#not really furry but yknoooo kinda?
aperfecta-rt · 3 months
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messy sloppy "Fairies from Little Red" sketches (Little Red is a fanfic I wrote that was so wildly au and distant from any source material that I made it an original story) ramblin oc info below cut
Fairies are small feline bipedal creatures (usually two or two-and-a-half feet tall, tho they can get up to three!) They're similar to the average house cat in appearance but they generally have bigger ears and a "lion's tail". These guys are defo not drawn to scale
up at the top left having a sit is POPPY!! Arguably the main character of Little Red, tho his two older brothers are equally as "main". He's still a lil kid so he scrapes one and a half feet tall- a baby. His fur is all white, and he's missing his left eye and ear from what appears to be a burn scar
middle t-poser is Max (short for Maximum Power- name he picked himself) who is a BIG BEEFY BOY at juuust shy of 3 feet tall. He is very active and works out a lot. He's about as grown up as a 20 year old human would be, but he's still a silly goober that likes to climb trees (usually fails) and annoy his sister. He's got an orange tabby-ish pattern!
rightmost t-poser is Max's adopted sister Jade. I drew her with eyelashes bc I think she'd want me to draw her with eyelashes like that. She's a bit younger than Max and not quite an "adult" but she's pretty average sized- lil over 2 feet tall. She is not average in having long fur tho- most fairies don't. She doesn't like it bc she can't wear tight-fitting clothes or it smushes all her hair down, which is uncomfortable. She's into anime and likes to draw, currently in her emotionally withdrawn teenage phase. She's short-tempered but very kind and caring once she warms up. Her fur is mottled silver with a bit of a tabby pattern- it's very pretty and unique.
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