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For a school-sponsored party that most of the student body wanted no part of and absolutely zero warning, Night Raven University’s so-called 1st Annual Hootenanny is actually better put together than anyone could’ve thought. Balloons and streamers decorate nearly every orifice on campus, though there’s equally any number of posters marketing the celebration that have been defaced with crude sayings and even cruder illustrations letting Headmaster Crowley know just exactly what they thought of his ill-received warning.
While there’s just a small portion of what appears to be catered food (the rest having been carted off by the faculty), each house has managed to assemble something for the event whether it’s in ways of contributing to the potluck or by way of entertainment:
[Pudding] Strawberry milk pudding molded into a cute white bunny; snapping a picture of this will definitely get you trending on Magicam! The bunnies are drizzled lightly in strawberry compote and topped with applemint leaves. Chocolate garnish decorated as a pocket watch finishes the aesthetic, this treat is enhanced by magic to stay chilled throughout the party; courtesy of Heartslabyul. 
[Meat] It’s just a slab of meat of unknown origin. Uncooked, but oddly warm.
[Biltong] An assortment of wild game meat that’s been dried, cured, and then sliced to savory perfection. Each bite is a flavorful experience of spice; a must-have dish for every meat lover on campus! The variety of meat showcases Sunset Savanna’s plentiful bounty; courtesy of Savanaclaw.
[Ocean Cider] A refreshing, crisp lemonade cider. Its vibrant, aquamarine hue softly gradients into a pale lavender from bottom to top, making its appearance reminiscent of the deep sea. Mango, starfish-shaped jelly rests at the bottom of the glass, which is garnished with a slice of lemon and one cherry. Students immediately recognize this as one of Mostro Lounge’s best-selling drinks; courtesy of Octavinelle.
[Basbousa] A sweet almond and coconut semolina cake cut into diamond shapes. Each slice is smothered in sweet sauce and dusted with toasted coconut shavings. A favored treat back in the Scalding Sands; courtesy of Scarabia.
[Mysterious Risotto] An oddly purple-colored risotto decorated with an array of mushrooms. If asked about the dish, none of the ghosts in the kitchen seem to know where it came from; only that it is there. While it seems mostly untouched and cold, it appears the students that dared to give it a try have come away with odd visions.
[Waffles with Apple Salad] A pair of heart-shaped savory waffles flavored, vegan and somehow inexplicably free-range. Accompanying that is an organic apple salad composed of red onion, celery, parsley, and honeycrisp apples; courtesy of Pomefiore.
[Saganaki] A dish of cheese … that is apparently on fire. Composed of a variety of Greek cheeses and a little bit of brandy, the fire appears to change its color as it burns the whole night through. It pairs well with a lightly toasted baguette, a twist of lemon and a little bit of parsley. It’s tradition to break a dish every time the flame abruptly burns brighter, though no one quite understands the tradition; courtesy of Ignihyde. 
[Spiked Punch] Sitting in a black cauldron is an entirely upturned bottle of artificial green apple syrup, apparently emptied into what appears to be a viscous green liquid that smells distinctly of sugar and … is that just an entire bundle of kale and pea sprouts floating in there? Mixed in are a handful of melting, but skull-shaped marshmallows. It appears this is an offering from Diasomnia. Students brave enough to give it a try report that the drink bites back.
Send 🥧 to start a food fight with my muse.
Send 💀 to be caught by my muse sabotaging your house’s dish.
Send 📍 to play pin the tail on the Savanaclaws.
Send 🎤 to drag my muse into a karaoke duet.
Send 💃 to dance with my muse.
Send 🏓 to play a game of Root Beer Pong.
Send 👻 to play a game of Root Beer Pong to the death (with the Spiked Punch).
Send 🤜 to fight my muse.
Send ⛲ to play Seven Minutes in Hell (light waterboarding).
Send 🔨 to break into another dorm.
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mostrum · 2 years
Jade had took notice of Azul quickly enough. His housewarden likely believed that height - especially someone else's - could offer him protection. Jade, much more suited for the shadows, rather disliked the idea of being someone's shield, so he decided to yield to Abigail's fierce struggling.
"Oh, Azul!" Surprise was easy enough to feign, so was the act of bumping into another. In that split second, Jade unleashed the goose into Azul's arms, and she exploded with furious wingbeats and fervent bites, the glittering bell and the gold shine of Jade's eye both forgotten in an instant.
It takes only but a second of distraction to fell even the fiercest of titans. A brief moment of negligence, paired with deceitful veil of camaraderie, brews the most heinous concoction for a young sea witch. 
Ivory fingers dance across the screen of a smartphone in rapid tempo, the third article of ‘geese attack protection & strategy’ splayed across the screen. Hunched behind a member of Octavinelle— 184cm, a first-year, eager to leave an outstanding impression on his charitable housewarden— Azul is ignorant to his own Leech-induced doom. Poor merman is in the midst of switching to a new article (“How to Catch and Tame a Wild Goose”, to be specific) when a familiar voice reaches him amidst the crowd’s chaos. The housewarden tilts his head upwards and, teetering upon his tongue is a stratagem to boost Octavinelle’s credibility and incur favors from staff. He does not expect, as his body turns to face Jade, the blade that will hypothetically plunge itself into his back. 
The goose gets Azul before he has a chance to strike Jade, for bringing that merciless beast directly to him! Entranced by the shimmer of the merman’s phone, Abigail launches at his hand. Mouth of razors lacerate the meaty flesh right below Azul’s little finger, knocking the housewarden’s phone from him and evoking a pained hiss as he jerks his arm away. 
“I’ll protect you, Housewarden Ashengrotto!” He hears his human shield— No, Octavinelle’s first-year say before the man practically launches himself at the goose. Pathetic boy misses the aerial menace by a long shot and flops onto the ground, shoving Azul’s smartphone further away in the process. Abigail, on the other hand, does not relent. She flutters her wings and hurls herself forth again with unparalleled vigor… towards Azul’s glasses. 
“You bastard—!” Profanity falls from the merman’s lips quicker than he can catch as he snaps his head to the side, narrowly missing a face full of beak. Abigail’s teeth dig into the side of his glasses, wingbeat pounding his shoulders as a new technique formulates in Azul’s mind. Through clenched teeth, he loses his glasses to the clutches of the goose as he undoes the belt of his robe. Abigail throws his glasses to the side, not enough bloodshed to satisfy her, as she begins her onslaught against Azul’s hair— When he suddenly lunges forward.
He startles the goose, who yields upon instinct. With a newfound mass of his open ceremonial robes, Azul raises his arms to allow the drapery of his sleeves to billow. He charges at Abigail again, staring dead into her soulless, beady eyes as he lets out a vicious hiss. Abigail looks affronted at Azul’s sheer audacity, his hold on animal linguistics cutting a wound into her pride, and takes a moment to reconsider the victim of her wrath. She turns before Azul has a chance to charge at her once more, thus deciding to act upon weaker prey. 
When Azul watches the goose’s retreating silhouette with triumph, a new idea surfaces as he sees exactly who her next victim shall be. He takes a hold of his magical pen (reminding himself to take back his glasses and smartphone later) and smoothly slips into the next scene with a chuckle.
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threadedwheels · 2 years
[ cont from here ] @crossedtheline
“Yeah! One of the twins, Floyd? The weird one,” he paused, “Well, okay they’re both weird, but that one is a little… out there, you know? He brought it up and one of my dormmates was like ‘I bet you won’t’ and I didn’t think it would be such a big deal...”
He trailed off, realizing his explanation was doing him no favors. Ember probably thought he was an idiot. Maybe he asked to dance because he thought he was being charitable. That seemed like something Ember might do. He took a good look at Ember, trying to figure out his motive. Nope. He couldn’t read minds despite his best efforts. Ember looked like he always does.
“Okay, yeah, let’s dance,” he sighed, “Just try not to step on my toes.”
He grabbed Ember’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. It had been a long time since he’d had the opportunity to dance with anybody, so it took him a minute to find his groove. At least if he made a fool of himself, he could blame it on the risotto.
“So… what is up with that punch your dorm brought? Kalen looked like he was going to keel over after one sip,” he asked, while moving to the music.
Ember laughed softly at Jinx’s comment about the oddness of the Leech twins. He knew exactly what he meant.
“He gave me some of your dorm’s food- I’m sorry he dared you into eating the risotto. Azul made me eat it under the assumption it was my dorms doing, which...” He shrugged, “I genuinely don’t know if it was.”
When he was pulled to dance, Ember smiled gratefully. He was excited to dance, that his body was cooperating... at least until they actually got on the dance floor. He could tell he was off rhythm and just hoped Jinx either wouldn’t notice him almost tripping on his own feet or wouldn’t mind. 
“I wish I could tell you what was in the punch,” He answered, stopping dancing and sticking to swaying with the music as much as possible, “I put in some frozen fruit. And then I saw someone else put in some salad mix- with the dressing. I... don’t want to think of what else they put into it.”
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brashnbolt · 2 years
continues from here @threadedwheels ⚡⚡⚡
“It is weird, isn’t it?”
With the personalities at this party, it doesn’t shock Sebek to hear that some have dared to try the dish. Hell, Diasomnia’s contribution wasn’t much better! He watches from the corner of his eye as Azul offers an unfortunate cup of the brew to Kalen, apologizing in his head for whatever terrible effects it might bring to his stomach.
The cauldron of Diasomnia’s offering bubbles away, now somehow generating heat since he mixed the ingredients together. It looks even more menacing now, and surely tastes twice as fowl. Sebek looks down to the plate in his hands and back over to the roiling concoction on the other side of the dining hall, a curious thought running through his mind.
God, could the addition really make it all that worse?
“Excuse me for a second, Ember,” the half-fae excuses himself, weaving between the crowds as least suspiciously as possible. Everyone now was steering clear of the cauldron—thankfully—and he takes the opportunity to dump the meat into the pot, a few droplets of punch landing on his uniform.
He stands there, and watches, observing how the meat sinks down into the liquid. At least it stopped bubbling so viciously. Now, he needed to find a long pair of tongs or something of the sort to see the results of his experiment.
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hyaina · 2 years
hit that WOAAAH!
No one knows when it was initiated. Frankly, there’s little reason as to how, either. 
It can be pinpointed at the sabotage of the sound system; hypnotic, percussion beats that begin to swallow the dining hall whole in replacement of outdated pop. An enthused holler rips through the air and more bodies flood the dancefloor, now that the songs are recognizable. Bass boosted to maximum, the intensity so fierce that the walls begin to quake— Another scream pierces through. 
It’s beastmen, it’s Savanaclaw, it’s tradition. A yip follows the screech, then a howl. Whoop, whoop, whoop! Soon, the hall is alive with the call of the savanna, a cacophonous whirlpool of bellows and hisses of various specimens. Bodies begin to twist and soon, there’s a dance formation. Students are moving to the rhythm of drums, of the call to their peers, in a line, then a circle and repeat. It’s uniform, it’s chaotic, it’s dizzying—! There’s laughter now, people belting out the lyrics to songs that they recognize. People are pushed into the center of the circle, some voluntary as they throw their limbs in dance and jive. 
Ruggie laughs with his peers as he prances in the outskirts of the circle, then yips. There’s barks in return and cheers— He twists his body with the rhythm of the mob, then says: “WOAH!”
Everyone cranks their arm in the same jerk motion, halting in unison, then there’s laughter and the dancing continues. Ruggie twists around, progressing with the swarm, then he notices a professor’s disapproving look. He smirks.
The hyena easily weaves out of the crowd, then boldly grabs the professor in charge of proctoring this area of the dining hall. “C’mon, Prof Amos, let’s get you joinin’ the fun’!” The poor old man had little time to complain before Ruggie shoves him forwards and he’s easily swallowed into the crowd. 
“Professor Amos! Professor Amos! Professor Amos!” 
The pack is chanting the poor professor’s name now, the old guy is startled. Ruggie’s laughing as he watches the dude try to claw his way out to no avail. He moves back closer into the crowd.  Then, the beastman angles himself, smirk widening as he aims and—- 
Laugh with Me! Spellcast’s shimmer goes undetected and hits the professor square-on. Got’cha, Ruggie thinks and the professor’s demands to be released suddenly halt. Professor Amos has begun to prance now, twirling with the crowd, igniting a new wave of laughter. Ruggie is dancing, too, in sync with the peers around him. There’s cheers for the professor, known for being so senile and severe, as he suddenly begins to break it down on the dance floor. The crowd goes and the hollers continue; drowning out the sound of the man gagging against his invisible binding. 
“Aw shit, Professor Amos is throwin it DOWN!” “Get it, Prof!” “This is gonna be a toootal hit on Magicam! C’mon Professor, get it!” “I can practically hear his bones cracking!” 
Ruggie’s laughing. He’s hidden between two students over two meters tall, but he’s swaying his hips. He dips down low— Professor Amon begins twerking at the center of the crowd, aghast— Then suddenly, he falls straight onto his ass. The man’s speaking coherently again, screaming at the circle of students and demanding to know what just happened. He’s ignored, people are chanting for an encore, to see what kind of other sick moves the old geezer’s got. 
Meanwhile, Ruggie’s suddenly at the concessions table, which is now unmonitored. The students around him are focused on the dance circle and a poor professor’s suffering. Ruggie drags a pack of tupperware that’s been hidden beneath Savanaclaw’s section of the concessions. He’s shoveling basbousas into the containers. He’s practically stolen a third of the Scarabia-catered treats before he moves onto the waffles, then back to the biltong that he already has dozens of in his room.
“‘m gonna be snackin’ for days! Shyehehehe!” More of the waffles are shovelled into containers; Sure they’re vegetables but hey, it’s edible. Ruggie passes by the mysterious risotto and pauses. He gives it a glance before his nose twitches, ears flattening to his skull. “That’s definitely rancid. Yuck…”  
Saganaki and pudding are placed in their own containers. Then, when everything’s filled, Ruggie begins to stuff the tupperware into his robes. He glances back at the dance floor, still chaotic as ever. Professor Amos still hasn’t been able to leave. Ruggie snickers as he places the last container into his robe and begins to make his escape, determined to be unnoticed. 
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halefinne · 2 years
Send 🎤 to drag my muse into a karaoke duet.
"Woooow, and you're even gunna let me pick the song? Are you brave or stupid, Mackerel?" Floyd snickered as he leaned into the list, mismatched eyes quickly running over them.
He'd always seen Mackerel hanging around with Crabby and Shrimpy around campus. He always looked like another small fish who didn't notice exactly how big the pond he was swimming around in was. Floyd thought it was kinda funny. Especially when he'd heard rumors that Mackerel knew how to thrash with the best of them.
He kinda wanted to see it for himself, but he could wait for that. Mackerel's suggestion had been so surprising to Floyd, he kinda wanted to see exactly what would come of it if he played along.
"Ooh, this looks fun." Floyd grins and presses on one of the songs. The song loads before Mackerel can get a look at it and Floyd steps back with a delighted cackle.
"You're not gunna chicken out, are ya?" Floyd snickers as the music starts to play. "Come on, Mackerel. Lemme here you!"
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KALEN TUGS ON THE ROPE, hoping to somehow free them. The party had been a blast, but he wasn't sure that he liked this final party game very much. Kalen lifted his leg up, causing Jinx's leg to lift, whilst tripping the two over in the process. Kalen lets out a worried apology, before helping the other back up.
"Looks like headmage was serious about giving us a night to remember." Kalen groans, trying to undo the knot. "And it looks like all those years of WSAS camping survival classes aren't helping me with this knot... looks like we'll just have to work this out together!"
He wraps an arm around Jinx, stooping down to match his height. Just gotta move one foot... after the other... hey, they were doing it! Maybe it wouldn't be so hard after all! Patting himself down with his free hand, he takes out his phone. The Heartslabyul group chat was going CRAZY, with everyone spamming messages along the lines of 'Headmage locked us out!' , 'Those keys gotta be here somewhere!' , and 'I swear, i'm gonna file a formal complaint after this!'.
He leads Jinx to the nearby bushes surrounding the botanical gardens. Something shimmered in the dim overhead lighting. Upon closer inspection, there appears to be a key, labeled elegantly with the tag 'Pomfiore'.
"Hey, all right!" Kalen pumps his fist, shouting for joy. "Looks like you can go to bed now -- i'll stay behind and find my key!"
let's work together! stick with me, @crossedtheline !
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piquuse · 2 years
          “...Is the headmage serious?” Deuce says flatly once the flash of magic dissipates from behind his eyes, leaving them in the walkway between the botanical garden’s temperate and subtropical zones. Compared to the cool of the night air outside, the garden was pleasantly warm in comparison. Deuce would be one of the first people to admit that the Hootenanny had turned out to be surprisingly fun but this? How were they supposed to find keys on a campus as big as NRU’s? If it wasn’t nearby where they had apparently been dropped off to, then it could even take all night!
The sigh that escapes Deuce is mournful as he drops his head into his hands. Maybe this was a punishment after all, despite the way that Crowley had phrased it. It had to be, right? After all, someone had unleashed that crazy goose from earlier on the party and then Deuce was more than positive that he likely broke some of the tables when he had summoned that cauldron earlier. Not to mention, the sleeve on his ceremonial robe was sporting bite marks...since when did geese have teeth?? Who had thought it was a good idea to give them teeth???
Peeking through his fingers to look at the person he had been tied up with didn’t offer much comfort either, unfortunately. With their year difference and the fact that Jamil seemed like a rather busy person, there wasn’t much about them that Deuce knew about aside from what he heard from others, but... Well, they’ll just have to make it work, right? If this really was a punishment for all the trouble, then they’ll just have to roll with it and find those damn keys! The headmage wouldn’t have scattered them across the campus if they weren’t serious about it, after all.
With a sharp crack, Deuce slaps the palms of his hands against his face and rides out the smarting pain that comes from it. He can do this; they can do this. “A'ight! Those keys should be somewhere around here... Viper, will you help me find them?”
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virenns · 2 years
           it is much noisier than any celebration he has attended at home.
          this is the first thought that crosses his mind as he steps across the threshold, eyes narrowing in adjustment to the newly-cast light of the dining hall, rearranged from its usual appearance to be more befitting of the annual — what was the term lilia had used for it? ‘ hootennany ’. music swallows the space — or perhaps what could be called music, though it seems to be more parts thudding through the floor and air than melody — and dozens of bodies, some alone, others in clusters, navigate the floor amid vibrant decorations.
          there on one of the half-shadowed tables along the wall, he spots the cauldron of bubbling punch, misting rhythmic puffs of green. in all appearances, it bore the mark of his idea and endorsement as the contribution from diasomnia, though in truth he’d had ample assistance coming up with the concept. after all, it wasn’t as though he had considerable experience with what would be acceptable at parties like these.
          pushing away the thought that his required assistance was the only reason he had been welcomed to the event at all, he scans the hall for familiar faces. this is the sort of situation that lilia does well in, isn’t it? and he should make sure to check periodicially that sebek and silver are also enjoying themselves.
          as he moves, it does not escape his notice that eyes and whispers follow him. that the crowd parts and reforms around him, conversations still and resume.
          it is all right. briar valley was not built in a day. nor even in a lifetime.
          taking in the scene around him, malleus decides he is simply happy to have attended.
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foetuneteller · 2 years
SAM BLINKS HIS EYES, attempting to rid himself of the momentary blindness inflicted on him by his oh so generous boss. The cool night air and sounds of crickets chirping fill his senses as his eyes adjust to the sudden darkness. In the distance is a very faint light, allowing Sam's shadow some space to materialize. It attempts to pick him up and dust him off, but an unfamiliar weight pulls Sam back down.
Sebek Zigvolt, a Diasomnia student with a reputation for being a close ally of Malleus Draconia, is tied to Sam's left leg -- surely this was meant to be a bonding exercise conjured up by the disturbed little mind of Old Man Crowley.
"I swear," Sam huffs, leaning against one of the statues on Main Street in a attempt to stabilize himself, whilst helping the student up, "I am so sorry about the old man. Next meeting, i'll have to slip somethin' in his coffee to make up for all this."
He jokes, but has genuinely thought of doing this.
"Knowin' him, these ropes are probably bound by magic. But, not to fear, for I have...!" In a dramatic flair, he pats down his pockets in search for his keys. Something in his shop could help them! But, alas, it seems like the old man thought of everything. "... Damn it! He took those too?!"
He scans the floor. Maybe they fell out of his pocket?
Nope, the bastard really locked him out of his own house. It would only make sense that the other would be locked out too, so it would be no use traveling all the way down to Diasomnia.
"Looks like you and I are gonna have to put our thinkin' caps on, kid!" He rubs his hands together, eager to be done with all this, and take a well deserved rest. "Now -- if you were a senile, old headmage, where would you think to hide a bunch'a keys?"
your service to me is greatly appreciated, @brashnbolt !
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At the height of the hootenanny, a surge of chanting suddenly erupts from the crowd. No one knows where it's coming from, just that they are hollering Night Raven University! Night Raven University! The chant then splits into calls for the seven dormitories, some cheers louder than others, before a splintering scream brings the party to an uneasy hush.
From where the victim stands emerges a white goose– The mascot of Royal Sword University: Abigail Goose. Some pesky troublemakers have stolen Abigail as a prank against RSU and have unleashed her at the hootenanny! All hell breaks loose as Abigail, in a fit of justified wrath, begins to attack the student body. The dining hall becomes a maelstrom of havoc under Abigail’s rage; some trying to flee from her, others attempting to catch her while a handful try to score videos for their Magicam. Members of faculty suddenly bust into the party, determined to catch Abigail and punish the student who stole her.
Don't be caught with Abigail! Abigail has begun her onslaught against NRU's student body! The game will begin once she enters a random member's inbox (determined by the admins), and the unlucky recipient must roll a 1d20 in the server's #dice-rolls channel to see if they escape the faculty's watch. If the number is a 13, that character is caught with the goose and will receive punishment. For any other number, the victim must send the goose off to another hapless student by rolling another die equivalent to the current number of participants in the game. Whoever's placement on the list corresponds with the number rolled will be the goose's new victim! This is basically a game of Hot Potato, but with a goose.
The game will run exclusively with asks. Participants must respond to the Abigail Goose ask in their inbox, then roll to find the next victim. After Abigail's target has been determined, the member who currently has Abigail must send an ask as Abigail Goose attacking her new target. The new target will then roll to see if they're caught and, if not, must roll for Abigail's new target, and so on. The process will be repeated until someone has been caught.
The first three passes of the goose are "safe," meaning that if you roll a 13 during this timespan, your muse will not be caught. Afterwards though, a 13 will end the game. If a participant does not send or respond to their turn within 24 hours, their turn will be skipped and they will be removed from the game. The student who had Abigail last will have to roll for her new target again.
Please sign up your muse(s) by writing their name in the table of this document! The mods will select Abigail's first victim in a few hours.
Good luck and have fun!
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mostrum · 2 years
[Ocean Cider] + 💃
"Azul!" Floyd laughs loudly as he picks up his housewarden and tosses him casually over his shoulder. "C'mon, let's party!"
LET’S GET HOOTIN’ ! -- accepting 
A small cry pierces from the cecaelia's throat as he’s unceremoniously plucked and slung over one’s shoulder. It’s Floyd— It’s always Floyd, the only individual (sans his twin brother, Jade) audacious enough to get a rise out of Azul, incoming maelstrom of heated words and hissy fits be damned. The shorter meman of the two has half a mind to fight back— He does, in fact, with the fists that hammer at Floyd’s back as he tries to leverage himself, tries to give the eel a piece of his mind as he hisses between clenched teeth; “Floyd, put me down this instant!” 
Alas, words never work with Floyd. Azul knows this despite his attempts; barking at a wall yields better productivity than reasoning with Floyd, and yet he still shouts. Azul twists, turning to face the direction that the livewire is headed and his stomach drops.
“You can’t take me there,” Azul states in disbelief, freezing. A hand suddenly grabs Floyd’s cheek, hard, and pulls; “Floyd, you can’t be serious!” 
Attention is being drawn towards the two of them, a byproduct of the housewarden’s outburst. Azul’s tone drops into a whisper, his eyes narrowing: “You know how I am with dancing— And, not to mention, they’re popping out there! Dropping, locking, whipping—!”
He even heard someone say an old man’s bones were cracking on the dance floor! “I will get hurt out there and you certainly don’t want to find yourself responsible for that.”
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threadedwheels · 2 years
<< tapestry ; locked out with @mostrum >>
EMBER felt so much relief when the hootenanny was concluded. The idea of staying in this dining hall for another moment suffocated him with anger. He regretted coming, from the fire filled goose attacks to the punch-cooked meat he unfortunately ingested to the risotto Azul force-fed him... he was genuinely considering if going to school here was worth it.
And then... Crowley stopped everyone from leaving. The Headmaster stood up, in front of all the partygoers, and claimed he lost the keys to the dorms.
I've never wanted to hit a man so bad in my life Ember thought to himself. Even the rage he felt at Sam splashing the punch into his face was miniscule compared to the anger he felt at the 'accident' the headmaster had done.
To make matters even worse, the Headmaster was trying to turn this into another game. Tying his student's legs together while they searched. He couldn't help but feel bad for whoever was tied to him.
That was... until he found himself tied to Azul Ashengrotto.
This school was really trying his patience.
"I cannot believe we got paired together," He sighed, immediately trying to untie their legs, "We'll just split up and find our dorms keys and get the fuck home- why won't these untie."
He trailed off at the end, a whisper to himself out of frustration as he kept trying the knot.
This was going to be a long night.
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magniku · 2 years
TO CALL THE NIGHT YOUNG would be a sore understatement.  the impulse of stupidity and reckless abandon proved only to be the headmage’s horrid sense of teamwork.  the moment that rook throws his thankfully dry robe over his shoulders, the magic settles into his vision   —   the heat of the once destroyed dining hall managing to rid any evidence of the earlier wrestling match between him and jamil.  crowley’s voice, a final decision, leaves his mind only when the environment changes within seconds of a handclap.  moments of a gasp pressed back into his throat.  sage eyes fail to uphold a hesitant blink at the sudden tightness that grips at his ankle.
hunter reacts immediately, reaching out and grabbing the individual beside him, manicured fingers gripping tightly at the scruff of robes that ball into his fist.  by instinct, rook pulls the individual toward him to knock them off balance, with the heart of survival.  though he stops once he pulls the male forward slightly, hostile gaze softening into one of mild interest; the friendly curve of bow lips, the flash of small canines.
“   monsieur beetle,   ”   hunter breathes out with a smile, tightening his grip on rove’s robe collar,   “   désolé, mon ami.  small mistake!   ”   and for a moment, it is all he has to offer in speech.  delighted gaze looking down to the pressure on his leg, surprisingly not shocked at the sight of magic carved into rope, neither upset at how it hugs both the leg of him and rove.  rook does not forget that there is a blooming beauty in everything curious; the words stay within his mind when he lets go of rove’s collar and drops to a crouch.  gloved fingers take the rope in hand and lightly tug once, twice, and a third time before trailing his touch to the knot around his leg.
rook hums, rubbing the knot’s material beneath his thumb and testing the strength of the fibers.   “   unfortunate, truly.  it seems that the rope is magically protected from any damage.   ”   he sighs and rises back to stand, awfully close to rove although the rope provides enough space for shoulders to not touch.  hunter smiles hits alike the precision of a beloved arrow, direct in its attempt to discomfort rove.   “   well, we will simply walk this responsibility together.  and what a marvelous opportunity this is, hm?   ”
slight concentration colors his face, furrowing his brows and pursing his lips.   “   there are only so many places here where a key might be hidden.  especially if we are to continue forwards with the idea of teamwork and cooperation.   ”   his frown does not stay forever.   “   non, i’m sure that no matter the obstacle, we’ll be given many beautiful possibilities tonight.   ”
a rose embroidered arrow reaches you, @rove-bogge !!
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99lostsouls · 2 years
Things are not going well for a girl Abigail. She's hungry, upset, suddenly three times her original size, and is currently being flung across the room. She lets out a horrific honk -- something that will soon fuel the entire student body's nightmares. This certainly would not do! Did these brutish students not know who she was?
She's a star! She is loved by all (at RSU)! She was pampered and treated well, and no one have to gall to treat her any way different!
Ortho better watch out, because this goose is now hellbent in putting these students in their place.
what a pleasant party!
ortho was simply delighted to have all this interaction. talking to friends, making new ones. there were activities he truly enjoyed like dancing and conversation, as well as actives he didn't quite understand like waterboarding and pinning tails on students.
but everyone had their thrills and an equal right to indulge.
the android could see this being a night to remember for the NRU school year.
for good reasons and bad ones.
abigail goose. the nine foot creature that was known as RSU's very own mascot. all the descriptions he'd read and every photo he'd seen told a story of a sweet bird that was loved by her student body and, she loved them right back.
but tonight? she was a monster to run away from.
time after time, incident after incident abigail terrorized NRU's student body in a fit of pure rage. ortho himself didn't care all too much for this situation.
it had nothing to do with him. his friends were alright and he'd hadn't seen the goose with his own two eyes.
until now.
that distinct honking served as a warning to everyone in the area. everyone but ortho. he held a plate of risotto, originally talking to another student of its ingredients but the student was quick to run away just like everyone else.
before he knew it, ortho was alone with the monstrous beast. yet, he showed no reaction on his face.
he simply turned his head, staring at abigail. here she comes, speeding in at 30 miles an hour!
her head's bending back... she charges up and—! ortho floats up just a bit, causing her to run right underneath him.
now this? this was a chance for abigail to simply run away and leave ortho alone. but of course she didn't take that.
as soon as the goose realized what had happened she turned right around to charge at ortho once again.
it was then that ortho sighed and placed his plate down on a nearby surface. okay. no more games.
the android came to a full stop, planting his feet directly onto the ground. the two stared each other down yet again.
ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛ ʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ.
ortho was frighteningly still, doll-like as he waited for the exact moment. he waited until abigail was a mer inch away from him to swing back his leg and kick the goose away with heavy force.
abigail flew south for winter a bit early this year.
she went up and over the thick and tall walls that fenced in the courtyard, along with the rest of the outer campus.
bye bye abigail!
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hyaina · 2 years
for the hootenanny finale. 
“Hah… You gotta be kiddin’ me.” The twist of events leaves the young beastman in nervous laughter. It’s an unsettling sound; a staccato of hoarse giggles echoing out to no reception. Ears flatten against his skull, Ruggie slumps down against the grass. “Leona’s gonna kill me for this…” 
He has bigger problems than a spoiled prince’s bout of midnight munchies though. 
Crystalline eyes fall upon his left leg, the source of tonight’s problems. There’s some grey tanuki strapped ‘round him, bound by its entire body. It wouldn’t be too much of a deal to Ruggie, honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that a human was added into the mix, too. So, the hyena is sitting in one of the courtyards, bound to some human and their familiar, and they were supposed to hunt for keys together? 
It’s gonna be a long night. 
“So,” Ruggie begins, voice louder as if to catch his partner’s attention, “You guys are that duo everyone was talking about back at orientation, right? Y’know, the ones who set fire to the mirror chamber? No magic, not supposed to be here, kinda hard to forget ‘n all…” A hand comes to awkwardly scratch at the back of his head, ears still flattened. If anything, because this human had no slick of magic on them, perhaps this whole operation will be easy for him! He’s worked a lot without magic prior— It’s just a worry of whether that human’s pet will set his ass on fire next or not. “If ya follow my lead, ‘m sure we’ll get the keys in no time, yeah?” 
everyone, let’s run! laugh with me, @magicjoint ! 
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