#non binary people exist wich is scary to most people LMAO go cry about it
boltun-tkn · 6 months
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if you have nothing interesting to talk about you just try to appeal to transphobes and they're having arguments in the comments w people who arent, you can use google, go to the tekken wiki for fucks sake, the highlighted term "ambiguous" has NINE SOURCES IN IT, ive seen other youtubers do this annoying shit as well, you have no excuse to make stupid posts like this except for getting people to comment on your shit so you get attention lmao, it has been established from the start in 2009, its in the tekken 6 artbook, you cant go "oh oops i didnt know or couldnt find LOL"
anyways steal this and send it to anyone who keeps asking this stupid ass question im so fucking tired
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