#not gonna tag as anti quinn because this isn't actually anti about her
backslashdelta ยท 1 year
Oh shit you're asking the hard questions aren't you.
๐Ÿซ: character you think is overrated
You know, there are certainly character I don't really care about as much as a lot of others tend to, but I don't know that I'd call them "overrated" because I see the appeal. Like Quinn, for example; I'm not really a Quinn fan personally, but a lot of people LOVE her, and I can understand why, so I wouldn't call her overrated. Mostly I think some characters are UNDERrated, but alas that's not the question.
Can I say Shelby? I don't think she's generally especially liked but I think we should hate her more tbh LMAO. Oh actually maybe April? I feel like she's pretty well enjoyed but honestly I kinda can't stand her and I don't see the appeal at all (aside from Kristin Chenoweth who I also don't care about... sorry...)
๐ŸŽ€: favourite sectionals
Gotta be ABC/Control/Man in the Mirror. We also get The Troubletones AND Buenos Aires that episode, so what's not to love?
๐Ÿ›ผ: favourite regionals
You know I don't really love any of the regionals setlist actually. If I had to pick it might be Get It Right/Loser Like Me, with a special mention for the Warblers lineup of Stand/Glad You Came.
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