#not the biggest fan of solomon but i thought the card was pretty <3
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Here is an aromantic Solomon stimboard! Happy Valentine's Day!💖
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liveandlearn-kg · 3 years
Live and Learn
Prologue - Act 1/3
Read on Archive of Our Own!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31463474/chapters/77826326
Next Act: https://liveandlearn-kg.tumblr.com/post/653986851746627584
Chapter Content Warnings: N/A
“All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.” - Robert C. Solomon
Chapter Below Cut:
Do you ever just have something you’re really good at? Whether it be painting, a specific sport, maybe you’re the King of Games at your school and dominate at a specific card game. Well, I have one of those myself. I like to run, and I can run, faster than the speed of light you might say. They don’t call me “the blue blur” for no reason. Gotta go fast is what I always say.
I’m a track star, a talented one at that. Having beaten an Olympic record without breaking a sweat, going below times thought impossible long ago. And maybe it really is impossible for others, but me? A speedy blue hedgehog who's faster than the speed of sound? Nah. It’s just a thing I’ve been able to for literal years, ever since I was born.
Perhaps that’s why they named me Sonic, after a sonic boom. Sonic t. Hedgehog. It’s a nice name, I’ll admit that.
Have me run a mile, hundred meters, hundred-ten meter hurdles, parkour, anything, I’m game. It’s why they call me the Ultimate Trackstar. It’s not an official title or anything, just a sort of nickname they call me in the news. Along with “blue blur” and “fastest thing alive” of course.
There’s other ultimates mentioned across the news, like the Ultimate Gunman, the Ultimate Fisherman, hell there’s even an Ultimate Life Form! However, there’s a lot more than just us four, more than what I can count on both my hands.
Doesn’t matter though, so long as I have the wind blowing through my quills, and the freedom to run wherever I desire, it doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters, just me and the breeze.
Which is why suddenly everything else matters.
The most I can recall before landing in this problem of mine was simply running through fields and enjoying the light breeze and sunlight, before suddenly falling over and all going dark.
The next thing I recall is… where I am now. Everything was all black before I dared to open my eyes and absorb my surroundings.
Different shades of green striped the grass, and a checkered pattern painted the dirt of the walls next to me. This wasn’t the same grass field I was soaring through. And sure, it was an open field. But despite it being a field, it felt more confined for some reason, suffocating even.
Sure blue filled the sky and the grass beneath my feet felt genuine, but everything felt off, fake even. Like my surroundings weren’t what I thought they were, and I was being lied to. It wasn’t even the same vast, emerald field I was running through originally.
I pushed myself off the ground, despite my arms and legs both threatening to give out. I managed to at least sit up though, taking a better glance at the surrounding. Still nothing I’ve ever seen before, which included an orange and white clump of fur lying in the dirt right in front of me.
I stood myself up, finally having gained the strength in my body to do so. I stepped over towards the ball of fluff, before crouching down and shaking the fur ball gently. “Hey, you okay?” I asked, concerned for the guy’s well-being. They didn’t look very familiar at all, and it only briefly crossed my mind that this guy could have been behind my situation. Sure it might have been the safer choice to step away from this person, but I was never the kind of person to care about safety. In fact, it seemed more likely he was probably in the same boat as me. “Hellooo?” I called again, shaking him a bit rougher.
A groan sounded from the pile of fur, seeming to signify that they were awake. They looked to their side, and I was met with wincing, blue eyes. “Hello…?” he voiced, slowly pushing themselves off the ground and into a limping, sitting position.
“Glad to see you’re awake, Sleepyhead.” I remarked.
The person looked from side to side, trying to get an understanding of his surroundings, before looking back at me. “Do you.. do you know where we are?” he asked weakly, obviously just as disoriented as I was.
I shook my head, “Nah, last I remember was running through a field different from this one, before suddenly falling over and everything going black. I just woke up here myself. Don’t know a single thing about here.” I explained. My answer didn’t seem to be the one he was looking for though, causing him to sigh.
“Dang. I was hoping you knew something. The last thing I remember myself was working in my workshop. I also just suddenly fell over and blacking out, before I woke up here to you shaking me.” he explains, holding his head with a wince. “I don’t even recognize this place myself.”
I let out a disappointed sigh before I stood up, putting a hand on my hip, with my free one scratching my head, “Well if you don’t know anything, I guess we’re in a similar situation then. Do you think others might be here?” I ask as I took a quick glance at my surroundings.
The boy utters a ‘hm’ sound, before beginning to tap his chin. “Well, I don’t see why others wouldn't be here. I don’t really have enough info about our location to make an accurate guess, but there is a possibility,” he answers, removing said hand. “Although there’s just as much of a possibility we’re the only ones here. So, maybe.”
I shrug, “Well, I guess we’ll never know unless we find out for ourselves. Which means explorin’ this place.” I step to the side, “Aand there’s a lot of ground to cover too. Which I could get done in five seconds flat buuuuttt… I assume you’d want to come along too. Sooo, you comin'?" I ask, offering a hand to help him up.
The boy’s eyes widened in surprise, although I couldn’t quite pinpoint what he was surprised about. There was an awkward bit of silence between us, causing me to motion my hand a bit, expecting an answer. “O-oh, ah, yeah! I’ll come! I’ll come.” he stammered, probably flustered. He grabs my hand, allowing me to pull him up.
With him standing now, I could get a better look at the guy, and he seemed harmless enough. Nothing to be too suspicious about. He was an orange fox with round baby blue eyes, simply wearing a pair of gloves and red and white shoes. His ears were perked up, with three strands of hair propping up. But most interesting, was the existence of a second, fluffy tail. He noticed I was staring at him, causing him to become even more flustered and hide his tail by wrapping it around his other. I frowned at this action, why should he hide it? It was pretty cool! However, my displeased look caused him to be a bit more concerned, not really helping his situation.
In order to attempt what I assume was a change of conversation, he asked, “So, before we begin, what’s your name? I’d like to at least get to know your name if possible.” The fox twiddled his fingers, avoiding eye contact. This guy was too worried.
I gave him the biggest grin I could, placing my hand on my hip, using my free one to aim a finger gun at him, shooting him a wink. “I’m Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! They call me the Ultimate Trackstar, or alternatively, the fastest thing alive.” I then used the hand with the finger gun to wipe under my nose, pride was beaming from me.
Someone else seemed to be beaming too, as the fox was looking at me with stars in his eyes. “YOU’RE Sonic the hedgehog?!” he cried out in excitement. A single nod from me was all he needed to explode with excitement, “Oh my god it really is you! I can’t believe I didn’t recognize THE Blue Blur! You set so many olympic records, you can go faster than the speed of light! I know I’m an Ultimate too-” Ohhh he’s an Ultimate too? That’s fun! “-but I never thought I’d meet another one! Especially THE Sonic the Hedgehog!” He shook his head as he began to wave his hands. He seemed to forget hiding his extra tail too, as they both began to wag with joy.
I felt a toothy grin spread across my lips, “I see I’ve got a fan over here,” I remark. “You’re an Ultimate too, right?” I ask as I acknowledge his status as an Ultimate, “What’s your name kid?” I admittedly don’t really know the names of other Ultimates, due to not paying attention to the news that much. I know their talents I think, maybe! I at least know the sports Ultimates, just not their names, or what they look like.
The fox then composes himself, suddenly making his hands go still, leaving one to scratch his head. “O-Oh! Weelll… I am the Ultimate Mechanic!” he explains, before looking to the side and twiddling his fingers, “My name is a little embarrassing though, so I try to avoid mentioning it.”
I nod in acknowledgement, “Well what if I gave you a nickname then? To avoid saying that embarrassing name.”
He seemed to shoot up at that, “Sure! What did you have in mind though?”
I hum, as I inspected the fox’s appearance. The second tail still seemed to be unknowingly out here. As I made that observation though, it hit me. “I’ll call ya Tails!” I announce.
The fox then shrunk back, looking behind himself, his ears drooping when he saw two tails behind him. “So you saw,” he acknowledges, letting out a disappointing sigh.
I nod scratching my head, “Yeah I did. Why? What’s the matter?”
He pulled the second one in front of him, kneading the fluffy orange appendage, “It’s just... embarrassing. I guess. I don’t really want to talk about it…” he explains, trailing off as he looks to the side, avoiding eye contact.
I raise an eyebrow, before shaking my head. “Well I think it’s cool!” I remark, “But I can call you something else if you don’t like it.”
“No no! It’s fine! If you like them then Tails is fine! I’m sure I’ll grow into the nickname. It’s better than my actual name I think.” He explains, before uttering, “It’s the first time someone said my extra tail is cool anyways...”
“Yeah! It really is! I think you should proud of it.” I say, trying to encourage him.
He gives me a bashful smile, “O-okay. I’ll try… thank you Sonic,” he mutters.
I beam, motioning for him to join me, “Well then, Tails. What do you say about us going exploring for a bit now? We can tell more about each other while we’re exploring if you want.”
He gives a rapid nod in acknowledgement as he let go of his tail, “Yeah! Okay!” I notice he didn’t try to hide it this time, but seeming to keep it out for a bit. While he didn’t seem exactly too comfortable yet, judging by his lopsided, unsure grin that seemed to be a little forceful, it was a step in the right direction. He joined my side as we set foot across the grassy, wavy terrain, taking in whatever we could see.
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