#no main tags because i dont want to get eaten alive ^^
bedazzledpiss · 6 months
Dude I've seen one too many posts about people making Scar's win a bit too much about Grian and it rubs me the wrong way :/
Like I love desert duo as much as the next guy and I'm a Grian girlie 5ever but Scar is his own character. Not everything is abt desert duo.
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dragonairstim · 4 years
My phone will not for the life in its battery let me look at your faq on mobile, not even the faq for mobile link you sent someone at one point wants to work for me. Is there any way at all that I can get I a newer link (that i hope hope hope will work aaa) for mobile users? Sorry to bother but this is real annoyin!
here ill copy and paste for you
ddlg, cgl, cglre, abdl, kink, littlespace (including sfw)even if you claim to be “sfw” or not kink related you are using kink terms therefore associating yourself with the kink [this does not apply to system littles]
terfs, swerfs, truscum, transmed, radfem, gender critical, against neo/nounself pronouns, against nonbinary genders, biphobic, transphobic, transmisogynistic, lesbophobic,homophobic, dont believe in asexuality/aromantics
incest/pedo shippers (even for “coping") or “anti anti”, “fiction doesnt affect reality”, “ageing up” characters, map, nomap
thinspo, pro ana/mia/ed, etc (i am recovering from an eating disorder this is triggering for me!)
racist, fascist, nazi/neo nazi, pro trump, conservative, support the military/cops, blue lives matter, etc
your blog is “anyone can interact” or “anyone can interact just respect the banners”
you support any of these things
if i post a problematic character/series please tell me! i dont know all of the sources people request. additionally, if i interact with a problematic person please tell me! i dont know everything about everyone in the stim community
why cant kidhearts interact?
because i said so
can i request multiple things/multiple times
yes, i dont care at all but please send them in seperate asks and dont spam
i dont know if youve done [request] but..
search if ive filled the request before you send it in! this is something that actually annoys me, please dont do this.
can inclusionsts/exclusionsts interact? [someone] is an aphobe!!!
this blog is ace discourse neutral. if you dont want me using your gifs because i allow either interaction i understand just shoot me a polite message
can you tag [thing]
no, im very forgetful and i dont want to say ill do something and forget and trigger someone thinking that my blog was safe
something about my sources not being in order
im lazy
can i request kins?
can i request ships?
yes, as long as they arent of underage characters or otherwise bad (ie an abuser, a rapist, age gaps, etc)
can i request [thing im not in to]
yes; make sure you name the source material
can i request an oc or a pet?
yes; submit a picture of them and give me details about likes/colors
can you promo me?
i dont do promos, sorry! good luck though
search if your request has been filled already (https://dragonairstim.tumblr.com/search/keyword/)
dont send requests through the submit or fanmail, only send them through ask
including details about what stims you like and dont like is helpful but not obligatory
if you dont know if your requests has been eaten here is a list of requests currently in the inbox/queue https://dragonairstim.tumblr.com/requests
(there are more not here this is a general list)
blood, gore, body horror, needles, zombies
trypophobia inducing things/lots of poking
real life people (youtubers, youtubers sonas/characters they play, famous people dead or alive) (requesting characters played by real actors is fine)
country/state flags
series or characters that romanticize things like rape, abuse, incest, age gaps, etc
i have the right to deny any requests i dont want to do even if not specified here
dako, 21, fae/faers or he/him
aromantic nonbinary lesbian
other blogs i mod @ufco (mod comrade nova); @nova-stims (original gifs); @nova–stims (reblogged gifs); @nebulousstimming (my systems stim blog); @hellokittystim; @87170528 (pride flag edits and also the main blog of this account)
dragonairstim birthday june 28 2017
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THE 19/09/16 UPDATE
SO. Last time, some stuff happened. Not a whole lot, just paradox space being eaten by a green hole. Oh yeah and the screen shattered. I wonder if we’re gonna be continuing with the mysterious cobalt bubble. or maybe Im just obsessing over things that don’t matter in the slightest. And like I said, none of this is actually blind yet. But I’m gonna try and give a blind perspective at this until the liveblog is actually caught up with the most recent updates. SO YEAH. Lets just do this.
> ====>
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(theres an image there. It’s nothing.)
Ohp everything is still gone.
... What the hell is this?! I told you to stay put!
fak u narrator. t(o<ot)
Just go and rip a tag off a mattress, why don’t you.
nO, that’s just MADNESS! What kinda psychopath do you take me for?!
Alright, ripping the tag off a mattress is one of those things that basically mean the end of the world. SO does that mean we just ended the world? Hopefully not. Otherwise this comics short.
> ====>
Still no image, rip. Im not gonna post the blank images anymore because that’s a waste of everybodys time.
See? There’s nothing left. Things aren’t going to keep from stop happening no matter what you do.
Goddammit these double negatives(?). Do they even make sense? I’m gonna try...
“Things aren’t going to keep from stop happening no matter what you do.”
There are two negatives. Aren’t and Stop. (i dont know if stop counts as a negative but the way im doing this should make sense)
“Things are going to keep from happening no matter what you do.”
I guess that translates? Hard to tell. Either way, I think it just means that no matter what I do, shit’s gonna break and nothing’s gonna happening. MOVING ON.
> ====>
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Dont you be silent with me mister I want an explanation on this beautiful curtain. 
> ====>
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Oh ITs So beautiful I waNNT it. 
Oh. Haha...
Is that where that went?
Hm. Well, the narration is seeming all suspicious and shit, but that just raised a more important question. Is Hussie still the narrator? I mean, one could say of course not because that makes no sense. Hussie was the narrator because he wrote the story, so why would he be the narrator of this story when it’s not his? But then again, Hussie went ahead and made himself canon within the Homestuck universe, and made so many meta jokes that they actually started affecting the main plot. So, if Hussie is gonna continue being a character, it’ll be interesting to see how they go about that. Maybe we’ll see more on the narrator later?
> ====>
Another thing. In homestuck, all of the “continue” commands that werent actual “commands” had some meaning behind them.
==> four dashes, four kids.
======> twelve dashes, twelve kids
so whats this mean? There are eight dashes, and two things come to mind. Either there are 8 dashes for Vriska related reasons, or it has to do with the fact that this would count as Act 8. Maybe we’ll figure some eight related thing out later.
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Err, let’s just pretend nothing happened. Everything is fine! In fact, this works out great. 
Alright, so the narration leads me to believe that this curtain makes it so it doesn’t matter what happened. Even though the universe was destroyed. So either this is an extremely meta joke that’s only purpose is to introduce us to this glorious curtain, or this curtain acts as a way to look into what would have happened, or what COULD have happened, if the universe wasn’t being destroyed the fuck out of. 
You get your story, and nothing else needs to break!
Yup, fine by me. Im just here for the story, bud. I got no business in destroying the universe.
Alright lets move on.
> ====>
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See? This looks interesting.
Let’s just... take a moment to get back into the swing of things.
Alright,  what do we got here? First of all, they’re on the battlefield. Vriska’s there, looking fucking sexy and badass. Seems like she might be looking at Lord English, or Lord English’s remains. Though, by the fact that it looks like she might be holding her dice, she might be getting ready to finish off a very alive Lord English.
Next up, we got Davepetasprite^2. But thats long so i’ll just be typing it as Davepeta. They seem to be a little confused, as if they’re just like “what the fuck this dude still isnt dead”. They also still got them claws out, and they might be pointing Lord English-wards but I doubt it matters.
Then there’s Meenah, wearing an expression that looks the not opposite of happy. Which again, probably just means that Lord English is alive and she is TIRED of fighting the man.
We got Tavros next. He looks like a doof. Moving on.
I’m not gonna take the time to try and identify all the background characters because they seem fairly insignificant to this panel. I may waste time counting pointless bubbles in paradox space, but even I have to draw the line somewhere.
The ground is cracked too, which is likely just an effect of the Juju... I wonder if the Juju damaged or killed any of the dream ghosts. 
ALRIGHT! Well that’s the end of that post. I suppose we’ll leave off at:
> ACT OMEGA: Begin.
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triptaech · 7 years
A B C + BOLD + 10 Q’s
ABC tag ;
tagged by my fave drunk pigeon @ohsuga ;)
AGE – 19
BIGGEST FEAR – being alone
CURRENT TIME – 11:19 pm
EVERYDAY STARTS WITH – contemplating my existence
FAVOURITE SONG – i……have too many……
HOMETOWN – in the woods
IN LOVE WITH – kim taehyung
JEALOUS OF – kim taehyung
LAST TIME YOU CRIED – reading a fic
MIDDLE NAME – no middle name
NO. OF SIBLINGS – two younger sisters
ONE WISH – for bts to let me live for once
QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED – sam why are u like dis
REASON TO SMILE – taehyung just posted a selfie, taehyung loves gucci, bts is alive and happy—
SONG LAST SANG – ilysb by lany
TIME YOU WOKE UP – 6:00 am because alcohol hates my body’s alarm clock
VACATION DESTINATION? – south africa and greece!
WORST HABIT – being alive
YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD – anything edible i eat everything
ZODIAC – aries/taurus but more aries
BOLD tag ;
tagged by @taeverie, @zephyoongist, @taesthetes & @kittae <3
→ appearance:
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo 
i have at least one piercing 
i have brown eyes (v dark tho) 
i have short hair 
my abs are at least somewhat defined 
i have or have had braces  
There is something I would change about the way I look 
→ personality:
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin 
I am an introvert 
i like/love meeting new people 
people tell me that i’m funny 
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
i enjoy physical challenges 
i enjoy mental challenges 
i’m playfully rude with people i know well (gently shoves everyone i know) 
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it 
There is something I would change about my personality
→ ability:
I can sing well (sorta) 
i can play an instrument 
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping 
i’m a fast runner 
i can draw well (sor ta????) 
i have a good memory 
I’m good at doing math in my head 
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute 
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch 
i know how to throw a proper punch
→ hobbies:
i enjoy playing sports 
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else 
I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
i have learned a new song in the past week 
i work out at least once a week 
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months 
i have drawn something in the past month 
i enjoy writing 
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
i do or have done martial arts
→ experiences:
i have had my first kiss 
i have had alcohol 
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting 
i have been at an overnight event 
i have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year 
I have beaten a video game in one day 
i have visited another country 
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (NOT ENOUGH)
→ relationship:
I’m in a relationship 
i have a celebrity crush 
I have a crush on someone I know 
i have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship 
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
i have had feelings for a friend
→ my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” 
i live close to my school 
my parents are still together 
i have at least one sibling 
i live in the united states (but not originally from the US) 
There is snow right now where I live 
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month 
i have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone
→ random shit:
i have breakdanced 
i know a person named jamie  
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair 
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
i have punched someone in the past week 
i know someone who has gone to jail 
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today  
i know what i want to do with my life 
i speak at least 2 languages fluently 
i have made a new friend in the past year
10 Q’S TAG ;
tagged by @taeverie​ & @addictedtonamjoon​ my fave filthy animals
from jen:
in a nutshell, how did you get into kpop? my friends dragged my ass down to hell and i never crawled back up
what do you do when your motivation dwindles? cry
what kind of music do you listen to? not v picky, i listen to everything
favorite non-kpop artist? dONT DO ME DIRTY i have so many including the maine, simple plan, all time low, the chainsmokers, ed sheeran, etc.
how many albums do you own? too many. 
what is a quote you live by & why? “only dead fish go with the flow” because i am dead
have you ever gotten dragged into something you thought you wouldn’t like, but completely fell in love with it? bts
what do you value most in life? wonhae manhi manhi money
if you wanted to live in the world of any fic, which one would it be? o this is tough but any of @/gukvory’s universes from this persona and the ones before
is there something you would change about yourself? wish i could be more sensitive towards others’ feelings?
from julia:
what’s the song that got you into kpop? let’s not fall in love - bigbang
who was your first ultimate bias, have you switched since? uh i switched from seungri to gd p fast, but ult ult bias is still taekook <3
what’s the hardest thing about writing? ……writing 
if you were to win a million dollars, what would you do with it? travel, eat, get everyone in my family to retire and live a good life
what are your biggest turn-on’s and turn-off’s with people? rude people who try to act ~suave~ can gtfo, but i lov lov lov people with a good sense of humor
if you could live anywhere, where would you live? i like being home in indonesia but new york’s growing on me too, i like traveling so idk
would you want to go back in time and change your past or go into the future to see your future self? change my past
what is something that you’re very talented at & something you wish you were more talented in? good at being sarcastic and wish i was better at comebacks 
how many languages can you speak? would you want to learn more? two fluently (indonesian and english), also sorta know mandarin, but i still wanna learn more
do you have a theme song? highway to hell by acdc
questions for you guys
grab the nearest book you can find, what’s the most questionable out of context quote in page 23? 
what do you eat for breakfast?
what’s one au/fic concept that you really want to see?
what time do you wake up in the morning?
where’s your favorite place to write or be productive?
what’s your current favorite song?
do you like bangtan’s hip thrusts?
what’s your favorite look on your bias?
what’s on top of your to-do list right now?
are you happy with where you are right now?
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