#now turning down a job to stay with her gf and glowing talking abt the power of love in front of her colleagues
halforcdad · 2 years
i mentioned it before that Kate understood, but didn't really understand initially how much it meant to Lucy taking down the assassin who almost killed Kate, but the fondness Kate has when she says, "I support what you're doing here, honestly I do, standing up for Your Woman™️ it's...it's honorable" and that soft smile she gets, (Lucy's done it twice now for her with ASAC Curtis and with taking down Andrea), how the music shifts at that exact moment, how you can clearly see how much it means to her, how Kate's genuine sentiment catches Lucy off guard and she has to collect herself real quick because she senses it, senses how different this is from the slight smugness beforehand when Kate was talking about changing her whole life for Lucy, how Kate used the word 'devotion' earlier which is such a heavy word to use to describe how you feel about someone (which carries a bigger weight considering their professions and Kate's devotion to duty), how with Lucy's Loved confession Kate now has all the pieces and she finally knows
like she's had a couple of weeks sitting on her couch or at her desk filing stupid paper work and reliving 1x20, repeating all of Lucy's words and everything that happened that day and now she has her answer and her resolve, if Lucy fell for her when Kate was stumbling through her feelings then she's definitely gonna fall for her now that Kate's confident and focused
Kate Whistler really said "You might not belong to me anymore, but I sure as hell still belong to you and I'm going to make sure you know that"
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