#no im not hunting/thrifting for black heeled chelseas to pair with them
konnorhasapen · 1 year
💫Confession time💫
I don't know how to regulate my emotions and I just wind up bottling all the bad stuff which I know isnt healthy so in order to get it out i put myself through the Inversion and all of the aftershocks in one sitting. It works.
I've also been acting my whole life (not an unhealthy thing, I mean acting as in drama and plays and stuff-) and since I just finished my last semester of school I no longer can participate in drama club :( and I don't wanna find a new one bc people are gross and they scare me so now I just write my own side of the script and perform it when nobody's home so I can satiate the beast within me.
this is kind of stupid why am I doing this-
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