#not sure if i’d vibe with that smell but honestly it lowkey does sound good
captainfern · 1 month
omg Fern i just wanted to tell u that I got a JOHN PRICE SCENTED CANDLE from etsy and it’s so magical. it’s scented with butterscotch, gum powder, and bourbon and it smells SO GOOD. (seller’s name is EmbersAshesCo if anyone wants one lol)
capitalism slayed with this one
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Guess who’s bored
What’s the toughest decision you made today? I haven’t because I’ve been chilling at home all day. 
What’s the toughest decision you made this year? Nothing actually springs to mind about this year. This year has been pretty smooth...
What’s the toughest decision you ever made? Maybe to quit my previous job. Wasn’t necessarily “tough” but wasn’t easy to tell everyone. 
What have you forgotten? Feels like a weird question because surely to forget something means to not remember? I guess past friendships/potential relationship that didn’t work (no hate there but I’m happier with the people I surround myself with and glad things happened the way they did) 
What do you want to be when you grow up?  I’m 21 and still don’t know. I’m loving what I’m doing atm though. 
What’s it like being you right now? I’m very content.
What makes you nostalgic? Literally anything. TV shows, songs, smells...
If you had two hours left on earth what would you do? Have a massive party with loved ones.
What’s the most beautiful word in the world? idk why ‘tranquil’ springs to mind.
Who makes you laugh more than anyone? no disrespect to anyone I love because I find many people funny (have so many laughable memories) but to choose one person I’d have to choose Kayleigh. She’s just not right 😂
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? me & 2 of my friends did scrapbooks for our 21st and think they’re the cutest gifts. 
Best gift you ever received? too many to choose from I love all my presents. Florida, Disney tickets, Show tickets, Bracelet, Scrapbook - to name a few. I do love personal gifts though. 
How many times a day do you look in the mirror? honestly try to avoid the mirror 😂 every time I go to the bathroom because the mirror is unavoidable. 
What do you bring most to a friendship? advice, sarcasm & protectiveness
If 100 people in your age group were selected randomly, how many do you think they’d find leading a happier life than you? I’m pretty happy in life so maybe a few more than me but probably not too many more. I could always be happier obviously but I don’t have any stresses in my life atm. 
What is or was your best subject in school? English
What activity do you do that makes you feel most like yourself? Dancing
What makes you feel supported? myself?
Whom do you secretly admire? no secrets here 
What time of the day do you feel the most energetic and what do you usually do in those moments? midday to about 4pm. don’t really do a lot of exercise tbh, if anyone’s free I like to play Tennis, but usually just dance if a song is on 😂 
What’s something you never leave home without? Other than the obvious phone/keys. Vaseline. 
What’s a recurring dream you have? I don’t dream and if I do I can control them so it’s never recurring. 
What makes you feel safe? I feel the most safe where I live. It’s not the nicest place but I’m so comfortable here I don’t really think about things I would do if I was about anywhere else. That’s not to say I wouldn’t move from here though. 
What’s the best thing that ever happened to you? So many things. Cringe but I’m grateful for even the “bad” in my life because I believe the things that happen lead me to where I’m meant to be. 
What do you want people to say about you once you’re gone? There’s nothing in particular. The only opinions I care about are the ones who I focus my attention on whilst I’m alive. I’d just hope for positive things to be said but if anything was negative then those people wouldn’t have mattered to me anyway. 
What’s the coolest thing about science? Literally everything. Science was always one of them subjects that I found fascinating but lost interest in at school. 
What’s the best money you ever spent? Driving lessons (even though it killed me to spend it at the time)
What’s a bad habit you have? Biting my lips, sometimes until they bleed. Used to bite my nails but stopped that recently. Over-planning (good and bad I guess). Many more but can’t think rn. 
What are you grateful for? Everything atm. 
Whom are you envious of? Lily James. She’s so attractive and talented. Obsessed with her since watching Mamma Mia: Here we go again. 
If you had a clone, what would you have the clone do? Photoshoots 😂 recreate so many Mary Kate & Ashley films ...
What’s your idea of Heaven? DOGS
What’s your idea Hell? NO DOGS
When are you most yourself? Around my friends 
What superpower would you most like to have? Teleportation
What is your actual superpower? ngl I’m lowkey psychic sometimes
If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first? A house
What’s the best sound in the world? I feel like I should say waves but whilst I love that noise, thunder is more comforting to me? 
What song do you sing only when you’re alone and what memory does it bring back? The Power of Love - Celine Dion. It was my mum and dad’s wedding song. Doesn’t make me emotional or anything because they aren’t together anymore, but just an awkward song for them to hear I suppose. 
Describe a moment you were so embarrassed you wanted to disappear. I was sick all over myself in front of my college friends. I laugh about it now. 
Which day would you gladly re-live? Probs when I was a kid and I’d have so much fun with my cousins and sister doing silly things like bump down the stairs in sleeping bags and duvets. 
What are you terrible at but love to do anyway? Tennis 😂
What do you wish you’d invented? Some artist’s songs 
What would you like to invent? Smellivison - especially when youtubers try to describe perfumes/candles
Where do you want to be right now? Rome
If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? Ariana. She’s one the most genuine & talented celebrities. I would love to feel what it’s like to perform.
What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said? I’ve said many mean things in my life, I’m only human, I make mistakes, but I will always apologise for it if you’re someone I care about. I have said mean things to people to defend myself or my friends that I felt like was necessary. I don’t see the point in saying mean things for no reason though. Positive vibes.
What’s the meanest thing someone has ever said to you? Don’t really know. I’ve had rumours spread about me before but I don’t really care what people have to say if they’re irrelevant to me tbh. 
What three words would you have on your grave stone? Danielle [blank] Evans
What’s your first thought when you wake up? Depends what I have planned for that day. Usually work so I think about the subjects and students I have for that day. 
If you could tell someone something anonymously, what would it be? I would never tell someone something anonymously. If I cared enough I’d say it as myself.
What type of person angers you the most? People who are so oblivious and unapologetic by their words/actions. 
What is your greatest strength? I’m quite resilient. If something knocks me down I get over it very quickly and move on. 
What is your worst weakness? Give advice/constructive criticism but relay it in a way that seems heartless or give it when it’s unwanted. 
How do you show your love for others? tough love towards them but extremely defensive if someone does something to upset them. 
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