#nicolas manuel deutsch
philoursmars · 1 year
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Je reviens ENCORE une fois à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55800 photos (environ).  On est en 2017 et comme ce blog est né en 2017, j’arriverai donc au bout de cette présentation.
Avec Christine, on avait décidé de partir de Pau vers Vichel en Auvergne par les petites routes. Nous voici enfin aux environs de Vichel.
Le charmant village médiéval d’Usson. L’église romane Saint-Maurice : sur la 3 , une “Crucifixion” de Nicolas Manuel Deutsch et, sur la suivante: “La Résurrection de Lazare”. Sur la dernière, le village vu d’en contrebas.
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xaronudibov · 2 years
Mein kampf pdf deutsch
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  Adolf HITLER, Mein Kampf, Bd. 2: Die nationalsozialistische Bewegung, nung, die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen und die internationale Lage zu. Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf - Band 1&2, le livre audio de Helgard Haug, Daniel Wetzel, Rimini Protokoll à télécharger. Écoutez gratuitement l'audiobook Adolf [PDF] HITLERS STIL IN MEIN KAMPF - Deutscher Apotheker Verlag. Die früher kursierende These, dass Mein Kampf nicht allein Hitlers Buch, sondern 29 Mehring, geht zuerst an Herrn Professor Dr. Gregor Schöllgen, der mich und meine müsse Frankreich »eben in Genf mit aller Schärfe den Kampf deutsch-. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Munich, Fr. Eher Nachf., 1925 [t. I], p. 326. Victor Klemperer, LTI, la langue du III e Reich [ Prises de position. « Mein Kampf ne doit être rediffusé que dans le cadre d'éditions critiques et raisonnées ». 03.03.2016 (PDF, 38 kB, deutsch). Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - book online in English and download in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, FB2 y AZW3. 501 ; A. Hitler, Mein Kampf, op. cit., p. allemande de toute responsabilité dans le national-socialisme (Peter Trawny, « Ist der Holocaust deutsch ? tracé par « Mein Kampf » est loin d'être achevé. M. Hitler n'y a pas renoncé. Selon lui, Hitler n'a pas véritablement d'ambition coloniale en Afrique et ses Nicolas Patin, « Mein Kampf. Trajectoires d'un objet fantasmatique. Allemagne-France, 1925-1945 », in : Michel Grunewald, Olivier Dard, Uwe Puschner, Nicolas Patin, « Mein Kampf. Trajectoires d'un objet fantasmatique. Allemagne-France, 1925-1945 », in : Michel Grunewald, Olivier Dard, Uwe Puschner,
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vakimufic · 2 years
Vertragshandbuch gesellschaftsrecht schweiz
           Studer, in: Schweizer Vertragshandbuch [Hrsg. Münch/Böhringer/Kasper/Probst], 2. Aufl., S. 995):. Grundsätze der Unternehmenspolitik; Stimmbindungsabsprachenorganhaftung-schweiz.ch: Blog zu grundsätzlichen und aktuellen Fragen der (Hrsg.), Schweizer Vertragshandbuch, Musterverträge für die Praxis, 3. Münchener Vertragshandbuch Bd. 1: Gesellschaftsrecht. Hardcover, C.H. Beck Verlag, 7. neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2011, Schutzumschlag fehlt, Schweizer Vertragshandbuch von Manuel Arroyo, Philipp Gelzer, Patrick Hunger, Andreas Müller, Rolf Benz (ISBN 978-3-7190-2275-4) | Alles versandkostenfrei Münchener Vertragshandbuch Band 1: Gesellschaftsrecht. Bearbeitet von. Herausgegeben von Dr. Nicolas Böhm, Rechtsanwalt und 2018 Verlag C. H. Beck oHG. Schweizer Vertragshandbuch. Musterverträge für die Praxis. von. Münch, Peter, Prof. Schweizer Vertrags- Handbuch Musterverträge für die Praxis 2., Auflage Gesellschaftsrecht Wiedemann / Frey wird vertrieben von beck-shop.de Thematische Zur Neuauflage: Für die dritte Auflage wurde das Schweizer Vertragshandbuch umfassend aktualisiert sowie um neue Vertragsmuster ergänzt (u.a. Mediationsklauseln
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still-single · 4 years
new HEATHEN DISCO for 3/29/2020 <-- LISTEN
Last new episode of Heathen Disco until April 19th, so listen in then go back and check out the 200+ shows I have archived. 
Link here: Mixcloud
Tracklist below:
Larry Levan Featuring Sly Dunbar, Robbie Shakespeare, Gwen Guthrie, Wally Badarou, Darryl Thompson - Seventh Heaven / Getting Hot
Georgette Della Rosa - D'Ya Wanna (Italian Ciao! Version)
Manuel Göttsching - E2-E4 part 2 (excerpt)
Nicola Cruz - Ripple
Canal Street Electronics - Almost Human
Mute Duo - Canopy Bells
Noiseland - Not My Finest Hour
Government Issue - 4-Wall Hermit
Uncle Pit - Rabbit Hill
The Easybeats - What in the World!
Basic Plumbing - Bad Mood
Lavender Flu - James Bay
Linda Guilala - Accidente
Six Organs of Admittance - Pacific
Kindergarten - Interference
John Prine - Your Flag Decal Won't Get You into Heaven Anymore
The Stooges - Fun House (take 3)
Deutsche Amerikanische Freundschaft - Co Co Pino
Psychic Ills - Another Day Another Night
Jeremy Cunningham - It's Nothing
Kendra Smith - Stars Are in Your Eyes
FACS - Dub Over
Gregory Isaacs - Down the Line
Molchat Doma - Toska
Long Fin Killie - Stacked
HARSH R - Your Body
Mary Lattimore - Charlie's Yard
Four Tet - Something in the Sadness
The Rockets - Pill's Blues
Gang Starr - Conspiracy
Sonny Sharrock - Little Rock
Sunny Balm - What's Happening World?
Scythe - Cyborg
Roy Montgomery - Escape Velocity
Black Market Brass - War Room
The Missed - Tellurian Mistake
Ama-Dots - So What
Cindy Lee - Heavy Metal
Grotto Terrazza - Fürst Mitternacht
ONO - Ennui
Spacemen 3 - Why Couldn't I See
Mint Mile - Apocalypse Peaks
Slum of Legs - RUTHE14ME
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dermontag · 2 years
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FC Bayern mit Offensiv-Feuerwerk Dreifacher Lewandowski pulverisiert Salzburg-Märchen 08.03.2022, 22:51 Uhr Der FC Bayern bangt nur in den ersten Minuten um das Weiterkommen ins Viertelfinale der Champions League: Dank zwei Elfmetern gehen die Münchner gegen RB Salzburg früh in Führung, Lewandowski gelingt ein lupenreiner Hattrick. Der deutsche Rekordmeister bleibt hungrig und gewinnt verdient mit 7:1 (4:0). Mit einer Gala von Weltfußballer Robert Lewandowski und einem wahren Offensiv-Feuerwerk ist Rekordmeister Bayern München ins Viertelfinale der Champions League spaziert. Im Achtelfinal-Rückspiel gegen RB Salzburg zeigte die Mannschaft von Trainer Julian Nagelsmann beim souveränen 7:1 (4:0) überhaupt keine Nerven und hielt auch dank eines Lewandowski-Hattricks innerhalb von elf Minuten den Traum vom Königsklassen-Triumph am Leben. Beim Comeback von Kapitän Manuel Neuer sorgte Torjäger Lewandowski mit einem Elfmeter-Doppelpack (12./21.) und seinem insgesamt 85. Treffer in der Champions League (23.) schnell für klare Verhältnisse. Serge Gnabry erhöhte noch vor der Pause (31.) und machte das 1:1 aus dem Hinspiel endgültig vergessen. Nach dem Seitenwechsel traf zunächst Thomas Müller (54.). Joker Maurits Kjaergaard (71.) gelang mit einem Hammer ins kurze Kreuzeck noch der Ehrentreffer, ehe Müller (83.) mit seinem 52. Treffer im 132. Königsklassenspiel und Leroy Sané (86.) nachlegten. Neuer mit ruhigem Comeback Vor Anpfiff überraschte Nagelsmann mit seiner Startelf. Der 34-Jährige schickte eine Dreierkette und reichlich Offensivpower in das bislang wichtigste Spiel der Saison. Nicht unter den 25.000 Zuschauern in der Allianz Arena war Bayerns Vorstandsvorsitzender Oliver Kahn. Der positiv auf Corona getestete "Titan" musste in den eigenen vier Wänden zusehen, wie Rückkehrer Neuer mit seinem 104. Champions-League-Spiel für die Bayern an ihm vorbeizog. Im Tor erlebte Neuer, der wegen einer Meniskus-OP die vergangenen fünf Pflichtspiele verpasst hatte, einen ruhigen Abend. Verlieren verboten war die Devise der Münchner, dafür vertraute Nagelsmann auf nur drei nominelle Defensivspieler. Und das Risiko zahlte sich aus, obwohl die Bayern-Verteidigung nach zwei Minuten schon in die Bredouille kam. Kingsley Coman musste nach einem Konter bei einer Großchance von Nicolas Capaldo in letzter Sekunde grätschend zur Rettung eilen. Zuvor war Lewandowski nach nur wenigen Sekunden noch aus guter Position am deutschen RB-Torhüter Philipp Köhn gescheitert. Nachdem die Bayern in der Anfangsphase durchaus ihre Mühen mit der Pressing-Maschine aus der Mozartstadt hatten, machte Lewandowski wieder den Unterschied. Zweimal vernaschte der Pole den Salzburger Maximilian Wöber im Strafraum mustergültig, zweimal konnte ihn dieser nur mit einem Foul stoppen, zweimal verlud "Lewa" Köhn eiskalt. Bayern weiter hungrig Der "krasse Außenseiter", wie der deutsche RB-Trainer Matthias Jaissle den österreichischen Serienmeister vor dem Spiel bezeichnet hatte, war schnell chancenlos. Der Bayern-Express rollte unaufhaltsam, auch Jung-Nationalspieler Karim Adeyemi blieb in der Salzburg-Offensive unauffällig. Es war erst etwas mehr als eine halbe Stunde gespielt, als Kingsley Coman den völlig freistehenden Gnabry rechts im Strafraum bediente. Der Nationalspieler ließ Köhn mit einem Flachschuss keine Chance und durfte zur Halbzeitpause bereits Feierabend machen. Die Bayern schalteten in der Folge zwei Gänge zurück, setzten aber trotzdem immer wieder Nadelstiche. Nach einer schönen Kombination versenkte Müller einen Schuss aus 15 Metern mit seinem schwachen linken Fuß unhaltbar im rechten Eck - und legte kurz vor Schluss erneut mit links nach. Sané setzte den Schlusspunkt.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
U.S. population growth slows (The Economist) In mid-December the US Census published new population estimates (to be used for comparison when official census data are released in 2021). For those keen on growth, they offer mostly grim reading. California’s population has stalled and may, for the first time, be declining. Illinois, which has shed over 250,000 residents in a decade, has shrunk for seven successive years. In the year to July, thus counting in little pandemic effect, New York endured more shrinkage than any state: it lost 126,000, or 0.65%, of its people. Some states, mostly in the South, are growing fast, but not enough to lift the national rate. Overall, America’s population is barely inching up by historical standards. In the year to July it grew by 0.35% (or 1.2m) to 329m. No year since 1900 has seen such a miserly gain, though the year to next July could be slower still. Even in the dark days after the first world war, as the Spanish flu raged, growth was faster. William Frey of the Brookings Institution calculates expansion in the decade to July 2020 at just 6.6%. If his sums are right, that is the lowest decadal gain since 1790.
Washington braces for intense opening to a pivotal year (AP) The tumult of 2020 isn’t over yet. The opening week of the new year will be dominated by a collision of events that will test America’s commitment to democracy, shape President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration and determine the future of the Republican Party. It begins on Tuesday with two runoff elections in Georgia that will decide control of the Senate. Biden’s ability to easily set up his Cabinet and enact a legislative agenda hinges on Democrats capturing both seats. The focus shifts to Washington on Wednesday, where Congress is set to certify Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. The typically procedural afterthought is now a battle as some Republicans, eager to satisfy President Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters, say they won’t certify the results of a free and fair election. Others in the GOP are warning that such moves are destructive. Even in a capital that has become somewhat accustomed to the chaos of the Trump era, the tension heading into this week is particularly acute. The repercussions could be long-lasting, influencing the course of Biden’s administration and ultimately the American resolve to peacefully transfer power from one party to another.
The time to question election results has passed, all living former defense secretaries say (Washington Post) The time to question election results has passed, and there is no role for the military in changing them, all 10 of the living former defense secretaries said in an extraordinary rebuke to President Trump and other Republicans who are backing unfounded claims of widespread fraud at the ballot box. The former Pentagon chiefs issued their warning Sunday evening in an opinion piece that they co-wrote and published in The Washington Post. Its authors include Trump’s two former defense secretaries, Jim Mattis and Mark T. Esper, as well as each surviving, Senate-confirmed Pentagon chief dating back to Donald H. Rumsfeld in the 1970s. It comes as concerns persist that Trump might seek to use the military to keep himself in office, despite his electoral loss. “Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted. Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted,” the former defense secretaries wrote. “The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived.”
Mexico’s president reaches the people with morning show (AP) Retired auditor Rafael Silva pours himself a cup of coffee and turns on his television at 7:00 a.m. each weekday morning to watch. Also in Mexico City, Amalia Meléndrez tunes in after her morning bath. Four thousand miles away in the United States, engineer Raúl Juárez connects to the internet no matter where he is —at home or in his car—to see the show they all wouldn’t miss for anything. It’s not a Mexican soap opera—though its number of viewers rivals some—it’s the daily, marathon morning press conference that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has given every weekday since he took office on Dec. 1, 2018. That’s over 500 opened-ended news conferences, sometimes lasting as long as three hours. They are a platform for the president to relay information he says the media ignores or misrepresents. Others say they are propaganda venues López Obrador uses to attack his critics. They are undeniably a break with the past in a country where some presidents could go years without taking an unvetted question from a reporter. “It’s my favorite series,” said Ana Errasti, an interpreter in Mexico City. “Any reporter can go up and directly question the president, and he shows his human side, without a script.”
Britons flying home to Spain caught in post-Brexit red tape (AP) Blame COVID-19 travel restrictions or Brexit but whatever the cause, some British citizens trying to return to their homes in several European countries this weekend were barred from boarding flights. Airlines refused documents that before Brexit had been valid proof of the Britons’ status as residents in Spain, Italy and Germany, although Spanish authorities claimed that the issue had been resolved by mid-Sunday. Their ordeal came amid heightened travel restrictions due to a coronavirus variant that has been blamed for faster contagion in the U.K. and highlights the bureaucratic complexities resulting from Britain’s departure from the 27-nation European Union. Around 300,000 British citizens are registered as permanent residents in Spain, although before Brexit, many more had been living full or part-time in the country without officially registering.
UK prime minister orders new virus lockdown for England (AP) Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday a new national lockdown for England until at least mid-February to combat a fast-spreading new variant of the coronavirus, even as Britain ramped up its vaccination program. Johnson said people must stay at home again, as they were ordered to do so in the first wave of the pandemic in March, this time because the new virus variant was spreading in a “frustrating and alarming” way. From Tuesday, primary and secondary schools and colleges will be closed for face to face learning except for the children of key workers and vulnerable pupils. University students will not be returning until at least mid-February. People were told to work from home unless it’s impossible to do so, and leave home only for essential trips. All nonessential shops and personal care services like hairdressers will be closed, and restaurants can only operate takeout services.
Scottish independence (Foreign Policy) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made clear his views on a potential referendum on Scottish independence, telling the BBC that such votes should only be held “once in a generation.” Under current rules, a referendum would likely need the support of the government in London to go ahead. Johnson’s remarks come as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon continues to push for Scottish independence, saying Scotland is “committed to a legal, constitutional route to becoming an independent state,” in an opinion piece published in the Irish Times on Saturday.
British Court Addresses Fate of Julian Assange (Foreign Policy) A British judge will today decide whether to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States to face an 18-count indictment related to the release of thousands of documents, including diplomatic cables, published by Wikileaks in 2010 and 2011. Assange has been held in high-security Belmarsh prison since his forced removal from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he had spent the previous seven years. Reporters without Borders (RSF) chief Christian Mihr, whose organization has been ever-present at Assange’s British trial, was pessimistic about today’s ruling. “I’ve always said that this is a political process. That means there is political pressure. And that means—as sad, as tragic as that is—I won’t be surprised if the court approves extradition,” Mihr told Deutsche Welle. The United Nations special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer said the U.S case against Assange is “just because he practiced investigative journalism.” / Later (BBC): Wikileaks founder Julian Assange cannot be extradited to the United States, a court in London has ruled. The judge blocked the request because of concerns over Mr Assange’s mental health and risk of suicide in the US. US authorities have 14 days in which to lodge an appeal and are expected to do so.
The Tokyo Olympics hit the 200-days-to-go mark (AP) The countdown clock for the postponed Tokyo Olympics hit 200 days to go on Monday. Also on Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said he would consider calling a state of emergency as new coronavirus cases surge to record numbers in Tokyo and neighboring prefectures. Japan has never had a lockdown for COVID-19, attempting to juggle the economy and health risks. It’s nearing deadline time for Tokyo Olympic organizers, the International Olympic Committee, and various Japanese government entities as they try to pull off the Games in the middle of a pandemic. Officials have promised to announce concrete plans early in the new year about how to get 15,000 Olympic and Paralympic athletes into Japan; about the safety of the Athletes Village, and hundreds of thousands of fans, media, judges, officials, broadcasters and VIPs. The new year is here.
South Korea’s population falls for first time in its history (The Guardian) South Korea’s population has fallen for the first time in the country’s history, as it battles an ageing population and chronically low birth rate. The latest census figures, released at the weekend, show the population stood at 51,829,023 at the end of December, down 20,838 from the previous year. Data reported by Yonhap showed the country recorded 275,815 births in 2020, compared with 307,764 deaths. The trend, which has also led to a population decline in neighbouring Japan, is adding to pressure on the government to address the long-term demographic challenges posed by a rapidly ageing society and one of the lowest fertility rates in the world.
Australia’s Influence in Pacific Islands Grows as China’s Wanes (Bloomberg) Australia is moving to boost ties with small island nations off its eastern coastline, pushing back against China’s growing influence in the Pacific Ocean as the virus outbreak hinders travel. Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s government has promised to supply its neighbors with Covid-19 vaccines in 2021 as part of a A$500 million package aimed at achieving “full immunization coverage” in the region. It also recently signed a “landmark” deal with Fiji, one of the region’s most populous nations, to allow military deployments and exercises in each other’s jurisdiction. “China has largely been missing in action in regards to providing Covid-related support in the region,” said Jonathan Pryke, who heads research on the region for Sydney-based think tank the Lowy Institute. “Australia has built up an amount of goodwill by not forgetting about the Pacific in a time of crisis.”
Tensions with Iran (Foreign Policy) Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has seized a South Korean-flagged tanker and its crew, Iranian state media reported Monday. Tensions between Seoul and Tehran have escalated since South Korea froze $7 billion of Iranian funds in its banks after the United States reimposed sanctions on Iran following the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal in 2018. Iran also announced Monday that it had resumed 20 percent uranium enrichment, the most significant breach of the 3.67 percent enrichment agreed as part of the 2015 nuclear deal that was signed by several major world powers, including the United States. The move puts Iran one step closer to reaching the 90 percent enrichment required for a nuclear warhead and sets up an early challenge for the incoming Biden administration. Sunday marked the anniversary of the assassination of Iranian military commander Qassem Suleimani, and the United States was wary of a possible retaliation. The U.S. Defense Department announced that the USS Nimitz, due to leave the Persian Gulf, would remain in the region due to threats made against President Donald Trump and other senior officials by Iranian leaders. The move came just three days after the aircraft carrier had been ordered to return home as a message of de-escalation.
100 Civilians Are Reported Dead After Attacks in Niger (NYT) A hundred civilians were killed in attacks by suspected militants in the West African nation of Niger on Saturday, according to government officials. Armed men shot men and boys in what was said to be a revenge attack on the villages of Tchoma Bangou and Zaroumadareye. The villages are in the southwestern region of Tillabéri, where civilians have increasingly come under attack in the past two years. “They opened fire on everybody,” said Jahafar Koudize, a resident of Tchoma Bangou who managed to escape. The attack, which came just a week after Niger���s presidential election, is one of the country’s deadliest ever. Prime Minister Brigi Rafini, in remarks broadcast Sunday on national television from a visit to the area of the assaults, put the death toll at 100 but did not say who was responsible, Reuters reported.
Faith and spirituality in the time of Covid (BBC) Like many last March, the pandemic took Misha Allard by surprise. The 36-year-old from Toronto, Canada, had recently quit her corporate job to pursue an acting career—something she felt was her “calling”. With productions halted and no work in sight, Ms Allard decided to use the spring to explore another calling—her growing interest in spirituality. Like many millennials, Ms Allard had not attended church in years. Now, with nothing but time on her hands, she decided she would revisit her faith and see if she could find it a home. The pandemic had caused most churches to go from in-person worship to online services, which made it easy for her to try out different denominations. One of the churches she visited was the Meeting House, a protestant church that a friend had told her was “a church for people who don’t like church”. “They were doing a four-part series on basically love, and the fact that Jesus is love, and that so resonated with me, because I really believe that, and now more than ever do we really need love,” she says. For decades, religious attendance in most parts of the world has been declining. But the pandemic may just be reversing that trend, leaders from several faiths say, in part because the move to online services has helped make it easier for people to participate. “We’ve seen not only the numbers grow, but the kind of people, the people who wouldn’t typically feel comfortable even going to church, or setting a foot inside a new church,” says Bruxy Cavey, the lead pastor at the Meeting House.
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tkkgsehen · 5 years
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Pressemitteilung vom 7.6.2019
40 Jahre GOLDENER SPATZ findet mit der Preisverleihung seinen krönenden Abschluss
7 GOLDENE SPATZEN, ein Publikumspreis und ein Urkunden-Preis für das beste Drehbuch vergeben
Erfurt, 7. Juni 2019: Das 27. Deutsche Kinder Medien Festival Goldener Spatz hat seinen 40. Geburtstag gebührend gefeiert. 18.000 Besucher*innen und ganze 23 ausverkaufte Filmvorführungen konnte der GOLDENE SPATZ in diesem Jahr verbuchen. Mit der Verleihung der GOLDENEN SPATZEN im THEATER ERFURT fand das Festival am Freitag (7. Juni) seinen Höhepunkt. Durch den Abend führte Moderatorin Nina Eichinger. Für Interessierte gibt es die Preisträgerfilme noch einmal am Samstag (8. Juni) im CineStar Erfurt zu sehen.
„Wir sind stolz und glücklich über 40 Jahre GOLDENER SPATZ – dass sich der Erfolg des Festivals auch in diesem Jahr fortgesetzt hat, bestärkt uns in unserer Arbeit.“, freut sich Festivalleiterin Nicola Jones. „Die Retrospektive und vor allem die Jubiläumsveranstaltung in der St. Johanniskirche in Gera waren sehr emotionale Momente. Mit dem neuen digitalen Wettbewerb und dem FABMOBIL Neues gewagt zu haben, hat sich erfolgreich gezeigt. Es war ein rundum gelungenes 40-jähriges Jubiläum mit vielen tollen Filmgästen, interessierten Zuschauer*innen und Branchenvertreter*innen, die in regen Austausch gegangen sind – sei es im Filmgespräch oder in den Fachveranstaltungen“, erzählt Jones.
Die Preisträger 2019:
GOLDENER SPATZ Langfilm: TKKG (Deutschland 2019, Produktion: Kundschafter Filmproduktion GmbH, Koproduktion: Delta Film GmbH, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH, Weltvertrieb: Beta Film GmbH, Verleih: Warner Bros. Pictures, Regie: Robert Thalheim, Buch: Robert Thalheim und Peer Klehmet) Der GOLDENE SPATZ für den besten Langfilm ist mit dem 1.500 Euro dotierten Sonderpreis des Thüringer Ministerpräsidenten verbunden, der somit an den Regisseur Robert Thalheim geht.
GOLDENER SPATZ Bester Darsteller: Ilyes Moutaoukkil (Tim aus TKKG) (Deutschland 2019, Produktion: Kundschafter Filmproduktion GmbH, Koproduktion: Delta Film GmbH, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH, Weltvertrieb: Beta Film GmbH, Verleih: Warner Bros. Pictures, Regie: Robert Thalheim, Buch: Robert Thalheim und Peer Klehmet)
Die Kinderjurys
6 der 7 GOLDENEN SPATZEN wurden durch die Kinderjury Kino/TV vergeben, in der 25 Mädchen und Jungen zwischen 9 und 13 Jahren aus Deutschland und dem deutschsprachigen Ausland mitgewirkt haben. Ein weiterer SPATZ wurde von der Kinderjury Digital vergeben. Die fünf Kinder zwischen 10 und 12 Jahren vergaben den Preis in der Kategorie bestes digitales Angebot zum Thema „Futter für das Gehirn – Lernen für die Schule und das Leben“.
Das Festival in Zahlen: 
18.000 Besucher*innen
23 ausverkaufte Filmvorführungen
650 akkreditierte Branchenvertreter*innen
100 Filmgäste – Regisseur*innen, Autor*innen, Produzent*innen, Schauspieler*innen und Redakteur*innen, darunter Nadeshda Brennicke (Schauspielerin), Hortense Ullrich (Autorin), Janina Fautz (Schauspielerin), Nina Eichinger (Moderatorin), Walter Sittler (Schauspieler; Produzent), Marc Rothemund (Regisseur) u.v.m.
7 Tage vielfältiges Programm für Publikum und Fachbesucher*innen mit insgesamt über 84 Veranstaltungen
31 Wettbewerbsbeiträge (Kino/TV) in 5 Kategorien
12 Beiträge im Programm Goldener Spatz Spezial
Vom 2. bis 8. Juni waren beim 27. Deutschen Kinder Medien Festival Goldener Spatz Publikum und Fachbesucher*innen eingeladen, sich einen Überblick über deutschsprachige Film- und Fernsehproduktionen sowie digitale Angebote für Kinder zu verschaffen. Dabei wurden auch aktuelle Herausforderungen und neue Entwicklungen diskutiert. Neben 53 Filmvorführungen luden vielseitige medienpädagogische Workshops und zahlreiche Fachveranstaltungen zum Austausch und Diskurs ein. Eröffnet wurde der GOLDENE SPATZ am vergangenen Sonntag (2. Juni 2019) durch Finanzministerin Heike Taubert und den Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Gera Julian Vonarb.
Vom 2. bis 4. Juni fanden in Gera 26 Filmvorführungen in der UCI KINOWELT statt. Die Zukunftswerkstatt „Schöne neue Medienwelt“ lud Kinder und Erwachsene ein, die Möglichkeiten der neuen Medienwelt zu entdecken und selbst auszuprobieren. In neun medienpädagogischen Veranstaltungen wurden zahlreiche Medienthemen behandelt, beispielsweise 3D-Druck, Cybertrolle, die Programmierung eines Süßigkeitentresors und Erzählen mit der Geschichtswerkstatt.
In Erfurt erwarteten die Festivalgäste vom 5. bis 8. Juni weitere 27 Filmvorführungen im CineStar Erfurt sowie ein umfangreiches Angebot für Fachbesucher*innen. Am Mittwoch wurde in der Veranstaltung „Innovative Formate und Inhalte aus Europa“ erneut beim GOLDENEN SPATZ der Blick über die Grenzen Deutschlands hinaus geweitet. Weiterhin gab es den „Blick in die Werkstatt“ und Panelgespräche zu Marketingstrategien für originäre Kinderstoffe und Medienvielfalt für Vorschulkinder. Schon im Vorfeld des Festivals setzten sich 12 Schulklassen als Filmpaten mit jeweils einem Wettbewerbsbeitrag auseinander. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit präsentierten sie den anwesenden Filmschaffenden in jeweils einer Ausstellung in Gera und Erfurt.
Neben dem Eröffnungsfilm INVISIBLE SUE waren vor allem die Filme TKKG, UNHEIMLICH PERFEKTE FREUNDE und JIM KNOPF UND LUKAS DER LOKOMOTIVFÜHRER, der in Erfurt in einer barrierefreien Vorstellung mit Gebärdendolmetscherinnen und Audio-Deskription vorgeführt wurde, beim Publikum beliebt.
Am Samstag (8. Juni) werden im CineStar Erfurt um 9.30 Uhr und 11.30 Uhr noch einmal die Preisträger gezeigt.
Im kommenden Jahr lädt der GOLDENE SPATZ vom 24. bis 30. Mai nach Gera und Erfurt ein. Weitere Informationen: www.goldenerspatz.de
Fotos: © Carlo Bansini
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todayclassical · 7 years
March 17 in Music History
1519 Birth of French composer Thoinot Arbeau.
1664 Birth of composer Georg Österreich.
1665 Birth of French composer and harpsichordist Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre.
1675 Birth of composer Petrus Laurentius Wockenfuss.
1733 FP of Handel's operetta Deborah at the King's Theater in London. 
1745 Birth of composer Nicolas Sejan.
1746 Birth of composer Jan David Holland.
1749 FP of Handel's Solomon in London.
1772 Birth of American sacred choral composer Stephen Jenks. 
1800 Birth of German choral director and composer Carl Friedrich Zöllner. 
1805 Birth of Spanish baritone Manuel Patricio Garcia. 
1830 FP Chopin's Piano Concerto in f minor, Chopin soloist, in Warsaw. 
1839 Birth of German organist and composer Josef Rheinberg. 1846 FP of G. Verdi's opera Atilla at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice.
1848 Birth of American composer Horace Wadham NichoIl. 
1860 Birth of bass Josef Alken in Trier. 
1862 Death of French opera composer Jacques François Halévy.
1867 FP of J. Brahms' Waltzes, Op. 39 for piano, in Vienna.
1869 Death of soprano Teresa Saporiti. 
1871 Birth of tenor Giuseppe Borgatti in Cento.
1874 Birth of soprano Minnie Saltzman-Stevens in Bloomington, Illinois.
1876 Birth of composer Frederic Ayers.
1879 Birth of tenor Walter Kirchhoff in Berlin.
1880 Birth of Columbian composer Guillermo Uribe-Holguin in Bogata. 
1890 Birth of American composer Harold Morris.
1892 FP of (1st mm) S. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 1. 
1892 Birth of composer Sayed Darwish. 
1899 Birth of baritone Walter Olitzki in Hamburg-Altona. 
1899 Birth of American composer Radie Britain, in Amarillo, TX. 
1900 Birth of American film composer and conductor Alfred Newman. 1900 Premiere of Debussy's Chansons de Bilitis.
1901 Birth of soprano Franca Somigli in Chicago. 
1902 Birth of tenor Walter Ludwig in Oeynhausen. 
1903 Birth of mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Aldor in Melrose. 
1907 Birth of soprano Ellabelle Davis in New Rochelle. 
1911 Birth of composer Raffaele d' Alessandro.
1917 Birth of Irish composer Brian Boydell.
1918 Birth of Dutch pianist, composer and painter D’Arendo.
1920 Birth of American composer and pianist John LaMontaine in Oak Park, IL. 1923 FP of R. Gliere's three act opera Shahk-Senem in Baku. 1924 Birth of English composer Stephen Dodgson. 
1927 Birth of composer Maurice Ingvar Karkoff.
1927 Birth of composer Sulkhan Ivanovich Nasidze.
1928 Birth of composer Edino Krieger.
1930 Birth of American mezzo-soprano Betty Lou Allen in Campbell, OH. 
1933 Birth of mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Steiner in Berlin. 
1934 Birth of composer Erhard Grosskopf.
1934 Birth of soprano Enriquette Tarres in Barcelona. 
1936 Birth of composer Ladislav Kupkovič.
1939 Death of soprano Thila Plaichinger. 
1941 Birth of composer Edward Harper.
1944 Birth of English pianist John Lill. 1945 FP of Myaskovsky's Cello Concerto, in Moscow.
1946 Birth of English composer and pianist Michael Finnissey in London.
1949 Birth of American composer Jane Brockman.
1951 American debut of soprano Victoria de Los Angeles at the MET Opera in NYC in Gounod's Faust. 1951 FP of Paul Dessau's opera Die Verhör des Lukullus 'The Sentencing of Lucullus' at the Deutsche Staatsoper (Berlin State Opera) in East Berlin. 
1954 FP of Quincy Porter's Concerto Concertante which won the Pulitzer Prize.  1963 Birth of American composer Nick Peros.
1963 Death of tenor Hendrik Drost. 
1966 Death of mezzo-soprano Else Schurhoff. 
1967 FP of Marvin David Levy's opera Mourning Becomes Electra, based on a play by Eugene O'Neill, at the Metropolitan Opera in NYC.
1970 Death of tenor Max Meili. 
1971 Death of mezzo-soprano Margarethe Arndt-Ober. 
1971 Death of baritone Hans Lobel. 
1972 FP of George Crumb's Vox balaenae at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. by the New York Camerata.
1976 Death of soprano Giulia Tess.
1979 Death of tenor Giacomo Lauri-Volpi.
1980 Death of Dutch composer Rudolph George Escher in De Koog.
1988 Death of bass Raffaele Arie. 
2002 FP of Paul Schoenfield's Partita for violin and piano. Chamber Music Society of Minnesota concert with violinist Young-Nam Kim, the composer at the piano in St. Paul, MN.
2003 FP of Augusta Reed Thomas' Pulsar. Ilya Gringolts, violin at Wigmore Hall in London.
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jamariyanews · 5 years
Spaventosa futura distruzione del Bacino dei Caraibi
di Thierry Meyssan
Mentre il presidente Donald Trump ha annunciato il ritiro delle truppe dal Medio Oriente Allargato, il Pentagono prosegue invece la messa in atto del piano Rumsfeld-Cebrowski. Adesso tocca agli Stati del Bacino dei Caraibi essere distrutti. Non si tratta, come negli anni Settanta, di rovesciare regimi filo-sovietici, ma di annientare le strutture statali della regione, senza distinzioni di amici e nemici politici. Thierry Meyssan segue la preparazione di questa nuova serie di guerre.
Rete Voltaire| Damasco (Siria) | 8 gennaio 2019
Deutsch  ελληνικά  English  Español  français  română  Türkçe  русский  Português  فارسى 
In una serie di articoli precedenti abbiamo presentato il piano del SouthCom per provocare una guerra tra latino-americani e distruggere le strutture statali degli Stati del Bacino dei Caraibi [1].
Preparare questa guerra, che nella strategia Rumsfeld-Cebrowski dovrebbe seguire i conflitti del Medio Oriente Allargato, richiede un decennio [2]. Dopo un periodo di destabilizzazione economica [3] e di preparazione militare, l’operazione vera e propria dovrebbe iniziare nei prossimi anni, con un attacco al Venezuela da parte di Brasile (sostenuto da Israele), Colombia (alleata degli Stati Uniti) e Guyana (ossia il Regno Unito). Dopo di che dovrebbe toccare a Cuba e Nicaragua: la «troika della tirannia», secondo John Bolton. Il piano iniziale potrebbe però subire modificazioni per il riaccendersi delle ambizioni imperiali del Regno Unito [4], che potrebbe condizionare il Pentagono. Ecco il punto della situazione:
Evoluzione del Venezuela
Il presidente venezuelano Hugo Chavez aveva incrementato le relazioni con il Medio Oriente Allargato su una base ideologica. In particolare, si era avvicinato al presidente iraniano Mahmoud Ahmadinejad e al presidente siriano Bashar al-Assad. I tre presidenti avevano ipotizzato di fondare un’organizzazione intergovernativa, il Movimento dei Liberi Alleati, sul modello del Movimento dei Paesi Non-Allineati, ridotto all’immobilismo dall’allineamento agli Stati Uniti di alcuni Stati membri [5]. Se a parole Nicolas Maduro è sulla medesima linea di Chavez, ha in realtà optato per tutt’altra politica estera. Ha certamente continuato il riavvicinamento alla Russia e ha altresì accettato il posizionamento di bombardieri russi in Venezuela. Ha firmato un contratto d’importazione di 600 mila tonnellate di grano per fronteggiare la carestia. E, soprattutto, si accinge a ricevere 6 miliardi di dollari d’investimenti, di cui 5 nel settore petrolifero. Gli ingegneri russi prenderanno il posto lasciato vacante dai venezuelani. Maduro ha riorganizzato le alleanze del Paese su nuove basi. Ha così allacciato stretti legami con la Turchia, Paese membro della NATO, le cui truppe occupano il nord della Siria: Maduro si è recato quattro volte a Istanbul, Erdoğan una volta a Caracas. La Svizzera era un alleato di Chavez, di cui era stata consulente nella stesura della Costituzione. Paventando di non poter più raffinare l’oro venezuelano in Svizzera, Maduro ora lo manda in Turchia, dove il minerale grezzo viene trasformato in lingotti. In passato, l’oro rimaneva nelle banche svizzere, a garanzia dei contratti petroliferi. Oggi anche le liquidità sono state trasferite in Turchia, l’oro lavorato invece ritorna in Venezuela. Quest’orientamento di Maduro non può ritenersi fondato su un’ideologia, bensì su interessi prettamente economici. Si tratta di stabilirne la natura. Il Venezuela è contestualmente oggetto di una campagna di destabilizzazione, iniziata con le manifestazioni dei guarimbas, continuata con il tentativo di colpo di Stato del 12 febbraio 2015 (Operazione Gerico), e poi con gli attacchi alla moneta nazionale e l’organizzazione dell’emigrazione. In simile contesto la Turchia ha consentito al Venezuela di aggirare le sanzioni USA. Nel 2018 gli scambi tra i due Paesi si sono moltiplicati di 15 volte. Quale che sia l’evoluzione del regime in Venezuela, niente può giustificare quello che si sta preparando contro la sua popolazione.
Coordinamento dei mezzi logistici
Dal 31 luglio al 12 agosto 2017 il SouthCom ha organizzato una vasta esercitazione di oltre 3.000 uomini provenienti da 25 Stati alleati, tra cui Francia e Regno Unito. Lo scopo era preparare un rapido sbarco di truppe in Venezuela [6].
La Colombia
La Colombia è uno Stato ma non una nazione. La sua popolazione è separata geograficamente in armonia con le classi sociali, caratterizzate da enormi differenze di livello di vita. Pressoché nessun colombiano si è mai avventurato in un quartiere di una classe sociale diversa dalla propria. Questa rigida separazione ha favorito la moltiplicazione di forze paramilitari e, di conseguenza, di conflitti armati interni che hanno causato oltre 220.000 vittime in trent’anni. Al potere dal 2018, il presidente Iván Duque ha rimesso in discussione la fragile pace interna conclusa dal predecessore, Juan Manuel Santos, con le FARC – ma non con l’ELN. Duque non ha escluso la possibilità di un intervento armato contro il Venezuela. Secondo Maduro, in questo momento gli Stati Uniti stanno preparando 734 mercenari in un campo di addestramento situato a Tona, in previsione di un’azione sotto falsa bandiera per scatenare una guerra contro il Venezuela. In considerazione della particolarità sociologica colombiana, non è possibile stabilire con certezza se il campo di addestramento sia o no controllato da Bogotà.
Rex Tillerson era direttore di ExxonMobil quando furono scoperti i giacimenti petroliferi della Guyana. Poco dopo divenne segretario di Stato degli Stati Uniti.
La Guyana
Nel XIX secolo le potenze coloniali hanno concordato i confini tra la Guyana britannica (l’attuale Guyana) e la Guyana olandese (l’attuale Suriname), ma non esiste accordo scritto che stabilisca la frontiera tra la zona britannica e la zona spagnola (l’attuale Venezuela). La Guyana gestisce di fatto 160.000 chilometri quadrati di foreste, che contende al grande vicino, il Venezuela. In virtù dell’accordo di Ginevra del 17 febbraio 1966, i due Stati si sono rimessi al segretario generale dell’ONU, all’epoca il birmano U Thant. Nulla però è cambiato: la Guyana è incline a sottomettere la questione alla Corte d’Arbitraggio dell’ONU, il Venezuela privilegia invece negoziati diretti. Questa disputa territoriale non sembrava rivestire carattere d’urgenza, dato che la zona contestata è una foresta spopolata e che si credeva priva di valore. Si tratta però di un’area immensa che rappresenta i due terzi della Guyana. La Guyana ha violato l’accordo di Ginevra 15 volte autorizzando, in particolare, lo sfruttamento di una miniera d’oro. Una sfida di enorme rilievo è sorta nel 2015 con la scoperta da parte di ExxonMobil di giacimenti petroliferi nell’Oceano Atlantico, proprio nelle acque territoriali della zona contestata. Il 40% della popolazione della Guyana è composto da indiani, il 30% da africani, il 20% da meticci e il 10% da amerindi. Gli indiani sono molto numerosi nella funzione pubblica, gli africani nell’esercito. Il 21 dicembre scorso è stata depositata una mozione di censura contro il governo del presidente David Granger, generale filo britannico e anti venezuelano, al potere dal 2015. Nella sorpresa generale, un deputato, Charrandas Persaud, ha votato contro il proprio partito e, in un’indescrivibile bagarre, ha provocato la caduta del governo, maggioritario per un solo voto. Da allora regna la più grande instabilità: non si sa se il presidente Granger, in trattamento chemioterapico, sarà in grado di assolvere alla gestione corrente, mentre Persaud ha lasciato il parlamento sotto scorta, da un’uscita secondaria, ed è scappato in Canada. Il 22 dicembre, senza un governo nelle sue piene funzioni, il Ramform Thethys (battente bandiera delle Bahamas) e il Delta Monarch (battente bandiera Trinidad e Tobago) hanno iniziato per conto di ExxonMobil esplorazioni sottomarine nella zona contestata. Poiché questa intrusione vìola l’accordo di Ginevra, l’esercito venezuelano ha fatto allontanare le due navi. Il ministero degli Esteri della Guyana, in esercizio solo per gli affari correnti, ha denunciato l’iniziativa venezuelana, qualificandola di atto ostile. Del resto, il ministro della Difesa del Regno Unito, Gavin Williamson, ha dichiarato al Sunday Telegraph del 30 dicembre come la Corona intenda mettere fine alla decolonizzazione che, dalla crisi del Canale di Suez del 1956, è stata la dottrina di Whitehall. Londra si sta preparando ad aprire una nuova base militare nei Caraibi (al momento ne possiede solo a Gibilterra, Cipro, Diego Garcia e nelle Isole Falklands), forse a Montserrat (Antille) o, più probabilmente, in Guyana. La base dovrebbe essere operativa dal 2022 [7]. La Guyana confina con il Suriname (la Guyana olandese), il cui presidente, Dési Bouterse, è perseguito in Europa per traffico di droga, una vicenda anteriore alla sua elezione. Suo figlio, Dino, è stato però arrestato a Panama nel 2013, benché fosse entrato con passaporto diplomatico. È stato estradato negli Stati Uniti, dove è stato condannato a 16 anni di reclusione per traffico di droga; in realtà perché stava insediando in Suriname lo Hezbollah libanese.
Il battesimo di Jair Bolsonalo nelle acque del Giordano (Israele).
Il Brasile
A maggio 2016 il ministro delle Finanze del governo di transizione del libanese-brasiliano Michel Temer, Henrique Meirelles, nominò l’israeliano-brasiliano Ilan Goldfajn alla direzione della Banca Centrale. Meirelles, che era presidente del Comitato per la Preparazione dei Giochi Olimpici, fece altresì ricorso allo Tsahal per il coordinamento di esercito e polizia e garantire così la sicurezza dell’Olimpiade. Con in mano Banca Centrale, esercito e polizia brasiliani, Israele non ebbe difficoltà a sostenere il movimento popolare esasperato dal disinteresse del Partito dei Lavoratori. Benché le accuse contestate alla presidente Dilma Roussef non fossero accertate, ad agosto 2016 i parlamentari la destituirono, giudicandola colpevole di aver truccato i conti pubblici nell’ambito dello scandalo Petrobras.
Eduardo e Carlos, i figli del presidente Jair Bolsonaro.
Durante la campagna per le elezioni presidenziali del 2018, il candidato Jair Bolsonaro è andato in Israele per essere battezzato nelle acque del Giordano. Ha così conquistato il voto massiccio degli evangelici. Bolsonaro è stato eletto insieme al vicepresidente, generale Hamilton Mourão. Nel periodo di transizione Mourão ha dichiarato che il Brasile avrebbe dovuto prepararsi a inviare uomini in Venezuela, una «forza di pace» necessaria dopo che Maduro sarà rovesciato: una minaccia a malapena velata che il presidente Bolsonaro ha tentato di minimizzare. In un’intervista del 4 gennaio 2019 alla rete SBT, il presidente Bolsonaro ha fatto riferimento a negoziati con il Pentagono per l’installazione di una base militare statunitense in Brasile. La dichiarazione ha suscitato una forte reazione in seno delle forze armate, che si ritengono in grado di difendere il Paese da sole.
Benjamin Netanyahu all’investitura del presidente Bolsonaro. Israele ha rafforzato la propria presenza in Brasile.
Durante la cerimonia d’investitura del 2 gennaio 2019, il nuovo presidente brasiliano ha accolto il primo ministro israeliano, Benjamin Netanyahu. È la prima vota che una personalità israeliana di tale livello si reca in Brasile. Per l’occasione, il presidente Bolsonaro ha annunciato il prossimo trasferimento dell’ambasciata brasiliana da Tel Aviv a Gerusalemme. Il segretario di Stato USA, Mike Pompeo – anch’egli presente all’investitura , dove ha incontrato anche il ministro degli Esteri peruviano, Néstor Popolizio – e il presidente Bolsonaro hanno annunciato la volontà di lottare insieme contro i «regimi autoritari» del Venezuela e di Cuba. Sulla via del ritorno negli Stati Uniti, Pompeo ha fatto scalo a Bogotà per incontrare il presidente colombiano Duque. I due uomini hanno concordato di lavorare insieme per isolare diplomaticamente il Venezuela. Il 4 gennaio 2019 i 14 Stati del Gruppo di Lima (tra cui Brasile, Colombia e Guyana) si sono riuniti per dichiarare «illegittimo» il nuovo mandato di Maduro, che inizierà il 10 gennaio [8]; il comunicato non è stato firmato dal Messico. Sei Stati membri del Gruppo di Lima presenteranno inoltre un esposto al Tribunale Penale Internazionale contro il presidente Maduro per crimini contro l’umanità. È oggi assolutamente chiaro che il processo verso la guerra è avviato. Forze enormi sono in gioco e ormai poche sono le cose che potrebbero fermarle. È in questo contesto che la Russia sta studiando la possibilità di installare una base aeronavale permanente in Venezuela. L’Isola de La Orchila – dove il presidente Chavez fu tenuto prigioniero durante il colpo di Stato dell’aprile 2002 – permetterebbe il dispiegamento di bombardieri strategici. Sarebbe per gli Stati Uniti una minaccia ben più grave di quella prospettata nel 1962 dai missili sovietici installati a Cuba.
Thierry Meyssan
Traduzione Rachele Marmetti Giornale di bordo
[1] « Plan to overthrow the Venezuelan Dictatorship – “Masterstroke” », Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, Voltaire Network, 23 février 2018. “Il “colpo da maestro” degli Stati Uniti contro il Venezuela”, di Stella Calloni, 13 maggio 2018; “Gli Stati Uniti preparano una guerra tra latino-americani”, di Thierry Meyssan, Traduzione Rachele Marmetti, Rete Voltaire, 18 dicembre 2018. [2] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. “Gli Stati Uniti e il loro progetto militare mondiale”, di Thierry Meyssan, Traduzione Rachele Marmetti, Rete Voltaire, 24 agosto 2017. [3] “Declaration of a National Emergency with Respect to Venezuela”, “Executive Order – Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela”, by Barack Obama, Voltaire Network, 9 March 2015. [4] “Brexit: Londra assume una nuova politica coloniale”, Traduzione Rachele Marmetti, Rete Voltaire, 4 gennaio 2019. [5] “Assad e Chavez chiedono la formazione di un movimento di liberi alleati”, Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio, Rete Voltaire, 3 luglio 2010. [6] “Grandi manovre attorno al Venezuela”, di Manlio Dinucci, Il Manifesto (Italia) , Rete Voltaire, 23 agosto 2017. [7] “We are opening new overseas bases to boost Britain”, Christopher Hope, Sunday Telegraph, December 30, 2018. [8] «Declaración del Grupo de Lima», Red Voltaire , 4 de enero de 2019. Preso da: http://www.voltairenet.org/article204653.html
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
"Beschämende Ramadan-Anbiederung des Establishments" – Faktum Magazin
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/beschaemende-ramadan-anbiederung-des-establishments-faktum-magazin/
"Beschämende Ramadan-Anbiederung des Establishments" – Faktum Magazin
Auf Twitter stellt die Politikerin fest: “Wer Rücksichtnahme erwartet, weil er das Essen und Trinken einstellt, kann das- in jedem islamischen Land dieser Erde.“ Damit trifft sie den Punkt. Wer aus kulturfremden Gründen fastet, kann dies dort tun, wo der kulturfremde Grund (der Islam) beheimatet ist. Der Islam gehört nicht zu Deutschland.
(…) Die „beschämende Ramadan-Anbiederung des Establishments“ erinnere an den Roman „Unterwerfung“ des französischen Schriftstellers Michel Houellebecq. Der „Ramadan-Knigge“ der Bild-Zeitung, der deutschen Arbeitnehmern empfehle, nicht vor ihren moslemischen Kollegen zu essen und Verständnis dafür fordere, wenn diese leistungsschwächer seien und weniger konzentriert, sei „ein Aufruf zur kollektiven Selbsterniedrigung“, kritisierte die AfD-Bundestagsabgeordnete. (…)
Aus dem “Ramadan-Knigge” der Bild
Während der Fastenzeit sollten Sie möglichst nicht vor Ihren muslimischen Kollegen am Schreibtisch essen oder Ihnen Trinken und Essen anbieten.
Bitte? Man soll vor einer Un-Kultur, die Terrorismus, Gewalt und eine Ablehnung der hiesigen Leitkultur mit sich bringt, demütig in Rücksichtnahme versinken? Der “Schon-länger-hier-Lebende” soll auf das Essen verzichten oder den Raum verlassen? Da der Ramadan keine Krankheit ist, verbietet sich eine übertriebene Rücksichtnahme.
Auch das Gebet gehört zum Ramadan. Zeigen Sie Verständnis, wenn sich Ihre muslimischen Kollegen etwas länger zum Gebet zurückziehen.
Längere und häufigere Pausen für Moslems? Beten kann man, wenn man nicht auf der Arbeit ist. Auf deutschen Schulen ist es mittlerweile so, dass muslimische Kinder an muslimischen Feiertagen geduldet Zuhause bleiben. Sie haben also extra Feiertage. Wie viele Extrawürste dürfen es noch sein? Es mag sein, dass das Gebet zum Ramadan gehört. Der Ramadan gehört aber nicht in die deutsche Arbeitswelt.
Da der Ramadan in die warme Zeit fällt, können hohe Temperaturen zu einer Belastung für die Fastenden werden. Haben Sie Verständnis, wenn die Konzentrations- und Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Kollegen vielleicht etwas eingeschränkt ist.
Längere Pausen und weniger Leistungsansprüche für/an den Moslem – natürlich bei gleicher Bezahlung. Fertig ist die Zwei-Klassen-Gesellschaft. Der Ramadan gehört in den Bereich der religiösen “Freizeitvergnügen”. Auf der Arbeit hat er nichts zu suchen.
Ramadan ist die Zeit der inneren Einkehr und Besinnung, halten Sie sich daher mit anzüglichen Witzen zurück.
Ja, bei Sprachvorschriften ist der deutsche Bessermensch ganz groß: Aber bitte! Den Antisexismus und die politisch korrekte Genderbesprachung nicht vergessen! Sollte man sich nicht eher an den Moslem wenden, dass er frauen-, verfassungs- und homofeindliche Sprüche Zuhause beim Ramadan lässt?
Am Ende der Fastenzeit können Sie Ihren Kollegen „Alles Gute zum Bayram!” wünschen.
Natürlich. Das funktioniert dann in etwa so, wie die vielen “Frohe Weihnachten“-Wünsche der Moslems. Wie tief soll man in der Anbiederung an die tödlichste Religion der Welt noch sinken? Der Islam bringt Terror und wir begrüßen ihn noch freudig mit Bevorzugungen an der Arbeitstelle?
Bitte kein Jubelchor für den Islam!
„Hinter dem Ramadan-Jubelchor steht in Wahrheit die Kapitulation vor der Gewalt des Islam.“ So fordere beispielsweise der EKD-Ratsvorsitzende Heinrich Bedford-Strohm die Gläubigen auf, sich gegen religiöse Ausgrenzung einzusetzen, meine damit aber Christen und nicht Moslems. „Er verliert kein Wort darüber, daß in Moscheen gegen ‘Ungläubige’ gehetzt und Juden keine Kippa mehr tragen können, ohne konkrete Gefahr zu laufen von Muslimen angegriffen zu werden.“
Die geforderte Rücksichtnahme ist sehr einseitig. Rücksicht nehmen, das muss der Autochthone (Eingeborene) und nicht das Mitglied der Fremdreligion. Es ist nämlich bereits rücksichtslos Weihnachtsmärkte in die Städte “zu pflanzen”. Das ist reine Provokation für den Moslem. Daher muss er sich doch einen LKW stehlen und aus pädagogischen Gründen einige dieser Ungläubigen, die zu keiner Rücksichtnahme fähig sind, im Auftrag Allahs bestrafen!
(…) Während in Frankreich 300 Prominente, darunter Ex-Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy, der frühere Premier Manuel Valls und der Schauspieler Gépard Depardieu die moslemische Gemeinschaft aufgefordert hätten, sich von gewaltverherrlichenden Versen im Koran zu distanzieren, würden in Deutschland entsprechende Probleme mit dem Islam verschwiegen und weggelogen. „Ein solches klares Zeichen für die Freiheit und gegen die Unterwerfung müssen wir jetzt auch in Deutschland setzen“, forderte von Storch. (…)
Wer eine Islamisierung empfindet, ist einfach zu rücksichtslos und/oder nicht politisch korrekt betrunken.
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Start-ups, Gründer, Unternehmer und Investoren sollten unbedingt twittern. Warum? Weil viele Multiplikatoren bereits auf Twitter vertreten sind. An dieser Stelle präsentieren wir einmal über 50 aktive und einflussreiche Venture Capital-Geber, die auf Twitter unterwegs sind und denen man unbedingt folgen sollte – in alphabetischer Reihenfolge. Über 50 VCs, denen Gründer unbedingt folgen sollten Jan Alberti / @Jan_Alberti Managing Partner at @bmp_ventures Venture Capital #investor: #SaaS #mobile #mobility #automotive #elearning #hrtech Dominik Alvermann/ @domalv Investor at @ActonCapital, Munich. Jörg Binnenbrücker / @bibrue #VentureCapital(ist) from Cologne/ Berlin/ Germany for tech, Founding Partner #capnamic #dumontventure & big time football supporter (1.FC Köln) Otto Birnbaum / @ojbirnbaum Supports entrepreneurs in building great companies!Works as #VC for #partechventures in #berlin loves #innovative ideas #passion and #kitesurfing Peter Borchers / @pbo CEO ‘Allianz X’ – Venture Unit of Allianz Group, identifying, building and globally scaling new business models | http://pbo.vc Pawel Chudzinski / @pawellAngel #VC @pointninecap; #b2b #saas #marketplaces Louis Coppey / @louicop@PointNineCap, previously @alvencap, @optiopay, @MIT, @HECParis, @TelecomParistech #SaaS | #ML Can always ping me [email protected] Filip Dames / @filipdamesEntrepreneur, investor. Founder @cherryventures, ex @zalando, @bvb fan. Here to back founders innovating consumer behavior thru product, proprietary data&tech. Roland Dennert / @rgwd67Tech Investor, Marathon Runner, Managing Partner at Cipio Partners Iskender Dirik / @iskenderdirik#VC + #Entrepreneur ? @Design, @Tech + #AI enthusiast Rouven Dresselhaus / @RDresselhausInvestor in Pre-Seed/Seed technology startups. MarioKart professional. Robert Gallenberger / @GallrobVenture Partner at b-to-v. Early stage investments in advanced technologies, current focus on Connected Devices, IoT, Data&Analytics with industrial use cases Stefan Glänzer / @StefanGlaenzerCo-founder since ever, early stage investor@passioncapital – undecided whether being an entrepreneur or an investor. Like it Markus Grundmann / @markusgrundmannStartups, entrepreneurship and technology. Partner at B2B SaaS VC @senovovc Henrik Grosse Hokamp / @HenrikGrHDreamer of a Tech Utopia – currently VC associate for @partechventures in Berlin Thomas Grota / @thomasgrVenture Capitalist at @DeutscheTelekom & @TMobile – Investor in @flaregames @Gini @enfore @Lookout Exited @mytaxi, @6wunderkinder @Swoodoo @contentfleetde Alexander Hahn / @HAHNmeintBerlin, Hannover und Welt, 29, seed+speed Ventures, Bundesvorstand Freie Demokraten (FDP) und Überzeugungstäter. Hier: Privatperson #startups #VC #FDP Luis Hanemann / @LuisHanemannPartner @eventuresVC, Founder of digital marketing agency Trust Agents. Passion for change. Fabian Hansmann / @FabianHansmannManaging Director Netz Holding; Co-Founder Netzsieger, Netzshopping, RatePAY, Steganos, Talentory; Seed investor MisterSpex, Seedcamp… Benedikt Herles / @BenediktHerlesVenture Capitalist. Author. Contemplating future. Manuel Hinz / @ManuelHinzFounder & Managing Director @CrossEngage | Venture Advisor @EarlybirdVC | Entrepreneur | Digital Native Uwe Horstmann / @uwehorstmann#venturecapital investor, current interests #digitalhealth and #industrie40 lived in Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Eastern Africa, North Korea, Japan ???? West Wing Olaf Jacobi / @olafjacobiVenture Capital Investor @Capnamic, Business Angel, Repeat Entrepreneur, Athlete Paul Jozefak / @pjozefakSlovak/American in Germany launching start-ups & abusing tech @ Liquid Labs. Former VC at Neuhaus Partners & SAP Ventures. Thoughts are purely propoganda! Christoph Janz / @chrijaInternet entrepreneur turned #saas investor. Partner at @pointninecap. Investor in @zendesk, @geckoboard, @chartmogul, @vendhq, @algolia, @typeform, @contentful Massi Kamali / @MasoudMassiVC @WestTechVC Arnulf Keese / @Arnulf_KeeseGeneral Partner at http://e.ventures Jens-Philipp Klein / @jensphilippPartner at Atlantic Labs, based in Berlin. Alexander Kölpin / @AlexKoelpinEarly Stage Tech Investor, active as Angel & SeedVC @WestTechVC and Incubation @PFE_Incubator Ralph Eric Kunz / @RalphEKunzManaging Director at Catagonia – Berlin-based VC firm investing in mobile internet, social network apps, location and internet based services. Fabian Leipelt / @fleipelt@WestTechVC & @pfe_incubator, prev @Groupon Koen Lenssen / @koenlenssenVenture Capital @ Tengelmann Ventures / Dutchie in Germany / Runner / Views are my own Christophe Maire / @christophexEntrepreneur (gate5, http://plazes.com ), Nokia Maps, Angel (Brands4friends, StudiVZ, SoundCloud), Founder / CEO txtr Jasper Masemann / @JasamazePrincipal at http://ift.tt/2pF3VnG , founded http://greatcontent.com , angel investor, Boston Consulting Group Gabriel Matuschka / @gmatuschkaPartner at Fly Ventures @flyvc https://twitter.com/FlyVC/lists Christian Miele / @mieleVC @eventuresVC Dominik Mühl / @dominikmuehlInvestor, tech lover … nsfw account Barbod Namini / @b_naminiVenture Capitalist @ Holtzbrinck Ventures. Love tech gadgets, no matter how useless. Max Niederhofer / @maxniederhoferGeneral Partner, Sunstone Capital. Ciarán O’Leary / @ciaranolearyVC @blueyard (http://www.blueyard.com) Mathias Ockenfels / @ockenrockOn the dark side of the force: Early Stage Tech VC @PointNineCap, previously M&A @Naspers & @ricardo_ch; Passion for startups, sport, biking; Views are my own Marcus Polke / @polkemarcusVC @ActonCapital, avid long distance runner. Ex @Amazon, @AOL, @Abebooks. Current Read: T. Capote, “In Cold Blood” Benedict Rodenstock / @Benedetto09Observing and Commenting: The Digital Economy and beyond: on current affairs in Germany, Europe, and the world. Politics, Economics, Business. David Rosskamp / @drosskampVenture Capitalist | http://drosskamp.com Nikolas Samios / @BerlinVC Venture Capital Entrepreneur // Founder & CEO @CoopHQ // 200+ VC deals done // Music Geek, 25% Greek Pawel Schapiro / @pawel_vcAll things digital, VC and Tech. Venture Partner @ TA Ventures ex Rocket Internet, ex Creathor Venture. Proud daddy to a superstar baby. Daria Saharova / @daria_saharovaEarly stage investor at @VitoOneVC Tobias Schirmer / @TobiasSchirmerVC in Berlin @join_capital Simon Schmincke / @simonschminckeVC @creandum. Fishing with flies. Dad and developer. Shooting with Canon @ twomenvswild.de. Simon Schneider / @simon_schneiderStart-Ups, VC, Seed, FCB, Karneval, Rheinland Jan Sessenhausen / @jsessenhausenTech Investments, Basketball and other random stuff Samuli Sirén / @SamuliRedstoneManaging Director @RedstoneVC | Redstone manages multiple corporate venture funds. We connect industry leaders and ambitious founders. Stefan Tirtey / @toetoeMD at CommerzVentures, fintech investor, investor in @etoro, @mambu_com, and @marqeta, early investor in @Soundcloud, driven by curiosity, views are my own Andreas Thümmler / @AthuemmlerManaging Partner at ACXIT Capital Partners, an independent, privately owned corporate finance firm based in Frankfurt / Germany. Dominik Tobschall / @DominikToDeveloper & Lawyer; ¯\_(?)_/¯; Early-stage VC @targetpartners; @fruux, @sabredav; This is not legal advice. :-P Alexander von Frankenberg / @JustdoitalexInvesting in high-tech start-ups in Germany and running around the world @runaroundaworld Berthold von Freyberg / @bvfreyberg1989, 1993 ETH Zürich Diploma, PhD 1997 Microsoft Office PM, Seattle 1999 TVM Capital, Munich SInce 2000 Target Partners, Munich Federico Wengi / @federicowengiVenture Capital Associate at @pauaventures. Internet, Hardware and Food enthusiast. Europe’s Citizen. FC Internazionale fan. Chris White / @ChrisWeiss84Investment Manager @CreathorVenture Jason Whitmire / @jason_whitmireEarly stage VC @blueyard (http://blueyard.com ), inspired to work with founders every day. Living in the anthropocene. Andreas Winiarski / @winiarski Digital disruptor by heart. Partner @EarlybirdVC. Former MD & SVP for @RocketBerlin. #supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Nicolas Wittenborn / @ncshbig things start small Kennen Sie schon unseren #StartupTicker? Der #StartupTicker berichtet tagtäglich blitzschnell über die deutsche Start-up-Szene. Schneller geht nicht! Foto (oben): Shutterstock
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across3country · 7 years
SA-Cup Rhebokskloof: Zwei Deutsche im Pech, eine Schweizerin im Glück
SA-Cup Rhebokskloof: Zwei Deutsche im Pech, eine Schweizerin im Glück
U23-Weltmeister Sam Gaze (Specialized Racing) hat den SA-Cup in Rhebokskloof, Südafrika, gewonnen. Der Neuseeländer profitierte von einem Defekt bei Manuel Fumic (Cannondale Factory Racing), der am Ende hinter Mathias Flückiger (Radon Factory Racing) und Nicola Rohrbach (Goldwurstpower-Felt) Vierter wurde. Auch Fumic Teamkollegin Helen Grobert wurde beim Sieg von Kathrin Stirnemann (Radon Factory…
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