitting on the couch you shout “rafe could you come over here please!” he rises from his seat and walks over to you, “don’t yell in the fucking house. what is it? you gonna apologize for the way you been acting?” you nod, “mhm i just wanted to say m’sorry daddy. I didn’t mean to be a brat, you just get me nice things all the time, and i guess I got carried away! it won’t happen again, promise!” holding up your pinky finger to pinky promise your boyfriend, rafe chuckles, interlocking his pinky with yours. “thanks for the apology baby, your gonna be a good girl for the rest of the week right?” he says nodding his head waiting for you to agree, “mhm.”
barry interjects, “well I think our pretty girl deserves a reward for being a big girl today right?” and rafe bows his head in a agreeing motion diving in to kiss you deeply from the right side of your body. your other boyfriend on your left, slides his rough hands on your thighs. “open your legs f’me mama.” you split your legs apart revealing the wet spot on your pink laced panties and through your thin shorts. barry takes off your short sleeping pants as well as your panties, letting the shorts drop to the floor, he puts your pink lace into his pocket. bending down he kisses you up from your calfs, up to your knees and to your inner thighs. “you gone let me make you feel good angel?” you nod frantically through rafes kisses. barry hooks his biceps under your thighs to bring you now soaked cunt closer to his face. “you smell so fuckin sweet for daddy, love this pussy.” he spits on your bud, sucking it harshly, making you squirm around the table. you whimper into rafes mouth from the intensity of barry’s lapping. rafe lifts up your shirt exposing your breasts and starts to pinch your nipples, with a different hand he unbuckles his pants. he grabs your hand and pulls out his cock letting you stroke his length. whispering “fuck..” under his breath, you paw at him faster. you shiver when barry thrust his tongue into your wet cunt, he takes his tongue out and shoves two fingers in and the other hand rubbing furiously at your clit. you take the one hand you have left and grip at rafes shirt from the extreme stimulation of your cunt. “be a good girl and come for daddy.” your boyfriend below you says, finishing you off. you arch your back, “mmph!” stuttering into rafes mouth, he lets go of your moistened lips, his dick standing tall from your jerking at it. hiccuping you say “that felt so g-good daddy.. I want you in me now please!”
“course mama.” barry gets up and lifts you off the counter, guiding you to the couch in the living room, you take rafes hand and he follows behind you. barry unbuttons his pants and his cock springs out, average height but so unbelievably thick. he sits on the couch and pulls you close to him, you hover over him letting him position his dick into your slick cunt. sinking down he praises you, “goood girl. shit, you taking me so well angel.” you mewl at him “mm it’s so big daddy!” rafe watches the scene and stands in front of you, gripping your jaw to force you to look up at him. “you wanna make daddy feel good too right?” you nod frantically and he lets go of your face, holding up his cock with one hand he slaps it on your cheek and positions it into your mouth. he thrusts his cock into your mouth making you choke, gripping your neck to make your gullet feel tighter. behind you, barry’s fucking up into your cunt with wet sounds heard all around the living room. it makes your head spin and clench harder around his cock “you doing so well for us princess, see how being a good girl gets you a reward?” you can’t answer with your throat being used but you do agree. “this fucking mouth..god you feel so good.” choking, as rafe speeds up the pace, he releases his warm load deep into your throat, thrusting as deep as he can to make it stick. “you better swallow all of it sweetheart..shittt..” he takes his cock out your mouth looking at your face. he grabs you face again “stick out your tongue.” you do as your told, showing him your empty mouth, cum nowhere to be seen but in your stomach. “good girl.” your eyes are half lidded and you smile up at him, still getting pounded from behind. “f-fuck daddy your going too hard..” barry smacks your ass, a firm slap that makes you flinch “don’t say that shit.” you sob at the harsh tone. “m’sorryyy daddy, your just hitting it so deep!”
“yeah I know mama..im bout to finish.” he puts in his last brutal thrust. plap-plap-plap and you cry at the rapid pace, taking your hands and placing them on barry’s thighs, a weak attempt to slow him down. looking up at rafe he tells you to “move your fucking hands.” you flinch, removing them and instead you reach your hands out to rafe, interlocking your hands together. barry at his climax, nuzzles his dick deep into your pussy, burrowing his warm cum into your pussy. “mm felt so good..both make me feel so g-good, oh goddd!” twitching when barry pulls out your cunt, he gets up from under you. they both admire you as the cum leaks out from your abused pussy. “what a fucking view..” after they finish using you, rafe lifts you up “let’s get you cleaned up sweetheart, did so good.” barry cleans up the pillows knocked off from this whole affair and goes to the kitchen, putting your grilled cheese in the microwave for you to eat tomorrow. your boyfriends both clean you up in the tub, they wash you off and clean out the load still buried in your cunt. they change you into one of their shirts, placing you in the shared bed you lay between them. you mumble as you drift to sleep “bear and rafey..can I go shopping now?” they both chuckle at you still acting like spoiled brat. “sure sweet girl.” as you fall asleep in their arms.
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saturnrings77 · 11 days
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wdym rafe and barry were walking around looking like this?! Barry should've dressed up a little, put some bows in his hair idk. he should've looked more presentable standing next to his husband.
i know damn well reader jokes about feeling like a third wheel in her own relationship, but the both of them use the excuse of being "business partners".
"so work husband and wife?" you'd tease with the cock of your head, a smirk on your lips.
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siddhigirls · 3 months
pairing: stepbro!rafe cameron x afab!reader
she ride dick like a carnival
bend her over havin’ flashbacks
she gon eat me up like a carnivore
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“rafe shut up”
“but think about it y/n. if you win this game you can do anything you want, but if i win, ill do whatever i want too” he pleaded as you set his ps5 controller on the leather couch you’re sitting on, “anything?” you smirked, “i want 100 dollars” you firmly said “what- okay fine.” he said getting on the couch turning on rocket league, you both were going against each other and you were quite good hence the reason why he made this bet. your parents left the house indicating you guys were alone for the night but you weren’t really paying attention, you really wanted that 100.
“no fucking way” you whispered under your breath after he got the last score “yes!” he yelled, he set the controller down and turning the tv off and looking at you with dark eyes, “okay so rafe what do you want, a massage? money?” you said defeated, “i want you” he says laying back on the couch, taking off his boxers watching his hard cock hit his stomach, you looked at him with wide eyes, you would’ve never thought that you and rafe would ever do such a thing. “rafe we can’t do that..” embarrassed, looking away from his huge cock but shamefully feeling yourself get wet at the tension in the room. “who cares i’ve been wanting and craving you for months, look at me.” grabbing your face forcing you to look at him, his shirt was now off, his body glistening from the soft lamp in the corner of his room. you got in between his knees spitting on his dick and slowly stroking it while looking into his eyes.
rafe was more than excited, he’s been wanting you for so long, countless nights where his dick was painfully hard after “playfighting” with him, he imagined and hoped this day to come, watching your pretty lips wrap around his dick, constantly cumming in your mouth while watching your eye makeup run down your cheeks.
after teasing him for a bit you finally put his entire length into his mouth which shocks him because no girl has ever done that for him. “fuck y/n.” moaning while grabbing your hair and putting it behind your head watching your pretty face swallow his cock. spit was now all over your face, running down your neck, your head bopping up and down. you both heard the front door open once again, you tried getting off his dick but he held your head and forced his dick further into your throat, “don’t fucking move.” he whispers as you nodded, you heard one of your parents knock on rafes door “rafe! we’re leaving officially now, where’s y/n?” you heard your mother say “she’s probably out with her friends now, i’ll tell her— you guys left..” rafe tries his hardest not to moan while you keep bopping your head up and down, you saw his balls tighten indicating that he was close to cumming. “okay bye honey” your mother says after walking away, hearing the door shut once again. “fucking christ you slut, you love sucking my cock while our parents were behind the door hm? fuck, keep going don’t stop” he moans seeing your mouth filling up with his seed, his seed now running down your neck as you keep pleasuring him with your mouth. “fucking christ.” rafe is shocked by the sight of you handling him.
you take your mouth off his dick making a popping sound, “get up i wanna feel your pussy” he sternly says as you get up, taking off your underwear, keeping your skirt on, rafe takes your buttoned up shirt, watching your heaving chest, you take off your bra as rafe watches your tits bounce, his hands immediately finding a way to squeeze them. he gives your left tit a firm slap as he pulls you by your waist on to his lap, “you fuckin like that huh? being thrown around like my little slut” he says as you snake your hand in between your body’s finding his dick, leading his dick to your already soaking pussy. “want you so bad..” you moan as you rub your clit with the head of his cock.
“look at you, you’re soaking. come on fuck yourself using your stepbros cock.” he whispers grabbing your neck as you slide down his cock, feeling bigger than intended, “fucking christ you’re so tight baby”
you let out pornographic loud moans while bouncing on his cock, your hand making its way to your clit rubbing the bundle of nerves. his hand squeezing your throat, making it harder to breathe. “come on baby soak this fucking cock.” he makes you stop, his hands making his way down your ass, grabbing it as he roughly thrusts into you. “yes yes baby, fucking give it to me fuck- fuck!” you yell, hearing his balls slap on to your skin, he gives your ass a firm squeeze and slaps it one time. “wanna cum in you, make me wanna fuck a baby into you..” he says as you clench around his dick indicating that you were close too. “baby i wanna cum on your big dick please let me cum” you moan “cum on your stepbros dick, fucking dirty whore.” he whispers into your hear as you create a white ring around his dick. feeling his seed shoot up your pussy “fuuuuuuck” he moans, taking his dick out of you making you feel empty.
watching his seed come out of your pussy as he pushes his 2 fingers forcing the cum to stay in you. “come on let’s go” he says while looking at you, putting his white shirt back on, “where are we going? you say trying to make your way to the bathroom, he grabs you from behind, whispering in your ear, “don’t you dare clean my cum out of you, put your panties back on and walk around with my cum dripping out of you, like the dirty whore you are”
“we’re going on a date.”
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obxsprincess · 5 months
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drug dealer!barry x reader x toxic!rafe
“she lets you do this often man?” rafe snickers — watching you on all fours, sprawled over barrys bed. his greedy eyes trail over your tits, and your pretty features as you face him. legs wide and dripping in your glossy arousal as barry kneels behind you. the same smirk plastered on his face, mirroring the man in-front of you. “whenever she’s looking for some strong shit, yea’” you squeak a moan as you feel barry press agaisnt you. a metal laced sound invades your ears before you feel the hard pressure agaisnt your ass — his thick cock slips between your sopping folds. lubricating his dick in your sweet wetness.
“fuck, glad I came today for my coke. look at you princess, paying for your shit by letting your drug dealer fuck you,” a sound between a gasp and a moan escapes you as rafes hand curls around you chin, tilting you to look up at him.
how you got here you had no idea, what started as your usual ‘payment’ ended with the kook king now standing infront of you with his god forsaken grin, and the prominent bulge in his pants making your pretty head spin.
and even more as barry’s cock grindes agaisnt your swollen clit, rubbing the needy pearl in ways that you biting you lip in desperation. “you fucking like this don’t ya? the rich little slut likes being fucked by two males do you baby,?” rafes dark chuckle made your cunt grind into barry in return, your eyes fluttering back as a groan escapes the male behind yous mouth. “auh! auh- y-yes”
“this gonna’ get you a big supply,” a sudden slap hits your ass, the pleasure of barrys cock agaisnt your clit and the pain making you numb in blissful filth — and yet rafe refused to let your eyes leave his.
“fuck her man. I wanna see the way little ms. goody two shoes pays for her drugs” before your eyes can widen at rafes words, barry grips your hips, positioning his tip agaisnt your dripping hole. “ain’t’ needa tell me twice,” you don’t even have time to gasp before barry’s thrusts into you — rutting, and stretching you with every fat inch. you silken walls clench around him, your eyes screwing shut. “god dammit, girl,” barrys ruts are anything but gentle — pulling out just to pump back into you. the pure roughness making you forget rafe was even there. until his grip tighened on your jaw. “little slut, feels good don’t it? look at her man. fuck, never thought I’d see you here sweetheart. eyes on me, pretty thing” if his drug dealers cock wasn’t moving inside of your pussy, which was gripping him like a fucking vice, you’d think rafes tone was affectionate. but there was nothing remotely romantic of this — not when your moans and mewls filled the room, the voices of the two males praising you as if you weren’t even there. it was so dirty — the pleasure that consumed your spinning head, and the way it felt so sinfully good.
the moment your eyes flustered open, the mere size of rafes dick made your pretty cunt clench around the cock rutting inside of you. it was red and leaking, and gliding right into your lips as if you were merely a drooling flesh light. the realization that rafes massive length and barrys thickness fucking you from the front and back made you feel so naughty — and yet in a filthy little cloud of ecstasy. “ya’ be a good slut, and then you’ll get your fucking drugs, yea?” the way they fucked you was merely for their own greedy pleasures — but in the very back of your pretty head you couldn’t help but want more.
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emmalandry · 11 months
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𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 ~ ℝ𝕒𝕗𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕤!𝔻𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝔸𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣'𝕤 𝕕𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕧𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕒 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕒𝕔𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖. 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 ℝ𝕒𝕗𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥? 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕦𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜, 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝔻𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕪/𝕊𝕚𝕣 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜, 𝔻𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘, ℙ𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕖, ℍ𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪, 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟙.𝟟𝕜
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Y/N L/N. The most beautiful girl on Kildare island. She had silky smooth skin that was almost like porcelain so dainty and delicate she could be shattered and corrupted at any moment and that's just what Rafe Cameron planned to do. Corrupt her and claim her as his. Every time he heard her sickly sweet voice something grew in him, an urge. The urge to take away her innocence, He was like a predator lying in wait for the opportunity to attack. After months of waiting he found the perfect opportunity to strike. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, Mr.L/N had just finished today's Sermon but he and the rest of Y/N's family decided to stay back at the church letting Y/N return home knowing she had some leftover schoolwork to complete. Rafe knew that whenever the L/N's decided to stay at the church every other Sunday they were usually gone for hours upon hours and today would be no different. He watched as she clicked her heels against the pavement on her way back to her car, her long sun dress flowing in the breeze she looked so angelic. It may seem cliche to say it about the Pastor's daughter but Y/N most definitely was an angel sent from heaven above and every single time it cause a strain in Rafe's shorts.
Just as she was about to reach her little blue beetle convertible she felt a hand on her shoulder she was almost sent into a panic when she heard it, heard him and a wave of relief hit her. "Hey darling, can I talk to you for a second?" she felt her heart flutter and a blush creep up her cheeks at the nickname leaving his lips. She took a deep breath before slowly turning around and looking up to meet his piercing blue eyes. "Sure Mr.Cameron, what is it?" 'Mr.Cameron' he chuckled to himself, the two weren't well acquainted other than the occasional small talk at the country club or church other than that even though they were both kooks their paths didn't cross often. "Slow your roll angel, you can call me Rafe, Im only a year older than you no need for all these hotshot titles." He gave her that smile that could have any girl falling into a puddle at his feet and Y/N's legs just about gave out at the sight. She would smile back at him before opening her mouth once more to speak "What did you need to talk to me about?" She looked away trying to avoid his piercing eyes and he smirked. "Just wanted to tell you that you looked really good today" He played with the hem of her sun dress dragging on what he was gonna say "Your dress really compliments your skin...I was wondering maybe if I could take you out to dinner tonight?" Y/N gave him a confused look, Rafe was handsome, really really handsome and he had a reputation with women around the island.
Kooks and Touron women alike, all of them were far more experienced than her. She never held hands, kissed a boy, she never even had a boyfriend and yet here she was standing in front of the Kook King staring dumbfounded because he just asked her to dinner. Noticing her puzzled look he spoke again, "My whole family leaves for the mainland this afternoon so maybe you could come over and I can make you dinner?" "Are you asking me on a date?" a low chuckle left his lips. "Yes angel, I'm asking you on a date."
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Considering how your day started you would've never expected to be in Rafe fucking Cameron's bed, your thighs squeezing his head while you're begging for your release, whines and small "Oh god's" leaving your swollen pink lips. "So I'm God now princess?" he let a chuckle slip out receiving a whine from you as he felt you clench around his fingers. A smirk creeps up on his face "Oh you like that angel? Do you like thinking of me as a god?" a small "Mhm" leaving your mouth. He grabbed ahold of your face making you look down at him "If you're not gonna use your words baby then ill put that mouth to use some other way. Open up. Now." Your jaw practically unhinges at his words as he stands to his full height and spits into your mouth, "Swallow" he shuts your jaw and slaps your face lightly as you swallow his saliva. "Such a good little girl, aren't you doll?" he continues to pump his fingers in and out of your soaked cunt, repeatedly hitting the soft spongey spot inside you causing you to let out a loud almost pornographic moan as you clench around his slender fingers one last time before releasing your juices all over his fingers.
"You taste so sweet, like honey." he sucks your release off his fingers and climbs up your body landing a kiss on your lips. Looking up at him with your big doe eyes you ask "What about you?" he lets a laugh slip past his lips "Aren't you just so generous, darling?" you bite your lip and avoid his gaze. "I just...I want you to feel good." a frown crossing over her face. He puts his index finger to his chin almost like he was thinking. "Okay, princess...you want me to feel good? Open up." Y/N hesitated looking up to see Rafe rolling his eyes before reaching his hand up to your face and giving you a light slap. "I thought you were a good girl Y/N. Why are you not following Daddy's orders, Hm?" You begin to feel a blush creep up your neck. "I-I am a good girl...I promise." You frown and he gives you a sly smirk. "Then prove it." You open your mouth slowly and hear him unbuckle his belt before hearing it hit the floor. Your eyes marvel at his visible hard-on showing through his boxers. As he pulls them down you witness his cock slap against his stomach and you begin practically drooling.
"You like what you see sweetness?" You nod slowly, too scared to close your mouth to speak before he walks over to you and slaps his cock against your lips. “Don’t be shy baby…Suck.” You take his cock into your mouth and begin to lightly suckle his tip giving kitten licks here and there before trying to take the whole thing in your mouth. You gag when the tip kisses the back of your throat but try again whilst tears are welling up in your eyes. He weaves his hand into your hair and pulls you off. “Careful Baby. I know you’ve never done this, you’re just a dumb little girl you’re not ready to take it all in that pretty little throat yet.” you nod and pull your mouth off him reaching your hand up to stroke him. You look up to see him flashing you a panty-dropping smile and you feel your arousal gush down your legs once more as you clench your thighs together. Rafe's hand begins to stroke your cheek as you continue to tug on his cock. "You think you're ready to take me baby? You want me to destroy that perfect little pussy?" "Yes sir." He smiles again, "There's my good little girl. Don't worry baby. I won't stop until I've completely corrupted that dumb little head of yours."
He rubs his tip through your soaked folds and the moment his tip bumps your puffy little clit you let out a whine. You whisper out a pathetic "Please." and you notice him shift his gaze to your face. "Please what angel? Tell me what you want." "Wan' you to fuck me sir...take my v-virginity." You swallow harshly and feel him begin to push his fat head inside you. "Relax Darling, Daddy's gonna take good care of his sweet girl." Hearing these words leave his lips your body relaxes and it allows him to bottom out inside you. You felt so full, you've never had anything feel this good. You never even touched yourself in fear that god was watching. "M-move...please need you to move." "Oh yeah? You think you're ready for that baby?" You nod, he begins with slow shallow thrusts that have you arching your back into the air as your hands grip onto his satin sheets. "Oh god." You moan out. "Shhh angel, God's not here. It's just me." His hand reaches up to grip your silver cross that dangles around your dainty little neck before he snatches ahold of the chain and pulls you upwards for a kiss. It's messy. Nothing but tongues and teeth clashing together. His thrusts begin to get more aggressive the sound of sweaty skin slapping together filling the room as you writhe beneath him.
His hand reaches up to draw quick circles on your clit. Who were you to tell him no? It was so swollen and begging for attention. You moan into his mouth, back arching into the air as your pussy begins to clench around him. "My perfect little fucktoy, You're nothing but a stupid little girl. Are you gonna cum baby? How about I fill up your tight little pussy? It's just begging to be filled. Want's me to give you a baby. You want that honey?" He breathes out, His breathing is shaky trying to help you reach your release. "Uhuh." you moan out, eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape. "Uhuh, what angel?" He slaps your cheek making your eyes shoot open. "Wan' you to give me a baby. Make me swollen and make me a mommy." he lets out a low groan as you clench around him and your arousal gushes against his cock and your thighs. After about 3 more shallow thrusts he shoots his seed inside you and lays his body on top of you. He slowly pulls his now softening cock out of you. He glances down to see his spend leaking out of you before gathering it on his fingers and fucking it back inside of you. "Gotta keep it in there baby. Make sure you become a mommy." You give him a shaky breath in response as he curls up next to you, stroking your hair out of your face and pecking your cheek. "This means you're mine now baby. My darling angel."
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coryosbaby · 11 months
Can you give me something with barry from obx x innocent!reader and she's like rafe's little Sister and he like tells rafe that she needs to stay with him until he gets ALL his money plsss girls I'm deprived of my word porn 😫 ( Add some smut pleaseeeeeeee )
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Honey <🧡 >
Barry (Outer Banks)/reader
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Warning: slight dubcon, kidnapping, blackmail, mention of guns and drug use (reader gets high), slight age gap? But it’s not really important + the reader is of age // forced oral (m receiving), throatfucking, fingering, the word ‘bitch’ a lot, pussy slapping, p n v, dumbification, loss of virginity, sir kink, sub! Reader, dom! Barry
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“Please let me go!”
Your voice is desperate, as Barry shoves you inside of his home. You almost trip over your Mary Jane platforms when your foot hits a step wrong, but Barry catches you with one of his strong arms and pulls you up.
“You know a deal’s a deal, sweet thing’.”
His voice has a slight southern drawl, and you squeak when he pushes you down onto the couch. “Now stay your ass right there.”
You don’t even know how you got into this situation. One minute you’re having drinks with a few friends from your private school, and then the next minute you’re getting dragged away by your brother’s drug dealer. You don’t know exactly what he means by deal. You had never made one with him.
You two had spoken a few times when he spent his time at the Cameron residence when everyone in your family besides you and Rafe were gone. Rafe, being the untrustworthy shit that he is, surprisingly doesn’t despise you like he does your other siblings. In fact, you’ve become his favorite and most important one.
But clearly not important enough, since he’s probably got you involved in his cocaine dealing stuff.
“Did Rafe…” you watch as Barry rummages around in his kitchen cabinets, clearly paying no mind as you speak. “Did Rafe make a deal with you? Or something? I-I have money, I have lot of it—“
“Thirty thousand?”
The number makes your eyebrows raise in surprise. Thirty thousand dollars.. for coke? A“few lines”, as Rafe had called it. Yeah right.
“I-I don’t—“
“Well until then, I’d advise you to keep that stupid little mouth shut.”
His demand scares you, a bit. In fact, this whole situation does. Barry had always been nice to you. Maybe a bit too nice, if anyone from outside the two of you saw the situation (Rafe certainly did). But regardless, you don’t know what’s going to happen if your brother doesn’t get that money.
Barry seems to finally find what he’s looking for inside a wooden drawer. When he pulls it out, it’s a gun.
Bile rises in your throat when you see the weapon, the safety off and, you assume, packed with bullets. He throws it down onto the table in front of you.
“See that?” He asks. You nod heavily, tears beginning to well in your eyes.
“Yes sir.”
You say it dumbly. You don’t know what else to say. Barry’s grin is wide when the words leave your lips.
“You try to run,” Barry starts. His tone shouldn’t be so tantalizing, but it is. “And I’ll use it. So don’t you fuckin’ dare.”
You nod, numb with fear. Barry picks up the gun and moves around the table to sit beside you. He’s exponentially close, his shoulder touching yours as he leans back against the fabric of the couch.
You don’t know what to do, really. What exactly are you supposed to do when your brother’s drug dealer is holding you for ransom? But you play with the hem of your skirt as Barry reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a bag of shiny white powder.
Your face scrunches up and you shiver. He uses his fingers to make a sloppy trail of cocaine on the hilt of the gun. You expect him to do the line he had created, but instead he just shrugs and stares at you for a moment with a glazed look.
“Why don’t you take some?“
You don’t think it’s a request. Your bottom lip catches in between your teeth. You sniffle.
“I don’t want to.”
“Cmon, now,” his tone is like honey but you can hear the threat. “Be a good girl.”
You look down at the drug, stark white against the metal of the shiny weapon and back to him, but you figure you have no choice. You just hope and pray that the addict gene didn’t make its way to you like it did Rafe as you press your nose against the gun. It’s right over Barry’s lap; if you weren’t so plagued with innocence, you would notice how close your face is to his aching prick as you peer over his lap. You jump when you feel the man’s hands twist themselves in your hair.
“Atta girl.”
The drug isn’t something you’re used to. You’re definitely not the type to drink, let alone do coke; but snorting it doesn’t seem as hard as you expected. Your brain is a little fuzzy once you lift your head up.
Barry puts the gun down on the table, and pours some more coke onto the glass in front of him. He snorts up a line, and lets out a low groan. And then he moves back and his hands move to your neck. He twists your strands of hair with two long fingers.
“You’re a pretty little thing, you know that?”
You flush. All the while your high begins to kick in, and you exhale shakily. Your thighs clench together, and you don’t really understand why. “T-Thank you..”
Barry chuckles. His lips are really close to your ear and you notice that he smells really nice. It’s making you a bit dizzy.
“Such good manners for such a good girl.” He praises. You gulp, the feeling of his hand suddenly on your leg making you jump. The man notices, and frowns. “Cmon now, sweetness. I don’t bite.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” You squeak out. He grins, his fingers inching up higher to ghost over the inner part of your thighs.
“Think we can keep ourselves a little busy before your brother gets here, don’t you think?”
You nod, dumbly, as his fingers ghost over your Cherry print panties underneath your skirt. It’s a new sensation; you’ve never been touched like this. You’ve heard it’s what people that are married do, people that love and care for each other. You don’t think this is how you’re supposed to do it.
“W-Wait, Barry—“
But it’s too late now, because his fingers are rubbing your clit in slow, soft circles. You let out a tiny moan, your legs automatically parting against your own will. You can feel an ache bubbling up in your core, your little button starting to throb.
“You’re so wet, goddamn.”
It comes out low and throaty, and when you look down at Barry’s hand you can see that he’s palming his cock through his basketball shorts. You don’t know why, exactly, but your mouth begins to water as you watch the outline of him through the fabric.
Barry breathes out a laugh at your innocence, giving a teasing flick to the bud by thumping it with his thumb and forefinger. You squirm, a small noise of pleasure rippling out of you.
“You’re cunt, darlin’.” He says. “It’s wet. Happens when you start thinking about dirty things.”
You frown as your wetness drips on his hand. “‘M not… ‘m not dirty! I swear!”
“I think you’re lyin’ to me… I think you are.“ His fingertip teasingly ghosts over your hole. “— but that’s okay. I like dirty girls.”
His middle finger sinks inside you to the hilt. You gasp, the sensation making your hips lift off the couch when he curls it. You moan, breathy.
“That— that feels good..”
“I know, angel. And you’re gonna take another one for me, aren’t ya?”
“I-“ you hesitate, but another swipe against your clit with Barry’s thumb has you keening against the couch. “Yeah! Yes, yes, anything, I’ll take anything!”
His forefinger slips in, next. It’s tight fit, but nothing you can’t handle. And when Barry puts you into a chokehold with one of his strong arms, he drags your body into his lap. His bulge hits your ass and you let out a mewl, his fingers never leaving you. His pace increases, his other hand moving from your throat to your skirt. He lifts it up and pulls your underwear to the side so he can watch his fingers move in and out of you.
“These panties are so cute,” he whispers into your ear. Your eyes roll back when your sopping wet cunt begins to make harsh gushing noises. “It’s too bad they’re getting ruined, huh?”
You nod, not a single thought left in your hazy brain. Your ruffle socked feet accidentally kick the table from the pleasure making your body spasm. You barely even acknowledge it, but Barry’s unused arm goes to your neck again and he holds down on each side of your throat.
“Don’t break my shit, bitch,” he growls. “You and your brother owe me enough already.”
“I-I’m sorry!” It comes out choked, scared, and dripping of pleasure all at once. His thumb moves to your clit again. You can feel something inside you building up, a wad of tension threatening to release. Your brows furrow in confusion and you become worried. What if Barry gets mad at you for feeling this way?
“S-Sir—“ your hole throbs mercilessly, face scrunched up. “Barry— think ‘m gonna.. gonna pee! S-Stop!”
“No you’re not, baby,” He chuckles. “You’re gonna cum— only good girls cum. So wet my fuckin shorts, dollface.”
Your eyes roll back as your orgasm washes over you, all of your limbs seizing up with tension. Your mind becomes foggy, and you scream as you begin to squirt all over your panties and onto Barry’s thighs.
“That’s it, honey. Shit, look at you…”
You sob, overwhelmed from all the sensation flooding your psyche. You stay against Barry, the warmth of his body bringing you comfort as your eyes droop. But you know you can’t sleep yet; you won’t allow yourself to.
Barry presses a kiss to your neck, begins gesturing for you to get up. You move up on shaky legs. And as bad as it is, you frown when his body leaves yours.
“D-Did I do something wrong, sir?”
He doesn’t reply; he simply presses his lips to yours, harsh and full of want. His strong arms go around your waist and his fingers dance along the hem of your shirt. He moves the fabric up, and up, until your bra is the only thing left on your upper half. You let him do it.
He palms your breasts and you gasp at the sensation. You’ve always been a bit sensitive there.
“Take this off,” he says, gesturing to the cups holding your tits in place. You obey, shyly unclipping your bra and revealing your puffy nipples to him. His mouth goes down to suckle one of the buds into his mouth. He hums around it, scrapes his teeth against the sensitive nerves and then begins unzipping your skirt.
“Any guy ever touched you?” He asks, as your soaked panties become the only thing covering your body. You’re incredibly shy, now.
“No— no one has.”
“Good.” And then he’s taking your panties off, sliding them down your legs and leaving you completely in the nude. It’s invading, incredibly so, but your pussy begins to ache for another orgasm again.
“Sit back down.” Barry demands.
You obey and he sits down next to you. The material of the couch is cold against your skin as he grabs your hair and pulls you towards his body with a rough hand. You squirm, trying to find a position that makes you comfortable, and settling with facing him on your knees. He loosens the drawstring of his shorts as he looks down at you with lust glittering in his eyes. You aren’t sure where to put your hands, so you decide to rest one on Barry’s thigh and the other on the couch. He reaches into his now loosened shorts and pulls out his cock.
You gawk, the sight of a dick being an unfamiliar image to you. He’s girthy, perfectly thick and a bit long. Precum pearls at the head of him as he watches your pleading eyes. He grabs your hair, firm.
You gasp when he shoves your face against him. Your ass is up in the air now, your tits pressed flush against his thigh. His tip is wet against your cheek, smearing precum all over your nose and underneath your eyes.
“Feel that?” He purrs.
You nod, dazed. “Yeah..” your hand reaches to touch it, curiosity peaking your interest. “It’s— its really pretty.”
“Yeah?” He gathers a string of his pre onto his finger, brings it up to your face and rubs it teasingly against the opening of your lips while you busy yourself with playing with the base of him. “Get a taste, baby.”
Your face turns a deep cherry red as you shyly stick your tongue out. His arousal coats your tongue, and as disgusting as you feel you can’t help but love the taste of him.
“‘S good,” you murmur. “I— I wan’ more of it.”
“I bet you want my cum all inside, don’t you?”
Your bottom lip turns down and you cutely raise your eyebrows together. “What’s cum? You keep saying that…”
He laughs, genuinely laughs. Your stupidity is amusing to him.
“Dressing in all those short little skirts and lookin’ at me with those pouty lips and you still don’t understand what I’m saying? You really are dumb.”
You shake your head, the words “I’m not dumb” falling from your lips over and over as you lean down and lick up some more of his pre to satiate yourself. Barry’s tongue runs along his bottom lip as he watches you, a large hand going down to stroke your hair out of your face.
“Cum is the stuff that comes out when you get that really good feelin’. “ he explains. “You came earlier, so I bet that little pussy’s coated in it right now.”
You bite your lip, kitten licking his cock once more and then pulling back.
“I wanna make you cum.”
He grabs your hair and pulls you back down. “I know.”
You whine, and then he’s groaning and bucking his dripping length against your lips.
“God, I know that mouth is—“ he doesn’t even hesitate to find the opening of your mouth and slip his tip inside. The taste is odd to you, but not inherently unpleasant. He’s musky and you can smell the scent of his arousal radiating off of him. “—so goddamn good. Fuck yeah, that’s it.”
You moan around him, your mouth swallowing him up more as the weight of his aching prick makes you more and more turned on. You down him as much as you can, his girth making the corners of your glossed lips burn.
“Knew a little kook girl like you would be good at taking dick,” Barry drawls. His hips thrust against your intensely, heavy balls slapping against your chin and spit leaking down them from your gaping mouth. “Cock taste good, baby? Huh?”
The choked moan and the string of drool pooling out of your mouth and down your neck tells him all he needs to know. He chuckles. “Yeah, I bet it does. Drooling little bitch.”
You know he’s right. And as bad as it is, the humiliation that he’s bestowing upon you is pleasurable. Your wetness is dripping down your thighs at his words.
You moan, moving his hands off your head so you can move off of his cock and begin suckling his balls. He moans loud and his fingernails dig back into your scalp again. You’re desperate, desperate to feel his skin and his smell and his taste, and you’re whining while you lick his heavy sack with hard strokes of your tongue.
“God, such a sweet fuckin’ slut. You’re doin’ so good.”
You whimper, downing his cock again and gurgling around him. Your pussy is soaked, and you try to move it around on the material of the couch to get friction. Barry grins when he sees your desperation.
“Needa cum?”
You pull off of him with a pop, eyes looking up at him pleadingly. “Yes sir.”
His fingers touch your swollen clit. Teasingly, just to see you squirm as he shoves his cock in your mouth again. And when he begins to rub harshly, you begin to buck your hips against him. Your second orgasm is already nearing, and when it happens you shake and choke around his length. He gives your pussy a light slap and yanks you off of him. Your mascara is smeared, lipstick staining the edges of your mouth and your hair stuck to your forehead in messy strands. Barry pulls you up to give you another kiss. And then he pulls you onto his lap again.
And in the midst of your lips on his, you hear his phone ring.
It’s on the nightstand next to the couch. An easy reach for him, and as he grabs the phone you see the words ‘COUNTRY CLUB’ flash across the screen in bold white letters.
Your eyes widen, shaking your head as Barry chuckles out, “damn, sweetness. It’s your brother.”
“Please… d-don’t let him—“ you cry, exasperated, as Barry presses his bare cock to your entrance. “Don’t let him know what I did— please! He’ll be so mad at me…”
The older man grins as he holds you down onto his cock; not quite in just yet, but it makes you quiver thinking about him stretching you out. He mocks you with a bullying tone.
“Aww, don’t worry honey.” He coos. “I won’t tell your big brother you’ve been a bad girl. Just let me pick up this call.”
Relief almost washes over you, if it wasn’t for the fact that Barry is still pressed flush against you. It’s making it hard for you to concentrate. He presses the green button, signaling that he’s answered the call.
“Where is she?”
Rafe’s voice sounds on the other line, and he’s extremely pissed.
“Perfectly fine, country club. In fact, I think she’s having the time of her life right now” Barry quips, as if you’re not dripping down his cock with a look of shame on your face. “I just need my money..”
He pauses, watching as your eyes furrow closed and you begin to move against him. You’re lost in your own pleasure now. You can’t help it. The sensation of his cock rubbing against your clit has you clenching and aching to release. You bury your face in his neck, trying to contain your whimpers.
“Look, man,” Rafe starts. He doesn’t like the way those words spewed from Barry’s lips. It makes him uneasy.
“I’ll— I’ll get your money, okay? Just— promise me you won’t hurt her. Please.”
“Oh,” Barry lets out a laugh. “We’re far from that.”
He lifts your hips with one of his hands. His tip begins to probe your entrance. You gasp as your walls sink down on him.
“In fact, I think I can drown out your little debt and set you up for another month.”
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harryspet · 6 months
bambi eyes masterlist
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[Warnings] soft!dark!rafe cameron x reader, daddy!Rafe x little!reader older!rafe, crimeboss!rafe, rafe takes advantage of traumatized reader, DUBCON, dd/lg, sex trafficking, sexual slavery, sugar daddy rafe, stockholm syndrome, spoiling kink, unprotected sex, forced? age regression
SUMMARY: Years after his father's death, Rafe returns to Tannyhill a new man with more power than he could have ever previously imagined. You're the missing piece to him finally feeling like the king of Figure 8, and Rafe acquires you, his Kook princess, in a sinister way. Still, he's determined to give you the perfect life. All you have to do is be a good little girl.
part one
part two
part three
part four: holiday special
part five
part six
part seven
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rubiehart · 4 months
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jj thinking you look the prettiest when your stomach’s all big and swollen with his baby, laying out on the bow of the boat on a towel he’d lay down for you, sunglasses perched on your nose and bikini hugging your body perfectly, specifically showcasing your tits that seemed to be getting bigger every month into your pregnancy, which jj wasn’t complaining about.
he’s at your side whenever you call his name, “everythin’ okay mama?” ,giving you sips of lemonade or water whenever you ask, comin’ over every half an hour or so to make sure you’re all lathered up in sunscreen “gotta make sure my babies aren’t cookin’.” indicating to you and the child you were growing making you giggle and throw an arm over your eyes as he rubs the sunscreen into your plush thighs and up all over your stomach, just bein’ all gentle with you.
big smile on his face cuz he knows he’s gonna love this baby more than he’s loved anyone or anything before (not including you of course!!)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 months
Warnings- dark! Rafe sex as payment mentioned, 18+, mdni, suggestive, no actual smut (if people like this then I’ll make a pt 2 😭) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
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Rafe rolled up his money, lining up the powder with a card and snorting it all. Barry looked at him expectantly. Rafe furrowed an eyebrow as he dug through his pockets.
He stood up, patting himself down.
“I don’t…” he said.
“Shit, country club finally ran outta money, huh?” Barry spoke with a laugh.
“Look, man, I’m sorry. I promise I’ll pay you by next-“
“Actually- I think I have a better idea.” Barry’s eyes were fixed on you, chatting away with one of your friends, a smile on your face. A small smile made its way onto his own face, and Rafe followed his gaze.
“No fucking way.” Rafe protested, getting what he was getting at. “I’m not gonna whore my fucking girlfriend out-“
“C’monnnn, man. You told me she’s a freak- im sure she won’t mind.” He said, grinning widely as he turned to rafe, leaning back in his chair.
Rafe ran a hand through his hair, knowing Barry would be set on this.
“Fuck. Okay… but I’m not leaving you alone with her.” Rafe sat back down, chugging the rest of the beer he had.
“Shit, you wanna watch, feel free, bro.” Barry told him with a wicked smile.
Soon, you came up to Rafe. You plopped yourself on the couch, resting your legs on his lap. His hands moving up and down the flesh of your leg. He was quiet, you noticed.
“You okay, Rafey?” You asked him after a little. He looked up at you and nodded, looking at Barry now.
“Yeah, Rafe, seemin’ a lil quiet over there.” Barry chuckled from beside him. Rafe sent him a glare.
Barry slowly put his hand on you. You turned to him with a quirked eyebrow and an expression that made him want to take you against the couch right now.
You looked back at Rafe for some sort of help, but he just stared, silently.
Barry sighed. “See, sweetheart, what your boyfriend doesn’t wanna tell you is that… he’s outta money. He wasted it all on his coke, and I don’t accept late payments. And you…”
You frowned, still confused. “What does that have to do with me?”
“He offered to whore you out as payment, gorgeous.” He explained bluntly.
You looked at him, your mouth agape in disbelief.
“‘M sorry, baby.” Rafe told you now, grabbing your cheek and turning you to him.
“But I really need for you to be a good girl, yeah? Can you do that for me?” He said in that sweet tone. You looked at him and back at Barry.
“You’ll be helping me a lot, baby.” He continued when he saw you hesitate.
And who were you to not help out your boyfriend?
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
taken care of
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words: 2.2k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, established relationship, exhibitionism, VERY BARRY HEAVY FIC!, fishing and like description of cooking fish??? does that need a warning lol, mention of drugs, rafe and barry are drug dealers in this but its very brief, drinking, female receiving oral, sharing is caring lol?, p in v sex, male masturbation, voyeurism
“you don't wanna get out?” rafe asks, his hands petting over your thighs.
“im happy watching from here.” you hum, leaning forward to give him a kiss.
“okay.” rafe sighs, digging in his pocket for his keys, placing them in your awaiting palm. “you can keep the ac and radio on if you want.”
“you know me so well.” you coo, giving rafe another peck on the lips as he goes to the back of his truck, pulling out his tackle box and fishing pole. you keep the door open until you reach over from your passenger seat and turn the truck on, allowing you to roll down the window.
you wave at barry when he notices you in the backseat. “brought sweetheart fishing?” he questions, making rafe let out a grunt, while you just giggle.
barry loves to flirt with you in front of rafe, because he gets pissed and you get so shy, always ducking your head or hiding behind rafe.
“just watching.” you shrug, adjusting yourself so you're comfortable, glad the side of the road is so close to the river bank, letting you stay in the truck but still be close enough to listen to rafe and barry as they chat.
“fish on.” rafe calls out, huffing as he begins to reel. you sit up a little bit, trying to spot the fish in the water before it breaks the surface. your boyfriend hauls it out, a large fish but not a kind he usually keeps.
“wanna hold it?” rafe asks, looking to you.
“no.” you shake your head, hand coming to the lock button on the truck just in case he tries to get closer. “but ill take your picture with it.”
you raise your phone, snapping a picture of rafe with his fish before he undoes the hook from its mouth. he tosses it back into the river, the fish quickly retreating into deeper water.
you send the picture to rafe, knowing the grin on his face is only because of you. he doesn't even bother to check when his phone buzzes in his pocket. all notifications are silenced except for yours, even barrys texts being delivered without notification, only his emergency calls making the phone ring.
you don't even realize that you've fallen asleep leaned against the seatbelt, the warm sun on your face and calming sounds of the river flowing. you only blink your eyes open when the drivers door closes. you rub your eyes and look over to rafe, a gentle smile on his face. “sorry i woke you up.”
“it's okay.” you hum, leaning over the center console, arms circling around rafes shoulders, just wanting to cuddle up to him now that you're awake. “did you catch some more?”
“yeah, some nice bass. put a couple in the cooler if you're feeling up for fish tonight.”
“you wanna know what i want?” you tilt your head to the side, pulling back to look at rafe.
“what?” he hums out, eyes glancing between your lips and meeting your gaze.
“you.” you say before leaning in and capturing his mouth in a kiss, frowning when rafe doesn't reciprocate the way you want him to.
you pull away with an intense pout. “rafeyyy.” you whine out.
“uh, babe-” rafe chuckles, a look of mischief in his eye. you hear someone clear their throat in the back seat. your eyes widen, turning to see barry sitting there with a smirk on his face.
“oh my god!” you squeal, turning forward so the seat blocks your view of barrys goofy grin, covering your red face with your hands. “rafe cameron, why didn’t you say something earlier?” you shout, reaching over to slap him on the arm as he laughs.
“you kissed me before i could say anything!” rafe argues back, still laughing as you turn back to barry and apologize. “hes coming over for dinner.” “okay.” you whisper. you know barry is a drug dealer, and you know rafe is part of it too, but he keeps you as far away as he can from the life of crime, insisting that hes being as safe as possible, only dealing to kooks at parties.
rafe and barry chat, with occasional interjections from you, as rafe drives the truck towards your shared house. you don’t even bother going inside as you all head towards the backyard where rafe has a fish preparing station as well as a full outdoor kitchen with an expensive grill that was your birthday gift to him last year. sure, you paid for it with his credit card, but its the thought that counts.
“gonna take a leak, back in a minute.” barry heads towards the renovated pool house instead of the main home as rafe swings the heavy cooler up onto the counter. “is he staying the night?” you ask. barry always stays in the pool house when he ends up sleeping over, usually because hes too drunk to get himself home. 
“why? afraid you’re not gonna be able to be loud?” the only negative is the pool house is not too far from the glass sliding doors that lead into your bedroom with a view of the backyard and then ocean just beyond the fence you insisted get put up to keep anything from getting in your pool.
“stop it.” you whine, propping yourself up onto a clean spot on the counter. “i want you so bad.”
“well, im making you dinner right now.” rafe shrugs. “you’ll have to be patient.”
“but you promise to fuck me tonight? come on, i don’t know how long i can wait and i don’t want you getting too drunk with barry to fuck.” you complain, feet swinging.
“promise you’ll get off.” rafe says, noting that his words don’t seem to truly please you as you continue to have a scowl on your face. he knows how quickly your attitude turns when you get too needy for him.
“what you want to drink, pretty mama?” barry asks as he emerges from the pool house. 
“hard lemonade.” you bat your eyelashes at barry, moving from your spot on the counter as rafe gets out the fish to prepare it. you hate seeing him cutting into it, so you move to sit on the outdoor sofa instead.
“will never understand how you guys can drink those.” you turn your nose up at the beer barry brings for himself, handing one to rafe.
“jeez, whats gotten into you?” barry lets out a stark laugh, cracking open his beer with his keys before doing the same with your hard lemonade, handing it to you. even with the alcohol diluted, you still don't like the taste as your nose scrunches.
“shes horny.” rafe simply says, not turning away from his preparation.
“rafe, oh my god!” you shout. 
“oh.” barry just smiles at you, inching closer. “she gets bratty when shes horny?” he questions, not even talking to you despite his eyes glazing down your body.
“yeah. feel free to eat her out, man. itll get rid of her attitude while i finish grilling.” rafe says it so nonchalantly it takes both of you a second to realize he’s serious.
“really rafe?” you question. hes usually the most protective guy there is, always reacting badly when barry flirts with you.
rafe turns to look at the two of you on the couch. “why not? you’re just getting your cunt licked so you can stop being all pissy.”
“maybe because she’s your girl?” barry is just as surprised, though clearly eager from the way he keeps glancing between your thighs, now pressed tighter together.
“you’re not gonna fuck her. she’s not gonna touch your dick. you’re just eating her out.” rafe shrugs. “it’ll be doing me a favor, keeping her busy while i finish our dinner.” “well, i aint gonna argue. what you think sweetheart?” barry turns to you. you glance between him and rafe, only nodding when rafe gives you an encouraging nod. 
“perfect, now take those shorts off, let me see that pussy.” barry grins, gold tooth on display. 
you look to rafe as you stand up, surprised to see him already turned back to gutting his fish. you push your shorts and underwear down with a quick motion. he glances over his shoulder, simply smirking.
“i can’t believe he’s actually okay with this.” you mutter as you sit down, keeping your thighs pushed together as barry moves to his knees.
“just taking care of his girl for him. like how i take care of his drugs or people who fuck with him.” barrys hands come to your thighs, rubbing gently.
“you don’t have to do this though if you don’t want to-” barry can’t even finish his sentence as your legs spread open, revealing a sticky wet mess.
“i-um…” you blush. “i really am horny.” “i see that.” barry clears his throat, his eyes on your pussy. “now, lemme taste that.”
he leans in slowly, giving you a last chance to change your mind before his tongue swipes through your folds, making you shout out. you lean your head against the back of the couch as barry continues dragging his tongue around your cunt, purposely missing the areas you want him most.
“fuck, that’s good.” you moan, watching as rafe moves the prepared fish to the grill, looking over the way barry is hunched on the ground, knees digging into the pavement, his face surprisingly blank of jealousy.
“not as good as your boy though, right?” barry chuckles, hands coming to your cunt, pulling your folds apart to give him a view of your spread hole. 
“no.” you shake your head. it’s true, while barry feels good, he’s nothing compared to rafe. “sorry, bears.” you use the nickname for him reserved for moments when he lets his sweet side show. not often, but you occasionally get it.
“its alright, mamas.” barry shakes his head, eyes glossing over with lust as he sees the way your hole clenches around nothing, begging to be filled. “i know im just getting to eat you out this one time, i’m not gonna waste it.”
he leans in, done teasing as his tongue pushes into your entrance. you let out a moan, reaching down to grip onto barrys hair, undoing his ponytail so it falls into your fists. you hold his face closer as his tongue pushes in and out.
“god, you’re even tight around my tongue.” he groans, switching between kissing your entrance and fucking it with his tongue.
“and you’ll never get to experience it beyond this.” rafe smirks, knowing he’s the only one who gets to fuck you, your first and only. he flips the fish over on the grill, knowing by the look on your face that you’ll  cum by the time its done cooking.
“like having dessert before dinner.” barry slurps at your juices, tongue traveling up to your clit. 
“isnt she the sweetest?” rafe smiles at you, closing the lid of the grill as he gets the table ready, plates and silverware as well as a prepared salad.
“like candy.” barry murmurs, sucking your clit into his mouth, making your back arch as you let out a squeal.
“keep doing that!” you shout out, not caring that your neighbors may hear the way you’re screaming for him. at least the tall wooden fence blocks any view of your exposed sopping wet cunt.
“cum for him.” rafe commands. “dinner is almost ready.”
barry works his hardest, sucking your clit while his tongue simultaneously flicks over it. you try to hold on for a moment longer before your orgasm rips through your body, hips pushing up as you cum with a squeal.
barry switches to gentle licks as your clit pulses, working you through your high until you let go of his hair, pushing his head away as you pant, chest moving rapidly up and down.
“god, that was good.” barry pulls away, wiping his mouth against his sleeve as he stands, looking down at you as he squeezes his clearly hard length through his cargo shorts. 
barry grabs his beer off the table, moving over to take his seat at the outdoor table. you’re surprised how quickly he’s able to return to normal, as if he wasn’t just eating his friends girlfriend out.
“come on, princess.” rafe grabs your shorts, helping you slide them back up your legs. “fish is ready.” he presses a kiss to your forehead, then cheek, then finally against your lips.
“yeah.” you nod, standing and wobbling slightly, rafe wrapping his arm around your waist to guide you to the table until you’re in your seat.
“feeling better?” rafe questions, preparing your plate for you, seeing you still need a moment to recover.
“way better, actually.” you hum, no longer desperate for an orgasm. “thanks barry.”
“just helping my friends out.” he shrugs, lips still slightly glossy.
“leave it open.” rafe says as your hand moves to close the large curtain that covers the sliding glass doors. your eyebrows raise as you turn to rafe. 
“barry did you a favor earlier, might as well give him a view.” he smirks, pulling his shirt off.
you glance towards the pool house, rafe of course keeping him supplied with plenty of beers, enough that he was too tipsy to go home. he’s sitting on the bed, eyes meeting yours as the blinds have been left open.
it doesn’t take much longer for rafe to have you kneeling on the bed, tits bouncing as he plunges into you from behind, hands tight on your waist, holding you up on display for barry, stroking himself, his cock just in view through the window.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout
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ervotica · 5 months
Breathlplay with poly!rafebarry 🥹🥹
warnings; breathplay, choking, manhandling, brief mention of daddy kink, smut, p in v, 18+ ONLY
a/n; i'm so so inlove w rafebarry x spoilt princess reader (I fear they will become my new thing) n this made my heart (and pussy) happy to write! hope you enjoy lovely nonnie & thank u for the request! I apologise for the crappy writing :(
The hand clasped around your throat is a cruel one, an almost bruising grip around the delicate flesh of your windpipe. Rafe's cock drags against your gummy walls, squelching wetly as his hips rut and your hole drools against the trimmed pubic hair above his pelvis. Barry's fingers never loosen around your previously marked throat, blooming in dark spots where the boys have touched you with tongues and teeth.
You wheeze, limp fingers coming up in a half assed attempt to claw Barry away but he only sneers, stopping you short on your mission as he loops both of your hands in one of his larger ones and grouses meanly.
“'m not stopping, so fuckin' quit it.”
The rhythm in which Rafe's fucking into you is a great juxtaposition to Barry's lazy, languid movements; he's enraptured, utterly entranced as he tightens his fingers experimentally to watch your eyes roll; you fall lax against his chest and Rafe locks your flailing leg against the side of his pelvis, scoffing as you blink up at Barry with wide eyes until he takes pity and drags a messy kiss across the curve of your jaw.
"Daddy's girl," he gripes, pinching at the exposed flesh of your inner thigh as Barry's thumb coasts the hollow of your throat, pressing into the dimple beneath your chin until you're panting, nails pushing into the skin of his forearm in a desperate plea for a break.
"Ah- shit. Do that again," Rafe gasps, almost doubling over where he has himself perched back on his heels to watch your cunt part as he bullies his way into your guts. "She gets so tight when you choke her."
He rolls his eyes when you choke and sputter, curling in on yourself, muscles seizing and vision starting to tunnel. You're thumping at Barry's leg with as much force as you can muster, frustrated tears tickling at your waterline as he lets up but ignores your petulant whines, pushing his nose into the column of your throat to sink his teeth into the balmy flesh.
"Hey! That hurts," you warble wetly, but preen nonetheless when he soothes the bite with the pillowy flesh of his lips.
"Brat," Barry twines when you let your head roll onto his lap where you're situated between his thick thighs.
"Can barely keep your eyes open, kid," Rafe drawls, his body folding downward at the hips to smear a wet kiss across the crown of your skull. "Few more minutes 'nd then Barry 'll let you suck his cock, alright, princess?"
"Mmph," comes your garbled response, aching limbs stretching to wrap yourself around Rafe until he's got a lazy hand pressed to the base of your spine and you're lifted upright into his lap, arms thrown haphazardly over his broad shoulders. His cock nudges its way deeper in this new position, mushroom head nestled snugly against your cervix in a way that has you clinging white-knuckled to the taller boy's frame.
You let your head drop and tuck beneath Rafe's chin before you feel a tug and a sharp pull, the harsh motion dragging a soft whine from the base of your throat as Barry digs his chin into the juncture of your neck. Rafe mouths at the exposed skin, planting his feet to piston his hips up into you.
"Tell me how good it feels," he croons. "Tell me how fucked stupid the kook princess is."
He fucks up harder in to the sticky warmth of your pussy when Barry curls his fingers round your column once again and you droop and go soft like putty; Barry is forced to hold the weight of your torso, teeth bared in a grin when Rafe flips your pliable body, settling you neatly with your face in the dark haired boy's lap as he spreads your tired limbs to spear you deeper onto his dick.
"'s good," you slur, all words fucked out of your brain.
"I know, princess," Barry coos. "You just lay still and let country club do the work, yeah?"
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cyber333angel · 9 days
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rafe and barry putting it in at the same time..
the both of them had been using you a little too much this week it was completely distracting. it was either, rafe calling you into the kitchen and fucking you on the counter because he got some bad news about a deal or barry pounding up into you on his motorcycle because someone pissed him off. you had things to do but their begging got the best of you every time, “c’mon sweetheart, you want daddy to feel better don’t you?” you would comply because of course you’d want your boys to be happy. however you were getting exhausted, so you suggested that to save time the three of you would only have sex together. a big mistake, given they had been fingering you for about 15 minutes to prep you for the intense spread you were about to experience. you quivered under them, “s’enough now daddy! please just put it inn..!” whining, they look up at each other. “think she ready country club?” barry says and rafe shrugs his shoulders, “since she thinks she’s such a big girl..let’s give what she wants right?”
barry has you hovering over his lap, his dick in his hand prodding at your ass. “im bout to put it in alright angel?” you nod furiously and he plunges his cock into your hole. gasping at the stretch you cry out a guttural moan. “hngh..! w-wait bear.. it’s really big! s’too much..” you whimper at him and he tightens the grip on your waist. “your alright mama..doing so good for us already.” he adjusts your position until your cunt is exposed to rafe, tugging at his dick, he moves closer to you. spitting out a glob of salvia and letting it slide into your pussy. rafe grips his cock and thrusts it into your other hole making you wince. “there you go.. taking this dick like a good fucking girl.” rafe puts one hand on your waist and the other on your lower stomach letting his thumb rub your sensitive clit slowly. barry mumbles,“so fuckin tight for daddy shit..” the overwhelming stretch in both your cunt and your ass has you crying, “slo-slow down! can’t take anymore daddyy!” they both chuckle at you, “this was your idea sweet girl, why you keep trying to run?” rafe says, smirking down at you. your sandwiched between the two of them with your hands pushing at rafes lower stomach. feeling incredibly full at the slow, in and out thrusting at both ends, feeling a quiver in your stomach. “mm think m’gon-gonna cum!” shaking and squirming under them, “yeah? go head and cum on this dick mama, just like that..” barry tells you. rafe continues to thrust fast into you and rubs your clit, helping you cum. twitching around both of their lengths as you cream on rafes dick, he pulls out of you making you shiver from the loss. barry flips you over, putting a hand on your back and slowly slips his cock put your wet hole. with half lidded eyes you sit on your knees as your two boyfriends stand infront of you. helping the both of them cum by sucking them off. “fuck pretty girl.. took us so good.” you feel a bit sleepy from the intense “exercise”and realize it might be better for them to use you on separate occasions.
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