scottishcommune · 8 months
Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years, accused of being the administrator of counter-information project 325.nostate.net. After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions), oversight by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire 9 days ago. On the morning of 19 September 2023, he was driving to an appointment with his probation officer when he was pulled over and arrested by an armed police unit between the Forest of Dean and Gloucester. He was taken to HMP Bristol. He is awaiting more detailed information, but his legal team say that the allegations are that he breached two of his license conditions: being in possession of an [unauthorised] phone and attending a meeting in Bristol in August. Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and books. ■ Please write to him at: Toby Shone A7645EP HMP Bristol 19 Cambridge Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8PS
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thefree-online · 9 months
Toby Shone - Recalled To Prison
From Organise Magazine Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator of counter-information project 325.nostate.net. After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence…Toby Shone – Recalled To Prison
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post-leffert · 3 years
Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information
On 29.03.21 the Dutch police raided the data center that holds the nostate.net server, seizing the server itself as part of a criminal investigation into ‘terrorism’. Nostate.net is a collective that provided a platform for international movement websites from prisoner solidarity groups, multiple campaign collectives, anti-summit pages and international counter-information. Significant sites that used nostate.net as a platform that have been targeted by this repressive attack by the Dutch police are Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now! (now re-activated on noblogs.org https://actforfree.noblogs.org/) and 325.
We as a collective are aware that this was not just an attack by the Dutch police, but was done in coordination with the Counter Terrorism Unit of the United Kingdom in connection with their recent repressive attacks upon the anarchist circles in this country. Not only have they been threatening ourselves, but recently threatened nostate.net unless they shut down our site. Along with this they demanded information be given to them of the identity of anyone involved in 325. The extent that the authorities will go to attack us and anyone they suspect of aiding us is of no surprise to us, the examples through history of state forces repressing anyone who dares to stand and fight them are numerous.
This repressive attack should be seen as an attack upon all counter-information, on anarchist circles internationally. Under the present ongoing environment of Covid-19 and the repressive actions of states around the world, it is no surprise to us that they work together on an international level, the recent repression against anarchist comrade Gabriel Pomba da Silva, with co-operation between Spanish, Italian and Portuguese states, is a more than obvious recent example.
Our minds cast back to the repression of Indymedia in Germany and Greece, as well as not so long ago the imprisonment of comrades involved in Culmine, ParoleArmata and Croce Nera Anarchica in Italy. Through time the anarchist movement internationally has had its modes of communicating to the people attacked with countless anarchist publications having their premises raided, comrades arrested and even publications being censored, even destroyed, such as in the not too distant past with Alfredo M. Bonnano’s ‘Armed Joy’ in Italy, even Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’s ‘The Sun Still Rises’ in Greece.
It is also no coincidence that this repressive attack occurs now after our recent publication of ‘325 #12 – Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’. This publication that we feel hits to the core of what the states and capitalism are pushing forward, before and even more so now, under the cover of the Covid-19 pandemic, is a direct threat to their plans of subjugation, of robotosizing and automizing everything. Their attack has momentarily affected our distribution of the publication both online and physically, but it has inevitably failed. The technocrats that want to shape our world into one heaving technological militarized prison society are being exposed, not only by ourselves but by the already growing attacks internationally upon their infrastructure. This is what they fear, that this can grow and this is why they have come after us. From what we know, the police who are trying to hunt us down, they are relying upon tactics from their old repressive book of tricks, attempting to get others to snitch and shutting down counter-information. Ever since their ‘Operation Rhone’ aimed at attacking the anarchist circles in Bristol, they had only caught one person involved in an attack, but not anyone involved in the Informal Anarchist Federation or the other countless anarchist attacks.
Clearly they have not repressed any fire of rebellion as the riot, attack on the police station and burning of cop cars last month shows.
It has been silent for too long on this island of conformity, while the world outside starts to burn again, those embers are still glowing and we feel their warmth. More than ever there is an absolute need for co-ordination internationally between comrades, to attack directly this stinking corpse that attempts to resurrect itself, to further imprison us. Counter-information is an integral part of this international co-ordination, to allow those who want to act for freedom in this world to see the signals of complicity in every language possible, to speak the one language of insurrection and anarchy. There must be a re-energization of the international counter-information network, to once again become a threat internationally, after the repressive reaction that seeks to isolate anarchists from each other, not just around the world but even locally. The 325 Collective continue to move upon this path we already tred, even now we continue with our publication projects including a new re-print of ‘325 #12’, a new expanded issue of ‘Dark Nights’ and further projects for the future internationally. They will not silence or stop us and we will have our revenge!
About the website, we do not know yet whether it will return, it is very clear to us that if it is resurrected as ‘325’ anywhere else online, that the authorities will immediately target it once again. This also means that we could put at risk any provider in the future, as well as put other counter-information and movement projects at risk of being shut down as happened with the recent repressive attack. Who knows where all this will take us? What we do know is that we are far from backing down, not one step back, in the face of the enemy. Maybe it might be best to revert to the traditional printed word, to see peoples faces, to speak words, to conspire. We will not say never to the site returning, neither to it re-manifesting itself as a new project, only time will tell.
For now, our absolute solidarity with the comrades of nostate.net & Act For Freedom Now! Along with all the other counter-info projects affected.
325 Collective
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evscabuwazi · 4 years
It’s called Butterfly paint. You draw it with your cursor and then it starts moving around. A really cool and “useless” web aplication- just for your own amusement, still it needs some creativity and focus. Thank for this, dearest Martina! Try it out. :) Buy the way, talking about Martina...this is her with Carla. The Latin sisters by coincidence dressed up very similar, but you might already noticed that. I think I took this at one of my last visits to my dearest friends from the “Morustrasse department”  before I started taking seriously the quarantine.
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About Solidarity, I reminded myself, after our coordinators also reminded us several times, it’s time to do act somehow in this way. So, I took my pencils and made this table below. The idea of doing this was shared with us previously.  Then I had an interesting inside story, I want to share with you: No one filled it out since two days, BUT the day after I put it out in the hallway of my house, an older woman I know from long time ago contacted me from Budapest- if I could help her buying some groceries. :) Can you sense? After talking to her and seeing my sign again, I had a moment of lucidity when I understood the humor of the universe- I announced my offering of help in Berlin, and I got a request, as a response to it from Budapest. I think it’s like karma- something you do to someone won’t come back from the same person, but it will from another one. In my case I think the same mechanism worked, trough different spaces. Eventually I managed to help her even from far, giving her the information about where she can get help in her environment. I was really amused by this process. 
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Anyway. Just another fun fact. I bought one normal sized cabbage, and this is how many kind of food we prepared from it:  There is still left in the fridge and also in the freezer, we just couldn’t handle it...
So, if you want to buy a cabbage, think for a week or try to live in a bigger WG then me.
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And the last but not least thing I want to share is my answer to this: 
We got it as homework to answer the question of this text: What world do you want to build for yourself? I will answer it even if I am a bit skeptic about the validity of the source- it doasn’t really matter, since the content is positive.
My answer to this is, that I would like to build a world that I am building already: one with strong attention to myselv and to the people around me, where I can live in my own rhythm, planing from one day to another with short term but important goals- which make me and the community I live in stronger and more beautiful, wiser and more fun...using my time to things I value most, like connecting with people who I love...trying to give, to pass something useful or joyful for people who need it and being creative about that, since my tools are different now from the ones I had one month ago...developing myself in order to be more positive- to strengh my immunity and to have power for solidarity...to make movement every day, to ask my body and discover what it needs and to give it...to grow plants, to cook, to meditate, to do mindfullnes and therapy more deeper then before, since I don’t need to rush anywhere...to look around me and to look inside of me, to enjoy and respect nature, to think, to read, to draw, to write, to do pictures, to dance, to learn, to share... and the list is progressively forming itself in the future. 
How are you REbuilding the world?
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emi1966 · 5 years
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mike-gilli · 3 years
Bristol: El cántico se eleva en el aire.. "¡Burn Baby Burn!" Esp/ Eng
Bristol: El cántico se eleva en el aire.. “¡Burn Baby Burn!” Esp/ Eng
¡Algunos anarquistas, jóvenes, viajeros, desconocidos, LOS EXCLUIDOS!fuente: 325.. https://325.nostate.net/2021/03/22/bristol-burn-baby-burn/ 22 de marzo de 2021 ver tambén: Did POLICE turn Bristol ‘Kill the Bill’ protest into a riot?’ + ‘..UK: War Against The Police’.. videos El cántico se eleva en el aire a medida que las llamas de la furgoneta de la policía se elevan más y más, quemando una…
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Global Insurrection
via: 325.nostate.net
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Statement from Walter Bond recorded by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office on 11/15/17
(Audio Message)
“Since my arrival in Greenville two-and-a-half years ago, my communications with the world have been made incredibly difficult and at times impossible. I have been repeatedly denied books, magazines, letters and pictures. It’s standard operating procedure that my mail – be it my email or snail mail — is habitually days, weeks and even months late. It is not at all uncommon for my mail, both incoming and outgoing, to simply never arrive.”
“I’ve been…. I’ve even been denied copies of my own book, “Always Looking Forward,” which I wrote in prison and is approved for me to have. “
“It has also become impossible for me to adhere to my Vegan diet, because none of the so-called “meat options” offered at Greenville, Illinois are even close to Vegan. Because of this, I have been forced at great cost to my friends, family and supporters to pay outrageously for foods from the commissary that continue to be an inadequate version….”
“I have tried now for over a year to obtain a transfer from FCI Greenville, Illinois closer to New York City where I intend to live upon my release, but I have been denied this as well through petty and irrelevant disciplinary reports.”
“Despite all of this, I have maintained years of patience, quietly awaiting my freedom. But, my cooperation has got me nothing.” “So in the tradition of A.L.F. activists before me, such as Barry Horne, I am going on hunger strike. I will not eat anything and will starve until these issues are remedied.”
“I’m asking everybody in the Animal Rights and Anarchist communities to stand with me with your protests and actions of solidarity.”
“You can reach the institution concerning my health and my well-being at area code 618 664 62 00.” Via https://325.nostate.net/2017/11/16/hunger-strike-statement-from-walter-bond-recorded-by-the-north-american-animal-liberation-press-office-usa/
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anarchistnewsdaily · 7 years
* Please send letters and cards with solidarity messages to: Samantha Faulder A1209CF, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN * Please donate to her support fund: http://freedomforsam.org/donate/ [3] * Organise actions and dedicate them to Sam, this will mean the world to her! * Pay attention to the website for action alerts about her treatment * Share her story online
For more info please email [email protected]
See the graphic here: https://bristolabc.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/support-sam.jpg
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post-leffert · 3 years
Communiqué du collectif 325, à propos de l’attaque répressive contre la contre-information internationale
Le 29 mars 2021, la police néerlandaise a fait une descente dans le data center qui héberge le serveur nostate.net et a carrément saisit le serveur, dans le cadre d’une enquête criminelle pour « terrorisme ». Nostate.net est un collectif qui fournissait une plateforme pour des sites web subversifs, au niveau international, comme des groupes de solidarité avec les prisonnier.e.s, des collectifs de différentes campagnes, des sites liés à des contre-sommets et des sites de contre-information internationale. Parmi les sites remarquables qui utilisaient nostate.net comme plateforme et qui ont été visés par cette attaque répressive de la police néerlandaise on trouve Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now ! (maintenant réactivé sur noblogs.org, à l’adresse https://actforfree.noblogs.org/) et 325. En tant que collectif, nous sommes conscient.e.s qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement d’une attaque de la police néerlandaise, mais que cela a été fait en collaboration avec la Counter Terrorism Unit du Royaume-Uni, en rapport avec leurs récentes attaques répressives à l’encontre des milieux anarchistes de ce pays. Non seulement ils nous ont menacé.e.s, mais, récemment, ils avaient menacé nostate.net, en leur demandant de fermer notre site. En plus de ça, ils ont demandé à l’hébergeur de leur donner des informations sur l’identité de toute personne impliquée dans le projet 325. Le niveau de l’attaque portée par les autorités contre nous-mêmes et contre toutes les personnes qu’ils suspectent de nous aider, ne nous surprend pas ; nombreux sont les exemples, à travers l’histoire, de répression, de la part des forces de l’État, de toute personne qui ose se mettre débout et les combattre.
Cette attaque répressive doit être considérée comme une attaque contre tout projet de contre-information, contre les milieux anarchistes au niveau international. Dans la situation actuelle de pandémie de Covid-19 et d’actions répressives de la part des États du monde entier, cela ne nous surprend pas qu’ils travaillent ensemble, au delà des frontières ; la récente répression subie par le compagnon anarchiste Gabriel Pomba Da Silva, avec la coopération entre les États espagnol, italien et portugais, est un exemple récent plus qu’évident. Nous pensons encore à la répression contre Indymedia, en Allemagne et en Grèce, ainsi qu’à l’emprisonnement, il n’y a pas si longtemps, des compas impliqué.e.s dans Culmine, ParoleArmate et Croce Nera Anarchica, en Italie. Au fil du temps, le mouvement anarchiste a vu, au niveau international, ses moyens de communication pris pour cible, avec d’innombrables publications anarchistes qui ont vu leurs locaux perquisitionnés, des compas arrêté.e.s et même des publications censurées, voire détruites, comme cela a été le cas, dans un passé pas si lointain, avec « La joie armée » d’Alfredo M. Bonnano, en Italie, et même « Le soleil se lève encore » de la Conspiration des Cellules de Feu, en Grèce.
Ce n’est pas non plus une coïncidence si cette attaque répressive arrive maintenant, après la récente publication du numéro 12 de 325 [la revue sur papier, que l’on peu télécharger ici ; NdAtt.], nommé « Contre la Quatrième et la Cinquième Révolution Industrielle ». Cette publication qui, à notre avis, touche au cœur de ce que les États et le capitalisme sont en train de mettre en avant, déjà auparavant et encore plus maintenant, avec l’excuse de la pandémie de Covid-19, est une menace directe pour leurs plans d’asservissement, de robotisation et d’automatisation généralisés. Leur attaque a momentanément affecté la distribution de notre publication, à la fois en ligne et physiquement, mais elle a inévitablement échoué. Les technocrates qui veulent façonner notre monde en une société carcérale militarisée et technologique sont dévoilés, non seulement par nous-mêmes, mais aussi par les toujours plus nombreuses attaques qui visent leur infrastructures, au niveau international. Voilà ce qu’ils craignent, que cela puisse se développer, et c’est pourquoi ils s’en prennent à nous. D’après ce que nous savons, les flics qui essayent de nous traquer s’appuient sur des tactiques issues de leur vieux livre de ruses, en essayant de pousser les autres à moucharder et en éteignant la contre-information. Depuis leur « Opération Rhône », qui voulait réprimer les milieux anarchistes de Bristol, ils n’ont attrapé qu’une seule personne impliquée dans une attaque, mais personne qui soit impliqué.e dans la Fédération Anarchiste Informelle ou dans les innombrables autres attaques anarchistes. Il est clair qu’ils n’ont étouffé aucun foyer de rébellion, comme le montrent l’émeute, l’attaque du poste de police et l’incendie de voitures des flics, le mois dernier.
Cela fait trop longtemps que le silence dure, sur cette île de conformité, pendant que le monde dehors recommence à brûler ; ces braises brillent encore et nous en ressentons la chaleur. Plus que jamais, il y a un besoin absolu de coordination internationale entre compas, pour attaquer directement ce cadavre puant qui tente de se relever pour nous emprisonner davantage. La contre-information fait partie intégrante de cette coordination internationale, de façon que celles/ceux qui veulent agir pour la liberté dans ce monde puissent voir des signaux de complicité dans toutes les langues possibles, pour parler le langage unique de l’insurrection et de l’anarchie. Il nous faut une redynamisation du réseau international de contre-information, pour redevenir une fois de plus une menace internationale, après la réaction répressive qui essaie d’isoler les anarchistes les un.e.s des autres, non seulement à travers le monde, mais aussi au niveau local. Le collectif 325 continue à avancer sur ce chemin que nous avons déjà parcouru ; même en ce moment, nous continuons avec nos projets de publication, y compris une nouvelle réimpression du douzième numéro de la revue 325, un nouveau numéro, augmenté, de « Dark Nights » et d’autres projets futurs, au niveau international. Ils ne nous feront pas taire, ils ne nous arrêteront pas et nous aurons notre revanche !
Par rapport au site web, nous ne savons pas encore s’il reviendra ; il est très clair pour nous que s’il est ressuscité sous le nom de « 325 », n’importe où ailleurs en ligne, les autorités le prendront immédiatement pour cible, une fois de plus. Cela signifie aussi que, à l’avenir, nous pourrions mettre en danger tout hébergeur, et mettre en danger de fermeture d’autres projets de contre-information et de mouvement, comme cela s’est produit avec la récente attaque répressive. Qui sait où tout cela va nous mener ? Ce que nous savons, c’est que nous sommes loin de laisser tomber : pas un pas en arrière, face à l’ennemi. Peut-être serait-il mieux de revenir à la traditionnelle presse imprimée, de voir les visages des gens, de parler, de conspirer. Nous ne disons pas que le site ne reviendra jamais, ni qu’il ne se manifestera pas sous la forme d’un nouveau projet, seul le temps nous le dira.
Pour l’instant, nous envoyons notre solidarité absolue aux compas de nostate.net et d’Act For Freedom Now ! ainsi qu’à tous les autres projets de contre-information affectés par cette opération.
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leftpress · 7 years
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emi1966 · 5 years
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fromgreecetoanarchy · 7 years
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