#nothing beats quarrister!!!!
peebeexd · 2 years
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whiz-bang!!! :D
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mettlegears · 2 years
yo!! what do you think of the non fire element quads? ik this question is oddly specific but i dont see many people talking about them (except for riff lol) and i really wanna know what you think about them :D (also your art is very cool!! i like it a lot B) )
I like them! they have very memorable designs. i always liked shellbeat the most out of the bosses.
entbrat's cute and fun and i especially enjoy it in dof! it doesnt impact its natural island song as much as the others, but hey, i love a big cute guy.
deedge has a cool design and cool sounds :) fsr when i was younger i used to not like deedge? but thats changed fortunately lol
riff is my least favorite of the 5 but that doesnt mean i dislike it! i just prefer all the others above it. its cave island sound is only thing i dislike about it
shellbeat is awesome and it carries water island... and its a funny squid man
quarrister is just reeeally good. nothing beats a gregorian chant
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sukipershipper · 5 years
Meet the Wublins (MSM Fic)
So...I love MSM, I don't do muh art of it cause I'm more in it for the music and the lore, much like trolls. Regardless, I got a little carried away into headcanon territory and...I did this cause I love the Wublins. So yeah, hope you like
"Morning little cousin!"  Pompom called as she dashed into the restaurant. The big town restaurant was where all the monsters went to get a bite to eat before or after performing, ever seen a school cafeteria? Think of that but ten times as big and full of monsters. 
Sooza came to the register and smiled at her cousin, "Morning Pompom, how are you?", "I'm just fabulous!" Pompom replied as she sat down at the bar alongside her two pals, Mammoth and Furcorn. "I'll have my usual please" Pompom said, Sooza gladly nodded and walked off into the kitchen to make her food.
Mammot slurped down the last of his drink before turning to speak to Pompom, "Did you guys see the storm last night?" He asked, Furcorn rolled his eyes, "Every monster saw it, Mammot", "What? I didn't, I must've been sound asleep" Pompom said, disappointed she missed out on the storm, "Heh, well at least you GOT sleep, try lying sleeping in the same hut as this brute, his snores shook the whole roof!" Furcorn grumbled.
"Do you guys know what caused it?" Pompom asked, Furcorn shook his head in response, "No, it was probably just a change in the weather, nothing more", "Hmm, if ya say so" Pompom said, as Sooza handed her a milkshake.
The door swung open with a thud and Pompom felt the straw go into her throat after accidentally slurping it up in shock, she pounded on her chest to try and get it out. After a hard slap on the back from Mammot, she spat the straw out onto the bar in front of her. "ACK!! WHAT THE HECK!?" Pompom coughed, turning around to see where the noise came from.
Her eyes widened at the sight she saw behind her.
Standing in the doorway were 4 huge towering monsters. 
One was tall and had a slim figure with black fur, greyish-purple arms, horns, little tuning knobs on the side of his head, but perhaps his most evident feature was his purple, pink and blue, extremely long tongue that hung from his mouth.
The next one had a long beaked mask with orange tinted eye holes, out of the back of the mask were many colored feathers. It's legs were long, blue and spindly with little stingers at the bottom of them.
Then there was a slightly hunched monster with long orange pipe like beams acting as a neck to support its head, from both sides of its body were little orange trumpets which slightly toothed as the monster breathed. 
Finally was the biggest monster, it had a skeleton like face with yellow eyes that pierced into your soul, his toothed, non moving smile seeming to creep most of the others out, he had pink fur all over his body and his arms were dotted in little blue dots.
Inside his open rib cage was a small Blue monster, with matted blue hair, three yellow eyes and spindly arms and legs, she sat quietly inside the larger monsters ribcage and tapped her arms on her legs to an unknown beat.
The four monsters shared a glance between each other then at all the other monsters, the place had gone dead silent. "I think we came in the wrong place" the small Blue monster whispered to her larger companion, who pat the smaller one on the head gently, "Let's check it out first" he responded. The four monsters slowly made there way to the front counter, getting stared at by every monster there, even monsters like Entbrat, Riff, Dedge and Quarrister cowered in fear at the sight of these brutes.
The tall one leaned over the counter to get a good look at Sooza before speaking. "Isth thizth thwhere the thwood isth?" He spluttered, Sooza blinked in confusion, "I beg your pardon?" She shyly asked, "I saith-" The tall monster began, but soon noticed he was spluttering all over the place, he chuckled,  pulled on his tongue and licked his lips as it flicked back into his mouth. "Sorry, is there where the food is?" He asked, his voice being much more clear, deep and having a smooth tone to it. Sooza blinked again, this time in surprise, "Oh yes sir, this is a restaurant for all monsters!" she smiled, the four taller monsters all smiled in relief.
 "In that case, can I get a chocolate mousse for me, a gooseberry pie, apple crumble and a cinnamon roll?" The tall monster asked, "And a Cherry bomb sundae!" The small Blue monster called from her spot.
Sooza laughed as she wrote down the order, "Righto, I'll be on that in a jiffy!" She said as she walked into the kitchen.
Pompom shuffled her chair over slightly to sit closer to the newcomers, she cleared her throat to grab their attention. Regrettably, of course. The minute they looked over she felt a shiver of fear run through her, nevertheless she tried to at least make some decent conversation with them.
"H-hi, my name is Pompom, I'm sorta a head honcho around here and I just wanted to say, welcome to Monster Haven!" Pompom greeted, the four monsters shared a glance again and smiled back at Pompom, "Pleasure to meet you" The biggest one spoke, "My name is Bona, and this little lady here is my sister Petite!" Bona pointed to the small Blue monster in his ribcage. "Heya!" Petite waved excitedly.
Bona then pointed to the tall, slender monster, "This man here is Thwok, he's our Bass player, and our cook", "Sup?" Thwok said, flicking his tongue out again and playing a low note on it.
"This guy here is Gheegur, he plays our Brass section, and he's a master poet" Bona said, pointing to the orange monster. Gheegur shyly raised his hands and waved "H-H-Heya" he stuttered.
Finally, Bona pointed to the monster with the bird like mask. "And this guy here is Poewk, he's he's a doctor...he doesn't speak much either...in fact he doesn't speak at all", Poewk creepily walked over to Pompom and nodded before walking backwards, his long legs making a creaking sound as he stepped.
"Ah, I see" Pompom said, she then looked back to see Furcorn and Mammot shaking in fear, "Oh, these are my pals, Mammoth and Furcorn...say HI you guys", "...H-h-hi" the two said in unison, albeit, in sheer terror.
"Y-y-you guys new? I-I-I-I've nev-v-ver seen monst-t-ters like y-y-y-you before" Furcorn stammered, "Well not 'NEW' but we aren't from these parts" Thwok said. Pompom tilted her head in confusion, "Not from these parts? What do you mean?", "...We...are...the WUBLINS!" Thwok answered, all four monsters standing in heroic poses.
The three smaller monsters all shared a glance in confusion, Thwok blinked in surprise. "Huh, usually we get a bigger reaction than that" he said, Gheegur pat him on the back and spoke, "We were made to be the playmates of a wise entity, and they zapped up to life with electricity! Our realm is unlike any other realm known to monsters before and possibly here on out as well" he explained. 
Poewk pulled out a photo album of all the Wublins in one photo, Pompoms eyes widened at the sight of all of them. "Wowzers! That's incredible!", "It was incredible…" Gheegur said sadly, Furcorn blinked at that, "Was? What do you mean?", "Well…" Gheegur shared a glance between his friends who all looked away from him.
Sooza brought out their order and placed it on a tray next to them, "Order up!", "Oh! Maybe it's better to talk over some food, ey?" Pompom said, "Come outside, tell us everything we need to know", she, Furcorn and Mammot got up from their seats and lead the for big monsters outside to eat.
"So what happened?" Pompom asked, Gheegur devoured his first slice of Gooseberry pie and spoke first, "Well it was well and good Y'know? We did what every monster did, we sang, we danced like there was no tomorrow...none of us knew that after that there really was no tomorrow for us", "The spark that kept us alive and ran through our island died out, just went 'POOF'" Thwok said, "And when that happened, one by one, we all turned to stone, with no spark to give us life… we were nothing" Bona said, patting poor little Petite on the head.
"But how are you guys here now?" Mammot asked, all four shrugged, "That's just it, we don't know how" Bona answered, "But whoever woke us up...we are eternally grateful," he said, finishing up his apple crumble. "Well we better head off, maybe find a cave time stay in, we'll see you around" Thwok said as the four walked off. 
Pompom looked at her friends with sad eyes, "That's so horrible, we need to do something!" she said, "Like what?" Furcorn asked, Pompom thought for a minute then smiled as an idea came to her, "I'll tell you what! Round up the others, we're gonna Wake up the Wublins!"
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