#no one cares about clancy/ethan but i think about it sometimes so y'all gotta deal with it lmao
highlifeboat · 2 years
First kiss headcanons? (Fandom? All of the ones you got. There is no shame here, your AUs are fun and interesting)
OOOOOH--Fuun. I'll try not to ramble lmao. (I’m assuming you mean like couple first kisses, and not individual characters. THAT SAID, I’d be happy to make first kiss headcanons for the individual characters/OCs as well! :3)
First Kiss Headcanons For–
Mia and Zoe:
Was, in fact, a drunk/impulsive kiss.
Both had been pining for a while beforehand, Mia had just kind of accepted everyone thinking she was dead (and wasn’t particularly in good spirits about it. Hens the drinking), and Zoe was being her shoulder to cry on (and also drinking).
Zoe made the first move, though she still isn’t entirely sure why she chose that, of all times. (She blames the booze for giving her confidence to do it)
It didn’t seem to matter because Mia barely hesitated to kiss her again.
Zoe holds no regrets, though she does wish she picked better timing. C’est la vie, it started a great relationship either way.
Mia and Alcina (Miacina-centric AU):
For Mia, it was honestly a little terrifying.
They’d been having lunch together, Alcina was talking about something her daughters had done, and Mia just could not stop staring at her.
Again, Mia had been PINING for this woman for a while, but couldn’t tell if Alcina liked her at all.
Alcina did, very much, but she never showed she cared for Mia beyond a friendship, for fear it might drive her off. As at the time, Alcina only knew Mia had once had a husband, assumed she was straight, and did her best to put those romantic feelings aside.
Eventually Mia had to interrupt her, and went on this whole “Hey, I think you’re really smart and pretty and stuff.” tangent that basically came down to “I like you a lot, do you want to be girlfriends?”
There was this moment of pause, but Alcina was obviously like “Of course.” And picked her up.
She was gonna give Mia a kiss on the cheek, but Mia was a step ahead and just grabbed her by the face and gave her a big smooch on the mouth.
Alcina didn’t complain, though it did make her blush like a dang tomato.
Daniela and Max:
It was after one of their longer fuck sessions, they were sharing a cigarette and just sort of talking shit as they came down.
Up until this point, Max had been shoving a lot of his feelings for Daniela aside, just kind of waiting for her to get bored and find another person to latch on to, even though he did really like her.
He still isn’t totally sure what it was about that particular time. If it was just the mood in the room, or the way Daniela’s face was lit up by the candles, or how she kept smiling at him with this bright look in her eyes, or what. But something had pushed him into kissing her. 
Now, mind you, it wasn’t like they hadn’t kissed before, but it was usually strictly a sex thing. This one felt a lot more meaningful, with no lustful push behind it.
And it made sparks FLY for Daniela when Max pulled her into the kiss.
Max’s heart was going a mile a minute, and Daniela was just… love struck and purring when they eventually had to break.
Nothing was said, but they made themselves comfortable all wrapped up in each other’s arms.
This also led to the first time they actually cuddled/Max spending the night in Daniela’s room, and one of the first times Daniela saw Max get flustered/express some actual emotions.
The confession of feelings still wouldn’t come for a little while, but it did make their relationship little softer/less sex-based.
Bela and Elena:
Bela had to hype herself up for it, even though the two had been dating for a few weeks. She was just nervous.
They’d been snuggling on the couch, as they often do. Bela had her head tucked under Elena’s chin while they read.
Elena gave her a kiss on the head out of nowhere, as she does, and Bela, as awkward as ever, just kinda took it as an opportunity to give Elena a kiss on the lips.
Was it deep and passionate? God no, it was actually a very quick kiss. But it didn’t stop the two of them from blushing about it. 
Elena gave her one back, and they giggled about it like teenagers before going back to their book with equally content smiles on their faces.
Cassandra and Melony:
Like Bela and Elena, these two didn’t really have a first kiss until after they started dating.
There isn’t really much to it, honestly. One time Cassandra picked Melony up and spun her around and just… impulsively kissed her while she was a giggly mess in the middle of the hallway.
In front of like… four or five other maids.
Melony got extremely embarrassed, and proceeded to hide her face in Cassandra’s shoulder to hide how red she got.
Cassandra would later admit to Melony that she was also embarrassed because she hadn’t realized others were around when she did it. She’s just better at playing shit off than Melony is.
It later became a habit of hers to pick Melony up, spin her around, and give her a big ol smooch (or multiple little face kisses), whether in private or in front of people.
Ethan and Clancy (A ship I never discuss, but do think about)(Main AU?):
Without a bunch of precursor stuff, just know they’re dating post-Dulvey and post-Ethan and Mia divorce, living together under protection.
Ethan made the move while Clancy was rambling on about what movie choices they had for the night.
It was more an attempt to get this man to stop talking and just pick a dang movie alright, because Ethan didn’t have a preference for any of them.
In his defense, it DID get Clancy to shut up. For about a minute.
The grin he had on his face the whole time after it, though, made up for the fact it took him another 10 minutes to pick between “The Thing” and “Rosemary’s Baby” while Ethan ate half the snacks.
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