#oblivia my beloved...
marinecorvid · 1 year
because i like adding horror elements to media that doesn’t have much horror initially, in my internal narration of guardian signs summer has a more Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day of a time than in canon
the shadows in oblivia are too long and dark, the twilight too quiet and still, the sun too bright but its light doesn’t leave you as warm as it should - all in paradox to the colorful flora and glittering waves, but even that threatens to drag you down to the depths, should you be foolish caught in the crushing weight;
the people are kind, cheerful, but there is a tension in the air. the sky fortress and knight of old may not have seen the light of day for hundreds if not thousands of years, nor the legendary beasts summoned, but tales and warnings and fears have passed easily through the generations. keep looking over your shoulder, and pretend you don’t notice when you realize someone is staring at you for too long; you don’t know who are allies, and you don’t want to call the wrong person’s bluff;
the golden armor is “the one ring of sauron” levels of magically corrupt and it will warp your mind at earliest, easiest convenience - and it’s sentient enough to hold a grudge against summer specifically. it remembers bloodlines; it’s a key part of a “the rightful heir to the throne claims the crown” story but deeply fucked up
the few pokemon living in the sky fortress and solphian ruins are half-mad - they know what monstrosity they live near and in, and for all their awareness they cannot stop how it corrodes their minds. there are worse things than claydol that guard the ancient halls, and they are far less merciful ... feral hydreigon are one of the most dangerous pokemon you could possibly come across, especially in close quarters, in the dark. especially when you’re trying not to make noise in a place where every breath and whisper echoes.
the gods that are supposed to watch over the region are, at best, doing their best to protect it but are old and exhausted; at worse, want to see the humanity wiped from existence for daring to chain them
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rozetheeuwu · 7 months
Some fun (and maybe not-so-fun) facts for Dearil and Chad?
Yeaaah let's go!
Before the whole interceptor thing he specialized in ghost and normal types. He specialized in ghost dark during renegade because his adoptive mother did, although of course he didn't remember that. During paragon he specializes in ghost and dragon because of his brother. In Paragon he has a Delcatty referencing back to their time before the interceptor stuff.
He has spiritomb in renegade and delcatty in paragon, both crested. I did that because they're kind of the opposite of each other.
He's one of my only fangame amab ocs.
In both runs they care a lot about Mosely, Maman and the rest of the kids in the lost camp. This is mainly due to his upbringing with Chad. However in renegade he doesn't quite know why that is the case due to their memories not being fully there yet.
Before the interceptor stuff Dearil preferred fist fighting instead of pokemon fighting (Plus there aren't as many trainers in Oblivia and people rather just have mons as pets and stuff).
He's not buff, but he does have strong arms. They don't work out quite the same way as Chad does though. They're much faster than him though.
This is not really 'canon' to their lore, but in paragon I'll be using Aero's legacy design.
Before the interceptor stuff he was cocky and mischievous, during Paragon he becomes a sad wet pathetic cat of a person.
Paragon Dearil has PTSD.
Paragon Dearil gets Chad's coat that he had when he traveled through main game reborn, he got it (had to pay MANY black prisms) from Mr. Luck.
He has insomnia as well.
His postgame/future design is similar to his main game one, the main difference is the coat. It's the same model as his previous one, but has a red, green, blue and purple cross/x on it. His previous coat was lost during the final main game battle against Lin. He also has some facial hair in his future design.
He gets married to Cal, their wedding ring has an Ametrine stone embedded into it.
During the events in Aevium he gets twins! Alba and Arrow :>
He's third/fourth tallest fangame ocs.
He does reconnect to some of his family in Oblivia! He did have uncles, aunts and cousins there but Aasha had sheltered him from them so much that he couldn't remember what they looked like and almost forgot them all together.
Has allergic fish (food)
He has Dyscalculia & Dyslexia
These are some of the top of my head, Dearil more than Chad because I've talked a lot about him before.
Thanks for the ask!!! They are my most beloveds rn.
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
Tumblr media
we’re going to all agree to ignore two things:
1. I know the R is lopsided, but if I have to redo that one more time I’m going to fling my computer straight out the nearest window
and 2. Staraptor is there, just about, and that sketchy mess is the best you’re getting out of me at 1:40am
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shivershill2 · 2 years
So before sleep I was thinking about how people are like "What if we had new games like Legends in other regions?" and was thinking about how they could look like:
Note: I am also looking at the respectives Pokémon articles to make sure I get all important information I might be missing... Also I will put it under a cut, as it's quite long. Too much history added into Hoenn Unova and especially Almia(my beloved❤️)
Added regions:
Kanto | Jotho | Hoenn | Unova | Kalos | Alola(short) | Galar | Fiore(Short) | Almia | Oblivia | Including rant about one part of Oblivia
Kanto: who fucking knows. The game has no mythical theme. Mew and Mewtwo, next to the legendary birds are the only legendaries in the game. Mew has no game relevance and Mewtwo is a more modern creation. At that point Pokémon are already integrated into society. The bird trio is the more plausible one, but would have to play in Orange Archipelago, as the birds are responsible for the weather and those islands are their home.
Jotho: Ho-Oh and Lugia are the main legendaries in the games. As the guardians of the Ocean and Sky and the burning of the Brass Tower, later to be called Burned Tower, we could get a similar story and more closure on how it happened. This would also be the birth of the sub legendary trio, who could play part in stopping a possible antagonist, only to leave afterwards, like history says. The main places with people would be Ecruteak, Violet and Mahogany/Blackthorn. Other important places would be the Brass and Bell Tower, Ruins of Alph, Sprout Tower, Whirl Islands.
Hoenn: with Kyogre and Groudon we could have the creators of land and water. Naturally it could not play in the time of the creation, but long after it. The three Regis could be part of it, with the underwater ruin and the three spots you get them from. Regigigas, who moved landmass, could be used by an antagonist to destroy the region, being the reason why the game is "7.9/10 too much water". With a possible protagonist catching Regigigas out of an antagonists hands, we could get a connection to Hisui and the Celestica. The Snowpoint Temple being the area we can find Regigigas and it clearly being sealed away (in both PLA and DPP/BDSP). It could also add parts of the Ranger movie and and underwater civilization, that later leads to the existence of Pacificlog Town, as their the only ones who know about the Sealed Cave. I was always interested in the fact that there are so many places to use dive and it was really pretty. This story would less focus on the two legendaries and Rayquaza.
If we wish to focus more on Kyogre and Groudon, we could say the story could go that Groudon, under antagonist influence or not, causes drought and Kyogre, seen as a Savior tries to stop it and another fight happens. The protag having to stop this by getting to the Sky Pillar. The Sootopolitans and later the Draconid People would be the main group, or the Clans.
Mixing both stories could be possible, with the Regigugas situation happening afterwards, not needing an antagonist, as it could have awoken alone. The braille inside the Sealed Cave warn us from Regigigas and could be added afterwards.
Sinnoh: has been done with Hisui.
Unova: Even if you all are like "I wanna be a cowboy baby, I wanna be a cowboy baby" the story would not feature cowboys and the wild west as a scenery. It would focus more of the legends of the brothers, Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem. I was thinking about it for a bit. How could it go. I could imagine that history has not aged well, in a similar way as in Galar and the story is told wrong. The two brothers would exist and Kyurem in its combined Form too. But the protagonist would be a third party, working with the brothers. What they would do exactly is something unsure. The brothers would fight, Kyurem being manipulated by an antagonist and causing chaos. They would fight about what is the right way to go against them, and the player has to help them. It would be a similar situation to the choosing of either Adaman and Irida, while searching for the mythical lake trio, with the brother you choose being the one legendary you would end up.
I had to go to the German wiki page and learn more about the history. The History states that the heroic twins used Kyruem to unite land, humans and Pokémon onyl to fight and divide Kyruem in three. The brothers started a war against each other until they tired themselves out and realised they both where wrong. Their children started the fights again after their fathers deaths. Reshiram and Zekrim destroyed the region afterwards and turned themselves into stones.
While this is the story, my idea could be seen like this: The brothers had Kyurem , who later got manipulated by someone and the brothers fight about how to solve it. With the brother you choose to follow at one point(they visually make it easier for you to say who gets who) and you try to find a way to stop Kyurem . You get either the light stone or dark stone, the other brother the other one and you go against the antagonist. The stones would react with Kyurem , dividing it into three. You fight Kyurem and and stop it, just for it to hide away.
The sons of the twins would be later, not to be played and be the point where history gets mangled up, as documents get destroyed and story told by mouth.
Kalos: The story Of Eternal Flower Floette and Az. You would be a normal person. It would play while and after the great war of Kalos. Two sides exist and you are part of the side Az is on. You're, next to Floette his partner and has seen Floette die. You would fight together and personally try to stop the war in a more peaceful and diplomatic way. After Floette dies and Az starts building his machine, you realize what hes trying and what he would pay to get Floette back. You decide to find either Xerneas or Yveltal. Az, who is to far deep into his own madness does not see what happens around him. You combining both sides after getting both sides to listen to what Az is doing and getting one of the legendaries. In the fight against AZ both legendaries show up, but he activates the machine killing both sides. You are protected by the one you choose, Xerneas protecting you by giving you life and Yveltal by absorbing the life sucking power. You would fall unconscious, just to be woken up by Floette and no Az in sight. Floette realized what happened and confronts Az with you, only to leave him. Your job afterwards is helping both sides of the war to rebuild and unite.
Alola: sadly I don't think Alola would have great potential that would differ from its own playstyle. As the island challenges have just changed, I don't think you can add the wormholes. Would be interested in what you think.
Galar: quite obvious the darkest day. Here is where history is not delivered the way it was. Instead of the Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta, people believed the heroic twins where humans. In this, the twins would exist, you being one of them. Eternatus would be the main antagonist, including a human trying to harness its power. Together with you twin, you would try to stop Eternatus, meeting both Zacian and Zamazenta on your journey. They test you and when you find either the original for of the Rusted Sword/Rusted Shield. The name of these could be Crowned Sword/Crowned Shield, which are later the names of the special forms the legendaries get when given their respective item. Together you fight against Eternatus and stop the one trying to harness its power. History will remember you and your twin(you and your twin would be you and the gender you choose not to play as), only remembering them as two brothers and also forgetting about Zacian and Zamazenta.
I also thought about the Ranger games. Important would be that these games would have similar mechanics. Instead of capturing Pokémon you would befriend them, and get them to help you with their field moves:
Fiore: Sadly the first game has not enough historical information, but more angry man being angry that people liked his coworkers shut more. The most historical you have are the three legendary beasts and important areas would be the Fiore Temple(pretty area but the ghost types in that game are awful) and the Jungle Relic.
Almia: my absolute favourite game of them all. In Almias mythology there was once a king with three sons, one in blue, one in red and one in yellow. He was a peaceful man, but his sons fought with each other and against others. The king banished his son in red to the volcanic land later to be named Boylelands and his son in yellow into the desert, later called the Haruba Desert. The son in blue was allowed to stay, taking Almia Castle as his. The king felt guilt, but also grew in anger, only to be consumed by it and a Pokémon, drawn by the Shadow Crystal formed by his anger and the growing darkness. It pulled Almia into darkness. It is stated that the son in blue stopped the darkness, but how his brothers are involved is unclear. The tears of the prince's, or the blue, red and yellow gem play a big part in neutralizing the power of the Shadow Crystal.
The way we could make a game out of this is the player was friends with the son in blue. Their partner Pokémon would be a Togepi(will explain later) the sons Pokémons woild be Lucario for the son in blue, Cresselia for the con in Yellow and Heatran for the son in red. It would play before and while the king grows in darkness. While the king grows in darkness, the son in blue decides to find a way to stop his father, asking for your help. Together you find a way to form the three gems, by having the brothers complete several trials with your help. At the end you have to go against the king and Darkrai, that has taken over the king. You beat Darkrai and the king, with the king fading away. Because you couldn't neutralize the Shadow Crystal completely, you hide the Crystal and Darkrai in the Chroma Ruins and make the partners of the sons the guardians of the three gems.
The reason why I choose Togepi as the protagonists partner is one Quest you get from a little girl in Altru Park. She has seen a white Pokémon of peace on top of the Tower after the game. It is a Togekiss, the Pokémon of peace. It is said that Togekiss are bringer of blessing and only said to appear in peaceful times. The "ancient Player" being a blessing send to aide the son in blue haviin a Togepi at the beginning only to evolve into a Togekiss at the end battle would be a great fit. This Togetic would be one of the only ones if not the only one to not evolce needing a Shiny stone, maybe even skipping the Togetic stage completely, being blessed by Arceus itself into its last evolution.
Oblivia: this game features the historical event of the past in the game itself. You learn about an ancient hero that, with their friendship stopped and ancient leader from destroying the world with Sky Fortress. But in game the hero is you, the player, stopping a man named Ellios, rendering our use of history and a possible game useless....
Small rant
This bothers me as much as the fucking missions. The level curve goes from Forest Tempel with understandable level requirements, mission 6/ level 6 being the last one on Forest, but spiking uo to Leven 9, then level 11 twice, then level 16 in Fire Tempel, level 19, then level 21, 23 and 26 in ice Tempel... As examples for the curving. It is time based and leveling IP takes a lot of time. My Stylers pokedex is almost full besides one Pokémon, stuck behind the last boss of the ice Tempel Abomasnow...or maybe it was Electivire from the last boss of the thunder temple to have its slate destroyed in the present. Also the last mission of the Dark temple wants you to be level 46. There are only the forest, fire ice, thunder and then dark temple. Leveling up is hard in this part... I know it was made to be played co-op, but have someone who plays Pokémon around you, then they also have to play the Ranger games and own the third game. I have two friends, only one likes Pokémon, but she only knows about the Ranger games from me and the 3rd Gen movie with Jack.
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buttercupbou · 3 years
Oblivia my beloved
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