#not enough love for canon eclipse. im here to fix that.
bluerasbunny · 2 months
hey man
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jimblejamblewritings · 4 months
☺️ Yay, I’m glad you like the other two enough to reread.
Honestly a rewrite has always weighed on my mind. This might be the last really long Twilight series unless I get a request that just ends up being a journey. But I wanted to fix so much of what I (and probably everyone else) thinks is wrong with Twilight. So canon is out the window lol. Also I’m changing Bella to Y/N cause people voted but this is still a rewrite so no Bella cause you are them.
Spoiler Alert but here are my ideas (I’m saying Bella for now instead of y/n):
- Edward isn’t so much of a dick in the Twilight book
- Not every boy is in love with Bella, they are actually just friends
- Jacob is actually a real friend and not a plot device. And Bells already knows some of the other Quileute boys she’s just not close with them yet.
- Bella doesn’t just go dress shopping with Jess and Ange to go to the bookstore, she actually wants to support them getting good dresses
- Bella is actually terrified when she realizes Edward is a vampire and gets more freaked out when he says he likes her. At first she’s only dating him because she wants to stay alive but then she starts to fall in love with him
- Rosalie is cool with Bella because Bella doesn’t want to become a vampire. Edward and the others expect her too so Rosalie is a big Bella defender because she wants to keep her human
- No weird interaction between Jacob and Edward at the prom. Jake helps Bella cause that’s his friend, Edward swoops in to finish cause he’s the boyfriend but they aren’t already heated with each other when Jake is still human
Onto New Moon
- It’s not a paper cut that sends Jasper into a frenzy but some bigger blood
- She gets lost in the woods until Sam finds her but she’s not just on the forest floor laying there
- No hallucination Edward!
- Jake visits her during her Great Depression Era and he actually brings her Forks friends and some of the future wolf pack
- when Bella is working on getting out of her depression, they’re all supportive. She gets the motorcycles as a thank you gift for Jake and also because she wants to learn as a distraction
- Jake’s mom dies and that’s what turns him. Laurent and Victoria in the area turns Embry and Seth. While Leah turns from Harry’s death
- wolves don’t cut their hair. It’s not as big a deal in Quileute history from what I researched but the still have long hair and sometimes view it spiritually. I would imagine being literal spirit warriors that are wolves would be one of those occasions so no hair cuts unless in mourning and when the cut their hair the wolf looks sickly cause fur is gone.
- when Bella finally confronts Jake there will be angst/comfort
- she puts two and two together and goes to Emily’s house to bring up the werewolf instead of the altercation with Paul cause why are we slapping people that haven’t actually done or said anything to you?
- imprinting doesn’t happen right away for wolves but usually when their imprint is in danger
- Actually showing that imprinting isn’t just romantic because wtf Stephenie Meyer? Sure the Sam Leah Emily pain fest will still happen but Quil has a girlfriend he very much plans on marrying so Claire being his imprint is very big brother. And one of the others might imprint on a Cullen to also show it isn’t romantic, not sure
- Bella and Jake fall in love. Jake imprints when she says she has to go to Italy. He doesn’t tell her and lets her go
- Volturi thing happens
- Bella is in shambles because she has to become a vampire but doesn’t want to and loves Jacob
- Edward proposes
Eclipse time!
- Bella has been avoiding Jake and he gives his imprint space until he finally has to show up to Forks high school cause of the Victoria Emmett and the wolves scene that happens
- Bella finally tells Jake what’s going on
- this is where Bella is kind of morally grey cause she does have a relationship with Jacob that’s behind everyone’s back at first
- Rosalie is still a Bella defender and basically knocks the sense into Edward and the rest of the family
- The newborn army means the Volturi do show up and because Bella is still human they install a deadline to when they will return which means she has to become a vampire
- They get to keep Bree instead of the baby dying!
- Bella’s Great Depression #2
- It’s understood that she and Edward have to put on a whole act that they are together so when Aro sees his thoughts/memories or other people’s thoughts/memories he only sees a happy couple. Bella gets to actually be with Jake since her thoughts are safe.
- Vampires can definitely have kids it’s just really rare because the body can be so incompatible. I’m thinking that maybe it’s hard for a woman’s body to accommodate the fetus since they are literal diamonds and don’t really grow or move so there is no room. And for men, the venom that mixes with their other fluids changes the properties of them. So sperm is basically destroyed by venom and isn’t potent at all (idk I think this makes more sense than it being venom because shouldn’t Bella have turned if it was pure venom?)
-Rosalie and Emmett have been trying but to no luck sometimes on Rosalie’s end and sometimes on Emmett’s end
Welcome to Breaking Dawn!
- A fake wedding and a real honeymoon
- The Vampire Baby will definitely kill Bella if taken out early and only might kill Bella if delivered. Done. No pro-life vs pro-choice debate.
- Rosalie kinda turns on Jake cause she’s always wanted a baby and now Bella has one and she needs to stay a part of the family
- of course Jake’s absolutely pissed thoughts alert the pack
- I’m gonna keep the rest a surprise
BUT feel free to leave suggestions or ideas you want to see and who you want to be Endgame!
I’m slowly going to answer the asks sitting in my inbox. Sorry I got so behind on that y’all.
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