#night vale meteorological society
wtnvcrossword · 3 years
WTNV - Ep 184 - The Fog
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2. How many times does one have to say Deb’s name to summon her?
4. Stay tuned next for what kind of animals? (Plural)
7. According to their ad, the sponsor will challenge you to be a better friend, lover, citizen, and what? (Two words)
8. The Night Vale Meteorological Society said it was important that we do not do what?
10. Deb told Cecil that his ___ flesh made him weak of mind.
11. According to Deb, who doesn’t wear clothes to work? (Two words)
12. According to the Night Vale Electric Utility, the fog absorbed electrical currents causing these in all buildings it came in contact with. (Two words)
15. For lunch, Deb wanted to feed on Joel Eisenberg’s what?
16. A fog is a patch of what?
17. The Night Vale Meteorological Society tied ropes around what body parts to form a chain of nearly 50 weatherpeople?
19. Joel Eisenberg lost what kind of relative last weekend? (Two words) Down
1. Deb denied that she was crying and insisted instead that she was doing this heavily in triumph?
3. What did Cecil need to smear on the paper to unsummon Deb?
4. What financial company was today’s sponsor? (Two words)
5. What did the new restaurant that Cecil wanted to eat at specialize in?
6. Examples of battery-operated electronics that would not work in the fog included cell phones, cars, and these. (Two words)
9. The sponsor said they know that life is what?
13. The sponsor said they were listening, but they were not doing what?
14. The weatherpeople went into the fog to try to take what kind of readings?
18. What field of plant science caused the engineers at the Night Vale Electric Utility to giggle at its absurdity?
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
The Night Vale Meteorological Society has issued an extreme heat watch for Monday, saying: “hey, it’s a desert in August, it’s probably going to be hot as heck on Monday and all other days.”
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wtnvcrossword · 5 years
WTNV - Ep 131 - Brought to You by Kellogg’s
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3. What did one of the Kellogg’s executives do on Leopold Tuesdale’s office floor?
8. Station Management consumed three tons of soil from which European capital each month?
11. Kellogg’s will test a cereal meant for what time of day only?
12. The Night Vale Meteorological Society has issued what kind of heat watch for Monday?
13. What kind of troubles did NVCR have at the station that resulted in the Kellogg’s sponsorship?
14. Steve Carlsberg’s summer softball league team’s name. (2 words)
15. At the monthly school board meeting Kellogg’s wanted to replace all the food in the cafeteria with what?
18. Kellogg’s agreed to pay for one month of soil shipments in exchange for NVCR talking about Kellogg’s for how many years?
20. What pejorative term did Cecil use to refer to Susan Wilman’s summer softball league team? (2 words)
1. Sunday afternoon in Grove Park, Sarah Sultan offered what kind of classes?
2. Flakey-O’s chief executive, Leopold Tuesdale said regarding Kellogg’s, “We’re not afraid of a ___ cereal company.”
4. What kind of Corn Flakes was Kellogg’s interested in making?
5. Where did the station’s legal advisor get their legal knowledge from?
6. The station’s legal advisor also had what position at the Moonlite All-Nite Diner?
7. Flakey-O’s was bought out by Kellogg’s and became was kind of division of the company?
9. What day was now called Kellogg’s day?
10. Mentioning the outdated name for Kellogg’s Day would result in severe fines and these.
16. John Peters, you know, the farmer, told Kellogg’s that he had a deal with Flakey-O’s, a good ___ cereal company.
17. Which day did Cecil ask listeners to set aside because Kellogg’s indicated that they have use for all of us?
19. Who was the station’s legal advisor?
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