#noh ✰ musings
apcomplexhq · 8 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Noh Hyojung. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Kim Lip - ARTMS. ✦ Data de nascimento: 06/04/1999. ✦ Idade: 24 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do sul, sul-coreana. ✦ Qualidades: Criativa, honesta e persistente. ✦ Defeitos: Apática, ansiosa e intolerante. ✦ Moradia: Elysian Fields. ✦ Ocupação: Body piercer no MUSE9 e Estudante de Medicina. ✦ Twitter: @EF99NH ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Hyojung é a típica vizinha de cara fechada, mas que esconde gentileza. O silêncio é o seu melhor companheiro, mas ela nunca nega uma boa farra.
O dinheiro pode comprar tudo. Ou quase tudo, se formos falar sobre a vida de Noh Hyojung. Dinheiro te dá uma boa vida, te oferece luxo e conforto, proporciona viagens interessantes, mas não compra dom ou vocação. E aparentemente era isso que os pais de Hyojung não entendiam.
A filha caçula dos Noh deveria - obrigatoriamente - seguir a carreira dos pais, sim, os dois eram médicos renomados e o negócio da família era esse: estudar muito para se tornar um médico excelente e de renome no futuro. Foi assim com seu irmão mais velho, mas que, diferente da mãe que era dermatologista e o pai cardiologista, ele seguiu a clínica geral como profissão. Um motivo grande para encher os olhos de qualquer pai e mãe, o rapaz dava tanto orgulho que não se falava de outra coisa na família.
Acontece que Hyojung sempre foi diferente, desde muito pequena. Era mais reclusa, considerada como rebelde por sua mãe quando se recusava a colocar lacinhos no cabelo ou penteá-los. Ela gostava de brincar descalça, de correr pelo enorme casarão, de criar histórias em sua cabeça infantil e de pintar. Pintar era a melhor parte da vida da pequena Noh, que sempre vinha com olhos pidões em busca de papel, tintas, canetinhas e lápis de cor. A contragosto dos pais porque ela sempre acabava se sujando, mas Hyojung não se importava porque fazia o que gostava; passava horas a fio desenhando, criando imagens muitas vezes sem sentido que rendiam histórias ainda mais mirabolantes.
A fase rebelde vem para todos e com ela não foi diferente, mas no seu pensamento, não era nada demais. Que mal havia em ser uma aluna mediana e que demonstrava interesse pelas atividades que envolviam artes e não os campeonatos que valiam nota? Seu irmão era o melhor nos esportes, o melhor nas notas e em tudo. Hyojung vivia na média, pois estava em seu mundinho, sempre com um sketchbook em mãos. Aos poucos ela se tornou reclusa, apática e distante da família. A pressão foi tão grande que ela não suportou e a grande briga veio quando chegou a vez da filha caçula ir para a faculdade. Estava inscrita no curso de medicina na melhor universidade do país, com todos os materiais que a permitiriam expandir seus estudos - afinal de contas, seus pais guardavam tudo e ela teria acesso aos melhores livros.
Contra sua vontade, permanece na universidade com o pensamento de se formar e fim. Um diploma vale mais do que o próprio dinheiro para seus pais, então Hyojung acredita que sua liberdade está a um passo de ser conquistada. Não se viu em nenhuma das áreas até então, se esforça para manter a média e pronto, para seus pais, o importante é ela estar estudando. No processo, a filha caçula pediu para morar sozinha e seu pedido foi concedido, atualmente mora em um complexo incrível, porque seus pais tinham um apartamento lá e como o local não estava sendo usado por ninguém, Hyojung enxergou ali a oportunidade perfeita para se sentir livre daquelas amarras que lhe apertavam tanto. Além disso, arrumou um emprego que lhe permitia expandir sua renda - ainda que menos do que sua mesada mensal - para usar como bem entendesse. Seus conhecimentos médicos foram suficientes para se sair como uma ótima body piercer, algo que ela gostava de fazer e lhe dava prazer por ter sido uma escolha sua.
Com os sonhos de lado, Hyojung apenas mantinha em um dos quartos que era sempre trancado a chaves para evitar uma visita surpresa de seus pais, um ateliê repleto de materiais de arte, suas telas inacabadas, tintas dos tons mais variados e uma vontade enclausurada de mostrar a todo mundo o que fazia de melhor.
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gaeuri · 9 months
tag dump ♡
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braemjeorn · 2 months
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CHAPTER XVII [masterlist]
pairing: bang chan x ofc
genre/notes: general audience; angst; romance; regency period drama; family fluff; domesticity; ocassional angst; slowburn; governess!oc; nobility!BC; age differences; age changes
wordcount: 4.7k
summary: despite everything, and because of everything, it is only right for the heart to let go.
also available in ao3, if you prefer that format
© Do not repost, copy, or republish into another site or under another name.
⚠️ All characters that shares the name of real life person in this story are represented in a fictional manner for entertainment purpose, and not to be alluded with real life.
TAGLIST: @spookykryptoniteperson @nixtape-foryou @do-you-know-what-else-is-big
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Mari herself spent her last days in a sedate manner. She took care to take in every moment and give herself as freely and openly as she might, hoping to make up the best of the days left before the carriage would drive her away. Mari still kept to her usual hours in teaching; the oldest two begged to leave their long equations to sit with the younger ones. The eight of them ended up pursuing a subject together, raising questions and speaking out the opinions they’ve formed. 
“You must not neglect your education—it will always be of some value to you,” Mari said quietly. They had gathered on the terrace outside the study room, huddling close to her—Jeongin had the privilege of sitting on her lap. They were to nap after some walk, but they had asked if they could sit with her instead. All the same, they dozed away in this soft breeze and her softly spoken bits of advice—her last naggings, so it would seem.
Balrnshore’s gardens would bloom in full again, while the Commodore’s stables expand with more horses for the boys to ride, perhaps accompanying their travel to the creek once summer rolled in. Mari would not repeat the season with them again, nor relive last year’s memories by walking through the fields again and seeing all the changes nature blooms into. No good, warm company. That she will regret the most—for the past few evenings she had allowed herself to revel in conversations with the Commodore, whether in making up stories for the boys before the fire or over dinner with Mr Bambam. Commodore Bang would tell tales of his expeditions, and as she worked over her embroidery hoop she mused at how the company of seven children sparks evenings just as warmer and more sweetly than coffee after dinner. It will be so quiet and different in Mrs Ahn’s home. Inha will soon live with Mr Noh, and the other girls will have each other’s company, or leave to teach. And she will be quite alone with her ideas and her embroidery, not knowing when it will be the time for her to speak up and join the company, or constantly wonder if her life is finite in dreary wait for something in between running classes. As if to remove herself from that piercing dream, quietly she roused her charges before they could catch cold in the open air, and helped them upstairs to their softer beds.
Mari checked over her things and clothes again, mostly packed since five days ago from where they had been strewn through the house. Now they are all ready to be carried back but for a few things and her gifts, and now there is not much to do but to pack the last of it on her final day.
Quietly, she went through the house, from the rooms at the top to take in the sights of their halls in the afternoon light. The red tapestries in the western gallery beamed proud and brave; she passed through them to the end of the room, descending the stairs into the front of the house. Soon she was out in the open air, the breeze blowing still to sweep over her face and strands of hair. She descended the stairs into the gravel, and walked round the circular path in front of the house, hastening to near the trees on the northern side. Mari passed between pine trees into the open grassy lawn. It was empty; she laughed. She turned to the high wall behind her—in line with the house, and bordering into the gardens. The breeze called for her to run, but she dismissed it to savour and soak the sights at a slow pace. Such warm afternoon light might not come again to illuminate Barlnshore like this. 
Mari went to the flower gardens, admiring the hydrangeas and other blooms in their circular beds. She was mulling over the carnations—how can one not at the presentation of such fine blossoms!—when slow footsteps notified her of another’s presence. Her eyes found the well-cared boots, black trousers, and the long black coat. Commodore Bang was tall and stately as ever, even as he redirected his steps to approach Mari from his earlier destination, joining her to admire the flowers.
“Beautiful, are they not?”
“Yes.” She turned to meet his eyes, looking down when her face suddenly felt over-warm. “...Yes.”
“Walk with me, Miss Son?” 
The request was an offer all the same; hardly demanding, like he would simply nod and walk on if she refused, but Mari wished to move—and enjoy his company—thus soon they were pacing side by side.
“I’m glad spring has arrived already,” he said. “Thus you have seen all four seasons in Barlnshore.”
“There's an attraction for each season—all year round vivacity blooms about the grounds.”
“Did you enjoy your time here?” Commodore Bang led her under the shades of the trees.
Mari smiled, turning to meet his eyes. “Yes, very much. You have such a beautiful house, sir.”
He laughed and looked at the house, its ivy-covered side, “The imposing thing.”
“Yes, it does seem so from here,” Mari replied. “Like a great cliff by the seas. But I don’t think you’d merit any less sir, with your titles and income. Your station.”
“No material flattery now, Miss Son. It’s hardly worth it.”
“It’s a contributing factor,” Mari insisted, and the Commodore merely sighed. “And I’ve had a good deal of time to make my judgement, and thus my admiration increases more each day. I think I like this grand house better than any other estate in the country.”
His eyebrows raised, “A bold statement!”
“I approve of the arrangements and the decorations—Minatozaki-san's tastes suit mine. But perhaps the warmth of the occupants endears me more to it.”
“You are fond of them?”
“I am,” Mari maintained with warmth. “They make this mansion a home, embracing you in a warmth we all so cherish from a humble cottage.”
“Chaos, if you consider the boys,” Commodore Bang added. Mari burst into a laugh, and their conversation paused as he joined her.
“But otherwise—or even with it!—they are superb company!”
“And in such company, you would remove yourself, Miss Son.”
Mari felt her chest tighten at the words—compressed from the previous ease she had been speaking with. She wrung out a smile, apologetic, and paced ahead of the Commodore, but then he was quick to follow her.
“Forgive me. I ought not to jab you with such flippant remarks when… it is clear…” Commodore Bang huffed, “Oh, why do I keep upsetting you with my words? My apologies would be meaningless.”
Mari slowed her pace, easing her lungs to breathe deeper against the lump in her throat and shook her head. “Sir, you’ve given me much joy and warmth to amend all those wrongs,” she said. “But we each have our obligations and changes to face—and the boys will grow up… and Lady Jang might have her preference as to who will attend them.” 
Mari spoke no more, for she felt further words would betray her. Everything she wanted to say—how much she liked it here, and more so the people: the boys,  him —felt extremely wrong to come out at such a time. In such a situation where promises had been agreed upon. She wishes not to say it, or to confuse her own heart and confound both of them with her wants. But it would be miraculous if she managed that much; if anything her tears would ruin everything first to a fluster.
“Growing up takes a lot of sacrifice, it seemed,” Commodore Bang hummed quietly in the silence. “A great deal of parting is one.”
They were standing by a tall, bush of roses streaming from a wall. The Commodore pulled out a small folded knife from his pocket, with which he cut a bloomed blossom and then smoothed the stem off any thorns. He held out the flower to her, peach and rosy and sweet. Mari felt her ears grow hot while she took it; her whispered thanks were certainly inaudible to the man. She dared not meet his eyes, and cleared her throat, “I hope you’ll forgive me too, sir. For any wrongs I did, especially that time before the piano.”
“Leave with little regrets, Miss Son. You must know I have only gratitude in your regard.”
Commodore Bang only chuckled at her questioning eyes. His words came out more measured as he continued, “You have done so much for us. You struck me awake that day and had revived life and joy back in the place, of the boys. It was necessary, even if I wouldn’t approve then. You were... involved, spiritedly, in a way I should have been but could never bring myself to be. I commend your senses and briskness. Such choice of action would be easily forgotten.”
“My gratitude in return sir,” Mari bows her head. “You have been kinder to me than what I ought to have deserved in my station.” 
“Then let me take the pleasure of parting with you in good faith, better than how we met months ago.” Commodore Bang offered her his hand to shake halfway through his words, and Mari let a smile rise. She gently gave him his hand and revelled in his warm grasp. 
“Do not laugh,” he scoffed at her mirth.
Mischief had sparked to Mari as she looked up then, “You were terrible!”
Commodore Bang sighed. “You know very well I was.”
She gazed over his face, admiring the way black strands fell over his brows, shifting slightly in the wind. Their eyes met, and she stifled a gasp and the urge to look away. His eyebrows were furrowed against the sunlight, but it didn't render his eyes as hard as that night when she first saw him. Mari could not help to smile at the soft crows at the corner of his eyes, more indented with his frequent smiles lately.
 “Everything is well now, Commodore,” Mari said.
“As well as it could be,” he slowly replied. He lowered their hands, releasing hers. They resumed their pace, now turning to the front of the house. Some minutes passed in silence, but it was relieved from burdens or tensions—whatever had been contained in their chests had been said to one another. Mari looked up, turning to the man and found him regarding her. A flush might have trickled up to her face again, but she did not let his gaze deter her.
“Promise you won’t…abandon the boys again?”
“No,” Commodore Bang shook his head, sincerity in his warm eyes. “You have my word. Henceforward, I shall only seek to provide for their happiness and welfare. I have little else to do anyway. Furthermore, I have little intention of letting people coerce me otherwise. Will that do?”
“You have much love for you, sir. I have faith in it to lead you in your decisions,” Mari said. 
They fell again into companionable silence. Mari realised she would speak to him no better than as a stranger after this, and the thought made her sigh, with much heaviness as the Commodore had done. Her companion walked on by her, warm and steady. Mari wondered who else would she have such pleasant walks with. The girls back home walk to town, not on one of her meditative, snail-paced ambling through the hills and groves. Mari and the Commodore returned through the front of the house, and into the inner hall, where some ruddy, pillow-marked faces stared at them with half-closed eyes.
“Why do you stare at us so from the top of that stairs?”
The boys were as still as disgruntled owls. Mari giggled; Commodore Bang huffed.
“She asked you a question, lads. Come down now. Dinner will be ready soon.”
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The morning turned cloudy even after breakfast, instead of the warm brightness Mari so adored yesterday. It changed nothing of the day's planned events. She let her trunk be carried down, carrying her outdoor garb to enter the kitchen. She bid her goodbyes and bowed to the maids with her thanks: for they have been so kind and accommodating to her, and she wishes them well. She went out to the garden to see Bernard Park and his undergardeners, saying her goodbyes with her good wishes. Then she went to the front foyer, taking her time hooking up her robe and bonnet. A hand reached up to fasten to the bands of her bonnet, and Mari turned to find Minatozaki-san gently tying a ribbon under her chin. She finished, and Mari leaned to hook her head over the housekeeper's shoulder and wrapped her hands in a hug. The housekeeper stilled for a moment, but soon her hand came round Mari, rubbing her shoulder and enclosing her in warmth.  
“I wish you well, child, wherever you go,” Minatozaki-san said.
She slipped a soft packet into Mari’s hand as they separated, and told her that there was another basket in her carriage (Mari laughed)—filled with condiments and jellies and a few salted goose eggs, like the parcel she had given Mari for the Ahns last time at Christmas. Mari rubbed her eyes as she looked at Minatozaki-san’s face, unabashed but unwilling to cry so early in the separation.
“May I write to you?” Mari asked, relieved at finding her voice still steady.
Minatozaki-san smiled, “I’d like that, Mari.”
Delighted at preserving a friend, whose counsel she cherished, Mari kissed the housekeeper on her cheek with her thanks and received a kiss in exchange. Mari stepped further out to the foyer. Mr Kang Younghyun was there, taking her hand for a cordial shake, smiling as he gave her his parting good wishes—it was like the time they first met at the inn. Mari wished him good health and blessings in return, grasping his hands warmly. Commodore Bang was by the door, in an easy stance as he waited for her. There’s an uncomfortable lump in Mari’s throat already, swelling into fullness in her chest as they face one another. But his lips were set in an easy smile, the light making a halo of his dark hair, and though reluctant, Mari was less intimidated to approach him.
“One last payment, for Miss Son Mari,” said Commodore Bang, before she could phrase anything of sense. There was an envelope in his hand, which he placed upon her hand gently, “Sealed and stamped, with good faith.”
Mari looked up, finding his eyes upon her already. Brown and warm, the lines around it kind, not stern and shadowed as when she had first seen him.
“Thus, I release you from my service.” 
Mari was glad they had spoken the afternoon before, for at this moment she knew not if she could make an apology as well as she had. Her lips let out a whispered thank you as her form hesitates to pull away. Commodore Bang offered his arm. Mari did not refuse him, and they walked out of the front door, descending the stairs to the gravel. The boys had assembled there, chattering and giggling at Mr Bambam’s jokes, but they turned upon her approaching form, and soon their eyes turned mellow. Behind the Mari’s trunks are being tied atop the carriage.
“Let me go first, but I’ll make it short. I’m less significant in your company after all, Miss Son,” Mr Bambam spoke up when the eight of them hesitated; and he gave Mari his hand to shake. “My good wishes for you, Miss Son. God-willing, I’ll be very pleased to meet you again.”
Mari’s heart ached and his earnest eyes; as much as Mr Bambam had implied that they were not close, she always cherished the cheer and friendliness he extended when they shared company.
“That would be delightful, Mr Bambam. Thank you,” she said. “My good wishes for your wife as well,” Mari added quietly. 
With a smile, he inclined his head to her and moved beside the Commodore. 
The boys came before her; the older holding the younger ones before them, much like how Mari had met them in the dark drawing room. But nearly a year, and so much had happened, so many things shared and more familiarity built between them. If her heart had swelled before, now something tightens around it. Mari knows not if it will survive today.
“All right,” she sighed, stepping closer to them and kneeling with extended hands. “One last time. As promised. Come.”
Hyunjin was first, bursting into her hold with such force it tilted her bonnet askew. He said nothing, but Mari let him hold her as tight as he wished.
“I got excited thinking about your paintings, little one,” Mari murmured. “You keep doing what you love, alright Hyunnie?”
Hyunjin nodded mutely, but he gave her a small peck and held her again with a shuddery sigh. She thanked him; there was a wry smile as he made way for his brother. Jisung latched to curl under her neck and sighed deeply as she kissed his brows, somewhat content to nestle into her as he promised to practise his piano better.
“I’ll keep those words, you know?” Mari hummed.
“I suppose you can—I’ll try not to hurry as much.” Jisung leaned back, looking up at her, “Do you think Appa will let me go to that music school if I want?”
Mari heard Commodore Bang shift behind her. “To a conservatory?” she asked. “Do you want to? I think it only matters whether you want to.”
“I do,” Jisung whispered, his nod firm.
“Then you only have to tell him.” 
More assured, Jisung kissed her cheek and stepped away. Then Yongbok bounded to her—she had expected him to join Jisung, but this was just better. Like his twin, he tucked himself under her, and Mari laughed for then it was as if he purred under her. Then he looked up, in all his soft brown eyes and pale-haired cheerful being, and whispered, “You must never take a grave illness, Miss Son, that’s all I ask.”
Her smile came with a laugh and a sigh, the long breath she took to ease her tears back, “I’ll do my best, sweetling.”
It satisfied Yongbok, for then he gave her cheek a long kiss and separated from her for Seungmin. The second youngest toddled to her, making Mari laugh as she held his warm form.
“My strawberries got flowers already,” he declared quietly.
“It did?” Mari asked, a spark of excitement lighting in her.
“I just saw them earlier.”
“You’ll get the fruits in June then, I think.”
Seungmin hummed, muttering that he’d eat them well, then gave her one last warm grasp before letting go. Mari kissed his forehead and rose with a chuckle from where she had been kneeling towards Changbin’s outstretched—with grabby fingers—arms. He was just as tall as her shoulder, so his hands could rest about her waist while she kissed the top of his head.
“Our Changbinie,” she sighed, squeezing his form closer. “My handsome, steadfast, Binnie. I shan’t worry as much knowing you’re here—you’re a very good hyung you know?”
He looked up at her, those dark eyes in soft light, “Do you know you’re a pretty lady, Miss Son? Has anybody told you that?”
Mari chuckles, “I don’t think so.”
“Well, you should know that much. But then I like you more than that,” he finishes, cuddling into her one last time before releasing her.
Jeongin looked up at her from where he was clutching Minho's hand. He had walked into her room as usual this morning. It only took him five seconds to remember that this was her last day with them. He sat on her bed the entire time she brushed her hair, fingers fidgeting over her bedcover. Mari had seen the eldest earlier this morning when they were all dressing up; ushering the others quietly into a huddle and overheard him telling them not to be very distressed about the parting—Mari could not blame him, it would be very hard if the eight of them all cried. But Jeongin took a lot harder time to contain it; his brothers can put on some good humour, restraint or distraction despite the sombre eyes they shared; and Mari would not blame the youngest either for his downturned lips and red eyes. She kneeled back and reached out for him, smiling as she met his watery eyes, just a drop away from flowing out.
“I’ll cry for the last time. But I promise I won’t again,” he whispered, then throwing himself into her arms. “I’ll be a good boy, I promise. I’ll be better.”
She rocked his shaking form and brushed his strewn hair and tears. “You are a good boy, Jeongin, whether you cry or not,” she assured him. “Remember that.” 
She could not hold him long enough until his tears subsided; Minho’s hand on his back reminded him of it. But despite his tears, the boy was not in a fit of cries, his shaky sniffles restrained. Mari kissed his brows and touched their foreheads, finding it harder to tear away from the boy. Hyunjin offered his hand, and the two stood away side by side—the elder being most affected by the younger, thus they shared their sadness leaning toward one another.
Minho approached; grave yet assured. His trembling lips could not speak much, but steady enough to give a smile. Mari pulled him in; being nearly as tall as her, he could hook his head easily upon her shoulder.
“I think I’ll miss you the most,” she whispered. 
There was a hum. “Thank you,” he said after some pause—words did not glide easily out of him today. “I don’t think we’ve said much about how grateful we are. But…—thank you, for everything.”
He nodded, as if assuring himself. But Mari waited. His mouth opened, then he pressed it close and licked his lips, took a breath. “I might as well add that we love you. Lots,” Minho added, a whisper to her hearing.
Mari’schest tightened, so she pulled him close and kissed his brows, with all the love and blessing she might return to the boy. But soon they parted let—and the lack of his warmth alarmed her with the realisation that this was the parting. She had barely comprehended their goodbyes.
The seven of them had assembled back together, and Mari only needed to turn on her heels and step into the carriage to have it done with. But she took one last look at each of their faces; duty reprimanding her to not linger while fondness beseeched her for just five more minutes to remember the lines and angles and the warm light over their tresses. She tried picturing their gleeful face, those days she let them run rampant on the fields. But in the present sombre ambience, they would not be provoked to. Unless she proposed it.
“Do you know? If a ground mole was to poke his head out of the ground today, I believe it would have shaken itself and declared this day as sunny as any other grand one.”
Their blinks seemed to happen together, and soon bewildered frowns or gaping mouths appeared before her. Mari bit her lips to hold her smirk, letting them stare at her long enough before easing her still face into mischief.
“He can feel the warmth but the clouds would have been very blurry to him. If you get the nonsense I’m saying,” she shrugged.
She would have left them in confusion, but it only took one second for Minho to snort out a laugh, and Jisung followed him in realisation—and soon the understanding was shared with everyone. Half of them might have remembered the amusing picture books they read a few days back, and the others might have not a single knowledge or recollection about it, and merely found decent hilarity at her sudden declaration. Ridiculous, but it does the work, for once Changbin made a strangled whimper in holding back his laugh, and everyone bursted into cackles—even Jeongin could not help the smile through his tears.
"Boys?" she called, steadying her smile as they all looked at her. 
"I love you all very much."
Yongbok made a noise between a surprised laugh and a cry, but he nodded even as his fist pressed to his eyes to stop the tears from flowing. Jisung steadied him, and with blotched-faced Hyunjin murmured their love in return. Seungmin and Jeongin stared, the second youngest's tears now breaking out. Minho and Changbin could only smile through the tears. The eldest raised a hand in a wave, and with a warmer heart, Mari turned to the carriage. 
Mari lets Commodore Bang help her in and settle inside. He stood by after closing the door, watching her with a smile and sorrowful eyes. Again, his hand rested upon her window as he shut her door, and it was nearly thoughtless how her hand reached out to it and how he grasped hers back in return. His hold was familiar, and his gaze no less assured and steadfast as it had been the past few days. Some pull compelled her to reach for him, to hold and kiss him as she did to the boys. But no. She blinked away the unbidden thoughts. But the warmth of his palm remained enclosing hers—selfishly she savoured it, the strength and warmth it gave her. Mari looked again into his eyes and saw in them... an urgency. She waited for a breath, then another. But nothing came, and her hand slipped back to her lap. The Commodore let out a heavy breath. She cursed her thoughts upon the man, engaged and promised to a fine lady as he was. 
Still, his shadow loomed over the window, and Mari found his eyebrows now raised in concern to her. Mari would have laughed at the prospect that she might never find another man as attentive, had this day been more humorous. She let out a smile to assure him all was well, while her eyes trailed over that kind face—pale and lined as ever—but loving; nothing less but love and fondness emanating through it. She feared she would forget it. 
He seemed alerted by the lengthy pause they had made by the side of the carriage, so Commodore Bang sighed with a shudder and forced out an easier facade. “Safe journey, Miss Son,” he said.
Commodore Bang stepped away and bid the carriage to drive on; as it shook with motion, her heart felt as if a great hole had been punched into it. Before she knew it they were turning around the fountain. She looked out of the window, turning back to the eight figures behind her.
“Thank you!” she cried out, despite her tightened throat. When she could no longer look from the side window, she turned to the small window on the back. Jisung and Yongbok were running after the carriage, running past the Commodore. They did not make it far until they could only stand still, but Mari looked on—until the carriage turned north, out of the gate, and the house and the parks were completely obstructed from her sight.
For some moments she did not let herself think of anything—neither despair nor disappointment nor happiness. Her eyes trailed over the moving fields and rising hills, until she became aware of the bundles in her hand. Slowly, she opened the one from Minatozaki-san and found inside the softest handkerchief of linen, embroidered with cornflowers in the corners, alongside her initials. She knew it would be a treasured kerchief, to remind herself of the kind housekeeper, a dear friend. The other is from the Commodore, her payment. She could not help but open the flaps, just to savour an item they exchanged. But to her shock, it contained not only the fourth part of her payment but also a cheque for four times the amount. ‘For a good service’ was written on the flap, and for the hours proceeding she could do little but stare at the note, emotions clashing inside her.
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sure. talk about flowers, give her one, give her an outrageous bonus, hold her hand, but don't vomit your feelings, chan.
their handholdings would have been outrageous for the time except for the fact that aside from the handshakes, one of them wears gloves when the others don't.
my girl mari and her sense of obligation and her deep longing. we're nearing the end of the tale folks, how are we feeling? please look forward to the grand finale, if I can attempt to conclude it this semester break.
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arlo-lol · 4 months
Ive been obsessed with too many goddamn songs lately
I can't do this (all versions)-K3NT4!
ocean eyes-Billie Eilish
New Person, Same Old Mistakes-Tame Impala
**Днями-ночами: pyrokinesis, MUKKA
Когда ты улыбаешься-КИССКОЛД
Undead-KSLV Noh
XOXO (Kisses Hugs)-6arelyhuman, horrormovies, Pixel Hood
Demons (instrumental)-Doja Cat (Sadly, she didn't provide an instrumental herself, so find it on yt)
Talking to the Moon-Bruno Mars
Mind Games-Sickick
Move Mint-VIP: Herobust (it's mostly instrumental, but it sounds fucing fantastic)
Doubt-Twenty One Pilots
Champagne & Sunshine- PLVTINUM, Tarro
Supermassive Black Hole-Muse
Harleys in Hawaii-Katy Perry
Я буду ебать-Moreart, IHI
**L'Art Du Savoir-VDYCD
**Ламбада-T-Fest, Skryptonite
**Ты и Я-Xcho
**Цветами радуги-pyrokinesis
Break My Stride-Matthew Wilder
**чёрное сердце-МУККА, pyrokinesis
**I listen to these so much I prolly need to cool it a little (my discord peeps who stalk the music I listen to can vouch)
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lgcmanager · 25 days
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on APRIL 8, the FABULA members have their quarterly meeting with PARK EUNSOOK and SHIM JOOHEE, but many of them will notice that there is another familiar person in their meeting as well.
“we’ve told the two newly added members, NINA and SORI to focus on specific skills during the last few months we saw different results. on one hand, we noticed NINA following our advice quite well that we’ve seen some improvements during this time. on the other, while SORI did practice on some of the skills she was assigned to work on, she is still lacking in many ways that we had to add NOH AREUM to FABULA to take over the parts that SORI lacked and could not fulfill.” EUNSOOK explains before turning her head to AREUM to let her briefly introduce herself. afterwards, the older woman returns to explaining what she had mentioned earlier. “SORI, we noticed that you’ve been working more on dancing during the last few months but what we wanted to prioritize more from you were KOREAN, PERFORMANCE, and ACTING. while you did work on all of them, it still wasn’t enough — in fact, with the inclusion of AREUM it actually became unfavorable for you in this upcoming comeback and you will see what i mean in the next few minutes.”
congratulations to AREUM for joining fabula! starting from APRIL 8, AREUM will be moving to the FABULA DORMS. AREUM will be taking ROOM A and become roommates with HAYOUNG. the information will be updated on the room arrangements tab on the master sheet whenever the admod team gets a chance.
since there will be a short period of time for AREUM to prepare for the comeback, she will be requested ( but not required ) to work on SINGING during the Q2 term.
for NINA, SORI, and AREUM all three of them will be eligible for OPEN EVENT 006 ( FANSITES ) and OPEN EVENT 007 ( BIRTHDAY ) starting MAY. more information on that can be founded in their respective posts and if you wish, you can ask to be invited to the fabula fansite blog starting today.
“as you may have heard, BLAZING’s WOOHEE is having a comeback later this month. since the featured artist in the song will not be able to make it during the live performances, both WOOHEE and her team have selected HAYOUNG to be taking over the artist’s place.” EUNSOOK smiles proudly at HAYOUNG after revealing the news.
WOOHEE will be coming back with the song “RA TA TA” starting APRIL 19. since lil cherry will not be present in the live performances, HAYOUNG will be replacing her during the music show promotions.
FABULA’s comeback is scheduled for JUNE 15 and the list below will be their tracklist for that comeback:
the lyrics distributions document for this can be found over HERE.
after JOOHEE had handed out all of the important files related to their schedules for the next few months, EUNSOOK asked all of the girls to look at the lyrics distributions. “like i had told most of you, starting from this comeback and onwards we will be dropping the role positions for all of you, sans EUNHYE and her leader role. once all of you look through these files and pages carefully you’ll start to notice that the company has already prepared and began showing that the FABULA members are all-rounders. examples of this are NINA and MINJI, both who are currently our strongest vocalists, taking on rap parts and our strongest rappers, HAYOUNG and EUNHYE, taking on more vocal parts.”
EUNSOOK eyed SORI and after a deliberate pause, she revealed, “since you were working on dancing quite a bit and have good technicality when it comes to it, other aspects of your performance-based skills fell short especially PERFORMANCE. this meant that you lacked charisma and with these girls already charismatic as is, it’s going to be harder to even shine, let alone get any solo parts for yourself. which brings the question…what will you contribute to the group? your parts are already few, but the producing team felt that it was justified seeing that you aren’t a great singer and there are already few rap parts in this comeback as is.” sighing to herself, EUNSOOK added, “i may be hard on you for this, SORI, but you have an even shorter amount of time to prove that the company’s decision to have you in this group isn’t something that they regret doing. do your part and help the team for their JUNE comeback.”
for this comeback, FABULA will be promoting ‘BADDIE’ until JULY 7. then from JULY 9 until JULY 21, they will be promoting ‘BBB’. FABULA will receive 3 wins from ‘BADDIE’, which will be from THE SHOW ( JUNE 25 ), SHOW CHAMPION ( JUNE 26 ), and M! COUNTDOWN ( JUNE 27 ).
as for their other activities, it is as follows:
APRIL 12-13: line friends fansign [ MINJI, HAYOUNG, and EUNHYE ]
TBA*: university spring festival ( will be performing TOMBOY, IMPURITIES, and ANTIFRAGILE )
MAY 27: ‘CHERRY COKE’ pre-release song
MAY 29: ‘SUGARCOAT’ pre-release song
MAY 30: hello82’s fanfia game episode release [ ALL MEMBERS EXCEPT EUNHYE ]
JUNE 15: group appearance on KNOWING BROS [ ALL MEMBERS ]
JUNE 18: APRIL’s VLOG release ( behind the scenes of ‘cherry coke’ featuring SORI )
JUNE 20: MINJI’S VLOG release ( behind the scenes of ‘sugarcoat’ featuring NINA )
JUNE 22-JULY 20: fansigns & video calls for BADDIE and BBB promotions
JUNE 29: ‘BADDIE’ dance relay for M2
JULY 6: waterbomb festival in seoul ( will be performing BADDIE, BBB, and TOMBOY ).
* = will have a final date once more information about it is announced
as a gift for the fans, the FABULA members will take part in creating a photobook just for them! since this will be released sometime around Q2 or Q3, the company has suggested for all of the members to start preparing on the creation and photoshoots for it in the midst of their comeback preparations.
around MAY 18, all of the girls will be doing a summer inspired shoot. due to schedules, SORI, HAYOUNG, AREUM, and NINA will be flying to PATTHAYA CITY, THAILAND first and be staying there for one week. three days later, EUNHYE and MINJI will be joining the rest of the girls.
during the THREE DAYS, the four FABULA members will be filming behind the scenes content and do parts of their solo and duo photoshoots. whenever they are not taking pictures for the photobook they will be practicing in one of the studio rooms that the company has rented for their comeback. once EUNHYE and MINJI arrive, they will finish off the solo and duo photoshoots on the first day they arrive. the remaining days will be photos taken of FABULA during their private tour around PATTHAYA CITY ( eg. visiting local landmarks, taking a cooking class on thai cuisine, meeting elephants, etc. ) and additional interviews that are added to the photobook and its promotions. for the tour, the girls will also be asked to vlog the whole experience and will be released at a later time.
for the interviews, the group will be split into pairs and answer some of the interview questions set up by the staff! the pairings are as follows:
examples of questions that could be asked:
please introduce yourself and your role in the group (it has to be something not related to singing/dancing/rapping. for example, “in charge of being the happy pill in the group!” the more creative the better)
do you have any nicknames?
your strengths? weaknesses?
your most recent hobby?
list three items you have inside your bag right now.
describe one of your favorite experiences from the tour.
to what age would you want to live?
how satisfied are you with life?
if you were given a chance, what kind of superpower would you like?
what would you do if you won the lottery?
EUNSOOK faces towards EUNHYE, knowing that her announcement is related to her specifically. “with the success of your back to school podcast, we can now begin the actual project—‘CHANGING MAJORS’, which is a variety show where you get a chance to visit and promote other universities and their programs. in each episode, you will act as a university student that will be joining the program for the first time! like we mentioned last time, you were given a chance to pick what majors you were interested in and we’re here to give you the schedules and the majors you will take during the first season.” the woman hands EUNHYE a folder containing detailed information about the show.
for reference, here are what the episode lists would look like:
EPISODE 5 ( FINALE ): airing JULY 19
JUNE COMEBACK: write a 300+ word solo regarding the comeback activities/schedules ( either the ones mentioned above OR notoriety tier gigs, if applicable ) or continue a thread ( non-event or past event is acceptable ) that started in Q1 ( JANUARY 8-APRIL 6 ) by writing an additional 4 replies for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY ! ** everyone except EUNHYE can do it up to two times **
FP INTERVIEW: write a 4 replies thread ( 2 posts per mun; minimum 8 lines each ) with your assigned partner about the interview portion. for the thread, you must include at least 3 questions ( altogether ) with responses for each of them ( to make it easier, please bold or italicize which questions were said in the thread ). completing this will earn you +7 MODELING and +3 NOTORIETY !
FP TOUR: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies thread ( 2 posts per mun; minimum 8 lines each ) with another FABULA member about anything related to the tour ( eg. visiting local landmarks, taking a cooking class on thai cuisine, meeting elephants, etc. ) for +9 MODELING and +3 NOTORIETY !** can be completed two times **
CHANGING MAJORS: write a 300+ headcanon post or solo about the episodes filmed for the show. if you choose to do a headcanon post, you can talk about all of the episodes and how the experience was or you can write a solo talking about one specific episode. completing this will earn you +5 VARIETY and +5 NOTORIETY ! ** only for EUNHYE **
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:fabulamission for the tasks. you have until JUNE 29, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ FABULA MISSION 011 - JUNE COMEBACK: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times for everyone except eunhye ** - FP INTERVIEW: +7 modeling, +3 notoriety [ LINK ] - FP TOUR: +9 modeling, +3 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times ** - CHANGING MAJORS: +5 variety, +5 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for eunhye **
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hanunri · 1 month
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hanunri is a literate murder-mystery skeleton roleplay set in 1994 & based on mewe.
learn about hanun's premise and the missing person.
don't forget to check out the laws & regulations.
pick a skeleton that inspires you and choose a job for them.
check out the locations & remember to greet the locals.
if you want to access our full navigation, you can click here.
join us if you wish to have an interactive writing experience through our prompts, lore drops and events. the latter can be influenced directly by you and your muse!
schedule ㅡ daily, accepting asks, apps and reservations as they come. opening date ㅡ officially opening on may 3, 6pm kst. reservations and applications ㅡ apply or reserve here.
we currently have 24 apps and 5 reservations that can be found under the cut.
the following have been accepted. make sure to add dalrae and yeonghan by may 3, 6pm kst. if you can't add us in time, feel free to contact us!
kim jennie ─── ﹙⠀ ryu hana ⠀﹚ ─── the journalist.
shen xiaoting ─── ﹙⠀ wei lusi / lucy ⠀﹚ ─── the paranormal enthusiast.
choi soobin ─── ﹙⠀ jeo haein ⠀﹚ ─── the artist.
park seojoon ─── ﹙⠀ baek dongmin ⠀﹚ ─── the ferry captain.
lee jaewook ─── ﹙⠀ yoo yongseung ⠀﹚ ─── the reverend.
bae joohyun / irene ─── ﹙⠀ kang naro ⠀﹚ ─── bora's secret lover.
kim mingyu ─── ﹙⠀ noh taewoo ⠀﹚ ─── bora's rejected suitor.
kim minjeong / winter ─── ﹙⠀ kim mina ⠀﹚ ─── bora’s youngest sibling.
kim jisoo ─── ﹙⠀ moon nabi ⠀﹚ ─── the coffee shop owner.
kim yoojung ─── ﹙⠀ seo harin ⠀﹚ ─── bora's business rival.
lee seungah / mijoo ─── ﹙⠀ lee soeun⠀﹚ ─── the veterinarian.
choi sungeun ─── ﹙⠀ han byeolji / belle⠀﹚ ─── bora’s childhood friend.
cho miyeon ─── ﹙⠀ kim cheonsa ⠀﹚ ─── bora’s other sibling.
park sooyoung / joy ─── ﹙⠀ choi miyae / madelyn choi ⠀﹚ ─── bora’s best friend.
kim hanbin / b.i ─── ﹙⠀ nam junho⠀﹚ ─── bora’s first boyfriend.
kim hyunjung / seola ─── ﹙⠀ cho sara⠀﹚ ─── the psychic medium.
kim hyungseo / bibi ─── ﹙⠀ roh youngmi⠀﹚ ─── the drunkard.
seo soojin ─── ﹙⠀ noh jinri⠀﹚ ─── tourist #1.
lalisa manobal ─── ﹙⠀ ivy amatyakul⠀﹚ ─── tourist #2.
hirai momo ─── ﹙⠀ hirai nao⠀﹚ ─── bora’s distant relative.
lee dohyun ─── ﹙⠀ ji hyunsu⠀﹚ ─── the private investigator.
kang seulgi ─── ﹙⠀ min sunhee⠀﹚ ─── the general physician. * messaged.
kim jongin / kai ─── ﹙⠀ jung juwon⠀﹚ ─── the newcomer.
kim taehyung / v ─── ﹙⠀ im seongsu⠀﹚ ─── bora's current boyfriend. * messaged.
the reservations expire on may 4, 00:10 am kst.
jeon jungkook, bts ─── bora's friend #1. * ext.
the reservations expire on may 4, 04:20 am kst.
undecided fc ─── the detective.
the reservations expire on may 4, 05:40 am kst.
undecided fc ─── bora's estranged sibling.
undecided fc ─── bora's friend #2.
the reservations expire on may 5, 06:00 am kst.
byeon wooseok, actor ─── the chief of police.
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animcsus · 2 months
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ROLEPLAY HISTORY post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back.
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Kit Fisto (Sw)
Hardcase (Sw)
Kix (Sw)
ARC Captain Alpha (Sw Legends / adjusted canon divergence)
ARC Trooper Fives (Sw)
ARC Trooper Jesse (Sw)
Cpt Howzer (Sw)
SGT Hunter (Sw)
SGT Boss (Republic Commando)
CMMDR Grey (Sw)
Cmmdr Bly (Sw)
Cmmdr Wolffe (Sw)
Cmmdr Mayday (Sw)
Droidbait (Sw)
Hevy (Sw)
Boost (Sw)
Hera Syndulla (Sw)
Cal Kestis (JFO/Survivor)
Princess Rapunzel (Disney's Tangled + Show)
Princess Belle (Disney's Beauty And the Beast (Animated))
Prince Eric (Disney's Little Mermaid)
Hercules (Disney's Hercules)
Captain Steve Rogers (Marvel's Captain America)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel Comics + Show)
Hela Odinsdottir (Marvel's What If...?)
Minthara Baenre (BG3)
Red Harlow (Red Dead Revolver (Canon shift)
So many more I don't write actively here, many of which include ocs I'm not brave enough to bring here to tumblr.
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Mox or Deke from the new episodes of TBB, but honestly I'm interested in possibly bringing back older muses like Zack Fair. May not happen. But it be what it be.
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PAST CANON MUSES ( primary )
Reno (FFVII)
Zack Fair (FFVII)
Cloud Strife (FFVII)
Aerith Gainsborough (FFVII)
Maqui (FFXIII)
Vanitas (KH)
Terra (KH)
Ventus (KH)
Renji Abarai (Bleach)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach)
Envy (FMA & FMAB)
Winry Rockbell (FMA & FMAB)
Patty Thompson (SE)
Kyle Rayner (DC)
Kori'andr (DC)
Jack Moore (DC)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Barbara Gordon (DC)
Tommy Shepherd (Mavel)
Noh-Varr (Marvel)
Many, many others.
PAST CANON MUSES( secondary / casual )
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Considering I didn't have bad experiences with Cloud or Zack, I may consider bringing them back!
I would consider Starfire again bcs I had a lot of fun with her graphics.
I'd consider a few of them upon request.
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TAGGED BY: I stole it.
TAGGING: @galaxycrxss and whoever would like to do it.
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amethystarrows · 10 months
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@redheadarcher asked: 💤😖🍡 !! ( here / a )
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💤 - How does your muse sleep? Are they a light sleeper, or are they out the moment their head hits the pillow? Do they nap? Do they struggle to sleep due to things like insomnia, or nightmares?
Kate used to be a deep sleeper before Susan's wedding. After everything with the Young Avengers, her solo stints, and her time with Clint, she's a very light sleeper. Unless she's absolutely exhausted, or spies are sneaking into her room. She does have trouble sleeping, usually from nightmares. If she can get a nap in, she considers herself lucky.
😖 - Does your muse have any embarrassing moments that they still think about? Do they laugh at them, or do they haunt them?
If you'd ask her, she'd say her time dating Noh was pretty embarrassing. She looks back on that time and laughs, but there's still an ache. That said, she's happy for him with wherever he is.
🍡 - Can your muse cook? Can they bake? How well can they do either? Do they have any kitchen disaster stories?
She can absolutely cook. Baking is only an occasional thing. She learned to do them when she was younger, and preferred to make her own meals than let someone do it for her. She'd be more than happy to cook something special for someone she cares about on a special occasion.
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annamcdonalds67 · 3 months
𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦- 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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Matt and his girlfriend Audrina were known for their personalities and spirit. Their followers on YouTube eagerly awaited their next travel vlog, and this time, the couple decided to take their audience on an international journey to the enchanting city of Kyoto, Japan.
The video began with Matt, holding the camera, flashing his signature smile. "Hey, everyone! Matt here, and today we've got something special for you. Audrina and I are in Kyoto, and we can't wait to explore this beautiful city with you guys!"
Audrina, with her infectious energy, added, "That's right! Kyoto is known for its rich history, stunning temples, and delicious food. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!"
"Also, Nick and Chris were supposed to join us as well, but they had some stuff to do so they are back in Boston right now," Audrina said.
The couple started their day at the iconic Fushimi Inari Taisha, a Shinto shrine famous for its thousands of vibrant red torii gates. Matt captured the mesmerizing sight while Audrina shared interesting facts about the history and significance of the shrine.
As they strolled through the gates, Audrina said, "It's like walking through a portal to another world. The atmosphere here is so serene and spiritual."
After exploring the shrine, they made their way to the historic Gion district, known for its traditional wooden machiya houses and the chance to spot geishas. Matt and Audrina wandered through the narrow streets, occasionally stopping to try local snacks and interact with friendly locals.
"This is incredible," Matt exclaimed. "Every corner feels like a snapshot from a different era. And the food! It's a taste bud explosion!"
Audrina chuckled, "Matt's officially a foodie convert, folks!"
The couple then decided to take a break at a traditional tea house, where they experienced a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The serene ambience and meticulous rituals left them in awe.
"Kyoto has this magical ability to transport you through time," Audrina mused. "I feel like we're living in a blend of past and present."
Later in the video, Matt and Audrina visited the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, capturing the towering bamboo stalks that created an ethereal atmosphere. They took a boat ride along the Hozugawa River, immersing themselves in the natural beauty surrounding them.
As the day transitioned to evening, the couple explored the bustling Nishiki Market, where they sampled various street foods and engaged with the vendors. Audrina, always the lively one, attempted to speak a few Japanese phrases, eliciting smiles from the locals.
"We may not be fluent," Matt said, "but the people here are so warm and welcoming. It's like they're sharing a piece of their culture with us."
The vlog concluded with a breathtaking view of the Kiyomizu-Dera temple illuminated against the night sky. Matt and Audrina stood hand in hand, sharing their reflections on the day.
"What an incredible experience," Matt said, his eyes reflecting gratitude. "Kyoto has stolen a piece of our hearts."
Audrina added, "And we're so grateful we could share this journey with all of you. Thanks for joining us on this adventure!"
The video ended with a heartfelt thank you message to their subscribers, promising more exciting content from their future travels. Matt and Audrina's Kyoto vlog garnered an outpouring of positive comments, with fans expressing their admiration for the couple's genuine enthusiasm and the immersive experience they provided.
Little did their audience know that this journey was just the beginning of Matt and Audrina's global escapades, leaving everyone eagerly anticipating the next destination on their YouTube channel.
In the days that followed, Matt and Audrina continued to explore Kyoto's hidden gems, capturing moments that were both enchanting and humorous. They attended a traditional Noh theatre performance, where Audrina attempted to don a Noh mask and showcase her acting skills, much to the amusement of both the locals and their YouTube audience.
The couple also delved into Kyoto's modern side, exploring the vibrant Gion-Shijo district with its trendy boutiques, quirky cafes, and innovative street art. Matt, with his camera always at the ready, highlighted the city's seamless blend of tradition and modernity.
One of the highlights of their extended stay was a visit to the Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion. Against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, the golden structure shimmered, leaving the couple in awe of its beauty. They interviewed a knowledgeable guide who shared captivating stories about the temple's history and significance, creating a deeper connection between the viewers and Kyoto's cultural tapestry.
As the days turned into nights, Matt and Audrina explored Kyoto's diverse culinary scene, trying everything from savoury ramen in local noodle shops to delicate sushi at a traditional omakase restaurant. Their genuine reactions to the flavours and textures added a personal touch to the vlog, making viewers feel as if they were sharing the meal with the couple.
The couple also embraced the local customs, participating in a traditional yukata-wearing experience. Viewers witnessed their comical attempts to tie the intricate obi belts, creating a lighthearted atmosphere. Audrina couldn't help but tease Matt about his "yukata fashion show," showcasing the different poses he struck while trying to embody the spirit of Kyoto.
The Kyoto vlog series continued to captivate their audience, not just with the picturesque scenery but with the couple's dynamic and playful banter. Matt and Audrina's chemistry and authenticity resonated with viewers, turning their travel vlogs into a virtual journey for fans across the globe.
Before leaving Kyoto, the couple decided to organize a meetup with their local followers. The turnout was beyond their expectations, with fans expressing gratitude for bringing a piece of Kyoto to them through their videos. Matt and Audrina spent hours chatting, taking photos, and sharing travel tips, creating a genuine connection with their audience beyond the digital realm.
As Matt and Audrina bid farewell to Kyoto, the last moments of their vlog featured a montage of memories, set to a sentimental soundtrack. The couple expressed their deep appreciation for the city and its people, promising to return one day. Their Kyoto adventure had not only showcased the beauty of the destination but had also solidified the bond between the couple and their ever-growing YouTube family.
Back home, as they read through the countless comments expressing admiration for their Kyoto series, Matt and Audrina brainstormed their next destination. The world was full of possibilities, and their audience eagerly awaited the next chapter in their global escapades. The couple's YouTube channel had become a virtual passport, allowing viewers to explore the world alongside them, one captivating destination at a time.
In the days that followed, Matt and Audrina's Kyoto escapade took an unexpected turn when they decided to try their hand at sumo wrestling. The couple found themselves clad in oversized sumo suits, much to the amusement of the locals and their online audience.
As Matt waddled around in his sumo suit, struggling to maintain balance, Audrina couldn't contain her laughter. "I didn't know sumo wrestling required this much fashion sense," she quipped, pointing at Matt's attempts to strike a pose.
Undeterred, Matt declared, "They call me the Sumo Sturniolo! I've been training for this my whole life, in my dreams, that is."
Their sumo match turned into a comical spectacle, with both Matt and Audrina taking exaggerated tumbles and executing unintentional somersaults. The onlookers erupted in laughter, and even the sumo trainers had a hard time keeping a straight face.
After the hilarious sumo showdown, the couple decided to explore Kyoto's quirky side. They stumbled upon a cat cafe, where the resident felines seemed more interested in napping than entertaining their human guests. Audrina attempted to engage a particularly disinterested cat in a game of string chase, while Matt struggled to resist adopting every adorable furball in sight.
"They have the right idea," Matt joked, gesturing towards the snoozing cats. "Napping should be an Olympic sport, and I think we'd be gold medalists."
Their cat cafe adventure continued with Audrina showcasing her "purrfect" cat impressions, which left the cafe staff and patrons in stitches. Matt joined in, attempting a catwalk (literally) that had everyone in tears of laughter.
The laughter continued as the couple explored Kyoto's vibrant street markets. Audrina, with her infectious energy, convinced Matt to participate in a local dance-off. The impromptu street performance attracted a crowd, and soon, Matt found himself showcasing some unexpected dance moves.
"I didn't know I had these moves in me," Matt confessed, laughing at his antics. "I guess Kyoto brings out the hidden dancer in all of us."
As the vlog continued, the couple's misadventures included getting lost in translation while attempting to order a traditional dish and accidentally stumbling into a traditional tea ceremony while searching for a bathroom.
Audrina, with her quick wit, quipped, "When in doubt, just follow the scent of freshly brewed tea. It's the universal sign for 'restroom this way.'"
The Kyoto vlog series became a hilarious rollercoaster of cultural encounters, goofy antics, and unexpected twists. Viewers not only marvelled at the beauty of Kyoto but also found themselves laughing along with Matt and Audrina's delightful escapades.
Back home, as they read through the comments filled with laughter emojis and witty remarks, Matt and Audrina couldn't help but reflect on the unforgettable moments Kyoto had gifted them. Their YouTube channel had become a source of not just travel inspiration but also unbridled joy and laughter, proving that a touch of humour could turn any adventure into a memory to cherish.
Returning home after their Kyoto adventure, Matt and Audrina found themselves surrounded by suitcases, memories, and a mountain of laundry. As they unpacked, Matt couldn't resist teasing Audrina about her souvenir shopping spree.
"Did you leave any Kyoto merchandise for the locals, Audrina?" he chuckled, holding up a comically large paper fan featuring a cartoonish depiction of a sumo wrestler.
Audrina defended herself with a mock gasp. "I had to get something to remember our sumo wrestling debut! Plus, this fan is the perfect accessory for when you're feeling 'extra' at home."
Their banter continued as they settled down to review the comments on their Kyoto vlog series. The laughter that had echoed through the streets of Kyoto found its way into their living room as they scrolled through messages from their fans.
"Looks like people enjoyed the sumo showdown," Audrina pointed out, reading a comment that declared Matt the "Sumo Sturniolo" as the internet's new favourite wrestling sensation.
Matt grinned, "Maybe I should consider a career change. WWE, here I come!"
The comment section was filled with praise for their humour, genuine reactions, and the unexpected dance-off. One fan wrote, "I haven't laughed this much in ages! You two are the comedy duo we never knew we needed."
Audrina chimed in, "Well if our mission was to spread joy and laughter, I think Kyoto was a smashing success."
As they read through messages from fans who shared their own travel stories, Matt and Audrina couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with their virtual community. They laughed at funny anecdotes shared by followers who were inspired to try sumo wrestling or imitate Audrina's "purrfect" cat impressions.
"We have the coolest community ever," Matt remarked, genuinely touched by the camaraderie they had built online. "It's like having a bunch of friends join us on every adventure."
Audrina nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. Whether it's exploring Kyoto or attempting to cook weird recipes, our viewers make every experience better."
The couple decided to engage with their fans in real time, hosting a live Q&A session. Viewers flooded the chat with questions about their favourite moments, behind-the-scenes bloopers, and even suggestions for their next destination.
"It's like planning our next adventure with a thousand travel buddies," Audrina exclaimed, typing responses to the rapid-fire questions.
Matt added, "And who knows, maybe our viewers will get to decide where we go next. The world is our oyster, and our audience is the compass."
As they wrapped up the live session, Matt and Audrina reflected on the whirlwind of laughter, cultural exploration, and unexpected antics that had defined their Kyoto journey. Little did they know that their unique blend of humour and authenticity would continue to resonate with viewers, turning their YouTube channel into a hub of joy and shared experiences.
The Kyoto adventure had not only enriched their own lives but had also created a lasting bond with their virtual community. With suitcases unpacked and memories immortalized in pixels, Matt and Audrina eagerly anticipated the next chapter in their global escapades, knowing that their audience would be right there with them, ready to laugh, explore, and embrace the unexpected.
In the days that followed their return, Matt and Audrina found themselves brainstorming their next travel destination, fueled by the suggestions pouring in from their audience. The lively debate between the couple on where to go next became a mini-series of its own, with fans eagerly voicing their opinions in the comments.
Audrina playfully exclaimed, "I vote for a tropical paradise! Beaches, palm trees, and endless sunshine. What do you think, Matt?"
Matt, in a mock serious tone, responded, "Well, I was thinking Antarctica, you know, mix it up a bit. Penguins and snowstorms, anyone?"
Their banter sparked a flood of location suggestions, ranging from exotic islands to hidden gems off the beaten path. The couple decided to turn the decision-making process into an interactive poll for their viewers, letting the audience play a role in choosing the next adventure.
As the votes rolled in, Matt and Audrina couldn't help but marvel at the enthusiasm of their followers. The sense of shared excitement and anticipation created an electric atmosphere as if the entire online community was collectively packing their bags for the next journey.
While waiting for the poll results, Matt and Audrina took the opportunity to create some light-hearted content at home. They ventured into attempting to cook traditional Japanese dishes they had discovered in Kyoto, with hilariously disastrous results. Matt, clad in a comically oversized apron, attempted to master the art of sushi rolling, while Audrina's attempt at making mochi turned into a sticky, giggly mess.
"It's a good thing we're better at exploring than we are at cooking," Audrina laughed, wiping flour from her face.
Their kitchen misadventures became an instant hit with fans, who eagerly shared their cooking mishaps in the comments. The couple realized that the shared laughter over burnt rice and misshapen sushi rolls was just another way their virtual community could come together.
The poll results were in, and the next destination was revealed - Bali, Indonesia. Excitement bubbled in the comments as fans expressed their anticipation for the upcoming adventures in the tropical paradise. Matt and Audrina wasted no time in planning their itinerary, with promises of beach exploration, traditional Balinese experiences, and, of course, more hilarious escapades.
As the couple geared up for their Bali adventure, the anticipation was palpable. Their audience, now invested not just in the destinations but in the couple's infectious enthusiasm and humour, eagerly counted down the days until the next vlog dropped.
The Kyoto series had not only taken Matt and Audrina on a memorable journey through Japan but had also solidified their connection with their audience. The laughter, the shared experiences, and the anticipation for what lay ahead created a sense of community that extended far beyond the confines of a YouTube channel.
And so, with suitcases packed once again and the promise of tropical paradise on the horizon, Matt and Audrina embarked on their next adventure, ready to explore Bali, create more laughter, and weave another chapter into the vibrant tapestry of their online travel escapades. Little did they know that the journey ahead held not just sun-soaked beaches and lush landscapes but a tapestry of surprises, humour, and shared moments that would continue to bind them with their ever-growing global audience.
I feel like this one was kinda dry, but let me know if you liked it, also this was dedicated to my friend Audrina she is such an amazing writer and person
But before I go gimme a little kiss
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vienrose · 3 months
Open starter for f/m. Muse: Noh Minjun, 22 year old, IT student, part-time: waiter
"I can't believe you did this, it took me weeks to reach that level, do you understand the hours it took- how... there were plenty of slots to save, why would you- I need some air."
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imm0ral · 4 months
𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 . . . # 𝗜𝗠𝗠𝟬𝗥𝗔𝗟 . . . a dependent roleplay blog for 𝙡𝙖𝙬𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙛𝙢. muses adored ( and antagonized ) by honey, twenty8, she + they.
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𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ... pinterest , carrd.
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*     ◟    :    〔   YU BA-ROM  ,     CIS MAN    +    HE/HIM    〕      SEOJUN NOH ,      some say you’re a  thirty-three year old  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both BEGUILING  and  IMPETUOUS,  one can’t help but think of  蓮 ( lit )  by   lay  when you walk by.    are you still a    UNDERBOSS  at    WHITE CROCODILES,     even with your reputation as the GODLESS?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and    HOW YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN ONE TO REMAIN WITHIN GUIDELINES ( YOU DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE ; BUT YOU CHOOSE HOW YOU DO IT ), THOSE BRUISED & BLOODIED KNUCKLES THAT ARE ADORN WITH VARIOUS SILVER RINGS,  THE STORY CREATED FROM RAGS TO RICHES ( FROM GROWING UP IN THE SHADOWS ; TO HAVING ALL EYES ON YOU ).   although we can’t help but think of  LUCIFER ( multiple media / mythology ), CHISHIYA ( alice in borderland ), SUGURU GETO ( jujutsu kaisen )    whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
graphics credit.
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ascnsion · 1 year
Have you found yourself thinking  ❛ I don’t know if my oc will mix well with your muses ❜ , or  ❛  I don’t really want to read up on your muses ❜ , or even ❛  Would ___ muse enjoy this sort of storyline? ❜  Then look no further than the ascnsion cheat sheet. 
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REMY LEBEAU. “Gambit” 
       Species: Mutant. Earth resident; Earth born. Location: Default in the States, however he does travel all over the Earth, into outer space, and other places of note in the Marvel universe. Personality: Amicable, charming, charismatic, flirtatious, relaxed, confident, headstrong, mischievous. Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral Good. Misc. While Remy is prone to violence and is certainly not opposed to punching someone in the face who deserves it, he does not kill and does not believe murder is a viable answer. Can interact with. Civilians, allies, criminals; anyone. Thread themes. Adventure, espionage, action, casual. Crossovers. Due to his mutant abilities, Remy is highly adaptable to verses and fandoms involving magic and abilities regardless of setting. Remy would most get along with: Noh-Varr. Remy would struggle with: Bullseye.
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NOH-VARR. “Marvel Boy”
      Species: Super soldier. Kree; Alien; Earth and Space resident. Location: Default in the States. When aligned with the Young Avengers, he could travel across Earth, though he is more likely to be traveling across Outer Space. Personality: Amicable, comical, excitable, naïve, kind. Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral Good. Misc. Noh will only use violence against villains and criminals when a threat is posed to someone in need or to himself. He is not one to get particularly angry and lost in violence. Can interact with. Allies, civilians with ties to superheroes. May interact with. The only villains Noh can interact with are those who do not outright kill in front of him, he has ties with (like those of Osborn’s Avengers), and those who can’t be easily defeated by him if at all. Thread themes. Adventure, action, casual. Crossovers. Minimal. Adaptable to any kind of alien and powered people in a modern or futuristic setting. Noh-Varr would most get along with: Cliff, Remy. Noh-Varr would struggle with hate: The Deep.
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FRANK CASTLE. “The Punisher”
     Species: Human. Earth born, Earth resident. Location: Default in the States. The possibility of international travel is available. Personality: Headstrong, aggressive, guilt ridden, methodical, loyal. Alignment: Chaotic “Lawful”. Misc. Extremely prone to violence with no qualms killing those he deem deserving of killing. Can interact with. Allies, civilians, powered. May interact with. Criminals who cannot be easily, or at all, defeated by him. He will innihlate a common criminal which isn’t very fun. Thread themes. Action, vigilante justice, corruption, murder, incarceration, life in the service. Crossovers. Minimal. Adaptable to verses and fandoms involving law enforcement and certain criminals. Frank would most get along with: Ghost. Frank would attempt to kill: The Deep.
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    Species: Human(?). Earth born, Earth resident. Location: Default in the States. The possibility of international travel is available. Personality: Sadistic, aggressive, sarcastic, comical, malicious. Alignment: Chaotic Evil. Misc. Extremely prone to violence with no qualms killing whoever. Can interact with. Powered heroes, villains, civilians with ties to heroes. Thread themes. Action, murder, violence, organized crime. Crossovers. While human, his accuracy and throwing abilities are abnormal, so he crossovers involving abilities are plausible. Bullseye would most get along with: The Deep. Bullseye would struggle with: Cliff. NOTE, Bullseye from 616 and Dex from nmcu are quite different, yet alignment and thread themes are similar.
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      Species: Human; now lives as a brain within a robotic body. Earth born, Earth resident. Location: Default in the States. He can travel anywhere and to the most absurd of places. Personality: Sarcastic, comical, loud, loyal, easy going, dramatic. Alignment: True Neutral, Neutral Good. Misc. He doesn’t seek out heroic moments or violence. If some crazy thing gets in his way, he’ll pummel it. Can interact with. True neutrals, those with abilities, supernatural creatures, civilians with ties to heroes.  May interact with. Heroes, but they’re not his thing. Thread themes. Comedy, chaotic nonsense, supernatural, kicking ass. Crossovers. Not likely. Cliff would most get along with: Noh-Varr. Cliff would hate: Bullseye.
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      Species: Super powered human. Earth born, Earth resident. Location: Default in the States. Work can take him all over the Earth. Personality: Dim witted, egotistical, prideful, flirtatious, animal lover. Alignment: Neutral Evil. Misc. If he gets paid to kill someone or destroy something, he’ll do it. Can interact with. Villains, powered villains, people in power.  May interact with. Heroes if they can tolerate him. Thread themes. Action, super hero life, espionage, corruption, hedonism, morality. Crossovers. Minimal, most likely those involving abilities. The Deep would most get along with: Bullseye. The Deep would struggle with: Frank.
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      Species: Super powered human. Earth born, Earth resident. Location: Default in the States. Work can take him all over the Earth. Personality: Tactician, intelligent, manipulative, smooth talking, paranoid. Alignment: Neutral, Neutral “Evil”. Misc. He doesn’t enjoy violence or hurting people. He sees it as necessary evil to rise to the top. Can interact with. Villains, heroes, people in power, select civilians. May interact with. Civilians should have ties to the world of the super powered or to politics. Thread themes. Action, super hero life, adventure, rise to power. Crossovers. Not likely. Andre would most get along with: Remy. Andre would struggle with: Cliff.
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x5-494. “Alec McDowell”
     Species: Super soldier; genetically enhanced human. Earth born, Earth resident. Location: Default in the States. Personality: Sarcastic, mischievous, pessimistic, greedy, comical, laid back. Alignment: True Neutral. Misc. Until he broke free of his programming, violence and killing were part of the job; at thing deemed necessary. He will freely resort to violence, but he won’t kill unless absolutely necessary. Can interact with. Heroes, villains, civilians, anyone. Thread themes. Action, adventure, dystopian. Crossovers. Possible in futuristic verses and anything involving super powers and genetic engineering. Alec would most get along with: Cliff, Noh. Alec would struggle with: Frank.
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phantomimey · 2 years
Kai - Maned Wolf - Character Playlist
Track List:
1. Sylph Fossil / Iglooghost 🔪 2. You’re So Creepy /Ghost Town 🔪 3. MAKE IT HURT / TWENTYTHREE 🔪 4. Let You Down / Three Days Grace 🔪 5. When They Come for Me / Linkin Park 🔪 6. Technique (short) - Hybrid Theory / Linkin Park 🔪 7. It’s Goin’ Down (Ft. Mike Shinoda and Mr. Hahn)-B-Side Rarities / X-Ecutioners, Mike Shinoda, Mr. Hahn🔪 8. X-Ecutioner style (Ft. Black Thought) / Linkin Park, Black Thought, Roc Raida, Sean C 🔪 9. Everything is Violence / Lorn 🔪10. Boss’s Daughter / Pop Evil 🔪11. Tear Away / Drowning Pool 🔪12. Pet / A Perfect Circle 🔪 13. Black Widow / In This Moment 🔪14. Pick Up The Phone / Falling In Reverse 🔪15. Break / Three Days Grace 🔪16. Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing (ft. William Beckett) / Set It Off 🔪17. Going To Hell / The Pretty Reckless 🔪18. Animal In Me / Solence 🔪 19. Im Not A Vampire / Falling In Reverse 🔪 20. My Medicine / The Pretty Reckless 🔪 21. Lights Out / Breaking Benjamin 🔪 22. Headstrong / Trapt 🔪 23. Bad Girlfriend / Theory of a Deadman 🔪 24. Bitch Came Back / Theory of a Deadman 🔪 25. Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drum / A Perfect Circle 🔪 26. ULTRAnumb / Blue Stahli 🔪 27. Adrenalize / In This Moment 🔪28. Closer / Nine Inch Nails 🔪 29. Mind Games / Sickick 🔪 30. Malevolent / Social Repose 🔪 31. Worldwide Torture / Jazmin Bean 🔪 32. Shitlist / L7 🔪 33. Anger /Groundbreaking 🔪 34. Touch Me I’m Sick / Mudhoney 🔪35. Kill Everyone / Hollywood Undead 🔪36. Lights Out / Mindless Self Indulgence 🔪37. Never Wanted To Dance / Mindless Self Indulgence 🔪38. Blood / In This Moment 🔪39. You’re Gonna Listen / In This Moment 🔪 40. Big Bad Wolf / In This Moment 🔪 41. Zones You Can’t See / Iglooghost 🔪 42. Beneath The Moon & Me / Blood Cultures 🔪 43. Haunt / Clams Casino 🔪 44. Rumpus Room / Xiu Xiu, Liars 🔪 45. D.F LOOKS / HEALTH, Brothel 🔪 46. Sahara - Slowed / Hensonn 🔪 47. Shut Me Up / Mindless Self Indulgence 🔪 48. Apex Predator / Otep 🔪 49. What Doesn’t Kill You Will Make You A Killer / Rabbit Junk 🔪 50. The Undertaker - (Don’t Shoot the Messenger) / Puscifer 🔪 51. Kill Kitty- Kmfdm Remix / Angelspit , KMFDM 🔪 52. Living Dead Girl / Rob Zombie 🔪 53. Coming Undone / Korn 🔪 54. Sex Metal Barbie / In This Moment 🔪 55. Hungry Like The Wolf- 2009 Remaster / Duran Duran 🔪 56. Twlight Zone / Golden Earring 🔪 57. Good L_ck (Yo_’re F_cked) / Celldweller 🔪 58. Sick Like Me / In This Moment 🔪 59. Lizard Brain / Lil Boodang 🔪 60. Thelema / Øfdream 🔪 61. FEEL NOTHING / HEALTH 🔪 62. I Hate Everything About You / Longlost 🔪 63. Scratch Boogie / Joe Satriani 🔪 64. Dangerous (ft. Joywave) - Oliver Remix / Big Data, Joywave, Oliver 🔪 65. Scary Gary / Kaito Shoma, DJ Paul, Kingpin Skinny Pimp 🔪 66. PRINCE OF DARKNESS / SHADXWBXRN , ARCHEZ, KXNVRA 🔪67. AVOID ME / KUTE 🔪 68. Disaster / KSLV Noh 🔪 69. Never Satisfied / Kick The Habit, Joe Zay 🔪 70. Killin’ On Demand / Freddie Dredd 🔪 71. GTG / Freddie Dredd 🔪 72. Stray Bullet / KMFDM 🔪 73. Spit. / WARGASM (UK) 🔪 74. Disobey / Oddko 🔪 75. Bitches Brew / ✝️✝️✝️ (Crosses) 🔪 76. Curse The Weather / Royal Tusk 🔪 77. Muthafucka / Beware Of Darkness 🔪 78. Broken Bones / CRX 🔪 79. Runnin’ With The Devil - 2015 Remaster / Van Halen 🔪 80. Baby / Royal Republic 🔪 81. Psycho / Muse 🔪 82. Welcome To The Jungle / Guns N’ Roses 🔪 83. Spoiler - Recoil / Hyper, WARGASM (UK) 🔪 84. Howl / Beware Of Darkness 🔪 85. Sick / Adelitas Way 🔪 86. Bodies / Drowning Pool 🔪 87. Oh No (“Points Of Authority” Demo) - LPU rarities/ Linkin Park 🔪 88. Anxiety / Palaye Royale 🔪 89. Vulture Culture / Fangclub🔪 90. Drop Dead Cynical / Amaranthe 🔪 91. Blind / Dance With the Dead 🔪 92. Beast / 8 Graves 🔪 93. HURT / 1 800 PAIN 🔪 94. The Nothing / SWARM 🔪 95. Another Way Out / Hollywood Undead 🔪 96. Scream / Avenged Sevenfold 🔪 97. Lake Of Fire / Nirvana 🔪 98. D.R.I.L.D.O / WARGASM (UK)
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Playlist Art- done by me (@localclownart - IG or @Phatomimey - Tumblr)
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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in the past year, HAN KEEHO and NOH AREUM have been the faces of ivy club school uniforms. now that their one year endorsement is slowly coming to an end, the company is looking for fresh faces from lgc for their 2023-2024 campaign.
ivy club school uniforms is looking for individuals with +50 MODELING SKILL POINTS and LESS THAN 100 NOTORIETY. the muse must also be eligible for a modeling contract ( see the list here in the modeling contracts tab ).
for the people in the MODELING path, please be mindful of the slots that you have. if you want to join this along with the brand casting call listed in the MODEL MISSION 014, you would need to have at least 2 slots available ( one to take ivy club and one to possibly take for the brand casting call ).
if your muse meets the requirements and is interested in taking part, please submit “[ MUSE NAME ] signs up for the ICSU endorsement.” to the LGC MANAGER blog. you have until APRIL 29, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to submit this. once you have submitted it and you’ve received a message from us saying we got the submit, your muse will automatically be a one of the models for ivy club schools uniform and have a one year endorsement!
write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another muse taking part in the same opportunity about the ICSU photoshoot for +14 MODELING POINTS and +7 NOTORIETY. In character, participants will receive 5 MILLION WON for their participation.
for the second step, use the hashtag lgc:icsu2k23. make sure to submit your points before MAY 13, 2023 11:59 EDT to the lgcpoints blog:
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redamaencys · 2 years
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            REDAMAENCYS   is   a   dependent   ,   multi  -  muse   blog   written   by   winter   (   twenty5   ,   she  /  they   ,   est   )   for   nostrumfm   featuring   the   acts   of   kim  do  -  hyun   and   noh   yun  -  ha   .   please   do   not   like   or   reblog   posts   from   this   account   unless   you   are   affiliated   with   the   group   .
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            kim   do  -  hyun   tldr   ;   the   adopted   son   of   a   wealthy   same   sex   couple   from   toronto   ,   and   when   having   a   child   became   too   much   ,   one   of   his   fathers   left   when   he   was   only   eight   years   old   .   the   father   who   left   made   the   poor   assumption   that   dohyun   would   be   fine   so   long   as   he   threw   money   at   the   child   ,   but   he   was   wrong   .   dohyun’s   present   parent   never   really   moved   on   from   the   heartbreak   of   losing   their   long   term   partner   ,   which   led   to   dohyun   sometimes   having   to   take   care   of   himself   .   college   is   the   time   where   dohyun   manages   to   find   time   for   himself   despite   attending   a   prestigious   university   and   a   rigorous   major   .   he   does   well   during   his   time   at   university   ,   and   manages   to   land   a   well  -  paying   position   at   a   hospital   in   toronto   .   it’s   by   pure   chance   that   the   father   who   left   him   becomes   a   part   of   hospital   staff   ,   which   leads   to   an   influx   of   emotion   he   swore   he   had   buried   .   his   father   attempts   to   form   a   relationship   with   him   ,   but   the   damage   has   already   been   done   and   dohyun   needs   to   escape   .   while   searching   for   a   new   hospital   ,   dohyun   chances   on   an   open   position   aboard   the   crowned   hope   and   takes   a   leap   of   faith   .
            noh   yun  -  ha   tldr   ;   the   youngest   daughter   from   a   middle   class   family   who  made   a   living   on   land   teaching   piano   at   a   private   academy   .   something   of   a   hopeless   romantic   who   fell   in   love   with   the   uncle   of   one   of   her   students   when   he   came   to   pick   up   their   niece   as   a   favor   .   a   whirlwind   romance   soon   follows   ,   one   that   has   yunha   head   over   heels   ,   experiencing   a   love   that   she   never   assumed   she   would   have   .   her   world   comes   crashing   down   upon   being   hired   to   play   at   a   young   couple’s   wedding   ,   only   to   discover   that   her   boyfriend   makes   up   half   of   said   couple   .   he   attempts   to   smooth   things   over   with   her   despite   the   lies   that   were   told   ,   but   yunha   knows   better   .   heartbroken   over   someone   that   she   learned   was   never   really   in   love   with   her   ,   yunha   discovers   the   crowned   hope   and   boards   the   ship   in   an   effort   to   move   on   .
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Muses list#1: For @slobby-paldea-gals (as for some of girls from your muses list, I can’t find some like Eri or others)
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Retired Jessie, she stayed at Misty’s house because she retired of catching Pokémon creatures and gives up her villain crimes. She’s become “Bloblax” after 5 years and roommate of Misty, she also makes good bed and pillow for Misty and her Eeveelutions
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