#nyway they r. so fucking funny
nosfelixculpa · 1 year
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last time i brought u siblings but this time i offer u that one morbid uncle and that one unlikely kid relative he gets on with rly well somehow. thats them dynamic duo
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gofishygo · 20 days
i had a thought about marine life cod something something sighhhh and now i wanna draw them. all of them.
the first thing i thought of was vampire squid!konig.... you get what i see right, or like, he could be some other (massive) squid
gaz reminds me of a nurse shark.. number one, they're cute and look sweet, number two they look awfully boopable🎀🎀 there's no number three but just look at pictures of them that's literally gaz
soap would be a ray maybe?? specifically a spotted eagle ray. he could be a narwhal too because they're silly <3
phantom jellyfish!ghost obviously!!!
i'm thinking price could be a whale, but i'm not sure what yet? i;m so indecisive... beluga!price or humpback whale!price, perhaps?
and nikolai is a pilot whale like are you joking
i have no ideas for the others yet sadly because i have a little pea brain, but ill probably come up with some things soon...
fellow anon, DRAW THEM . I LOVE MARINE LIFE COD AUS SO MUCH RRHHRHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHH !!!!!!!!! please pleasep lease dra them if u have time ....... they give me brain juices... .. . .. .
yayaya !!!! konig could definetly be a vampire squid !! tbh ive always seen him as maybe under the octopoda order (mostly due to the insane amounts of cthulu nd octo konig in this fandom) but i can certainly see him as a vampire squid !!! he gives the vibes- generally trying to contain the power he has and not get unnecessary blood on his hands (vampire squids are detritivore) nd a lot less menacing than it seems . more of an avoidant personality as well !!
and YAYAYYYAYAYYA gas is definitely some type of less aggressive shark !!! honestly nurse shark matches him the best but i occasionally believe he is a catshark or epaulette , they're easygoing and docile (IF UNPROVOKED) and so so cutie patootie i project my fav sharks on him bc he is my fav character
and soap does give ray vibes, but hear me out : eel soap >!?!! especially variants that hunt via electricity (like him !! but he uses bombs that arent necessarily IEDs but SAME THING) and r super duper energetic a lot , but oh em gee,,,,,,, he would make such a good spotted eagle ray .....
ok we all agree on phantom jelly ghost its cannon guys he is literally the big mysterious jelly
and price , although i like to think of him as a great white (better dynamics w/ other characters), he honestly would match a lot of species of whale much better . i forgot the name of this species specifically , but i do believe it was some type of bleaked whale ?? they scar white from injuries over time, and have a long lifespan . most of them will turn white over their lifespan due to the injuries that they get, and i think that does go after price's military career and how his scars the events he's lived through have sort of become part of him (ghost could definitely be this species too now i think about it), and how he's lived past points where his allies have fallen .
i would like to think that laswell would be some form of species of whale , maybe one that is intelligent and capable of many forms of mutalism relationships due to her being ... yknow .... insanely based ....
makarov would be an orca. highly intelligent, only realised to be extremely dangerous once studied. ganging up on every fucking fish in the world. capable of competing with other apex predators like great whites.
graves.... unpopular opinion, but he is a stonefish . sneaky bastard and incredibly fucking dangerous . but stupid looking and a silly skrumkle very much so .
nyways i am too tired to think but i will go to sleep dreaming of the 141 eating salmon tonight ......... thank u very mysterious but very lovely fishy anon ...........
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emmeline-jade · 13 days
Ill respond in post form.
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Men arent inherently evil, but society configuration and thousands of years of female oppression, has made them view women as inferior beings even after liberation in most countries. A chromosome pairing wont make you evil. Thats not what we believe in. So much of the government/police/every aspect of control is given to men that heinous crimes committed by men, large or small are unpunished under the law because the person judging them is also a male.
MASSIVE TW. name me a case, an incedent thats even half as bad as this case- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta#:~:text=Junko%20Furuta%20(Japanese%3A%20%E5%8F%A4%E7%94%B0%20%E9%A0%86%E5%AD%90,raped%2C%20tortured%20and%20subsequently%20murdered.
name me something as bad as this- https://youtu.be/aVEK9bJZl7s?si=fsL5jRZLXre25qSB
name me 5 women to have acid attacked men.
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there is a lot of leniency for men in regards to punishment. They are not inherently bad but an assumed superior sense of self and better living conditions in most of the world, and leniency in regards to bad behavior creates evil.
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Nah i js debate in second person my bad homie. nyways yeah, I went a bit hardcore on trans people, because thats what YOU wanted to talk about. You mentioned trans ideology- "So I read. I read why people don't feel their body aligns with their mind, read their stories, their history, and as I read, I began to understand" from this point onwards everything you said was abt trans ppl. and the reason is i dont have much of an issue with transmasculine people, other than the fact a lot of them force gay men to be attracted to them. The space you get on comment sections is small, so I wanted to keep it to the point of what bothers me the most. Transmasculine people who hurt/coerce men are evil. Aside from those, I dont care about them. Ill help them if they want insight on detransition (i was a trans guy- not transmasculine but a trans guy for 1.5 yrs). And also they appropriate biological factors of men which is creepy as fuck. The reason Ion care about trans men that much is because they arent raping men and demanding access to mens prisons. the threat level isnt the same.
And im not arguing they are corrupting divine femininity. Im saying that despite trans women knowing what a woman is, and knowing that they and everyone they now emerged from one, and still pretending that they can grapple into it through accessible means is rude. The power to create life is divine, and again, that isnt to say women HAVE to bear children, ion want kids, but I wont undermine the strength to create life. My point lied in the course that trans women have their very existence as prove that they arent what they claim they are. It was a reasoning. and if you saw it, my last comment was to explain that women aint baby making machines. ill copy paste it here "and it may seem like im saying a woman must have kids, im not. Woman is a female. It isnt to say she must use her reproductive organs, they are just her configuration that make her a part of the female sex identified as women. Das it. Being a girl is the smallest part of me in terms of neutrality, its just a coin flip at birth. But it has gotten me discrimination through societal sexism. And with this blog I aim to talk about it. Ion want kids myself."
Its truly neutral and im claiming no superiority to men, im just celebrating the power of creation of life. and how every cell of my body, the heart beneath my skin was crafted by my mother.
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state of something completely physiological cannot be an idea. you cannot imagine the feeling of possessing an organ you don't have. And cool, chromosome disorders exist, and to say a chromosome disorder, 1 in 80,000 means that men r women and women are men, is funny. very insightful of you! And a sex anomaly with 150 recorded cases is enough to prove that trans people, who dont have that disorder, are women. And dont devalue and use intersex people as pawns. Sex is binary but if a disorder is involved, it can be presented in variations. And people with mullerian duct are still classified as men regardless of the condition.
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nuh uh!! He is not intended to create large gametes because he has external male genitalia. again sex anomalies exist, but within the binary. humans have a range of different disorders but we are still a sexually dimorphic species.
"A 38-year-old man was found to have a uterus, fallopian tubes, and a gonad in the left hernial sac during herniorrhaphy. The patient developed a left scrotal sac swelling postoperatively.
On physical examination, the right scrotal sac was empty. The left scrotal sac appeared boggy. The patient was phenotypically male, with male pattern of external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics. The past history included primary infertility."
so disrespectful to use a disorder as confirmation of fantasy. Stop using intersex people as pawns.
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"if one group has more rights doesnt mean the other will get less" baby. do you hear yourself? only one gender had the right to inherit property, only one gender had the right to sell the other. "Legally, her husband could demand that his wife’s lover pay him a large amount of money for having sexual relations with his wife, a right she lacked since courts didn’t allow wives to sue their husbands for adultery. Wife sales were a way to sidestep that risk."
only one gender had the right to education before the 1800's. only one gender had the right to work before the 1900s.
and what im saying is trans rights have become a large focus of funding and care of liberal feminism etc.
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not all anti trans people are terfs for gods sake. and glad you brought up nazis!
receipts on your end, please. name terf nazis. I am against conservatives and nazis. Conservatives fucking suck. the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
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ion agree w that saying homeboy. trans people are people ARE the regressive group. male supremacy is when you oppress women for thousands of years for their biology and now turn around and say that our biology is a meaningless factor of their definition and can be morphed into
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estrogen in males can cause- https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmedical/comments/1aw0nsg/my_doctor_told_me_my_tumor_was_most_likely_from/
testosterone in women can cause- https://austinurogynecology.com/blog/do-you-have-an-enlarged-clitoris-from-testosterone-replacement-therapy/
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men can be feminine, and implying that that femininity means that they need to transition into women is regressive. masculine women having to transition into men for their masculinity is regressive. being a man or a woman is just physiological and thats it. its 100% neutral and means nothing in perspective. its society that said if one has a vagina they need to be a submissive home decoration. no parts/biology dictates personhood. a man can do anything and everything he wants and he will still be a man. a woman can do anything and everything she wants and she will still be a woman. We are all sentient beings with our biology as the least defining part of us, but to say that it means nothing in our political and social classification is unintelligent.
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repl1c4nt · 3 months
i really wish 4 sum expansion on the reeve bein an 'inspire' in ff7.. obvis i no it was only ever conceptually but it kinda interested me.. in my hc inspire is a materia n i think dirge implies reeve n caits connection is mental in some way but honestly? cant rmbr and i dont care ab that game either way.. nyway mentally controlled perhaps but animated through materia.. ff7 og implies reeve directly speaks through cait (moving away seemingly fr privacy in the highwind to directly speak to heidegger & scarlet.. slipping n speaking accented (implying he speaks through cait literally n cait isnt just putting thoughts to word) in my head inspire is a materia tht animates where reeve is controlling it in a sephiroth esque way.. referencing his 'will' controlling jenova reeves 'will' controlling cait sith but he still has to speak for him... again im not a fan of doc or bcc.. kinda meh on cc (zack fair bias but cc plot hater) .. im largely making stuff up fr my own hcs sake but we kinda see ff7og jump btween cait n reeve so we know reeve isnt literally controlling cait so itz kinda my take on the mental link we no they have.. srry gonna b horrible here fur a sec my guy tht joined shinra n climbed the ranks with good intention and high hopes but became jaded by shinras internal corruption n was pushed to the brink after the plate collapsed i think the GS themed dolls n cait siths persona are a representative of who he is at his core and unfortunately its a little silly......... his scottish accent is a reference 2 his parents accents so we no cait sith is personal to Some degree.... god forbid a guy work a 9-5 n still be full of whimsy..i like WRO conceptually but im gna go out on a few hot takes n just shoot down what i absolutely hate
>wros military.. dnt like the solution to ff7s critique of shinras ultramilitarism is just the military but under the right people
>funded by rufus shinra.. srry his death being retconned pisses me off lol.. fuck no
>ac establishing barrets mako alternative is..................... oil? the wros alternative is oil.......??!??!
cool concept but i think the wro allocated shinra's (company and family) abundant wealth to construction (they oversaw edge's construction) but to alternative sources of fuel.. windmills in cosmo canyon solar panels in costa del sol hydropower in nibelheim the possibilities are endless.. barret directly oversees construction cait sith tells the party he evacuated midgar to the slums and we know marlene and elmyra fled to kalm presumably lots of others did too.. housing refugee support and renewable energy construction r priorities over a full military.. n listen i dont think its entirely realistic not to have anyone keeping people safe in a world with regular fiends escaped dangerous experiments and just general monsters but WRO doesnt have a "military" military.. just WRO force thats less militaristic and more.. task forcey.. anyway after shinra's fall i dont think reeve really needs cait sith outside of combat.. since i already hc inspire to b materia i think hed b a prolific materia user.. perhaps not the most fit to fight being in his 40s and having worked a desk job for a majority of his life....... but it would be funny if he used cait sith similarly to how lulu fights w her dolls......... and being (like lulu) black mage...esque.. the way aerith is white mage esque
probably has a gun too. just to be safe
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frogb · 3 years
HI UH... i was tagged by @faceless-dude and @dannydouni AND LIKE GIRL.... y’all are way too sweet🥺🥺🥺 thank u so much..,,,...,
the rules: tag five or more people that you are thankful for in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
@dannydouni is first ofc :] YOURE THE SWEETEST!!! you’re always so kind and caring and you go out of your way to make people feel loved and cared for,,,, and you’re just generally amazing!!! you need to be kinder to yourself because even if you don’t see it you’re one of the most wonderful people out there. i’m super lucky to be friends with u and i hope we can see each other again soon <3 ilysm!!!
@adhdyuuji hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! i’m really really glad i got tumblr bcuz it gave me the chance to meet u and become friends with you!! you’re so sweet and kind and funny and a lot of fun to talk to!! i’m really glad we’re friends :)) and i wanna talk with u more but sometimes it’s hard cuz of my anxiety 😢 so i’m sorry!! but i’ll try my best to talk more!!! ilyyyy
@catboyyouko HI <3 u r epic. i love u :)) youre always so much fun to talk to and i love getting messages from u they make me happy!!! i’m rly glad that we’re friends and that we started talking n stuff,, thank u!!! i always love seeing your art it looks so professional!!!! i hope one day i’ll be as good at drawing as you kshdkdshs nyways ilysm!!!
@starrynarwhale hello :]!!!! you’re very sweet and wholesome and i rly like talking with u <3 sorry i keep forgetting to download idv btw 😢 we’ll see if i remember today lmao, anyways!! you’re rly cool!!!! and fun to talk to!! and i’m really happy that we’re friends :) i wanna talk to u more but. anxiety </3 so we’ll see if i can get over it and talk to u more lmaoo (ALSO. i’m gonna try n make something for frog gon friday this week so😼) and lastly, ilyyyy!!
@quellfy HIIIIIII you’re unbelievably sweet and kind!!!!! thank u so much for being my friend and just being amazing in general <3 you’re very good at helping people and making them feel better and i admire u for that :)) ALSO ur art is so cute... omg...and finally i’m really happy that we’re friends!!! i love talking to u ilysm 💞
@faceless-dude hiii your art is fucking fantastic!! the amount of details u put in each of your drawings is just <3 yeah. also you’re rly fun to talk to!!! even tho we don’t talk that often i enjoy each of our little convos :) thank u for taking the time to talk to me!! i hope u get that job u wanted <3 gl!!! ily
@kur-upira HI!! ur very sweet n talking to u is lots of fun!! :] i’m glad we got to be friends, ALSO UR ART... IS SO GOOD😢😢 i love ur art so much it’s so nice to look at!!!! idk how you’re that good with watercolour but i can only hope to be that talented one day </3 and i think i’ve missed a few of ur drawings so get ready for a like/rb spam 😼 ilysm!!!
@honoraryredditdudebro helloooooo ily!!!! you’re rly funny and i wanna talk to u more but. anxiety😒 so uhhhhhh yeah,, sorry lmao,, but yeah ur rly nice!!!! i like talking to u it’s fun :]
@sakura-kitten HII!! we haven’t talked much but you’re so sweet 🥺🥺🥺 and nice,, i love seeing ur doodles they r so so cute <3 if u ever wanna talk pls just dm me!!! i’d love to talk more :]
i know i tagged more than 5 people shut up. i can do what i want🙄 ANYWAYS I LOVE EACH OF U SM <3 if i forgot anyone i promise it’s not because i hate u it’s because i’m very tired i just woke up😔
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gumdecay · 7 years
#picking so bad my fingers r sore n my mom keeps asking if im alright and literally Nothing is wrong but i cant think im too foggy there wasn#t enough Transition between leaving and coming home i feel like i never lleft but i felt like i was there forever??? i cant think and my cas#eworker needs me to call to confirm ana ppointment tomorrow (was supposed to do it yesterday but uhhh that didnt happen n i had an appointme#nt today n then slept for 6 hrs n it was like 9 i think when i woke up which is too late to call a work cell bc what if shes sleeping right#so tomorrow it is) and i rlly regret taking on the phone shit w therapy Just bc i wanted them 2 use they pronouns n my mom doesnt.. kno abt#me using them bc shes.. transphobic as shit.. unintentionally but it doesnt make a fuckin difference when ur a trans kid lol so i cant even#ask her 2 call 4 me but i might.. anyway bc im ltierally fucking exhausted and dead emotionally n mentally and jus the thought of calling so#meone makes me want to buy a gun and blow my fucking brains out lol#i think 3 days b4 i left we went to the mall n we were on the 3rd floor n it was So Fucking Tempting to jump off the uhhh w/e its called lik#e viewing thing?? bc i woulda died right like i was wanting 2 so bad that i told l if i did they could return my shit n get the money i spen#t back lol n they thought i was joking (which is funny as Fuck imo bc they were complaining abt their dumbass neurotypical bf thinking they#were joking when they talked abt killing themself but then they literally did.. the same.. thing.. w me.. lol)#but nyway ya the only reason i didnt is bc some cute guy blew a kiss @ me and my gay bpd ass fell in love So.. it was ok overall ig..#i feel like im dying tho like my brain is melting or some shit idek
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ginkgou · 7 years
Mai I literally live for whenever someone tries u like u I full piss baby mode and it's hilarious u r the funniest person I bless u and ur future kids with sehun u r amazing and full on fuck that white girl that tried u she sounds like a nasty fucking weeb "Asian girls glaring at me" she needs to get out but anyways ur amazing I luv u so much
LOL THANKS L.O.L (lots of luv 💖) nyways it's just funny cause i rlly don't be doing shit but they wanna wild out like if i wanted bullshit i could get a bf n hell fuck me up the same way except i get some dick once or twice in between but offended white anons? give me nothing
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