#nightmare king lego dreamzzz
ninjacreature · 6 months
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@nyaskitten HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! im so sorry it took so long for me to make this but i got sick and i just. couldn’t draw because of how weak and exhausted i was
it could look better but im still a little sick and i cant put too much into anything right now, but i wanted to get this done as soon as possible!!! i remembered that post you made abt somebody drawing ur kitten the Nightmare King so. of course. i had to
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kydv404 · 10 months
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[Insert obligatory reference to Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics here]
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fearthedancer · 9 months
I need more people to see the hilarious way that the nightmare gang + Logan could be a found family im serious it would be so fucking funny just BANTER
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Just look at them
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nyaskitten · 2 months
Getting more than 5 notes on Dreamzzz posts scares me there's more than 5 people in this fandom???
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winter-fire-stuff · 8 months
Some like sad yet interesting detail I’ve noticed in Dreamzzz. Major spoilers below the cut.
While watching episode 20 for the first time, you know, to finish season 1.
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I’ve notice the Nightmare King tries to like hug Lunia, his creator, his best friend. At first when I watched ep 20 of this scene, I thought he would slash or stab her with his spear staff or strike her with lightning but I never expected something more softer because his cruel and ambitious nature.
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Before the hug scene:
He looks shocked for a short moment and then what came out a genuine smile, but I don’t know if it’s really real or not, but hey actions speak louder than words.
Honestly, I think if he didn’t do this little action, he would be flat out in denial and tells the fake Lunia that she’s gone and ‘what! how! that’s not possible!”
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“Who did this to me?” —Right after the sike hug scene.
After realizing he’s been tricked, he looks shocked and pretty much fooled and played. In the second photo he’s maybe angrily humiliated or just angry that he’s tricked.
Won’t blame him because if I got woah oh played by my feelings when someone dreamcrafted my probably dead loved one then yeah. I would understandably get mad and upsettingly embarrassed.
And after that, I feel like he’s trying to cover up that he’s hurt. “Did you honestly think you could defeat me all alone?” His tone of voice sounds somewhat surprised, or disappointed? But I’m surprised that he didn’t angrily and expressively lash out on Izzie for building his best friend as a decoy to trick him into stepping out the Waking World.
Overall, this scene somewhat makes him little bit redeemable but not fully if you get what I’m talking about.
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LEGO's new tva series! LEGO Dreamzzz fanarts
Mateo, Izzie, Logan, Cooper, Zoey, Night hunter, The nightmare king and Lance
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pepmint-art · 8 months
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man, i love weddings
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DreamZzz has some pretty sick looking villains in it.
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p-s-yokubo · 6 months
So ready for dreamzzz season 2 where nightmare king gets immediately broken out of his prison and we get the same villains again bc their story didn’t properly conclude the first time but also their story won’t properly conclude even if they’re brought back so we’re just in a never ending loop of killing off and bringing back nightmare king over and over and night hunter is also always somehow involved with him
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mysticdragoni · 4 months
Dreamzzz review & Theory
I finished Dreamzzz and I’m so conflicted, I had a gigantic theory that I would like to talk about because the ending of the season was NOT what I was expecting, wasn’t bad but my theory had me in a chokehold - Dreamzzz spoilers ahead.
I liked it, but I didn’t love it, I did however LOVE the creative design that went behind everything,
Turtle taco truck, gator cars, ALBERT, shark boat, lumina’s castle looking like a space shuttle, the weapon on the top of the castle, ALBERT, the fact that Mr.Oswald was wearing the astronaut symbol from the 1984 minifig, Zian’s design, ALBERT’S SOUTHERN ACCENT, Night Hunter sway walk + chain sound effects, Logan’s outfit is cool as ice.
My issues: the story was hard to focus on at times, they had some fill in moments that were too long, also random pauses that went on for too long? They would say something and then stand there longer than necessary, characters had this issue of being great in one episode then problematic in the literal beginning of the next episode. Logan would randomly switch up a lot in the beginning episodes, being nice then a douche bag. Then he was nice for 7 episodes only to be upset he has to help Izzie in the maze so she doesn’t get seriously hurt by the night terrors.
I also did not like Filippo’s face, the stained glass look was an awesome design but the creepy lion face will haunt me.
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Here was my fueling for all of this that never happened but still could (season 2 hear me out)
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I mean look at this, I can totally see this as a family, also convenient Lunia is missing and so is her mom. Not to mention her dad is also missing, meanwhile the Night Hunter said he couldn’t return to the waking world until he conjured up Lunia’s hourglass.
Also I’d like to point out that her father’s hairpiece looks very similar to Hunter of the angle was right.
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I had a gigantic theory that Zoey’s parents were Lunia and Hunter, that the end would be a gigantic reveal, parent vs parent, Nightmare King orchestrating the fight. Zoey would go to find Lunia, find her at her castle weakened or context, Find out that’s her MOM. Then the Nightmare King shows up on the boat to attack the place, Lunia recognizes Night Hunter, says his real name, which makes Zoey go: Mom… DAD?!
And the Nightmare King laughs about it, loving the idea of breaking up a family in the process, Hunter is reluctant and wide eyed as he doesn’t want to fight.
My theory started as her mother was attacked by the nightmare king and while trying to fight him off with Hunter, she was defeated and he was corrupted, forgetting who his family was. Or perhaps he known and just held it over Zoey’s head with the teasing “Kiddo” and helping her at one point by misfiring his arrow. You know, like an evil dad who doesn’t want his daughter to win, but also doesn’t want her hurt.
I think the reason he’s all bundled up isn’t just secrecy for Mateo, but also so Zoey doesn’t recognize him. I think he ran away from home in the waking world too when he turned on Lunia and helped the Nightmare King be free.
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But yeah, I still have the theory that they are her parents, at least Hunter is her dad, it would have been such an interesting twist. Oh well, show was cute, I have a character I’m making for it.
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heroictoonz · 24 days
It’s 1am and I’m thinking about an au where for some reason Logan is sided with the Nightmare King. I’m sleepy so im like not sure if its like a the Nightmare King just got to him first or Logan was manipulated by him too hard and joined his side or what but like Nightmare Logan is what I’m saying :) also the Night Hunter now having a shitty little kid to babysit on every fucking mission lol
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fearthedancer · 10 days
Lego Dreamzzz adults (and Dream World deities) and how much they swear:
Oswald: NEVER swears around children. He doesn't want his students to swear so he doesn't in front of them. However, he does swear in front of other adults but very rarely (like when he was angry at Royce)
Albert: Doesn't care about who's near him if he's angry he will swear. He is an absolute sailor mouth.
Phil: doesn't like swearing
Forgemaster: absolute sailor mouth and it's funny whenever he is in his child form
Sandman: swears very occasionally
Nighthunter: swears alot
Celia Strick: tries to maintain a "professional attitude" 24/7 so she rarely swears
Royce: like Strick, rarely swears. But when he does, ITS BAD.
Nightmare King: yeah he swears
Ms Putnam: NEVER swears
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xxstarl1ghtxx · 9 months
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why is night hunter's blink cycle so ^-^
kicking screaming aaaa <3
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magpiemagica · 21 days
Just finished LEGO Dreamzzz season 2 and wow. Now that we better know the cast, this season is much more interesting; it’s a great season for character development. Family drama isn’t my thing but I found a lot of those conflicts to be weirdly real for a children’s show (some storylines didn’t click with me personally but I can’t say they weren’t done well). I won’t spoil to much but my expectations were matched. Generally a solid continuation.
I am genuinely excited to see what’s in store for Dreamzzz and see more of the dream chasers 😴
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rising-blood-moon · 22 days
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pepmint-art · 1 year
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they are gay for each other
married for 30 years
or divorced couple that unfortunately has to work together
or they had a crush on each other but were to scared to admit it and with time started hate each other
or they are the case of "I'll fix him" and "I'll make him better" in the end realizing they deserved better but it's too late already
or or or
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