#nishiki nishio headcanons
pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
injured s/o.
synopsis: You were a bit clumsy, but luckily your partner knew first aid. But they had to be careful because both of you know... they were a ghoul.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; light romance; a bit of drama; also slight fluff; human!reader; mention of blood and wounds; maybe suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. shuu tsukiyama, ken kaneki, touka kirishima, rize kamishiro, ayato kirishima & nishiki nishio {tokyo ghoul}
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↘ He instantly smells your delicious blood and almost cries at the sight of the knife covered in red liquid and the onions that were supposed to be part of your disgusting human dinner.
↘ He’s trying hard not to eat your tender, sweet flesh, but after a short breath, he finds a first aid kit and then scolds you from top to bottom. His touch is tender, even though you are well aware that Shuu is holding back all his senses from killing and eating you. He’s a simple man, a bloodthirsty ghoul, so don’t be shocked. Of course he won’t hurt you, but... you never know.
↘ After applying the bandage, he’ll probably lick his fingers to taste your blood, and he feels as if he’s reached the highest level of ecstasy. 
↘ Your blood tastes like the sweetest chocolate, the ripest peach, the best wine, like coffee from the most expensive beans. He almost faints at the thought of you being filled with this dark ruby and delicious ambrosia.
↘ “... Thank you for your help, Shuu-kun.” You smile slightly, touching his arm with your hand. The man just nods, kissing your forehead, then disappears from your view as he enters the bathroom to take a cool shower and calm his farious thoughts.
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↘ Black Reaper doesn’t show affection to others, unless we are talking about his beloved partner. Then it’s completely different, still dangerous and uncertain, but with you, Kaneki takes off the mask of a dark, vulgar and cruel ghoul.
↘ “May I come in?” He asks softly as your small apartment starts to smell of your sweet like honey blood. Ken tightens his fingers on the doorknob and then enters the room as soon as you let him. One drop of blood escapes from your index finger. You cut yourself with a piece of paper while writing an essay. You look uncertainly at the black-haired man, but you don’t see any negative lust in his eyes. On the contrary, Ken looks worried. “Everything’s all right, love?”
↘ You reply that it’s just a scratch and that you’re fine. Your boyfriend offers you a bandage though, and you smile at him, lightly pressing his body against yours.
↘ “Thank you.” You reply quietly, and he only wonders why. That he didn’t kill you? That he didn’t tear your body in half? That you’re still alive? “... Thank you for being there for me.” His eyes close and he snuggles tighter against your weak, human body.
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↘ Touka is calm and the first thing she will think of is hydrogen peroxide and bandage. She’s not interested in your body, though of course your blood smells like a field of orchids and poppies. This fragrance evokes sentimental memories in her mind.
↘ She examines your wound with the greatest tenderness, and then, equally calmly and without haste, cleans it of any dirt and puts on a professional lint. Her gaze expresses many emotions, none of which are related to her ghoul nature.
↘ “Better now, Y/N?” Dark-haired girl asks calmly, while her hand squeezing yours. You nod your head a bit in response to her brief question and she smiles softly. “Would you like some coffee?” She asks another question, and you nod once more, thanking her for help.
↘ Tonight was full of tenderness and assurances that Touka would never hurt you.
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↘ He behaves similarly to Tsukiyama, maybe even worse. The sight of your blood is like a lighter to spilled gasoline. She can’t control herself and runs away as far as possible so as not to hurt you. After all, you are her beloved lover, her little treasure. She can’t afford such a disgusting moment of frailty.
↘ You bandage yourself and expect her return, even though you know it may take several days.
↘ Rize is disgustingly weak when it comes to you; after all you are her greatest drug and probably if she only tasted a drop of your blood or was in the same room with you for a bit longer, she would definitely throw herself at you.
↘ The relationship with her is quite dangerous, but you feel happy with her. Maybe it’s stupid and life threatening, but you really can’t imagine your own life without this beautiful and graceful woman.
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↘ He snorts with laughter when your apartment starts to smell like blood. When he enters the bathroom, he sees that you’ve cut yourself shaving and a few drops of blood run down your still wet skin.
↘ “If a razor beats you that much, then seriously consider my proposal to turn you into a ghoul, kitten.” The sarcasm in his voice is strong and you just roll your eyes. You quickly wash the wounds with a cotton swab and water, then find the plaster.
↘ “You know very well that I am the biggest enjoyer of fried rice with vegetables and lasagna. There is no way I will give up these human goods to eat human flesh.” You grimaced at the thought, which made the black-haired man laugh lightly one more time. “You should help me instead of laughing, dumb boy.”
↘ “Hmm... Nope, nah.” He waved at you and then went back to watching TV, calmly waiting for you to come over and lie down next to him.
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↘ He cares a lot about you; you are the most important person in his life, so the sight of your tear-stained face and chafes on your knees from falling down the stairs is a hard sight for him.
↘ So he takes you into his arms and leads you to the bedroom, where he treats your wounds with the greatest precision with disinfectant spray and bruise ointment. He talks to you a lot during this moment, almost forgetting that he is a ghoul. For sure, a few years ago he would have jumped on you without much thought, just to end your suffering.
↘ Afterwards, he smiles slightly and offers to order you something good to eat to make you feel better. You’ll agree, although you’re asking for a moment of tenderness and a few kisses. 
↘ You’re definitely too cute.
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desisailormoon · 21 days
Eid Mubarak everyone! Some Tokyo Ghoul Halalverse headcanons for the day and some for this month! A lot of these are courtesy of @backgroundcharacterno7 <3
Haise spends his Eid morning stress cooking he forgets to read his verses at least bc he couldn’t go to Eid prayer. If henna is involved Saiko is smudging that shit to play Project Diva on her PSP. Mutsuki is helping Haise in the kitchen to manage the stress and has a hard dysphoria day going to the masjid. Urie would try to work out extra hard after sehri/suhoor and passes out.
Furuta is banned from the masjid because he keeps shouting “I HAVE A BOMB”, sister Rize is nowhere to be found because he cannot lower his gaze.
Hysy Artmask Studio makes bank on chaandrat because he’s doing everyone’s mehendi. Itori reveals a little more skin the more the next Muslim dudebro asks her to wear the hijab.
Eto probably didn’t even bother to celebrate because she’s like “I didn’t even fast all month” but gets push from Hinami and maybe Naki. Naki is still trying to recite Surahs as we speak. It’s going just as well as you think.
Kimi is fighting the WhatsApp aunties all Ramadan, Nishiki keeps trying to lecture Touka about the hijab only to get strangled with one. Hinami and Touka are the ones that have to take care of all the kids on Eid, and at least gets them candy or coffee in smaller doses.
Ayato tried to sit around food throughout his fasts to prove how much of a tough guy he is.
Juuzou goes to Eid prayer and parties for food, Hanbee has to watch him before someone tries to tell Juuzou to move to the ladies section and about how permissible his stitches are. Hanbee is also left to single parent on Eid.
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tg-headcanons · 11 months
I finally started reading the manga and there’s obviously a lot of differences from the anime and more detail but the funniest thing this manga has made me think of is my new biggest headcanon for nishiki and that is He’s Weird And Territorial With Men Specifically. Like yeah, it makes sense, he was raised by his sister and only knew men as threats and i think he just straight up never figured out how to socialize with them. He’s like one of those dogs that freaks out if there’s an unneutered male nearby, he’s fine with pretty much every woman we see but the moment a guy is within 20 feet of him he’s ready to kill. He’s so real for that
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shewhoeatssand · 1 year
I come up with the best topics for posts
Hide 🌞 : axe body spray, probably loves Kaneki more than you, has nicknamed your boobs, has also nicknamed Kaneki’s boobs
Shuu 💐 : introduces you to his entire extended family after less than a month, spams you if he hasn’t heard from you in a week, his house is so so big you will get lost in it very fast (not his fault but still annoying)
Suzuya 🔫 : thinks shoplifting 10 bags of candy is a good date idea, has killed someone in front of you and then desperately tried to explain why it was actually okay because the guy was wearing crocs
Marude 🏍 : refuses to use public transport after having his bike stolen, won’t stop talking about how much he misses his bike, yell-y
Shinohara 😊 : prints out minion memes and shows them to you
Nishiki 🦎 : is ginger, immediately wants to make out with you and have hot ghoul sex after eating a raw lung, easily irritated
Ayato (:re) 🤬 : doesn’t know what a period is and thinks you’re making it up, bullies people on roblox, can be so rude sometimes
Kaneki (pre aogiri) 🥺 : describes everything in incredible detail when he doesn’t like something, will make his best attempt to be talking to you all the time (even when you are pooping) and thinks you hate him if you ask to be left alone, scarily average dick
Kaneki (post aogiri) 🐙 : sleeps on top of you and makes you so sweaty, won’t shut up about fitness and getting stronger, wears a mask with a smile for hours at a time, probably ghosting you by this point tbh (there’s a lot wrong with him so I might make a separate post about why he sucks)
Yoshimura ☕️ : really wholesome, but can’t be dated because a) I’d assume you’re not a boomer b) can’t take hints and c) misses Ukina ;-;
Koma 👹 : he’s actually pretty great and very fun but he brags about how good his coffee is and also about anything else he can think of
Uta 🎭 : eats people’s eyes in front of you and says “it’s okay because they aren’t real, they’re halloween decorations!”, also ate a plastic spider to prove this to you, mind games, spooks you from behind the corner all the time and it gives you anxiety
Amon ✝️ : refuses to kiss with tongue or see you naked until marriage, takes up too much space on the bed, keeps doing long ass speeches about “doing what is right” after killing a guy with a wife and 3 kids
Shikorae 🫠 : doesn’t sit still long enough to have a conversation that makes any sense whatsoever, has so many issues to the point where idk if you’d even be able to befriend him unless it’s by feeding him coffee grounds
Takizawa (pre :re) 🥺: makes everything a competition, disney kid, insists that you have a glass of milk every day
Takizawa (post :re) 🦉: never sleeps, an actual cat, bites your hand, smelly, insists that you have a glass of milk every day
Urie 😶 : first name is “cookie”, punches a hole in the wall when he doesn’t get an award after a raid and someone else does, hides important stuff from you
Shirazu 🦈 : sooooo cool but he can’t spell so you have to edit all his emails for him
Naki 😎 : loud while playing fortnite battle royale, also screams while playing any horror games but insists he should keep playing them, his reading capabilities have the power to instantly kill a literature major
Hanbee 🎩 : unironically loves licorice, absurd fashion, also eats the licorice with a super fancy fork kept in a little fork bag he carries everywhere labeled “the licorice suitcase”
Tatara 🤯 : is always busy so you can’t spend much time together, one time a cat meowed at him and he meowed back in the most serious voice, penis is actually too big to fit inside 😔
Mutsuki 😇 (before the insane shit happened): you have to kill all the spiders, very clingy and has similar issues to pre-aogiri Kaneki, puts cinnamon on a lot of things that don’t really need cinnamon
Arima 🌨 : cold, you’ll never truly know about him, not very open, a general mystery to the point where you don’t even know if he’s actually your boyfriend
Haise 🐼 : BAD PUNS, insists that he spends every afternoon and evening with you instead of doing his work so he ends up doing it super late into the night and gets tired in the morning, too easy to manipulate and too eager to please (kind of an issue with all the Kanekis really), sometimes he talks to the wall or makes a sour face for no reason
~~~~ BONUS ~~~~
Yamori 🕺 : sadistic torturer (obvious part), his farts smell so incredibly bad that you have to evacuate the room while he wonders wtf is going on (not so obvious), unfixable
OS! Kaneki 😎 : walks around shirtless in winter, sometimes he doesn’t even wear pants, touches your boobs randomly and it gets old real fast
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dontshutupplease · 2 months
I don't know If there was such discussion before, so I will begin it myself anyways. It's a tough topic (at least for me to consider alone) but I am certain some of y'all would be eager to tell your speculations or headcanons. Or tell me that I did not read Tokyo Ghoul carefully lmao (I read it years ago and focused mostly on my favourite characters pqifhiuqehf)
What do you think about the very first kill that a ghoul does? What I mean is - do you believe they twist something in their sanity with doing so? How does it work for them, taking for an example Nishiki who as a child felt absolutely bad for feasting on a human and now he is pretty much fine with it. Or Tsukiyama, he also held some sort of guilt, yet in his adulthood we see him fooling people into to the restaurant where the scrapper plays with their life - for gourmets entertainment. Still, those two can show humanity and empathy. And there's also Ikuma! A ghoul raised by a human, never killed anyone and doesn't want to.
How much each kill influence the mind of a ghoul - a literal born predator? Where does the term "psycho" starts with one and how different is it from a human perspective, because they are also predators, yet they don't feast on kind that seems so similiar. How much social exclusion of them has to do with it?
I would love you to share some of your ideas for each character and their first kill, how did it go and all :D Thank you for your attention <3
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kyanitedragon · 3 months
Shachi means "Orca"
His bikaku looks like an Orca tail
One of his group members is named "Gil"
Their bar is called "Orca's Bar"
A pretty clear oceanic theme going on, right?
Kinda wanna see him recruiting Nishiki now...
I know that his name Orochi and his mask have more of a snake theme, but I've always thought his tail looked like a dolphin tail.
And besides, it could meet in the middle and be a sea serpent?
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foretnoires · 11 months
nishikimi drabble | i miss you [TG week: Day 3]
warning: lowercase
note: english is not my first language, i’m trying my best, enjoy 🤗
p/s: at first i was supposed to write another ship drabble but it ended up being nishikimi once i came up with this plot 🦆 for day 3 of @weektg the theme was angst which i included “melancholy” and “lost” in this fanfiction, yet i couldn’t bear making the characters suffer until the end, i just can’t 💀
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❝ every time, everywhere ❞
7 am.
stepping out of the messy house, but his heart was restless. nishiki wondered if he forgot something important. ah, he just remembered, kimi nishino still hadn't given him a kiss and wished him a good day at work. he knew that, but how could he receive those two spiritual gifts when kimi was no longer here. they just broke up yesterday.
nishiki dazedly walked slowly to the company. his miserable life would be even more miserable from now on. stopping in front of a traffic light, watching the rush of people pass by, nishiki clenched his fists.
"without kimi nishino, this nishiki nishio will still be fine."
12 pm.
everyone in the company went to the canteen and he remained in the big room. it was just yesterday that nishiki was still enjoying the boxed lunch she woke up early to prepare. and because of that habit, he didn't bring any money to the canteen to buy food. he had to endure hunger until evening. kimi nishino had spoiled him too much already. and the idea that without kimi, nishiki would be still alive and well was quickly extinguished. he was beginning to regret agreeing to let go when she suddenly asked to break up last night.
5 pm.
on the desk were a bunch of files that the damn boss just passed by and gave them to nishiki, then went back to his office to sleep. but nishiki’s computer screen was just the blank white interface of microsoft word. there was nothing he could do since yesterday. even going to sleep was too difficult for him. he suddenly remembered last night, when they broke up, kimi said that she dared him to live on. kimi was a great prophet.
"hey kimi nishino, go back to being nishiki's seer."
he had a monologue like that while going crazy over the files.
7 pm.
sitting at the dining table, but he didn't move, didn't touch the food. nishiki was quite surprised that he could cook a meal by himself without her. so from now on nishiki nishio could live on his own. but it must have been a boring life.
he didn’t have time to cook a lot of food and then sit back and watch it. he just wondered if she had eaten by now. he remembered her whining because he boiled water and burnt his hands again. he always remembered the image of her frantically grabbing his hand, pulling him to the faucet and washing the burn.
"hey kimi nishino, i want to get burned again."
he poked his food with chopsticks and talked nonsense to himself. nishiki saw himself as a madman. hey, who wants to be a normal person when in love?
8 pm.
a couple about to break up in the movie and he burst out laughing. he didn’t understand why it made him so happy to see someone break up. maybe it was because they were about to be in the same situation he was in now: depressed, helpless, sad. nishiki tried to imagine that the male character stayed up all night and tried to contact the female character for the next few days. what a silly and idle guy. instead, he should reconsider how he lived and why he was asked to break up by the female character like nishiki was doing now. and nishiki admitted he's not doing well. look, that's true. his eyes were dark like the raccoon in the zoo kimi and he once visited. the male character went to the female character's house and waited for an hour. what's more funny was that the female character expected him to do the same. girls are really funny.
at this point, nishiki wondered if kimi resembled the female character. did she expect him to come to the front of her house and wait for her to go out? and did she expect him not to go home until she stepped out? he smiled faintly, kimi was not that type of girl.
9 pm.
he took out the computer from the briefcase that was thrown on the bed earlier and put it on the table, continuing his unfinished work. and if it wasn’t finished the next day, she could officially call him 'beggar nishiki' like she called him before. after typing the first few lines, he began to languish. it would be great if kimi nishino was here cheering him up.
nishiki jumped on the bed. he rolled back and forth, hit his head a few times to wake up and then tried to find a way out of this situation. or could he come to her house for an attempt?
10 pm.
standing in front of her house under the cold weather for a long time, but he didn't dare to ring the bell. he was trying to imagine the smug look on her face when they just broke up for a day and he came to her. or maybe she would happily hug him. taking a deep breath, he removed his hand from his pocket and rang the bell. in an instant, she appeared in front of him. her cheeks were red, she seemed to be very cold. kimi cried, stiffened. the jacket she was wearing was wet at the shoulders. nishiki vaguely guessed kimi had been crying all this while.
"did you just go out?" 
"then why do you look so cold?" 
"been standing here for an hour." 
"why are you standing..." 
"same for the night before."
by this time, nishiki had understood, kimi nishino, like the female character, also wanted him to come to her house and wait. without saying much, he hugged kimi, stroking her hair.
"i'm sorry." 
"idiot, what are you apologizing for?" 
"i'm sorry for breaking up with you." 
"beggar nishiki." 
"it'll never happen again. i'm sure of that."
kimi suddenly smiled even though tears were still forming at the corners of her eyes. that night, kimi didn’t feel as cold as last night, because nishiki was here, by her side. something that made kimi sure, he would be with her forever.
"don't go anywhere. don't be in the mood for breaking up." 
"i know. i will stay by nishiki’s side all my life." 
"whether this nishiki becomes a beggar?" 
"you've been a beggar for a long time."
kimi laughed, she let go of him and ran away.
“kimi, get back here!”
“catch me if you can.”
nishiki chased after the girl, couldn't stop smiling. his kimi, would be his finally.
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imgabysama · 1 year
How loudly do you think Kaneki would snore on a scale of 1-10? Just a bit curious :)
That was unexpected, but I think 2 or 1, he's used to not making a fuss
Taking the opportunity, I will make the scale for some characters:
Amon and Akira: Depends on how tired they are, but no more than 7, happens more with Amon
Kimi: 8, she never slept over at Nishiki's house and he immediately understood why after the first time, he invests heavily in ear plug
Nishiki: 5, it is not common for him to snore, but he wakes up with his own snoring
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fairy-writes · 5 months
1300 Follower Event!
Hello! I recently reached 1300 followers and am literally, like… lowkey crying?
I know I say this every time. But I seriously cannot imagine myself ever having gotten this far. I can’t imagine anyone actually enjoying what I write, much less wanting to follow my silly little writing blog.
But for this event! I’m hosting a cafe! Just like I did way back when! Basically, you guys order a drink, and I’ll write either headcanons, drabbles, scenarios, or one-shots!
The event will be open for two weeks starting today! It’ll be available from Monday, November 27th, 2023 to Monday, December 11th, 2023! 
ALL ORDERS ARE UNDER #fairy1300followers
Rules are: 
All orders are written as character x reader!
Everything is gender neutral reader unless specifically stated otherwise (ex: you request a female reader)
Please send them in separately so I can keep track of everything!
You don’t have to choose an add-on special. Those are just if you want to have some extra fun!
Any orders that do not follow the rules will be deleted. 
I will write for the following people:
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira (except for Muichiro), Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
Large: Imagine (500-750 Words)
Medium: Scenario (350-500 Words)
Small: Drabble (250-350 Words)
Extra-Small: Headcanons (new headcanon style with a short blurb at the end)
Latte: Fluff
Black Coffee: Whump (physical pain)
Espresso: Angst (emotional pain)
Cappuccino: Hurt/Comfort
Mocha: Paranormal (idk what this entails, but I’ll figure it out, lol)
Americano: Platonic Relationships
Smoothie: My choice! Just send in a character and a size!
Add-On Specials: 
With Spice: Victorian Era AU
With Sugar: Pirate AU
With Cream: Domestic AU
With Ice: Soulmate AU
Extra Hot: Fantasy AU
Example Order: Hello! Can I please get a large latte with spice with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer? 
Translation: Hello! Can I get a fluffy Victorian AU imagine with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer?
Example Order: Can I please order a medium black coffee with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
Translation: Can I please get a whump scenario with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
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tokyostragedy · 2 years
When they control your remote control vibrator in public headcanons (part one)
I’d love to know if you’d like some headcanons for other characters!!
Characters included: Nishiki, Yomo, Juuzou
Warnings: smut, mentions of public sex and public sex acts, gender neutral reader, not proof read
Word count: 680 approx
He might be the one to ask to try it
But if he’s not, he’ll eagerly agree to the idea
After double checking it’s something you’re really comfortable with
Probably a sadistic fuck when it comes to this kind of thing
He keeps it on a constant vibration, no patterns or anything for the most part
He also keeps it on a medium vibration for most of the time he’s controlling it
This is so you’re really sensitive and he can turn it up and make you come within just a few moments
And can also turn it down if you look close and he decides he wants to tease
He always turns it up when you start talking to someone
Especially someone important
You run into your boss? You better be real good at holding back your moans
He acts a patronizing jerk
But in a way that makes everyone around you think he’s caring of you
He’ll put his hand in his pocket to turn the vibrations up
And when you make a face, he’ll put his arm around you and ask “are you feeling okay? You look like you might be a little sick.” The only thing that makes you realize he’s not actually concerned is the way he smirks at you, just a little, and the look in his eyes
Watching you the entire time will inevitably turn him on
And if you can’t get home quick enough, he has no problem fucking you in a bathroom stall.
He might have to be persuaded
Yomo just usually likes to keep things private. Just between you. In the privacy of your own home. When no one else is around.
Because not only does he not want you to be embarrassed, he doesn't want anyone to find out he's controlling it either
He's not ashamed of it, just not really into being in sexual situations with other people around
Not to mention he's he's bit protective
(And doesn't want anyone else to see how gorgeous you look when you come)
But if you tell him you really, really want to try it, he'll agree.
He keeps the vibrations low when you're around anyone, especially if you're having a conversation with someone
He'll only turn them up if you're relatively alone
If you want to come, you'll have to find an empty place and tell him exactly what you want
It's only then that he'll play with the settings and turn up the intensity of the vibrations all the way
He'll hold you through your orgasm, trying to make you feel good and safe
And make sure you're not getting any unwanted attention
It turns out that he really does enjoy using the toy on you
He'd just prefer to use it at home
Which can definitely be arranged
He either hears about the idea and mentions it to you, or he agrees to doing it with you right away
He’s very excited, but very respectful of your boundaries
He changes all of the settings a lot
He just can’t seem to settle on one
Sometimes he presses the buttons by accident
And sometimes he forgets that he’s controlling the toy inside you at all, and you have to get his attention to get him to turn it down before you come in front of a dozen people
He does like to tease, but he will turn it off if you need him to or if you’re talking to someone important. He likes seeing you flustered, but doesn’t want to humiliate you
(Unless you’re into that)
That being said, he’ll turn it up if you’re not near anyone, so that you can nuzzle your face into his neck and put your weight on him as you come
He won’t turn it off just because you come once either
What’s the fun in that?
If you let him, he’ll make you come again and again
And he might even ask you if you can put a toy in him and control it some time too
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tg-headcanons · 1 year
*Shaking vigerously* I need Nishiki content. Literally anything you can think of! I beg of you....
Beloved jackass❤️
Nishiki, having grown up homeless and away from humans, is still learning how to live everyday life as a person. He’s gotten better at it, he knows how to use appliances now and to not leave his dorm through the window, but there’s still Regular Human things he hasn’t quite gotten the hang of. A big one is alarms. Fire alarms, microwave beeps, phone chimes, they all scare the shit out of him. He’s embarrassed by how he is up and bristling whenever one goes off and he tries so hard to hide this, but the lengths he go s to do so is getting ridiculous. Yoshimura and Kimi had to have an intervention about it because He Can Not Keep Taking The Batteries Out Of The Smoke Detectors
His nightmares are bad. They come and go, he’ll go weeks without any, then weeks where they’re nonstop. He’s had them since his sister died and they’ve been miserable, especially when he was on his own. When he gets them he doesn’t tell anyone, though he looks in bad shape and gets snappy, he’d rather people be angry than see him as weak. He used to deal with it by sleeping somewhere small and hidden in closets or cabinets so his instincts could offer some comfort, but eventually he told Kimi about it, and now when it gets bad he doesn’t need to say anything, he can just ask to stay with her until they let up
He has never made a normal amount of eye contact in his life. He’s fine with ghouls, their methods of averting eyes or glaring to convey mood and closeness is normal to him, but dealing with humans is a problem. He either never looks someone in the eye, or is Glaring Into Their Soul So Hard For So Long. Kaneki is coaching him on the middle ground between looking away and the Ghoul Death Glare, and he doesn’t want to admit that it’s helped him talk to humans a lot
He has personal beef with a pigeon. Not all of them, just one. A year ago he went hunting and a pigeon picked at the corpse until he chased it off, then it kept coming back whenever he hunted in the same area. It recognizes him and follows him around to get food, and he hates the thing. He has tried to kill it so many times and it keeps getting away, but it finds him constantly to try to steal meat. He’s mad that everyone thinks it’s funny because this is SERIOUS that thing thinks it’s BETTER than him!
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
General TG characters and what pets they should/shouldn’t have
When I say “general” I mean the ones either from Anteiku or ones that were introduced before :re and aren’t shown to be part of an organization. I’ll do CCG and Aogiri characters later.
Hide - Our favourite blond boy! I think it’d be illegal for me not to let him have a golden retriever. He’d take it on walks to Johoku Chuo park on the weekends, and he’d name it Ethan after the first blond boy in The Blond Boys (the one who performs for the other boys with a ribbon baton).
Kaneki - A house cat. Just an American shorthair or calico from off the side of the road. This cat would probably live a very calm life, sitting on it’s owner’s lap while he reads, before suddenly being thrown into a house with a bunch of strangers and being fed scraps of human meat lol. I think it’d be very therapeutic for Kaneki to have a cat though, and Touka can look after it while Haise is happening.
Touka - A rabbit!! She should absolutely have a rabbit. She already loves rabbits, and I imagine the only reasons she doesn’t have one yet is because she doesn’t have the space, money or time to look after it properly, but if she did, she’d have a rabbit. Heck, she could have multiple rabbits. And she would spoil them rotten too, and buy them cute outfits and take them for walks to shrines and stuff (can you walk a rabbit? I hope you can). Just. Touka with rabbits. It would be amazing.
Tsukiyama - He must have horses. A bunch of them big sprinty bois. I don’t know horses very well, so I can’t tell you exactly which breed of horse he’d own (though I’m pretty sure I remember someone making a post about it!), but let’s say he has multiple horses of a variety of breeds. They’d probably live on a separate property dedicated to his horses, with a lot of land on it for them to explore. Shuu would also take photos of them in beautiful places a lot, and run a blog posting about his horses.
Yoshimura - A cage full of budgies, that would be named after different teas and flowers that Ukina used to like. They’d live upstairs in Anteiku, and be evacuated to Yomo’s shipping container when the CCG came to destroy Anteiku. Yoshimura would probably put pretty potted plants inside their cage for them to investigate every once in a while. I can also see him putting a large tank full of goldfish for the customers to watch inside the shop.
Uta - Another bird. But this time, it’s a big bird. Uta would probably like owning an African Grey bird, because it can be trained to say more words than most birds, and can therefore be used in some of the best pranks. Imagine being a dove, and chasing down a ghoul, but then it disappears around a corner and you hear “quick! He’s over here!”. Then this voice proceeds to lead you around in circles for 20 minutes, before the ghoul you were chasing earlier appears with a bird on his shoulder and kills you while laughing his head off. Typical day for investigators once Uta gets himself a bird.
Roma - Every time I see the name “Roma”, I think of the tomato. Which makes me think of gardening, which makes me think of guinea pigs. Roma would probably own exactly 2 guinea pigs, and they would be called Felony and Misdemeanor, however she would tell most people that they’re called Felix and Missy. She would feed them lettuce from her neighbor’s garden, and join race groups to put them in guinea pig races, then if her guinea pigs ever came last, she would kill everyone at the tournament.
Nishiki - I can’t believe I got this far without remembering Nishiki! He would have a chihuahua that was originally bought for his girlfriend Kimi, but then he ended up taking it for walks instead of her, and then it got really attached to him and now he sleeps next to the chihuahua more often than he sleeps with Kimi. If anyone ever laughs at him for owning a chihuahua, he will flip them inside out and hang them from a telephone pole, which he will make very clear to everyone. Good job Nishiki.
Koma - I can think of two things for Koma - either an entire giant catfish (yes! A whole catfish!) or a squirrel monkey, but I’ll go with the catfish for now because it’s funnier. Originally he wanted a trilobite, but when he found out they didn’t exist anymore he bought a giant catfish instead. Obviously he couldn’t fit the catfish in a regular fish tank, so he took it to a hidden pond in the woods and marked out a trail with a sign that said “Koma’s catfish trail” on it so he could remember where to go. He even put a collar on the catfish with a tracker before leaving it, and sent an Ape to the woods each day to feed it and update him on how the catfish is going. However, the government did not enjoy having a catfish trail that lead to an actual catfish in their forest, so they sent someone to remove it and set it free. So when Koma received news that someone moved his catfish, he tracked them down, brought 50 ghouls to their house, yelled at them for 2 hours, stole their toenails and threatened to kill them if they or another person moved his catfish again. Then he orchestrated a mission to find his catfish, followed the tracker, got his catfish and put it the fuck back because no one moves his goddamn catfish.
Irimi - A black doberman, as a group mascot, and a little pink axolotl that she buys miniature hats for. The hats usually fall off though. She takes the dog for walks in the same park as Hide, so sometimes when they see eachother they have to awkwardly say hello while their dogs yap at eachother very very loudly and attract the attention of everyone around them.
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broadway-ghoul · 2 years
I headcanon that Nishiki is a whiny little manchild when he is unwell. And also I don't think you've drawn him, so can I request a sick!Nishiki please 🤢🤧😷
Haha you're right, I haven't drawn him. One sick Nishki coming up! Maybe the whiny manchild act is a ploy to get Kimi to take extra care of him? Either way, it's adorable
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Hope you like it!!
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tokyoghoulnurse · 3 years
Hirako boys + Nishiki + Ayato + Arima and Yomo asking their s/o to hurt them in bed... (Feel free to deny @_@)
Tokyo ghoul boys
Unfortunately I don’t write for Ayato! I’ll be happy to write for everyone else though ;) really buttering my roll with Hirako boys and Arima, I have a weakness for Ex-CCG boys..
CW: Knife play
I mean it isn’t that surprising, is it? Surely you could’ve expected your adventurous vixen to ask this sorta thing. He’s just the guy! Bondage, biting, scratching, whipping, even knife play, it’s all on the table!
He’d be rather casual about it actually, rather than feeling embarrassed in asking for it, he’ll happily let his partner dominate him for a while while he lays back. Has zero shame or qualms about being on the bottom and displaying his love bites the day after. Shameless fox!
“Why don’t you get the whip, mm?”
It’s.. a case of self discovery really. His partner scratched his back in bed once and he came (…) to really enjoy the feeling of the sweet addition that was pain while he concentrated on pleasing his partner.
He probably wouldn’t be into too many things actually, mostly vanilla pain like scratching and biting.
“Go ahead. I don’t mind.”
Probably the most surprising one on the list! He’s a pretty vanilla guy really, and would most likely be embarrassed to ask this sorta thing of his partner. Although he’d never (read: with a bit of convincing) admit it, he might even be into hand restraint and blindfolding.
He’s probably falling into Hirakos footsteps on the lines of biting and scratching, but maybe wouldn’t be opposed to some bruising.
“Ah.. don’t make me say it.”
Unsurprisingly calm about it, actually. Probably wouldn’t mind biting or some delicate form of knife or blade play. Little cuts here and there might get him going.
It helps him relax more than anything, laying his head back and closing his eyes for a bit while his partner does their magic.
“Yes? Oh.. I see. Please do.”
Brash about it, encouraging his partner to do their worst and getting really into it. He loves pain and proving a point that he can withstand a lot. Definitely doesn’t mind choking and drawing blood. It entertains him.
He will absolutely reciprocate the pain in bed, diving into big bites and heavy scratches. Leaves many marks behind (only with consent of course.)
“Oh yeah? Go on. Do your worst.”
Mature if not slightly bashful about it. He isn’t embarrassed - no - his partner and him and very open about their needs and don’t feel like they need to hide. Although it was quite the conversation, asking them to bruise him if they really want.
More on the vanilla and passive side. If his partner doesn’t feel like it then he definitely wouldn’t force it, probably scared to reciprocate it back.
“Mhm.. don’t worry.”
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kyanitedragon · 11 days
I've been trying to think of battlesuit ideas for bikaku ghouls, and outfits with low cutouts exist but I know Nishiki wouldn't be caught dead in those so I was trying to think of an alternative for him, and I think I finally figured it out
Pants with a high-waist, combined with an open fly on the back.
It could rest closed and folded and look discreet, appearing like a simple seam (like how the back of jeans look), and when needed the kagune could slip out without having to tear through any clothes.
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Nishiki is very possessive and overprotective yandere.
He doesn’t fall in love with anyone easily especially if you are human.
Also, he will be very careful with you in the beginning.
He monitors you from a distance and examines what kind of person you are.
But over time, Nishiki begins to realize how important you are to him.
He also understands how dangerous the outside world can be.
And Nishiki never wants to lose a loved one again.
Nishiki will never kidnap you.
Instead, he will slowly immerse himself in your life.
He can be a very pleasant and polite person if he wants to so it is likely that you will start dating at some point.
At this point, Nishiki’s traits begin to show more and he gradually begins to limit his life.
However, he does it so subtly that you only notice it when it’s too late.
Nishiki’s punishments are usually painful.
He loves you more than anything else in the world but he thinks pain is the easiest way to teach you what not to do.
He is willing to do anything so he does not lose you.
Nishiki also concerns that keep all your wounds tended to improve later
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