#obviously hes not an asshole. he says its fine and encourages me to pursue the stuff i want wrt transition
scoreplings · 2 years
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 4 years
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Episode 26: The Garden
I hadn't set foot in the backyard since Grace's funeral. I didn't have the heart to. Seeing her grave among the flowers was too much to bear. I could still see her alive and well kneeling over those very flowers she loved so tenderly. Her smile as bright as the sun. Her voice, soothing and encouraging. Omar seemed to be the only brave soul to venture out there regularly to place flowers on her grave. I guess it kept him going. For me, it was easier just to look away and focus on other pressing manners. Gemma for example.
Her sob story had had a profound effect on her standings in the house. Some had soaked it all up like a bunch of saps, but others like me were still on high alert. Madison had also entrusted me to spy on her, so I did just that. For three weeks. Strangely enough, nothing happened. It was both disheartening and frustrating. There was no way she was telling the truth about anything, but somehow she was able to keep up the act of being sickeningly sweet and innocent. It was annoying, but I kept my cool. What really set me off was what I saw in the backyard one fine morning. I went to the window in the hallway to look out and saw someone tending to the flowers. A certain redhead. Gemma!
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I immediately made a beeline for the backyard with my katana. DJ lazily sat in a lawn chair keeping watch nearby, but before he could even take notice of me I was right behind Gemma. I aimed my sword at her as she kneeled down over Grace's flower bed. She froze and turned around grinning seemingly unfazed.
"Hi. Mind if you put the sharp pointy weapon down?"
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I said nothing. I simply glared at her and DJ sat up in his chair now alert. He gasped. "Whoa! Whoa! Put that down!"
"No! What is she doing here?" I spat.
"Jones said it was ok and Omar, gave me his blessing. So can you please put that thing away?" she continued. "How about you sit down and we have a chat?"
She patted the ground next to her. "Come on. Let's talk. Lassie to Lassie."
"Like the dog?"
"No. Just sit down."
I sat down next to her reluctantly and placed my sword on the ground beside me. DJ relaxed in his lawn chair again. I glared at her as she smiled back. She looked different. She wore clothes suited for the yard now and her hair in a ponytail, but her hair was shinier. Shiner and curlier. Like a glowing red crown.
She caught me looking at it and squealed with excitement. "Oh, you notice my hair? I really got the grit and grime out of it. Then Omar helped me trim it. Didn't you know? He used to be a barber. His dad owned a barbershop. Said he worked there sometimes. He's a wizard with scissors."
"That's...nice," I said unable to hide my displeasure with her.
She sighed. "Omar told me about what happened here. With his wife and all. I know what you must think, but I'm not here to replace her and I'm not up to anything. I just like gardening is all. It takes my mind off things and gives me something to do. Its...calming."
"Calming. Grace used to say that when she was out here. It calmed her."
"You must have been close."
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"We were. She was sort of like a mother figure or a grandmother." I said sadly as I glanced over at her grave. "She was like that with everyone though. She always had the right thing to say."
"She sounds like my granny. I still miss that spitfire of a woman. Deep down she was a big softy though. Hugs, cookies, the typical grandma stuff. I really do miss her sometimes. She like to call me Ginny. I was her Ginny."
Yeah. I know she's gone, but I like to think she's still out there alive. Alive riding a Harley Davidson and raising hell," she said garnering a small chuckle from me. She smiled. "How about you?"
"What you mean?"
"Do you have family out there somewhere?"
"It's really none of...well yeah. My dad. I know he's alive though. I can feel it."
"How about your mom?"
I flinched. "She died long before this."
"I'm... sorry," she whispered. "Any brothers or sisters?"
"No. I'm an only child."
"Ah. Well, you're lucky. I had three assholes for brothers. I miss those assholes. Maybe there with granny and her Harley."
"Hey ladies! Sorry to interrupt, but I'm going inside for a second," DJ yelled over to us rising up from his chair again. He stood up. "Audrey, can you keep you an eye on things?"
"Yeah. Go ahead!"
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He smiled and nodded. Then he headed up the stairs and disappeared inside. I looked back at Gemma who seemed to focus on planting again. She dug a small hole and placed what look like seeds in it.
"So how about that DJ?"
"DJ. I see the way he looks at you," she winked. "Seems like you would make a fine pair."
I scoffed. "If this is your way of bonding with me you're doing a shitty job."
"No. I'm just saying. It might do you some good to pursue that you know."
"I don't have time for that!"
"There's always time for love."
"Don't make me barf!"
"Oh, stop being such a grumpy grump," she laughed. She reached down making another hole. "I sure wish I had a healthy manly distraction right about now. Someone to make you forget this fucked up world."
As she said this, I saw something out the corner of my eye moving in the bushes. The leaves shook as it brushed by them. Then an eerie silence followed.
"Ah. That's the ticket. Can you hand me my basket over there?" she asked. "Gonna plant one more thing and finish up."
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I looked over to my right and saw a small wicker basket. As I reached for it, I heard the unmistakable sounds of a zombie. The horrid gasping sound it made. It echoed through the air and then I heard Gemma scream.
I immediately jumped into action. The zombie grabbed Gemma's wrist and it pulled her towards its gaping mouth. I jumped up and grabbed my katana off the ground. 
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Then without thinking I stabbed the creature in the head. Right through the top of its skull. It let her go and went limp. Gemma fell backward. She backed away looking terrified. I pulled the sword out its cranium much like pulling the Excalibur out of its stone. Then I came over to Gemma. She stared up at me blankly.
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"Are you ok?" I asked genuinely concerned. I bent down next to her. "Did he bite you?"
“No. I don’t think so,” she said. She squinted at me suspiciously. “Why? Why did you save me?”
She shook her head and mumbled, “I mean Ace would have never saved me, but you did.”
“Ace? What did you say?”
“Oh, did I say Grace? I meant John,” she gasped. She laughed nervously. “I guess Grace is on the brain. That poor woman.”
“No. You said Ace.”
“No. No, I’m pretty sure I said Grace,” she spluttered. “That poor woman. She died following that stupid cat. The rotter nearly tore her to pieces. Her and that cat. White fur everywhere. I guess that rotter coming out of nowhere just put her on my mind you know? Poor woman.”
I eyed her suspiciously. “You sound like you were there.”
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“What? No. How could I? I was still out there on the road silly,” she said regaining her train of thought. “Omar told me about it obviously. Now help me up already.”
I glared at her. Her hand extended to me, but I couldn’t bring myself to grab it. She had slipped up as Wade predicted, but I had no idea it would be in this way. Did she have something to do with Grace’s death? Was she there that night? She had described the scene in such detail as if she had seen it herself. Was she and the Vultures involved? And Ace. Ace was said to be their leader. Was he John?
I grabbed the hilt of my sword feeling anger bubbling up inside me. Part of me wanting to strike her and end her loathsome existence. Luckily for her, DJ came out with two cans of soda. He froze as soon as he saw us and placed the cans on the table. He ran over to us looking alarmed.
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"What happened? Y'all alright?" he asked.
Gemma smiled and nodded. She pointed at the zombie. "Audrey saved me.”
“Shit! For real?! I swear I clear them out and they keep coming back,” DJ gasped. He smiled at me. “Good looking out.”
“Yep. She’s a real hero,” she said grinning. She leaped up and grabbed me into a hug. I stood there in disgust. 
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She squeezed me and continued her gratitude sounding oddly menacing. “Thank you, Audrey. Thank you.”
Previous Episode
Hope I ironed out the typos. Things are about to ramp up. :P
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understatedpanache · 5 years
A frustrated woman tired of being constantly subjected to Misogyny!
I turn 23 in a few days! It is technically the worst nightmare I would experience, and I am not a tad bit excited to get an insight about the forth coming years of life! Twenty first century they said, well you could have a say about a lot of things, cause you have a hideous brain and a mouth which would aid to disclose its nonsensical beliefs . Being born as a girl especially in a marwari family is probably the ultimate tragedy of my life!
Drama is what every Indian parent specializes with  informal education, which starts as early as the fetus is formed and is staged until when the parent(s) die or the kid dies! One of the most traumatizing theatrics is staged by the Indian parent(s)  when the fetus in the uterus, turns into the marriageable age after it enters the so called world!
In majority of the families its when the girl turns 18, in my case it was when I turned 21. So they hadn't bothered  to have a conversation with me if I was ready to settle down and have a family of my own. They conveniently made the decision for me assuming the decision made is right and speculating that it is exactly what I wanted cause that has what has been done ever since. So my folks would not even bother to ask what preferences would I have, in terms what I would expect from my future husband and in-laws (while they could have loads of expectations). I was already warned about their fuck-all plan to get me married cause I am supposedly ready for marriage and responsibility. Only if I had taken the threat a little more seriously.
So one fine day, nearly after a year of their hard work, they found a  gentleman whose horoscope had matched my horoscope. So my folks all geared up and excited show me a photograph of the gentleman and they ask me if I like  the photo so that they could proceed with further formalities. I jolted for a second, just realizing their fuck-all plan to ruin my life and make it even more gloomy than it already was turning into a reality! Despite the crippling anxiety attacks I was getting, while I was looking at the photo, I asked my mother a question, "Is the man and his family OK with the fact that I would be wanting to study and work further post the wedding?" That atom bomb isn't what she was clearly anticipating when I made the statement. This statement that "I would want to do irrespective of whether I get married or not!" was made very explicit and coherent when I was initially warned about their plan to sabotage my life! But no the statement I made had gone down into garbage and not in their ears!
My mother's reaction was exactly like  how she would retaliate if I had murdered someone. Instead of giving me a response which is either yes or no (the answer was obviously no), I was being lectured and emotionally blackmailed for an entire day and the blackmails still continue for refusing to say yes to meet the gentleman so that he could conveniently judge me if I was suitable for him and his family!
"We do not demand things like that ", is how the lecture started. So basically me desiring how I would want to lead my future and the things I want to do with my life has become illegal and a terrible offence now. Several years of hard-work that I had put for my education was being thrown into garbage for no rationale. I want to study ahead for my Doctorate program, but no why the fuck would you think about any thing like that. Having said that to my folks that I want to study further, I get taunted back saying " Enough with your education rubbish, get back to reality. You had given us enough trouble while you were away pursuing your Masters program." is the reply I get in return .
Yes I would acknowledge the fact that I had rough time completing my masters program, where after the first semester of the program I had started battling Depression. There was a point I wanted to drop the course half way and wanted to come back home. I had started counselling with the psych to get to know that along with Depression I had been diagnosed with GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) which is supposedly chronic in my case (which explains why I always wasn't on top of my game in terms of education and was always labelled average). I was expecting my folks to be supportive, which is where I got my first reality check. So somehow I stumbled and  survived the Masters program graduating with a CGPA of 8.01.
" You know where you stand in terms of your capabilities, stop acting like you are Einstein and get back to what we tell you to.We already have given you too much freedom and you still complain! Stop being a pain, people your age have already started settling down, why do you always be an arrogant, obnoxious bitch and give us stress!" is how the argument ended. So me having depression made me an obnoxious bitch and me wanting to make my career made me arrogant.
So what I wanted out of my life was never my parent's area of interest. Instead of supporting me and encouraging me with my desires in terms of my career, I was being lectured for seemingly being an asshole. My perception of my folks being someone I thought they were, crashed! I do not know why I was surprised, I still don't know! If parenting a child was so difficult why do it right ? It was your choice to have a child and it is your job to raise them to be good people. If making decisions for them, inflicting your opinions, beliefs and decisions on them without acknowledging what they want out of their lives is your agenda in life, raise robots, not humans!
Why is it that everybody gets anxiety attacks and gets furious, insecure when the girl says that she wants to focus on her career! She gets treated like a criminal for wanting to lead her life the way she wants it. She is bullied, dictated and brought up like a pig to be butchered at the right age right from the day she is born to be an unpaid slave for her husband first, in-laws next and her children finally. She having opinions and wanting make a career makes her a devil.
I have nothing against marriage and I have nothing against the fact that the parents are extremely concerned about their kids! But just in case if the kid turns out to be a girl, you do not have any authority to suppress her in terms of anything that she deserves and stop her from pursuing her dreams! She getting married is not the ultimate agenda of her life and as a parent if it is about I am going to be done with responsibility phase, then it clearly isn't !
Teaching her how to cook or how to talk or how to dress or how to clean up the house or not voice out your opinions and get her married as if that is the ultimate reason she is born for! A woman gets treated as if she is born only to be a man's slave, satisfy their manhood and carry the species of sapiens forward fundamentally!  It is not sophisticated to be a sexist asshole and doesn't definitely make you to one of those to be treated like any civilized normal human being!
Its the twenty first century they said, and I still feel apologetic and resentful for being born as a girl!  I would regret all my life maybe, cursing my family, the society for putting me down cause I am a girl, for making things a lot more catastrophic than it could actually get! I keep pondering if my ambitious-ness and my need for success is born cause of this complex and the regret I’ve developed over the years. Maybe to satisfy my ego, to rub it on my sexist family and the society of course, if this is where it is heading to then I am glad that I am not done giving up, definitely not yet at least! Yes I regret being a girl , that has made things a lot harder in shaping me to be who I want to, but I am not done yet ! Its my wish to complete my Doctorate program in Neuro-Oncology and be a scientist and contribute in the field of science and I would do it caused I wished so ! If me wishing to do what I want with my life makes me a bitch, I would be it ! I am definitely not giving up on the war until I satisfy my ego
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