himejoshikomaeda · 10 months
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commission for @nonoriri-ko of his grimoire of the heart characters!!
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shin-hero-buster · 11 months
Nonoriri is there it's Nono that isn't because Diebuster wasn't made yet from the style of the drawing and the fact that Guren Lagann is also missing which came after Diebuster.
dont you make sense at me
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shsl-box-split · 2 years
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Due to orders closing, this split is closed
Price per badge: 8 USD + shipping
Set 1
PRA Key Chain Set
Key Chain Set
Stand Set
NOTICE: This is a preorder, these do not release till January!
Bold = Confirmed
Italics = Tentative
Byakuya Togami:
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Toko Fukawa: @nonoriri-ko
Celestia Ludenberg:
Aoi Asahina: @gracekraft
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: @aster-nightingale
Sakura Ogami: @gracekraft
Mukuro Ikusaba:
Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions/want to reserve a spot.
No money will be taken till 6 badges are confirmed to be bought!
I will make pricing deals for anyone who purchases more than one!
Trading is also available! Contact me for more info
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astronomiaa · 2 years
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amazonmandy · 7 years
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Throwback Thursday to me and @giovannagram being L'arc and Nono idiots! I LOVE Diebuster so much, it's so full of heart and spirit. All of the feels. #tbt #diebuster #diebustercosplay #gunbuster #gunbustercosplay #nono #nonoriri #larc #nonocosplay #cosplay
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sagezu · 7 years
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tsuisou-no-despair · 3 years
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Got a @scruffyturtles Battler to go with the Beatrice I got a little while back. (You're welcome, @nonoriri-ko)
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nonoriri-ko · 3 years
URL Change Time
oopsalldemons >>>> nonoriri-ko
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twitter   名前・通称(補足) @rhythmsift  リズムシフト・水津拓海(カメラマン) @umelabo   梅ラボ・梅沢和木・薄味 (三馬鹿、カオス) @lie_     藤城嘘・ふわふわ・堕胎パンチ(三馬鹿、カオス) @kaichoo   黒瀬陽平・白瀬(三馬鹿、カオス) @tetsuomi t  助田徹臣・OSSAN(ドワンゴ、黒瀬補佐、カオス) @asaco4    浅子佳英(コンテクチュアズ、カオス) @chirin_tokoro  一輪社(カオス) @ARiKEMZ   ARiKEN(カオス) @Datsuo  だつお(カオス) @Kotohatoko 琴葉とこ(メンヘラ) @Mitsugo   みつご(カオス) @chikuwaemil  ちくわエミル(カオス) @ame_nnnn   山口雨(カオス) @shiryou_sugawa  死霊のすがわら(カオス)        にに・nini、愛ちゃん(カオス) @a_to_z    あずまあや(カオス、アイホン参加、謝罪文を出す) @vu_vu_vu   リリカルロリカル(カオス) @doom_k    ねぎ姉さん・小林銅蟲(脱退済み) @para_fall  落下傘・にったあきひろ(脱退済み) @chlomagears  スズキジュンヤ・誰こいつ(ミキリハッシン)         ハトラ・長見佳祐(ミキリハッシン) @yuiseki    青葉唯石(破滅荒川) @itoyanagi(@itkz) 糸柳和法・ライオン丸(破滅、荒川震災デマツイート) @takano32   高野光弘(破滅荒川、聖書燃やす、GREE社員) @niryuu    田島逸郎・二流・ジョンレノン(破滅荒川、ジョンレノン) @ssig33[    小池陸(破滅荒川、おい小池) @ykic     四日市(破滅荒川、ドワンゴ) @esehara    エセハラ・似非原重雄(破滅荒川) @hagino3001  萩野光男(破滅荒川、偽札画像隠蔽) @sensualempire   仲山ひふみ(破滅荒川) @unayomo    おもさな。(脱退済み) @sortiee    コイソ・コイワイソウイチ(破滅荒川) @patersan パターサン(破滅、偽札容疑者?) @VoQn 暴君(破滅荒川、ドワンゴ) @yuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 山本悠(破滅荒川) @jns Jonathan.S.Angstmann(破滅荒川) @Pha  pha(破滅荒川、ギークハウス主催) @Inu  三好史・いぬ(?) @sskhybird スケブリ・杉山峻輔・VIDEO BOY(maltin、faifai偽札) @junkMA    ?(?)                @ymrl 小河史弘・やまある 尾田信介(カメラマン) @mochilon 三毛猫ホームレス・もちろん・柿本論理(maltin、faifai偽札) @kusigahama 櫛ヶ浜やぎ(?) @ssct     ?(?)       @hanpenx  hanpen(?) @y_com  病こま(脱退済み?)      ザッピさん(相関図より)      ふじのぶゆき(相関図より) @hyakutou  百頭たけし(相関図より)       西田陽美(相関図より、美人ですよね)       まつしま(相関図より、CASHI,SKDアートスに乾杯(チンッ) @borurururururu ぼるたん・ボルタネクスト5(相関図より) @_bxjp  ばるぼら(相関図より)      やまもも・山本(相関図より)     アルテ(相関図より) @theoria ておりあ・Theoria(?) @tw_tsuno  角田博英(カオスサンライン発注、広告代理店勤務) @gima0721z  ぎまちゃん・加藤(パントマイム勤務、カオスと仕事上の付き合いもある) @machicolony  ?(荒川) @retlet  たこ(荒川) @nyaho7  石井七歩(荒川、1ファン?参加者ではない) @platoronical  ?(荒川) @oquno  奥野研(荒川) @uzzu  uzzu・himeatball(荒川) @ugdark  ダークさん(荒川、松戸に参加?) @tks  TAKASU Masakazu(荒川) @nonoriri  おかのうえ(荒川) @SohTaniguchi 谷口創(荒川) @Marqmew  アリサ・コーポ北加賀屋(荒川) @tacke  tacke(荒川) @aki_55p  あき(荒川) @no305  NO.305(違法?Tシャツ屋) @icoqy  タコ(西田さん?)
” - (via rikukoike)
0 notes
knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Gainax Retrospective Review 4: DieBuster, the return of an old friend.
Sequels are a...mixed bag. Some are good, some are bad, some are great and some are just awful. This is for a variety of reasons ranging from poor scripts to bad acting to just not caring. However, one overarching aspect separates the bad from the good: the spirit of the original. SO long as a sequel has the spirit of the original it has a good shot at being a good sequel. This is because at essence a sequel is simply the original work extended. It’s the same show just a little different. And Diebuster does a good job at this. Sadly, it’s only a good job, not a great one.
Made in 2004 as the twenty fifth anniversary special of Studio Gainax, Diebuster follows the adventures of Nono, an eternally optimistic android girl who looks up to a legendary hero and wishes to be a space pilot to fend off the scourge of the space monsters. As she tries to be a space pilot, Nono meets a true space pilot named Lal’c who, in turn, is calm, cool and kind of indifferent in opposition to Nono. Together along with the cold hearted rival Tyrcho and the charming Nicola, they fight against the Space monsters. While the story is short it does have it’s fair share of twists going from our hero Nono ending up being a Buster Machine (heavily implied to have powers that exceed even the original: GunBuster), the things they thought were space monsters actually being protectors of humanity that were assaulting certain members of the human race because they were evolving into the real space monsters and the person that Nono worshiped “Nonoriri” is actually Noriko from the original. SO the plot is a bit more complex and ingaging than before...if it was able to match the energy and focus of the original. GunBuster, while having a mostly straight forward plot, kept a great focus on the story that made it’s short length work as well as it did and had a lot of vibrancy to company it. Diebuster’s focus skips around a bit and the energy at times feels lacking in comparison. In short: The age of the story really shows as it feels like an old person trying to reenact an old event: Impressive but as good as the original.
The themes of the show are...hard to pin down. Again, GunBuster’s focus made this easier as it kept on three themes constantly while Diebuster’s themes jump all over the place. Diebuster has a theme about growing up using the Topless as a metaphor as when a Topless reaches a certain age they lose their power and adults often treat them with contempt...But Topless often curse their abilities and some people have become messed up by it so it’s hard to say if the show is saying if growing up is good or bad. I guess it could be saying that Growing up is hard but necessary but the Topless are depicted as needing that power is it still doesn’t make sense.
The next theme has a bit more focus. This is the theme of character interactions in the story and how the events change them, There is a lot of focus here as throughout the story we focus on the many ways the people interact with each other and how they change one another, similar to Evangelion and FLCL. Except whereas Evangelion only focused on the negative and FLCL focused on the positive, Diebuster tries to take a look at both sides with a slightly optimistic viewing similar to GunBuster’s, it even has a similar talk in it in whether or not humans should try to survive and risk evolving into space monsters (which in of itself could be an observation on how a war slowly turns you into your enemy) or if they should just die with letting people in the future decide whether or not their monsters. Again, the show doesn’t have the focus needed to completely convey this but it does do a better job.
There is also a third theme of achieving impossible stunts through the good ol’ motto of “Hard Work and Guts.” It comes up a couple of times and is used for some spectacular feats and really gets you engaged but I’m talking about it here because...well, there’s another anime that take this concept and busts right through it next time so I’m gonna conserve my thoughts there.
Now let’s take a look at the characters for this round. First person we’re taking a look at is the main character Nono. Nono is an energetic, cheerful girl who wants nothing more than to pilot a Buster Machine just like her hero who is later revealed to be Noriko from GunBuster. Ironically, Noriko and Nono are pretty much complete opposites as characters. Noriko was shy, nervous and not very self confident whereas Nono is energetic, not shy in the slightest and is full of confidence (excluding when it comes to her surrogate sister.) Noriko’s problem came from her potential never being tapped into ,due to her mental failings, Nono’s problem is that she never gets the chance to show her potential. So this makes DieBuster develop in a much different way. Nono, while silly at times, displays immense amounts of seriousness when the situation calls for it and takes her job as a protector of humanity very seriously. She works very well as a contrast to Noriko and they would have made some very interesting interactions with Noriko had they ever met. In contrast, she’s like a happier version of Simon who just never got her chance until everything changed for her and she has some sibling problems like Naota but these are more her fault than the siblings. Another flaw of hers is her inability to read people thus causing her to hurt some people but then this is balanced out by her surprising ability to inspire others through her simple and pure spirit. All in all, a fun character with a quite a few quirks that make her endearing. However, she lacks the conflict of her predecessor that made her so compelling.
The second character under our scope is Lal’C. She is an ace space pilot and a Topless, a person with special powers that allow them to defy pjysics through mechas...And it’s not Spiral Power. Cool, great under pressure and acts as a reluctant mentor to Nono, Lal’C is the Kazumi of DieBuster who acts as a great compare AND contrast to Kazumi: the contrast comes from the fact that while Lal’c acts as the Kazumi of this show she’s actually not that sensitive or kind as Kazumi: She’s blunt, rude, cold as hell and can be pretty damn rash. She does have a kinder side that Nono brings out that is the result of Nono’s positivity that we see but most of the time she’s just rude.The comparison comes from the fact that she’s honestly trying to help Nono the best she can, worries greatly about her and is very close to her. She does her best to help Nono achieve her goals and acts as her superior for a good chunk of the anime until Nono is revealed to be the seventh Buster Machine and the tables turn with Lal’C being forced to rely upon her student. However, what makes Lal’C even better than Kazumi is that the relationship brings out a lot of character development from her while Kazumi for the most part didn’t get too much from Noriko in terms of story. The pilot goes from being a powerful but cold, distant, rude and kind of pessimistic girl to someone who keeps fighting and fighting despite the odds with lots and lots of loyalty to Nono. All in all, out of the three successors to Kazumi I’ve seen, Lal’c is definitely the best one.
Third up is Tynco, the Jun Freud of our little sequel. Another Topless that is constantly trying to surpass Lal’C, displaying a great amount of disdain with her fellow Topless and is a complete cynic when it5 comes to their powers, believing only in cold hard cynicism. But we latter see that this is due to the fact that she was unable to help her dear childhood friend who died despite all her powers as a Topless, thus leading her to who she is today. But through Nono’s constant exposure and her dedication and optimism she regains that hope  in her powers and becomes a much softer and kinder person. While this is all well and fine, she is simultaneously both a weaker and stronger Jung Freud parallel. Stronger because the anime takes time to develop her and have her change feel more in depth and natural but weaker because that test of character Jung went through never really happens to Tynco and what test of character she does have feels...out of place. She’s a nice character and everything but she just feels too out of place and...bricky.
Finally we handle Nicola who is the reflection of Coach Ohta at first. He’s handsome, smart, wise, older, been in the battle far longer than most of the characters ect. He flirts a lot with Lal’C which does lead to some interesting scenes with him and Lal’C and he does do some work to try and find out what is going on, Nicola is juts not that good of a character. In fact, he’s rather bland and uninteresting beyond the flirtiness of his character. He doesn’t hold Coach Ohta’s firmness yet understanding, his love for humanity, his ability to see the inner depths of characters or even his presence. He isn’t as morally ambiguous, intelligent, manipulative or complex as Gendo. he’s not as wacky, intelligent, funny or entertaining as Kazumo making Nicola the weakest incarnation of the Coach character. Not to mention he tries to rape Nono at one point so...I think we should move on.
The sound of the anime is still very good. It’s opening song Blue Magic is uplifting and smile inducing benefiting the less serious DieBuster and it’s protagonist although it is a pop song so you might not think that it is all that great. The rest of the music uses the good ol orchestra to convey the feelings of the scenes which it does a great job at doing, especially the part with Tynco getting back into action. It also uses a few pieces from GunBuster which are utilized excellently. The voice acting is pretty good as Nono and Lal’C have teh perfect voices to match their characters but this show is only in Japanese so I can’t make a full judgement.
The animation and art have taken quite the leap from before. Even though FLCL was very well animated top where even it’s messier scenes befit the wild atmosphere of the show, DieBuster seem to take bits and pieces from every Gainax show before with the large expressive eyes and colorfulness of the original GunBuster, the more realistic bodies and faces of NGE and the wild energy and glowing effects of FLCL, marking it as an evolution in the art styles. The mechas are heavily personalized and stand out which makes them a joy to watch in battle and the enviroment5s are very well made in that they always capture the scene and it’s tone like Nono’s leaving in the dark and cold signifying a tough road ahead. The animation is very well done, the fights scenes are fluid and a treat to watch, the wacky moments are wild and uninhibited and the casual, more heartfelt scenes are subtle and beautiful.
All in all, DieBuster is a good show whose greatest flaw is that it lacks the focus of the original GunBuster. It works as a 25 year anniversary show in that it contains a lot of references and gags to GunBuster if not a few to FLCL but it doesn’t work as well on it’s own. DieBuster is fun to watch and entertainingt but it lacks the depth that the original had and makes mistakes that the original didn’t. In the end, it feels like the old girl tried to pull off the magic that happened before but all those years worn on her and she could only perform a valiant effort. Although the animation and art as well as sound were great, the other aspects didn’t hold up.
So at the time it seemed like Gainax had hit something of a wall: What could they do next when even the sequel to their greatest anime so far didn’t work? It looked as though their first shot was going to be their last, especially as Hideaki Anno took a good chunk of the people at Gainax to found Studio Khara. But little did anyone know, their greatest work was about to happen a mere three years later. A show that held the heart of GunBuster, the intelligence of NGE, the energy of FLCL and the style of DieBuster while pushing the limits of everything before it and beyond.
Ladies and Gentlemen, ten years ago, that very anime was aired. And it is the aniem I have been building up to. The Magnum Opus of Studio Gainax and the subject of our final review: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!
Prolouge GunBuster Review NGE Review FLCL Review
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pinkprogram · 7 years
Amunculi Classifications:
Homunculi Classifications:
Wakeman *
Nonoriri *
 *Top two classifications are currently unattainable.  Imaginos is currently the highest possible homunculus type.   
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aquoswolf · 6 years
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Well, i guess Diebuster was better than I thought if it motivated me to do this ;D
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breezesummerr · 6 years
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Zero Two reminds me a lot of Nono from Diebuster
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ostolero · 8 years
@nonoriri replied to your post “@jilato replied to your post “what happened to vriska and aradia and...”
he faded into the background and escaped homestuck, the real winner
off the grid
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billietheraptor · 8 years
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13oy · 8 years
honestly i wish usagi and seiya got together
from what i’ve seen, me too
and apparently seiya is haruka and mamoru squished into one??? seems perfect to me tbh
@ usagi just marry seiya
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