zarla-s · 4 months
Do/for you have to make references for any other characters in Handplates? Like the mouse or pterofractal? The same goes for the characters that have canon designs in Undertale. Did you ever need a ref for them?
Honestly I like never make reference sheets until something forces me, haha. With the mouse I just go back to the first comic he appeared in and just ref off of those. I might have mentioned this before, I forget, but originally that mouse was supposed to be the mole in the MTT comedy club but then I looked up their speech pattern and it didn't fit, so instead I made them a Rathbone cameo from The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain. :B
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I had to improvise his lower body so I just gave him big wading pants lol.
As for Pterofractal, Jaz gave me this!
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I do have a folder for canon refs, mostly screenshots I've taken to get colors and layouts for certain areas in the Underground, haha. And some sprite sheets if I need them.
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Nothing really official or purposeful though, just screencaps and snips from other files I end up reusing.
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ask-strider-siblings · 7 months
Twitch!!!! Funniest joke you've ever heard?
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TWITCH: oohgh h-h-hell TWITCH: mmhy teefh fell out agghan- TWITCH: thiff ith ssho embarr'ing.. diamon' will be sshhoo upsest...
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bornetoblood · 1 year
For the ask, 002 and the plain doll! ^^
Link to the questions!
How I feel about this character:  Oh I adore them. They represent love and the lack there of. They are sooo much like the Creature from Frankenstein to me its not even funny. They just want affection yet aren't provided it because they are seen as a tool- they were never meant to be alive.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  No one! I read the Doll as a child almost so I'm not really comfortable pairing them with anyone! If I had to pick though probably Flora.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  The Good Hunter and Eileen! Doll and their baby and that lovely old lady who showed them love for the first time <3
My unpopular opinion about this character:  That they were constructed due to parental grief. But I've talked about that already so I'm gonna say I think they're made up of Gehrman's memories of Maria which are faded and ambiguous. It's why they react when we give them (presumably) Maria's comb yet why they're a seperate person to Maria. It's weird Great Ones chicanery.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we got to summon them for the Gehrman fight. Unironically. I want them to weild a weapon. Let them have the burial blade. I think that'd be dope.
my OTP: Agian I dooooon't have one!!
my cross over ship: I think they'd sit and have a lovely chat with The Creature from Frankenstein for reasons stated. Creach'd talk about the cool books he's read and Doll can tell him about the messangers. They'd learn a lot about love and justified violence from each other fr.
a headcanon fact: That they progressivly develop their own identity removed from the Dream and their original purpose!! I think they really grow into their own :)
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the-royalscientists · 2 years
Does Undyne ever come by the lab? Does she ever work with the royal scientists or request projects? Also I hope you all are having a good day ily guys <3
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<<Undyne is temporarily available for asks.>>
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stop-pressing-e · 3 years
Another thing people should also do. Spread positivity! Like honestly it’s not hard. A simple boost of morale on a random day can be enough to lift someone’s mood. A happy ask on a piece of work you spent so long that gets minimum response can be heart warming. A positive reassurance for the person who feels like they’re not doing good enough or feels like the kind of work they do is not getting the reach they’re at least trying.
It easy to collect the negative thoughts made by yourself or by others old or new but it’s not hard to give something positive they’ll remember about.
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beatricethestrange · 2 years
partial credit to @mmalaria
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alissi-p · 3 years
@novafloofeatsbirds , @max-has-an-ax , and I did karaoke to Oh No! by Marina in front of our school and we are actually super cool it was awesome we’re so cool
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yourfavisbeautiful · 3 years
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Archimedes from TF2 is beautiful
Requested by @novafloofeatsbirds
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ask-strider-siblings · 5 months
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alissi-p · 3 years
@ school in Nepeta casual cos 🤪
@max-has-an-ax is Equius
@novafloofeatsbirds is Kanaya
so swag it hurts
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alissi-p · 3 years
It is my friends, @novafloofeatsbirds and @max-has-an-ax ’s first 4/13 as homestucks!!!
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alissi-p · 3 years
My besfriend, @novafloofeatsbirds today gave me a lesson on how to draw cat muzzles and I think its poggers.
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alissi-p · 3 years
@novafloofeatsbirds tf2stuck updated
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