#no later than that bc i am fr in the home stretch
campbyler · 3 months
current ch09.2 word count: 26,369
current ch09 total running word count: 48,715
current mental state: unwell (/pos)
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
ohh for the character list thing, can u do todoroki, iida, and/or uraraka?? - c
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You both know me inside and out ahhhh
@alartes-draws @midoriyaizukustan
This is under a read more bc it’s so long alfajfalk
favorite thing about them
GOD he’s my absolute favorite so like everything is my favorite thing about him. But my #1 thing that I absolutely adore is that he is very willing and open to grow and to like accept criticism. I know for a fact I don’t like receiving criticism. But him? Izuku has yelled at him to like basically get him to see that he had to make the fire quirk he had his own rather than associate it with his father. That’s TOUGH to do. That’s YEARS of self-hatred and abuse and repressing his power and just looking at it as a way to see his father. But he took Izuku’s words to heart, that he could do with his fire quirk what he wanted because it was his. And he grew so much because he accepted his words. I would have been like “You don’t know me! You don’t know what I’ve gone through! You have no right to tell me that!” But not Shouto. Shouto has taken other types of criticism from Aizawa as well, telling him he depends on his quirk and that’s why he went after him first during his final exam. And then he was able to realize “Huh, I really should have given Momo a chance to tell me her plan, she had something to say.” And then he has her tell him her plan. And then during Kamino, (yes, Tenya got on his case, but he was like “we aren’t gonna fight, we’re gonna sneak around, my dude”) when they were against the wall and Izuku is like “I have a plan!!!” He’s like “TELL US YOUR PLAN”. Like he is not the only one who gets to take charge and share his plans. Also when in*sa was being very passive aggressive towards him, Shouto went up to him and asked if he’d’ done something to him and when he told him about their past, Shouto was like ah fuck I fucked up, but I liked that he was willing to confront this very large guy to resolve this issue. He is like very accepting and open to new ideas and he makes mistakes and still goes off on his own (provisional license exam where you at), but he is still able to take these like criticisms and examples and learn from them. He’s a great character and his growth has been so progressive and amazing and I am so thankful to Horikoshi for this character holy shit. 
least favorite thing about them
I hate that he calls k*tsuki his friend despite k*tsuki being a God awful character. Shouto, sweetie, you deserve better friends. k*tsuki has been compared to endeav*r, your abusive father. Please please, you have the whole izucrew and class 1A (except m*neta) right there. You can have Momo and Izuku and Tenya and Ochako and Eijirou as your bffs. Please honey, please, I’m begging you. Please stop calling him your friend. He is not a friend, he is bitch ass gremlin. 
favorite line
[softly] “Midoriya”
OOF I love him with Momo (rich kids bitching about shit), OCHAKO (brother/sister dynamic where they bicker and talk in code, thank you Redd and C), Tenya (such a wholesome friendship), Izuku (they would be super close best friends come on), and of course him with Fuyumi and Natsuo having a nice sibling relationship with a hilarious group chat to boot (have you read make this feel like home by carolinaa? If you haven’t, go read it, it’s so good and the group chat they have, that is what I’m talking about, that’s the good stuff.) I like him with class 1A in general (except k*tsuki and m*neta ew gross). 
TodoDeku!!!! This has got to be my favorite ship I’ve had thus far in my fandom experience. Like I’ve had OTPs where I’m absolutely wild for them (fr//–//uk, haru//–//michi, ever//–//lark, ed//–//win) and I’ve given my 110% like I am giving this ship, but like….this ship……..is so damn SOFT. And it gives me the warm fuzzies and it makes me so incredibly stupidly happy and I want them to be happy and they’re just so precious WOW. 
Mmmm every other ship BUT SPECIFICALLY todoyikes (aka todonono aka todo//–//momo), todo//–//baku, ina//–//todo. These three ships really give me the Stroke^TM feeling like I need a squeeze toy and happy messages when I come across them. Big No Nos. Never mention them to me unless you want to hate on them with me. I would say every other todo ship is my notp, but I can tolerate them, like I’ve seen ships like iida//–//todo and shou//–//chako (went into the tag bc I’m not a fucking coward *five minutes later* haha lmfao never mind), and they’re okay. 
random headcanon
I have so many, but one of my favorites is that as a pro hero, he has so much Dad^TM energy and adopts all of his interns and treats them so kindly. He is supportive of their education and growth and basically just wants to see them succeed in life. He loves his interns. they’re all his children. 
Another random headcanon is that Shouto has a beautiful singing voice and he got it from his mother. He sings when he feels particularly sad or when he wants to cheer up (himself and his friends and siblings), and he also writes lyrics at times. He is also good at playing guitar, but is shy about expressing these talents, until the izucrew catches him singing in the kitchen while he was cooking one time. 
unpopular opinion
I like that he’s oblivious, but also I believe that once he gets older, he is not as dense anymore and learns to pick up on social cues. BUT he likes to pretend to be dense and fuck with people. 
song i associate with them
I listen to the OST more often than not and I really like Nevertheless, Go Beyond. That song comes out when he arrives at the battle vs. HKS. It gets me hyped. As for a song with lyrics, I like the song Weak by AJR. It’s really good. There’s an AMV that I’m just like bruh…yes. 
favorite picture of them
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I love whenever he is on screen because he is so pretty, so basically all of the series is my favorite picture of him. 
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favorite thing about them
HE’S SO EARNEST AND REALLY INTO THINGS LIKE HE GETS ME TO DO THINGS. HE’S ALSO REALLY PROPER??? I LOVE THIS SQUARE BOY. Also his dedication to everything he does, absolutely everything he has ever done has had so much enthusiasm, he’s so passionate. Also him standing up for the girls when m*neta wants to harass them. We stan an icon. 
least favorite thing about them
I don’t like that he punched Izuku in that one episode when k*tsuki gets kidnapped and the kids are like “We’re gonna go save him yeet”. I understand where he was coming from, but I still didn’t like that. 
favorite line
[To Izuku, holding him back from leaping into danger against AFO] “I will…protect you!”
Izuku, Shouto, Momo, Ochako, Aoyama, everyone in class 1A can be in a bromance with him (except k*tsuki and m*neta bc he deserves better). 
Iichako! I love love love them so much. He really cares about her!!! And she really cares about him!!!! I also like him with Momo!!! And Mei!!! And Aoyama!!! 
With Izuku and Shouto. I just cannot. I think he sees them as brothers more than anything. 
random headcanon
He helps his classmates train to improve on their speed and he gives them tips as well as stretching exercises and routines since he knows what to do with speed. 
Also when he’s a pro hero, he owns an agency with his brother and they are both the bosses and he takes care of a lot of administrative things, so he may not get to do a lot of hero work like the heroes that work for them, but he does get to go out into the field often and trains interns. 
unpopular opinion
Tenya with long hair and an undercut is good. Give it a chance. 
song i associate with them
Runnin’ by Adam Lambert is a great song!!!
favorite picture of them
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Look at how precious he is!
favorite thing about them
I like that she is figuring out how to be her own kind of hero. She also is into self-improvement and I admire that she went to intern under someone like Gun Head to learn hand-to-hand combat! That’s really rad! She’s here to kick all of our asses!
least favorite thing about them
I hate how everyone tells her she has a crush on Izuku instead of her figuring it out on her own without prompting. Like please let her have her character arc without it including her feelings for a guy. Let her have her character development. Let her shine without this coming up for God’s sake. She is such an amazing character and I love her so much. Please I am begging. She deserves her own background and history. I don’t want it to focus on just her feelings. That’s just ugh. it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, it’s really personal. 
favorite line
I can’t remember the lines exactly, but when she’s talking to her dad, that scene really hits me in the heart. That entire conversation, I really felt that. Thanks for the feels, Horikoshi.
I also love her with Izuku, Tenya, Eijirou, Tsu, Momo, the rest of the girls, Mei, Aoyama, Tokoyami, pretty much everyone except those two characters I keep mentioning that I don’t like. 
Iichako! But I also like her with Tsu and Momo. 
Izu//–//Ocha (I have talked about this on my blog and it rings a personal chord with me so I cannot bring myself to like it, plus it feels so forced and I just can’t get into it and I don’t care for it), k*c//–//chako (just no, she deserves so much better than that)
random headcanon
She becomes the combat specialist for the agency she works for in the future. She is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and trains the heroes and sidekicks. Nobody can beat her. She is the best fighter in the agency. RIP villains and anyone that takes her on. She can even beat Izuku, Shouto, and Tenya, who are arguably super strong and big burly men. She is not smol though. When she’s a pro, she’s ripped, she’s muscular and very agile and quick. Beware of her. Once she enters a fight, she comes out victorious. She will come for your kneecaps. 
unpopular opinion
Ochako is fucking feral. Did you see her fight k*tsuki??? She really came for his throat. She should have won. But Horikoshi is a fucking coward. What a shame. 
song i associate with them
I like Fight Song by Rachel Platten for her. 
favorite picture of them
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
Concubine Au bc I’m feelin the sauce
“Kyoka,” Natsu called for his attendant as he stretched out of bed, his last piece of entertainment left lifeless under the sheets, blood dripping from the source on her neck he had his fill from. She sauntered into othe room moments later as he relied himself for a shower, gesturing the demo ness to do away with his last toy. She smiled sickly, eager to give the parts to lady for the strange girl to do whatever she wanted with.
“Jakal and Seilah have collected some more humans for you to choose from, I’m sure you’ll find some more enjoyment, Master E.N.D.” He waved a hand as he entered his bathroom, washing himself of the thick smell, tears and fluids along with sweat mixing on his chest and thighs. Humans never did last long when he toyed with them, it was more of a mundane excuse to ignore his work rather than an enjoyable moment, though he liked to get off on their screams. Either they lived long enough to keep him satisfied for a month or two, or if they bored him he would help himself to their blood and put them to rest. Not like they had a home to go back to after Jakal took the lives he wanted for himself. And Seilah had more than enough fun turning the humans from villages they pillaged into her puppets; to service herself or quickly have them do away with one another.
King of Demons, Entherious Natsu Dragneel. He rarely did anything other than make appearances to his people, goof off with others he knew in their realm, or fed from the humans his circle of allies had collected for him. Not as though they trusted one another, the hierarchy kept demons like Tempester or Jakal from acting out of line, not in a million years could either take the king in his full form. Tried, they may have before ending up back in Lamy’s test tubes for reincarnation.
He dried himself with his flames, dressing in loose clothing that he much preffered to his royal attire. Servants bowed as he made his way down the hall, Kyoka waiting by the stairs to take him to their dungeons, women shackled to the walls and whimpering for help they knew would never come. There was a larger room at the end of the cells on display, his chair a level above the ground as he observed upon those they dragged in for him to choose from.
“Pitiful,” They all looked, tired of the constant cries and shaking puppies having been his entertainment for who knew how long. He waved them away and requested more, each line duller than the last. He rested his chin on his fist, the demons nervous as he seemed to be getting angrier, readying themselves in case their king were to blow up. “Have you no one of interest? I’m tried of you bringing women to me simply for their looks.”
“One, Master, but we didn’t think you would care so much for her attitude,” He glared at Seilah as she spoke, ushering in for her to summon whoever they were keeping hidden.
“Let me go! You’re lucky I can’t kick you, or else you’d be done for!” The girl hissed from the other side of the door, men dragging her by chains connected to shackles around her wrists and ankles. She spat at Jakal as he grabbed her by the chin, the demon grunting and tossing her to the floor below their king.
“She deserves a good beating,” His pointed ears flinched as his master snapped, halting him from attacking her with a raised fist.
“Leave me with her,” His eyes interested and focused on her glare, excited to see a girl ready to challenge such a fierce demon.
“Where did they collect you from? You don’t look like the others who have passed through here before,” He hummed, delighted as she turned her nose up at his question, refusing to answer the demon.
“I like you, you know. You’re very beautiful,” He grinned as she flushed, squirming as she tried to bring her weighted arms forward to hide herself.
“I am much more than my beauty,” She grumbled, sealing her lips again as he stood from the obsidian throne.
“Oh, you are? I’d love to know more, you look as though you’ve experienced battle before. A mage?” He hopped down to circle her, noticing the binding provided by her chains that distilled the flow of magic from escaping its core. “Your power?”
“Celestial Spirits,” She answered, eyes cast down as he held he caressed a lock of her hair, soft.
“My men must have stolen your keys,” His eyes lit up as her desperate ones met his, hand traveling against the curve of her body. She was full and thick, throat rumbling with a satisfied growl as he peered at her plentiful body, mouth watering at the idea of her wrapped around him. “I know how precious they must be, you’d like them returned to you, no? Though I’m afraid you won’t be able to summon them either way. Can’t have you escaping, now can I?”
“You’d...give them back?” He nodded at her breathless words, her mind reeling a mile a minute as she refused to meet his gaze again, flushed as his hand continued to roam over her. “What’s the catch?”
“Catch?” He chuckled brightly. “There isn’t one necessarily but I hope you know that you are to stay by my side from now on. You’re much more interesting than anyone I’ve had yet to meet.”
“My friends won’t stop trying to find me, I hope you know. They’ll look for me till the day they die, even if it is by your hands. They will come for me,” She grit, chest swelling with excitement, he liked a challenge.
“I look forward to our time together until that day,” With a snap of her fingers, her chains disappeared and were replaced with a thick band around her neck, the choker a more simple version keeping her from being able to use her magic. She held her arms around her chest, white dress in tatters and about to fall from her shoulders much to Natsu’s pleasure. This one... he would take time stripping back her layers to be able to fill her mind with only the thought of him. This one, he wanted to conquer. He led her out of the doors they came through, Lucy grimacing at the sight of so many chained to walls, begging for mercy, clawing for her help, her stomach turning with disgust. They were quick to leave, Natsu impressed by the agony on her face, eager to make her twist and write in a similar manner. Kyoka was waiting for him per her usual actions, eyeing Lucy as he offered her to the demoness.
“Have her cleaned and brought to my room,” He instructed, turning down the hall and away without a worry about the girl. “Return her without a scratch, and give her back her keys. I’m sure she misses them.”
Natsu grinned as he continued on to find Mard Geer, relaying the message to keep the floor containing his chambers clear for the next couple of weeks to give he and his new toy privacy as he broke her in to their new lifestyle.
He waited patiently as he heard her feet padding through the hallway an hour later, a random servant showing her the way and leading her through his bedroom door. She flinched as the doors closed behind them, her keys clenched tightly in her fist.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t have me paraded around your castle while I wear this,” She lamented, gesturing to the thin, red, babydoll nightgown Kyoka had dressed her in.
“Forgive them for their lack of prudeness. Demons aren’t that shy when it comes to skin,” He said as he stood from his armchair beside the fire, taking her hand in his and gracing it with a soft kiss. “But I was right, you are very beautiful.”
“W-What do you intend to do with me?” Her brave exterior crumbled slightly as he massaged her hips, drawing her closer into his hold as they stood in front of the closed door.
“Tonight? Nothing much, since you’re a virgin.” She blushed at his knowledge, tapping his nose to indicate the aroma she gave him. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable before our first time either,”
“And you expect me to just give myself away?” He smirked at her sharp tongue, he liked how feisty she was.
“Yes, my lady. You’ll beg for me in due time,” Her blush would never get old, it was very befitting.
“Lucy, address me properly if you’re going to keep me as a pet.” She huffed, following as he led her through the curtains past the main foyer and to his bed, allowing her to sit before his standing image.
“You’re much more than a pet, Lucy.” He pouted and took a seat beside her, the blonde fidgeting as she set her keys on his side table drawer. “Don’t hesitate to act as though this is your home. My demons won’t as much as look at you if that’s what you want.”
“You’re very strange for a man only after my body,” She huffed, crossing her arms. “What kindness befitting of a princess when I am your slave.”
“You intrigue me,” He hummed honestly, twrirling a stand of hair in between his fingers, taking in the delightful aroma of her fresh scent. “Please call yourself my princess if you wish. I intend to treat you well, believe me when I say this.”
“Foolish it would be to trust a man who had you kidnapped for his own desires. I refuse to give in to your games.” Her voice quieted as he stripped of his billowy shirt, avoiding the sight of his bare chest, not as though it was her first time seeing one, but the setting was too intimate for her comfort.
“Call me Natsu.” She tightened her lips as he pulled her into his lap, tilting her chin upwards to keep eye contact. “Your moans, I’m sure, would make it sound wonderful.”
“I could kick you like this, I hope you know.” Her foot twitched in anticipation but failed to comply with her brain, her confidence dropping without the aid of her magic.
“A kiss is all I ask for, you have such adorable lips.” Her heart stuttered at his clearly dramatic words, Lucy knowing his only intention was to get her to trust him with these overly sweet sayings but she was smarter than to fall for it. Her hand balanced herself by pressing a hand to his chest, nervously pulling back as he began to chuckle.
“Touch me if you are curious, I want to do the same.” She blanched at his honesty, the demon king still waiting for her to lean in and give him what he wanted. She turned away again, refusing to let herself be had so easily, thoughts moving away from him and to her dear friends back at home, willing to stick through this torture in hopes of finding them again one day.
“I would never give in so easily,” She mumbled out, holding in a whimper as his nose pressed against the crook of her neck, Natsu delighting himself with the concentrated scent of her blood. He splayed his tongue against her skin, moaning at the sweet flavor, feeling his boner thicken, already excited to have more than he promised her. But she would take time to win over, he had every intention of keeping her alive and well until he could fit himself so perfectly into her mind that she could not live without him.
“Your body is bad at hiding how you feel,” He chuckled at her subconscious movements against him, her back arching and chest flush against his own as he continued to tease her. “A kiss and we can go to bed for the night.”
She squeaked as he flipped them over, Lucy pressed firmly against the mattress as he loomed over her.
“A kiss, princess.”
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