#o u t.
detidgaf · 6 years
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“You’re REALLY tryin’ me motherfucker.”
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alright!! so i fucked up a bit && accidentally overwhelmed myself. it’s not a huge deal -- i’m not going to stop writing or anything -- but my starter call for earlier is now nulled because i’m like ‘omgwtffuckshithelpme’ && i probably won’t be posting starter calls for a while. HOWEVER: i’d love people to come plot with me so i actually know what’s going to happen, OR to throw starters at me. i’m so sorry that i’m doing this, but i must to maintain a nice rp environment for myself. i hope you lovely people can understand!
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faebloooded-blog · 9 years
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drafts currently sit at two. i'll get to them later when i'm not being  an  absolutely lazy piece of  shit.  like for a  possible starter when i return? 
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thegreatdukevile · 9 years
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ima tell u one time dont fuck with me
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Yo, yo, hold tf up, If you were 1/2 in 2001 than you're what, 13?
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you uh, you might want to check your math there, nonnie. ‘m fifteen. 
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okay, so, i feel it’s necessary that i make this post before i go too far with fox right now. i’ve never really addressed it in full detail on any of my blogs, but i do feel that it’s finally about time that i do, and i’d really appreciate people reading this.
     i’ve tried to keep it under control on tumblr but recently it’s been getting worse? so to start off: i was recently diagnosed with anxiety ( okay, more like six months? ) ago that’s gone untreated even though it’s definitely been there for years upon years, so it’s pretty much to the point where i’m fucked. i’m on meds and all that, before anyone says ‘well do something about it dumbass.’  but um, basically, this anxiety’s been really fucking me over recently to the point where i can’t function again and it’s really easy to set it off.
     i’d just like to set this out as sort of a warning to anyone that interacts with me / i interact with because i’d feel it’s unfair for you to come into a possible friendship with no warning on days i might disappear or soemthing, and there’s a high chance i’ll consistently ask you if you’re mad at me, if i’m annoying you, etc. or suddenly seem really upset or quiet. i might seem short with you, absent, or uncaring, but truth is i’m just dealing with my own shit and there’s a 98% chance that you’ve done nothing wrong. 
     likewise: if you snap at me, seem annoyed ( from my perspective ) or seem too.. blunt, i suppose? i get so anxious and upset because i can’t tell if you are, especially if you seem annoyed. i’m a very sensitive person around people being annoyed or mad at me - for reasons i’m willing to talk about in private, if you’re curious upon why - and i ask that you do sort of ‘walk on eggshells’ with that? you don’t have to, of course, i’d never force you to, but if i disappear on you, there’s a chance that’s why. 
     i promise, promise, promise that i’m trying so hard with this. i am. but just understand that some days i might not be myself, per se, but i’ll always try to be decent and not scare off like a goddamned rabbit. i’m not even sure if this wordvomit really makes sense, but if you have questions or anything my ask is open and. yeah.       if you read all of this, sorry about the word vomit, but thank you so much for reading down to this. it really means a lot to me.
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faebloooded-blog · 9 years
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going to be doing some school shit, but like for a starter when i finish?
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