#obviously theres some stuff abt the game thats just like surface level things most ppl have heard if they know anything abt it
played a lot more mother 3 today (i just finished up chapter 5 lol) its kinda crazy how much i remember from this but also Completely Forgot abt
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hottakeswithdasom · 7 years
12 Angry Men (1957)
Damn. What a movie. Watched this in sophomore year of hs and remember it was good, but didnt rlly care that much. Love it now. Freaking amazing. I guess surface-level, the most impressive thing is the fact that the entire movie basically takes place in just a single room. But thats only the shallow shallow part of how amazing this movie is. For me, one thing i loved so much was the amount of sensory detail they put into the environment. The men can look out the window, and their attitudes change. Its humid, its the “hottest day of the summer”, theres no working AC, so they have to rely on a kinda broken fan, and then at the climax, it thunderstorms. You feel like you’re suffering in the heat just like all of them. And idk abt u but i get cranky as fuck in hot weather. And they all comment on this. The baseball guy is annoyed that he’s gonna miss the baseball game, which is, laughably, the only thing changing his verdict on executing a boy. When it starts pouring outside, he’s given up and decides Not Guilty. Now the best stuff is in the dialogue and acting. Its just…SO clever. Because yes, the way the main character defends his opinions and how he is able to logically weave beneath the surface facts told at the court is unbelievably smart. The way the script guides us step-by-step on his thought process lets us know whats happening all the time. But the most amazing part is how we are able to understand the other ppls ideals in the jury through their decisions about the boy. Its not just “oh this guy wants to vote guilty. He’s a bad guy inside. He just wants to kill people, or maybe he’s just a sadist that we could never empathize with.” Its difficult!! Because in the beginning, 11 out of 12 want to just get out of there and vote guilty! And its not like none of us have ever given a quick decision to just get out of a fucking annoying situation. MAYBE we wouldnt exactly think straight, if 10 other people in a room with you unanimously agree Guilty, its hot, and u just want to go home. Its so possible!! And this movie exploits some of the most unnoticeable habits that we have, such as impatience, or prejudice. Prejudice is such a huge thing in this movie. One man believes that bc the boy has grown up from the slums, hes trash, and is just bred to be a murderer. We can cross him off the “i would sympathize with him” list. BUT ONE SECOND another man also has a prejudice against the boy, but for a slightly better reason. He has used his own experience and grief with his own son and displaces all of this unto his opinion. Let’s say, you’ve grown up your entire life hating your father for abusing you. I think its just impossible to say that you’ve never felt just a TINY little bit of prejudice against other ppls fathers??? Im rambling, and i cant speak for everyone obviously, but just a thought. And i know that people can grow out of their circumstances, but i think its impossible to completely forget. Setting aside the moral aspects of the characters, their attitudes are also great examples of flaws within the American legal system, and the idea that democracy is a pure thing. I love how even though the old man, who was the second person to stand up for the Not Guilty verdict, still would have executed the boy if everyone else would have. Its upsetting, but it forces us to reflect on ourselves, and how we can never be sure that we’re doing the right thing. Because we all make mistakes as people, and nobody wants to be alone in their thoughts, so its just safer to agree with others sometimes. We get lazy, we get tired, and we tend to label everything as “good” or “bad”. But the most important thing in 12 Angry Men is that: 1. Nothing is certain 2. We must always think things through to the end 3. We need other people to grow. This movie doesn’t care about whether or not the boy really was a murderer, and they make sure to tell you that its up to us. Fuck w me
3/10 Use of the literal atmosphere to create tension 1/10 The comeback of the century, “But you wouldnt REALLY kill me, would you?” 5/10 Logic shit 1/10 Im emotional whats wrong with me
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